• Possono essere definiti come quei fenomeni che coinvolgono il moto tangenziale di un fluido adiacente ad una superficie carica. • Sono la manifestazione delle proprietà elettriche di interfacce in condizioni di stato stazionario ed isoterme. • La condizione necessaria per l’insorgere di fenomeni elettrocinetici è la formazione di un doppio strato elettrico all’interfaccia. • Nella termodinamica di non equilibrio sono tipici fenomeni incrociati perche forze termodinamiche di un certo tipo generano flussi di altro tipo. (es.: elettroosmosi/elettroforesi una forza elettrica produce un moto meccanico; Corrente (Potenziale) di streaming un forza meccanica applicata produce una corrente elettrica). ELETTROFORESI: movimento di particelle colloidali cariche o polielettroliti, immersi in una fase liquida, sotto l’influenza di un campo elettrico esterno. Si individuano come parametri fondamentali: Velocità elettroforetica, ve (m s–1) → velocità durante l’elettroforesi; Mobilità elettroforetica, ue (m2 V–1 s–1) → velocità elettroforetica/forza del campo elettrico applicato. ue>0 particelle che si muovono verso potenziale più basso (elettrodo negativo) ue<0 particelle che si muovono verso potenziale più alto (elettrodo positivo). ELETTRO-OSMOSI: moto di un liquido attraverso un set di particelle immobilizzate, un setto poroso, o una membrana, indotto da un campo elettrico applicato. E’ risultato della forza esercitata dal campo sulla carica opposta nel liquido dentro un capillare carico, pori, ecc. Il movimento degli ioni trascina il liquido in cui sono immersi. Si definisce velocità elettro-osmotica veo (m s–1) la velocità uniforme del liquido lontano dall’interfaccia carica., Solitamente si misura la velocità del flusso di volume di liquido (m3 s–1) attraverso capillare, setto, o membrana Un concetto correlato è la contro-pressione diviso per la forza del campo elettrico elettro-osmotica Δpeo (Pa), che è la pressione Qeo,E (m4 V–1 s–1), oppure la velocità del che deve essere applicata attraverso il flusso di volume di liquido (m3 s–1) attraverso capillare, setto, o membrana sistema per bloccare il flusso di volume elettroosmotico. diviso per la corrente elettrica Qeo,I (m3 Δp >0 se la pressione maggiore è esercitata eo C–1). sul lato corrispondente al potenziale elettrico maggiore. Potenziale di Streaming (differenza), Ustr (V), è la ddp in assenza di passaggio di corrente provocata dal flusso di liquido sottoposto a gradiente di pressione attraverso un capillare, un setto, un diaframma o una membrana. La ddp si misura attraverso il setto oppure alle estremità del capillare. Il potenziale di streaming è generato dall’accumulo di carica provocato dal flusso di carica opposta dentro capillari o pori. Corrente di Streaming, Istr (A), è la corrente attraverso un setto quando due elettrodi vengono cortocircuitati. Si definisce anche una densità di corrente di streaming, jstr (A m–2), data dalla corrente di streaming divisa per area. Potenziale di Sedimentazione, Used (V), è la ddp tra due elettrodi posti in verticale ad una distanza L in una sospensione in cui le particelle sedimentano per effetto della gravità. Il campo elettrico generato, Used/L, è noto come campo di sedimentazione, Esed (V m–1). Quando la sedimentazione è indotta da un campo centrifugo, il fenomeno viene chiamato potenziale di centrifugazione. Il moto indotto dalla sedimentazione o centrifugazione rompe la simmetria di equilibrio del doppio strato della particella, per cui mentre la particella si muove, gli ioni nel doppio strato elettrico restano indietro a causa del flusso di liquido. Ciò comporta un piccolo dislocamento della carica dello strato diffuso rispetto alla carica superficiale. Per cui il moto della particella crea un dipolo e la somma di tutti i dipoli genera un campo elettrico che produce il potenziale di sedimentazione. Dispersione dielettrica; variazione della permittività dielettrica di una sospensione colloidale in funzione della frequenza della corrente elettrica alternata applicata. Per valori di frequenza bassi e medi, questa variazione è connessa con la polarizzazione dell’atmosfera ionica. Spesso vengono studiate solo dispersioni elettriche a bassa frequenza (Low Frequency Dielectric Dispersion - LFDD) Lo stato elettrico di una superficie carica è determinato dalla distribuzione spaziale degli ioni nel suo intorno tradizionalmente chiamato doppio strato elettrico. La rappresentazione più semplice del doppio strato è un modello fisico con una carica fissa, per esempio la carica superficiale, fermamente legata alla particella o alla superficie solida, mentre l’altro strato è distribuito più o meno diffusamente nella soluzione in contatto con la superficie, contenente un eccesso di controioni (ioni di carica opposta alla carica considerata) e presenta un deficit di ioni dello stesso segno della carica fissata. Modello di HelmholtzPerrin (1879) Modello di GouyChapman (1910-1913) Modello di Stern (1924) Modello di Stern-GouyChapman 1. IHP (Inner Helmholtz Plane) 2. OHP (Outer Helmholtz Plane) 3. GCL (Gouy-Chapman Layer) detto anche strato di diffusione Gli ioni in contatto diretto con il metallo vengono adsorbiti in maniera specifica In IHP, le forze elettrostatiche di Van der Waals mantengono gli ioni in contatto diretto con il metallo; gli altri ioni in soluzione che servono a compensare la carica nell'elettrodo sono in OHP e in GCL. In OHP gli ioni sono completamente solvatati e mantenuti in prossimità dell'elettrodo dall'attrazione coulombiana, per soluzioni concentrate (ad esempio soluzioni con alta concentrazione salina) lo strato di diffusione può essere ignorato. Stern layer the uncharged region between the surface and the locus of hydrated counterions is called the Stern layer, whereas ions beyond the Stern layer form the diffuse layer or Gouy layer (also, Gouy–Chapman layer) In some cases, the separation of the EDL into a charge-free Stern layer and a diffuse layer is not sufficient to interpret experiments. The Stern layer is then subdivided into an inner Helmholtz layer (IHL), bounded by the surface and the inner Helmholtz plane (IHP) and an outer Helmholtz layer (OHL), located between the IHP and the outer Helmholtz plane (OHP). The necessity of this subdivision may occur when some ion types (possessing a chemical affinity for the surface in addition to purely Coulombic interactions), are specifically adsorbed on the surface, whereas other ion types interact with the surface charge only through electrostatic forces. The IHP is the locus of the former ions, and the OHP determines the beginning of the diffuse layer, which is the generic part of the EDL (i.e., the part governed by purely electrostatic forces). The fixed surface-charge density is denoted s0, the charge density at the IHP si, and that in the diffuse layer sd. As the system is electroneutral: 𝜎0 + 𝜎𝑖 + 𝜎𝑑 = 0 Potentials. As isolated particles cannot be linked directly to an external circuit, it is not possible to change their surface potential at will by applying an external field. The surface potential, y0, of a solid cannot be unambiguously measured without making model assumptions. As a consequence, for disperse systems it is the surface charge that is the primary parameter, rather than the surface potential. The potential at the OHP, at distance d from the surface, is called the diffuselayer potential, yd (sometimes also known as Stern potential): it is the potential at the beginning of the diffuse part of the double layer. The potential at the IHP, located at distance b (0 ≤ b ≤ d) from the surface, the IHP potential, is given the symbol yi. All potentials are defined with respect to the potential in bulk solution. • Gli ioni vengono distinti in ioni specificamente adsorbenti e ioni indifferenti. • Gli ioni indifferenti si adsorbono solo attraverso interazioni elettrostatiche tipiche di forze Coulombiane, per cui sono respinti da superfici dello stesso segno ed attratti da superfici di segno opposto, rimanendo indifferenti su supoerfici non cariche. • Gli ioni specificamente adsorbenti, oltre ad interazioni Coulombiane, posseggono una specifica affinità chimica per la superficie. • A questa categoria non appartengono gli ioni superficiali, che sono i costituenti del solido, cioè quelli presenti sulla superficie, adsorbiti covalentemente, oltre agli ioni H+ e ioni OH-, sempre presenti nelle soluzioni acquose, particolarmente affini a certe superfici. • Le cariche specificamente adsorbite sono localizzate nello strato di Stern. Tangential liquid flow along a charged solid surface can be caused by an external electric field (electrophoresis, electro-osmosis) or by an applied mechanical force (streaming potential, current). In such tangential motion usually a very thin layer of fluid adheres to the surface: it is called the hydrodynamically stagnant layer, which extends from the surface to some specified distance, dek, where a so-called hydrodynamic slip plane is assumed to exist. For distances to the wall, x < dek, one has the stagnant layer in which no hydrodynamic flows can develop. The space charge for x > dek is hydrodynamically mobile and electrokinetically active, and a particle (if spherical) behaves hydrodynamically as if it had a radius a + dek. The space charge for x < dek is hydrodynamically immobile, but can still be electrically conducting. The potential at the plane where slip with respect to bulk solution is postulated to occur is identified as the electrokinetic or zetapotential, z. The diffuse charge at the solution side of the slip plane equals the negative of the electrokinetic (particle) charge, sek. General experience indicates that the plane of shear is located very close to the OHP. Both planes are abstractions of reality. The OHP is interpreted as a sharp boundary between the diffuse and the nondiffuse parts of the EDL, but it is very difficult to locate it exactly. Likewise, the slip plane is interpreted as a sharp boundary between the hydrodynamically mobile and immobile fluid. In reality, none of these transitions is sharp. However, liquid motion may be hindered in the region where ions experience strong interactions with the surface. Therefore, it is feasible that the immobilization of the fluid extends further out of the surface than the beginning of the diffuse part of the EDL. This means that, in practice, the z-potential is equal to or lower in magnitude than the diffuse-layer potential, yd. In the latter case, the difference between yd and z is a function of the ionic strength: at low ionic strength, the decay of the potential as a function of distance is small and z yd; at high ionic strength, the decay is steeper and z y d A similar reasoning applies to the electrokinetic charge, as compared to the diffuse charge. A solid surface in contact with a solution of an electrolyte usually carries an electric charge, σo. This gives rise to an electric potential, ψo, at the surface, and a decreasing potential, ψ, as we move through the bulk solution away from the surface, and in turn this effect the distribution of ions in the liquid. Two regions are of primary importance: the Stern layer immediately adjacent to the surface where ion size is important; and outside this region there is a diffuse layer. Because of difference in charge between the diffuse layer and the solid surface, movement of one relative to the other will cause charge separation and hence generate a potential difference, or alternatively, application of an electrical potential will cause movement of one relative to the other. The relative movement of the solid surface and the liquid occurs at a surface of shear. The potential at the shear plane is known as the zeta (ζ) potential and its value can be determined by measurement of electrokinetic phenomena. Zeta potential is almost identical with the Stern potential thus gives a measure of the potential at the beginning of the diffuse layer. Il piano più vicino alla superficie che può essere sottoposto a moto fluido viene chiamato slipping plane. Lo slipping plane ha un potenziale definito come potenziale zeta, che è una caratteristica del solido e del liquido che costituiscono l’interfaccia. Lo strato diffuso di estende dal OHP fino al bulk della fase liquida. the Slipping Plane (Shear Plane) Imaginary, non-exist Location unknown, somewhere in the diffuse layer Location varies with surface morphology Purely for the purpose of zeta potential determination The notion of slip plane is generally accepted in spite of the fact that there is no unambiguous way of locating it. It is also accepted that z is fully defined by the nature of the surface, its charge (often determined by pH), the electrolyte concentration in the solution, and the nature of the electrolyte and of the solvent. It can be said that for any interface with all these parameters fixed, z is a well-defined property. An important complicating factor in the reliable estimation of z is the possibility that charges behind the plane of shear may contribute to the excess conductivity of the double layer (stagnant-layer or inner-layer conductivity). If it is assumed that charges located between the surface and the plane of shear are electrokinetically inactive, then the z-potential will be the only interfacial quantity explaining the observed electrokinetic signal. Otherwise, a correct quantitative explanation of EKP will require the additional estimation of the stagnant-layer conductivity (SLC). This requires more elaborate treatments than standard or classical theories, in which only conduction at the solution side of the plane of shear is considered Teoria elementare dei fenomeni elettrocinetici All electrokinetic effects originate from two generic phenomena, namely, the electro-osmotic flow and the convective electric surface current within the EDL. For nonconducting solids, Smoluchowski derived equations for these generic phenomena, which allowed an extension of the theory to all other specific EKP. Smoluchowski’s theory is valid for any shape of a particle or pores inside a solid, provided the (local) curvature radius a largely exceeds the Debye length k-1: ka 1 where k is defined as e= elementary charge zi, ni = charge number and number concentration of ion i (the solution contains N ionic species) ers = relative permittivity of the electrolyte solution e0 = electric permittivity of vacuum, k = Boltzmann constant T = thermodynamic temperature ka 1 Note that under this condition, a curved surface can be considered as flat for any small section of the double layer. This condition is traditionally called the “large ka limit”. Many aqueous dispersions satisfy this condition, but not those for very small particles in low ionic strength media. Electro-osmotic flow is the liquid flow along any section of the double layer under the action of the tangential component Et of an external field E. In Smoluchowski’s theory, this field is considered to be independent of the presence of the double layer, i.e., the distortion of the latter is ignored. Also, because the EDL is assumed to be very thin compared to the particle radius, the hydrodynamic and electric field lines are parallel for large ka. Under these conditions, it can be shown that at a large distance from the surface the liquid velocity (electro-osmotic velocity), veo, is given by: NB: The approximation that the structure of the double layer is not affected by the applied field is one of the most restrictive assumptions of the elementary theory of EKP This is the Smoluchowski equation for the electro-osmotic slip velocity. h = dynamic viscosity of the liquid. KL being the bulk liquid conductivity (S m–1) and I the electric current (A). Electrophoresis is the counterpart of electro-osmosis. In the latter, the liquid moves with respect to a solid body when an electric field is applied, whereas during electrophoresis the liquid as a whole is at rest, while the particle moves with respect to the liquid under the influence of the electric field. In both phenomena, such influence on the double layer controls the relative motions of the liquid and the solid body. Hence, the results obtained in considering electro-osmosis can be readily applied for obtaining the corresponding formula for electrophoresis. the electrophoretic velocity, that is, the velocity of the particle with respect to a medium at rest the electrophoretic mobility, ue, known as the Helmholtz– Smoluchowski (HS) equation for electrophoresis Let us consider a capillary with circular cross-section of radius a and length L with charged walls. A pressure difference between the two ends of the capillary, Dp, is produced externally to drive the liquid through the capillary. Since the fluid near the interface carries an excess of charge equal to sek, its motion will produce an electric current known as streaming current, Istr: The observation of this current is only possible if the extremes of the capillary are connected through a low-resistance external circuit (short-circuit conditions). If this resistance is high (open circuit), transport of ions by this current leads to the accumulation of charges of opposite signs between the two ends of the capillary and, consequently, to the appearance of a potential difference across the length of the capillary, the streamingpotential, Ustr. This gives rise to a conduction current, Ic: The value of the streaming-potential is obtained by the condition of equality of the conduction and streaming currents (the net current vanishes) the theory is incomplete in mainly three aspects: (i)it does not include the treatment of strongly curved surfaces (i.e., surfaces for which the condition ka >> 1 does not apply); (ii)It neglects the effect of surface conduction both in the diffuse and the inner part of the EDL; (iii)It neglects EDL polarization. Concerning the first point, the theoretical analysis is based on the assumption that the interface is flat or that its radius of curvature at any point is much larger than the double-layer thickness. When this condition is not fulfilled, the Smoluchowski theory ceases to be valid, no matter the existence or not of surface conduction of any kind. However, theoretical treatments have been devised to deal with these surface curvature effects. Roughly, in order to check if such corrections are needed, one should simply calculate the product ka, where a is a characteristic radius of curvature (e.g., particle radius, pore or capillary radius). With respect to surface conductivity, it may suffice to say that it may be important when the z-potential is moderately large (>50 mV, say.) Finally, the polarization of the double layer implies accumulation of excess charge on one side of the colloidal particle and depletion on the other. The resulting induced dipole is the source of an electric field distribution that is superimposed on the applied field and affects the relative solid/liquid motion. A measure of the relative importance of surface conductivity is given by the dimensionless Dukhin number, Du, relating surface (Kσ) and bulk (KL) conductivities. a = local curvature radius of the surface The Helmholtz–Smoluchowski theory does not consider surface conduction, and only the solution conductivity, KL, is taken into account to derive the tangential electric field within the double layer. Thus, in addition to ka>>1, the applicability of the theory requires Du<<1. The surface conductivity Ks can have contributions owing to the diffuse-layer charge outside the plane of shear, Kσd, and to the stagnant layer Kσi: Accordingly, Du can be written as Bikerman surface conductivity The stagnant-layer conductivity may include a contribution due to the specifically adsorbed charge and another one due to the part of the diffuselayer charge that may reside behind the plane of shear. The charge on the solid surface is generally assumed to be immobile; it does not contribute to Kσ. The conductivity in the diffuse double layer outside the plane of shear, Ksd, consists of two parts: a migration contribution, caused by the movement of charges with respect to the liquid; a convective contribution, due to the electro-osmotic liquid flow beyond the shear plane, which gives rise to an additional mobility of the charges and hence leads to an extra contribution to Ksd. For the calculation of Kσd, the Bikerman equation can be used in which Kσd as a function of the electrolyte and double-layer parameters: c=electrolyte amount concentration (mol m–3), NA =the Avogadro constant (mol–1), m+ (m– )=dimensionless mobility of the cations (anions), D= ionic diffusion coefficients (m2 s–1). The extent to which Kσ influences the electrokinetic behavior of the systems depends on the value of Du. For the Bikerman part of the conductivity, Dud can be written explicitly. For a symmetrical z-z electrolyte and identical cation and anion diffusion coefficients so that m+ = m− = m: From this equation, it follows that Dud is small if κa >> 1 and ζ is small. Substitution of this expression for Dud in This equation shows that, in general, Du is dependent on the ζ-potential, the ion mobility in bulk solution, and Kσi/Kσd. Now, the condition Du << 1 required for application of the Helmholtz– Smoluchowski theory is achieved for κa >> 1, rather low values of ζ, and Kσi/Kσd < 1. The potential, ion concentration, and velocity profiles in the diffuse portion of the EDL lead directly to electroosmosis and are the pertinent parameters for the purposes of separations in various substrates. These are found by combining the Poisson equation for an electric charge density re and electric field y in a medium of permittivity e, with the assumption of Boltzmann equilibrium in the charge distribution, leading to i= over all ionic species i, no,i=refers to the concentration at a reference potential, which is taken at c=0 for convenience. e=elementary charge, zi=valency of each ionic species, k=Boltzmann constant, and T=temperature. This is a nonlinear partial differential equation for y as a function of space that can be solved analytically only for a few special cases. Some models define a shear plane at a distance ys where the potential is termed the zeta potential (z), defining y as the distance from the shear plane, the boundary conditions become y(y = 0) = z, and y(y →∞) → 0. The zeta potential is the overall charge a particle acquires in a specific medium. •The magnitude of the zeta potential gives an indication of the potential stability of the colloidal system •If all the particles have a large negative or positive zeta potential they will repel each other and there is dispersion stability •If the particles have low zeta potential values then there is no force to prevent the particles coming together and there is dispersion instability •A dividing line between stable and unstable aqueous dispersions is generally taken at either +30 or -30mV •Particles with zeta potentials more positive than +30mV are normally considered stable •Particles with zeta potentials more negative than -30mV are normally considered stable •The most important factor that affects zeta potential is pH •A zeta potential value quoted without a definition of it's environment (pH, ionic strength, concentration of any additives) is a meaningless number Imagine a particle in suspension with a negative zeta potential •If more alkali is added to this suspension then the particles tend to acquire more negative charge •If acid is added to this suspension then a point will be reached where the charge will be neutralized •Further addition of acid will cause a build up of positive charge •In general, a zeta potential versus pH curve will be positive at low pH and lower or negative at high pH •There may be a point where the curve passes through zero zeta potential •This point is called the isoelectric point and is very important from a practical consideration •It is normally the point where the colloidal system is least stable if the dispersion pH is below 4 or above 8 there is sufficient charge to confer stability. However if the pH of the system is between 4 and 8 the dispersion may be unstable. This is most likely to be the case at around pH 6 (the isoelectric point) Per ka>>1 U str e 0e rsz = Dp hK L U str biomedx.com/zeta/page2.html e 0e rsz = Dp hK L FACTORS AFFECTING AGGLUTINATION IN VITRO Number of Antigen Sites The number of antigen sites on the red cell is important since the more antigen sites result in more antibodies being attached and forming cross-linkages. These cross-linkages result in agglutination Size and Structure of the Antibody The larger antibodies (IgM) can reach between more antigen sites on different red cells and therefore causing stronger agglutination reactions. IgM antibodies also have more binding sites to react with antigens and potentially causing cross-linkages between 5 different cells. Distance between Cells Centrifugation of the cells attempts to bring the red blood cells closer together, but even then the smaller IgG antibodies usually can not reach between two cells. The larger antibodies, IgM, can reach between cells that are further apart and cause agglutination. The concept Zeta potential is important to understand why the cells will maintain a To overcome zeta potential techniques certain distance from each other. Zeta need to refers neutralize these charges. potential to the repulsion between One ofblood the common the red cells. techniques is: to testcharge mixture It1)isAdd duealbumin to an electric surrounding 2) OHgroups of albumin neutralize cells suspended in saline. Itpositive is causecharge by sialic acid groups on the red Antigen-Antibody blood cell membraneRatio which gives the cells a The optimum ratio is 80 parts antibody to negative charge. 1 part antigen. are specific terms The positive ions There in saline attracted to the for variations in this ratio. negatively charged red blood cells. The net positive charge surrounding cells in saline keeps them far apart due to repulsion from electric charges Smaller antibodies (IgG) cannot cause agglutination when zeta potential exists Voltage vs Time post-electrode A potted Ficus benjamina was insertion shows no dependence placed on insulating foam inside a on height, orientation or sap flow Faraday cage. Identical Platinum (it was stopped by inserting razor electrodes where inserted into the blades above and below the xylem (phloem removed) and a The “streaming electrode) oncepotential” transient voltage Petri dish containing a standardized generation mechanism depends voltages and currents are allowed water content soil solution of on Zeta potential (ζ) -voltage to the dissipate. The difference in pH variable pH. The electrodes were difference duexylem to different flow between the and the soil in connected to a high-impedance properties at~2. the center of a this case is voltmeter. The standardized soil capillary and its walls and the ΔP was connected to the pot soil via a (pressure difference between the 1 M KCl agar salt bridge (to two ends of the capillary and is complete the circuit via the soil-root given by: interface). Vsapstream=(e0e/hs)DPz which, for typical values for a tree, yields between 1 and 10 mV, is such that faster flow leads to higher voltages. Un colloide è un sistema bifasico (fase dispersa e fase continua) I sistemi colloidali sono caratterizzati da un elevato rapporto area/volume fra la conferendogli proprietà particolari. Infatti, poichè nei colloidi il numero di particelle disperse è molto elevato, la loro superficie complessiva è anch'essa molto grande e di conseguenza l'interazione fra le due fasi è importante. Per esempio, un cubo di 1 cm di lato ha una superficie di 6 cm2; lo stesso cubo ridotto a cubetti di 0,002 µm per lato, ha una superficie di 3000 m2. Colloids can be broadly divided into two classes. Lyophilic (solvent loving) •easily dispersed by the addition of a suitable dispersing medium. •usually thermodynamically stable, and D G of formation is negative. Lyophobic, (solvent hating) •require vigorous mechanical agitation to be dispersed. •thermodynamically unstable, but are often metastable due to charge stabilisation through the presence of surface charges. The long-term colloidal stability of a dispersion will be of great importance in a number of industries such as pharmaceutical, ceramic, paints and pigments. The term “stability” can have different connotations to different applications. When applied to colloids, a stable colloidal system is one in which the particles resist flocculation or aggregation and exhibits a long shelf-life. This will depend upon the balance of the repulsive and attractive forces that exist between particles as they approach one another. If all the particles have a mutual repulsion then the dispersion will remain stable. However, if the particles have little or no repulsive force then some instability mechanism will eventually take place e.g. flocculation, aggregation etc. In certain circumstances, the particles in a colloidal disperson may adhere to one another and form aggregates of successively increasing size that may settle out under the influence of gravity. An initially formed aggregate is called a floc and the process of its formation flocculation. The floc may or may not separate out. If the aggregate changes to a much denser form, it is said to undergo coagulation. An aggregate usually separates out either by sedimentation (if it is more dense than the medium) or by creaming (if it less dense than the medium). The term’s flocculation and coagulation have often been used interchangeably. Usually coagulation is irreversible whereas flocculation can be reversed by the process of deflocculation. Half a century ago, Derjaguin and Landau in Russia, and Verwey and Overbeek in Holland, independently and simultaneously proposed a theory to interpret the known phenomena related to the stability of lyophilic colloids, i.e., systems with small dispersed fragment with no affinity for the dispersing continuous phase. In their honor the theory is now recalled as DLVO theory, and its application range has been extended qualitatively to systems containing fragments of matter up to the 10 μm range, that is at least 100 times larger than the bigger colloids. This theory assumes that when two interfaces are approaching, as it happens in any dispersed system when two fragments of matter get close enough, then the overall force can be calculated as the combination of the attractive Van der Waals forces and the repulsive electrostatic Coulomb forces. FDoppioStrato = U elettrostatica = y 0e When atoms (or particles) are so close that the electron clouds interact with each other – we have Born repulsion which prevents too close an approach. This combination of attraction and repulsion between atoms is summarised in the Lennard-Jones: A B U i = - 6 12 r r - kx U colloide = y 0e - kx A B - 6 12 r r U elettrostatica = y 0e - kx A B U i = - 6 12 r r At infinity, which may means only a few microns in many cases, the force is null. At a extremely short distance, i.e., essentially zero, the two interfaces are in contact and the force is always repulsive. Extremely short range repulsion depending on the inverse of the 12th power of the distance have been proposed for this "compressibility" repulsion.