L’impiego delle cellule staminali nelle malattie neuromuscolari Prof N. Bresolin Dip. Scienze Neurologiche, Universita’di Milano Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Mangiagalli e Regina Elena, Milano IRCCS E. Medea, Bosisio Parini, Lecco Cell transplantation and replacement Neural Stem cell therapy GLIAL degeneration NEURONAL Degeneration Demyelinating disease Paracrine systems (PD) Neurodegenerative Neuromuscular Diseases GLOBAL Degeneration Trauma and stroke Cognitive and Physical rehabilitation SELECTIVE Degeneration ALS, HD, Ataxias, FSH,DMD,LG etc Neuroprotective Therapies Cellule staminali • Capacità di autorinnovarsi • Dare origine a cellule differenziate STEM CELLS CONTINUUM Embryonic stem cells Somatic stem cells Zigote Totipotent stem cells Pluripotent stem cells Bone marrow, skin muscle etc stem cells Le cellule staminali danno origine a cellule differenziate Bone osteoblasts Skin Kidney Blood Nervous System blood cells neurons astrocytes oligodendrocytes Vessels endothelial cells Liver liver cells Heart cardiomyocytes Pancreas Muscle insulin producing cells Reprogramming of somatic stem cells Teratoma derived from human iPS cells Injected in SCID mice Human Fibroblasts Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) In vitro differentiation of iPS. In vivo engraftment iPS cell-derived neurons integrate into the striatum of hemiparkinsonian rats and improve behavioral deficits. Le cellule staminali possono avere effetti terapeutici attraverso diversi meccanismi Neuroprotezione Sostituzione cellulare Produzione di molecole con effetto neurotrofico, antiinfiammatorio, vasogenico etc. Genesi di: Geneticamente modificate per produrre specifici fattori •Glia •Nuovi neuroni Cellule staminali neurali SVZ Isolation Dissociate SVZ EGF/FGF-2 MATURE CELLS SELF-RENEWAL Neurons EGF/FGF-2 Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Corti et al Cellule staminali neuronali CD133 positive si integrano in vivo nella corteccia Corti et al.2007 Multipotentiality, Multipotentiali ty, homing properties and pyramidal neurogenesis of CNS CNS--derived LeX(ssea--1)+/CXCR4+ stem cells LeX(ssea S. Corti, FASEB J. 2005 Nov;19(13):1860Nov;19(13):1860-2 Isolamento di una sottofrazione staminale con doppia positività per LeX(Le) e CXCR4(CX) che possiede elevato potenziale di homing nel SNC ed estesa capacità di engraftement Isolamento di una sottofrazione cellulare Le+CX+ Adult murine brain Phase//DAPI Phase LeX//CXCR4 LeX SVZ Neurospheres LeX MACS selection for LeX followed by FACS selection for LeX+CXCR4+ Phase//DAPI Phase Evaluation of Self--renewal Self Differentation CXCR4 LeX//CXCR4 LeX Il trapianto di cellule staminali Le+CX+ si integra in corteccia e ricostituisce i circuiti neuronali in un modello ischemico murino Corti et al.2007 Trapianto di cellule staminali nelle malattie neuromuscolari: le distrofie muscolari Distrofia Muscolare di Duchenne E’ una malattia geneticamente determinata X-linked dovuta all’assenza di distrofina •E’ caratterizzata da distrofia muscolare progressiva con ipostenia muscolare ingravescente e perdita della deambulazione intorno a 12 anni. Il trapianto di cellule staminali puo’ contribuire alla rigenerazione del tessuto muscolare scheletrico Il nostro obiettivo: trapiantare le cellule muscolari attraverso la circolazione sanguigna Injected MSCs Muscle progenitors Rescue of muscular dystrophy Isolation of muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs). Density gradient separation Magnetic labeling using Sca-1/CD34 microbeads Separation with MACS column type LS Elution of highly pure MDSCs Muscle homing of the Sca-1+/CD34-MDSCs after i.m. transplantation of mdx mice Quadriceps Pectoralis Sca-1+/CD34- MDSCs express the L-selectin adhesion molecules Myogenic differentiation of Sca-1+/CD34-/L-selectin+ MDSCs after i.v. injection of mdx mice Delivery of stem cells to muscle fibers via intra-venous injection Two months-old mdx One year-old mdx Clonogenic, self-renewal and multi-potency of AC133 positive cells from blood VEGF TRAP assay CFU-C assay in methyl cellulose Expression of muscle markers by CD133 positive cells derived from the blood tissues. AC133+ MyHC GFP Merge Double-blinded randomized clinical trial phase I: autologous transplantation of muscle-derived AC133+ cells in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Eight DMD patients were included in this study and randomized into two groups: Group A (n=5; subjects 003-004-005-006-007) AC133+cells injection into left abductor digiti minimi muscles (ADM) Group B (n=3 subjects 008-009-010) saline solution injection into ADM Primary outcome: Tolerance and feasibility of intramuscular transplantation of AC133+ cells to always ensure first, the patient’s safety and well-being, while aiming towards a treatment. Secondary outcome: muscular strength tests by MVIC and muscle force analysis skinned myofibers. Torrente Y et al. Cell Transplantation 2007 Autologous transplantation of muscle-derived AC133+ cells Muscle dissotiation LIBERASE Hi In vitro serum free culture for 48h •RPMI + •human albumin 20%+ Tibialis Anterior muscle (1gr) Quality control, microbiology •human insulin 100 Ul/m Left abductor digiti minimi muscle (ADM) 3 Myofibers Injections of 20X10 AC133+ cells *15ml Hamilton with a 27-G needle *5ml of cell suspension delivered in each injection Injection site *Injection depth 0.5 cm,inter- injection distances 1mm (sterile transparent grid) Local side effects after intramuscular transplantation of muscle-derived AC133+ cells 6 Treated Controlateral 5 4 3 2 1 0 2004- 2004- 2004- 2004- 2004- 2004- 2004- 2004- 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 Single muscle fibre strenght increase in DMD patients after AC133+ local injection Torrente Y et al. Cell Transplantation 2007 0003C 0003T Slow Myofibers Fast Myofibers CD133+/CXCR4+/CD34+ CD31 vessels Intra-arterial delivery of wild-type mesoangioblasts in alpha-SG null mice i.a. α-SG KO Expression of alpha-SG in alpha-SG null mice after intra-arterial delivery of wild-type mesoangioblasts Sampaolesi et al. Science 2003;301(5632):487-92 Expression of α-SG and dystrophin related proteins in α-SG null mice after intra-arterial delivery of wild-type mesangioblasts Sampaolesi et al. Science 2003;301(5632):487-92 Morphology by Evans blue and Azan-Mallory stainings of long-term treated α-SG null dystrophic muscles after three consecutive i.a. of wild-type mesangioblasts Functional properties of single muscle fibres of long-term treated a-SG null dystrophic muscles Sampaolesi et al. Science 2003;301(5632):487-92 Three-dimensional visualization of injected stem cells labeled with iron oxide nanoparticles after their intra-arterial transplantation Torrente Y et al., FEBS Lett. 2006;580(24):5759-64. DMD genotypes for exonskipping of AC133+ stem cells Exon phasing around exon 51 : DMD genotypes selected Lentivirus-mediated exon-skipping Lentivirus U7exon51 map : Characteristics : . Pseudotype : VSV-G . Title : 2.109 ip/ml . Transduction : 106 to 108 ip/ml Promoteur U7 (267 Pb) GGGUCUAGAUAACAACAUAGGAGCUGUGAU UGGCUGUUUUCAGCCAAUCAGCACUGACUC AUUUGCAUAGCCUUUACAAGCGGUCACAAAC UCAAGAAACGAGCGGUUUUAAUAGUCUUUUA GAAUAUUGUUUAUCGAACCGAAUAAGGAACU GUGCUUUGUGAUUCACAUAUCAGUGGAGGG GUGUGGAAAUGGCACCUUGAUCUCACCCUC AUCGAAAGUGGAGUUGAUGUCCUUCCCUGG CUCGCUACAGACGCACUUCCGCAA U7SmOPT (85 pb) Downstream Sequences (116 pb) Exon-skipping efficiency in vitro : tested on human myoblasts Δ52 CCCAAUUUCACUGGU CUACAAUGAAAGCAA AACAGUUCUCUUCCC CGCUCCCCGGUGUG UGAGAGGGGCUUUG AUCCUUCUCUGGUUU CCUAGGAAACGCGUA UGUGGCUAGCUUU A 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 T 30 50 4 Skipped band 5’ UC G U CG AU GC UA CG Site de liaison UA aux protéines UA h51AON2 h51AON1 SM (OPT) UA UA GC CCUCUGUGAUUUUAUAACUUGAU/UCAAGGAAGAUGGCAUUUCUAAUUUUUGGAGCAG CCCU B Ex50 3’ Legend : 1 : Myob Δ52 no transduced Ex53 2 : Transduction (106 ip/ml) 3 : Transduction (107 ip/ml) 4 : H2O Human dystrophin expression in scid/mdx mice after transplantation of Delta 48-50 DMD exon skipped blood-derived AC133+ stem cells 8 weeks after i.m. injection of skipped DMD D48-50 blood-derived AC133+ cells (2.104 cells/TA) Genotype D48-50 Skipping exon 51 340 bp SM 340 bp 1 2 Human dystrophin expression in scid/mdx mice after transplantation of Delta 48-50 DMD exon skipped blood-derived AC133+ stem cells Lou Stefano Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica Transplantation of LeX+/CXCR4+ Adult Neural Stem Cells in the Spinal Cord of a Murine Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis C57Bl6 SOD1SOD1G93A (treated n=24 control n=24) 70 days Transplantation into spinal cord 20 000 cells Primed Le+CX+ Donor: β-actinGFP Hb9GFP LeX+CX+ cells share the properties of stem cells and produce MN protective cytokines Acquisizione di un fenotipo colinergico motoneuronale HB9eGFP/Isl1 HB9eGFP Isl1 % of HB9eGFP cells HB9eGFP/HB9 HB9eGFP HB9 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 HB9eGFP/ChAT HB9eGFP ChAT HB9eGFP/ChAT HB9eGFP ChAT 1 10 Shh HB9eGFP/BTX HB9eGFP BTX 100 1000 Il trapianto di cellule Le+CX+ migliora la funzione neuromuscolare e la sopravvivenza in topi SOD1 Survival Plot (PL estimates) Survivor 1,00 1 GFP 2 ctr11 3 Hb9 0,75 ctr12 4 0,50 0,25 T im e to fall (s) 250 0,00 120 200 150 GFP HB9 100 CTR1 50 CTR2 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 age (weeks) 140 160 180 200 Times La sopravvivenza dei motoneuroni è incrementata dopo il trapianto di cellule LeX+CX+ no. motor neurons 35 wt transplanted SOD1 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 wt untransplanted SOD1 GFP HB9 SOD1SOD1untransp.1 untransp.2 HB9 SODSODuntrasp.1 untrasp.2 1200 no. axons 1000 800 600 400 200 wt transplanted SOD1 untransplanted SOD1 0 wt GFP 4 wt 3 Treated 2 Untreated 1 0 100 80 60 40 20 IGF 0 wt Wild type IGFBP5 VEGF IGF--1R β IGF GDNF % of IGF1-R positive MNs 5 % o f IG F B 5 h ig h p o s itiv e M N Il trapianto di cellule LeX+CXCR4+ incrementa la produzione di growth factors tr-SOD1 untr-SOD1 Transplanted SOD1G93A 100 80 60 40 20 0 wt tr-SOD1 Untransplanted SOD1G93A untr-SOD1 Il trapianto di cellule LeX+CXCR4+ modifica il signalling di IGF1 nel midollo spinale dei topi SOD1 Cellule staminali nelle malattie del motoneurone Neuroprotezione Normal Intermediate stage Sostituzione cellulare End Stage Atrofie Muscolari Spinali: SMA e SMARD1 Atrofia Muscolare Spinale (SMA) SMN expression SMARD1 is due to mutations in the IGHMBP2, a RNA/DNA Helicase Neuroni ALDH proiettano lunghi assoni e formano giunzioni neuromuscolari Differenziamento delle cellule staminali Nestina GFP ES + Neurobasal + EGF/FGF - Feeder - LIF CD15 Merge NSCs (CD15+Nestin+) GFP/ChAT RA+Shh Motoneurons Corti et al.2008 Disegno Sperimentale GFP/Nestina Predifferenziamento TOPO SMA TRATTATO TOPO SMA GFP/ChAT Analisi del fenotipo SMA dopo il trapianto GFP/DAPI Midollo spinale di topo trapiantato Cellule trapiantate si differenziano in motoneuroni GFP Neu-N ChAT Merge Effetti del trapianto sui motoneuroni del midollo spinale Il trapianto aumenta il numero di motoneuroni e il loro diametro Effetti del trapianto sulle miofibre muscolari Il trapianto aumenta il numero, il diametro delle miofibre e l’area muscolare Utilizzo di sostanze per promuovere la crescita degli assoni verso i muscoli (GDNF e rolipram) Dino Ferrari Centre, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Milan IRCCS Foundation “Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli and Regina Elena”, Milan Stem Cell Lab Lab of Biochemistry and Genetics Giacomo P. Comi Stefania Corti Dimitra Papadimitriou Domenico Santoro Di Fonzo Alessio Francesca Magri Isabella Ghione Marinella Carpo Dario Ronchi Monica Nizzardo Serena Ghezzi Roberto Del Bo Francesco Fortunato Andreina Bordoni Sabrina Lucchiari Sabrina Salani Chiara Donadoni Martina Nardini Serena Pagliarani Domenica Saccomanno Francesca Saladino Yvan Torrente Marzia Belicchi Andrea Farini Mirella Meregalli Manuela Gavina Federica Colleoni Collaborations Stem Cell Research Institute DIBIT-HSR, MILAN Cossu G Sampaolesi M Tonlorenzi R UMR,CNRS 7000 Paris Butler Browne G Mouly V University of Paris Pauline D GENETHON Garcia L Goyenvalle A University of Pavia Bottinelli R D’Antona G University of Verona Costantin G Rossi B University of Laval Sante Foy, Canada Tremblay J IRCCS E. Medea Bosisio Parini D’Angelo MG Sironi M Cagliani R