CURRiCULUM VITAE Leonardo Gri‖ i Born in Pistola′ 13th Apri1 1970 Resident in Buggiano(PT)Via PaSCO‖ 6 Email:[email protected] Web:local.disia.uni何 .it/g百 1‖ Current position in statistica sEcs-s/o1), Department Associate professor of statistics (professore Associato di ruolo of Florence of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G. Parenti" - University Education and career ,/ ./ ,/ ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ (Zgth April 1996)' Degree in Economics at the University of Florence phD in Applied Statistics at the Department of Statistics "G' Parenti" - University of Florence (1Lth FebruarY 2000) "G' Parenti" - University of Florence Temporary researcher at the Department of Statistics (April 2000 to December 2001) Tuscany region (January 2002 to October Official in the Statistics area - Government of the 2Oo2) (sECS-S/01) at the University of Florence from Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) in statistics November 2002 2005 Professor in Statistics (SECS-S/O1) in December Qualified to the position of Associate in statistics (sECS-S/01) at the University of Associate Professor (Professore Associato) Florence from 30th December 201-0 CurrentlectureshipsandappointmentsattheUniversityofFlorence - Modulo A"' corso di laurea in Statistica) ./ ,/ Course on Descriptive Statistics ("statistica ,/ Member of the following committees: Stotistico o comitato della Didattica e commissione Piani di studio' corso di Laurea in di laurea in Economia Aziendale) [oint course on lntroductory statistics ("statistica 1", corso with Carla RamPichinil (avanzato)", corso di laurea magistrale in course on statistical Modelling (,,Modelli statistici with carla Rampichinil statistica, scienze Attuariali e Finanziarie) [joint (from scienze Attuariali e Finonziarie Vice-president of the Laurea Magistrale statistica, 04.LO.2072]' oComitatodellaDidatticaeCommissionePianidistudio,corsodiLaureaMagistralein Statistica, Scienze Attuariali e Finanziorie 1/3 journals Publications in peer-reviewed 1. 2. mixture modelling of university credits' Grilli 1., Rampichini C, Varriale R' (2013) Binomiat ond Methods' to appear in Communicotions in Stotistics Theory of the external effectiveness ofthe Bini M.,Grilli r., namptclJni i.tzoral contextualfactors appear in stotistico Applicato - ltalion university educalon: a multilevel approach. to Journol of APPlied Stotistics' 3. 4. (2013) Mothers' Employment and their Children's Francavilla F., Giannelli G'C, Grilli L' World Development,4l, pp 183-195. Schooling: A ]oint Multilevel Analysis for lndia' Lunardon N (2012) The use of permutation Samuh M., Grilli 1., Rampichini C. Salmaso L'' Communicotions in Stotistics tests for variance .o,fon"nt' in linear mixed models' pp 3020-3029 ' Theory ond Methods, Volume 41, lssue 16-17 ' 5.SaniC.&GrilliL.(2011)Differentialvariabilityoftestscoresamongschools:amultilevel analysisofthefifth-gradelnvalsitestusingheteroscedasticrandomeffects.Journolof Applied Quontitotive Methods, S (a), pp 88-99' 6.BartolucciF.&GrilliL.(2011)Modetlingpartialcompliancethroughcopulasinaprincipal stratificationframework.JournoloftheAmericonstotisticolAssociotion,106,pp.469.4T9. T.GrilliL.&RampichiniC.(2011)theroleofsampleclustermeansinmultilevelmodels:a viewonendogeneityandmeasurementerrorissues'Methodology:Europeonlournolof 127-!33 ' Research Methods for the Behaviorot ond Sociol Sciences'7(4): 8.GrilliL.&RampichiniC.(2010)Selectionbiasinlinearmixedmodels.Metron:lnternotionol lournal of Stotistics. vol. LXV|ll, n. 3, pp 309-329' 9. Grilli L. & Mealli F. (200s) Nonparametric Bounds on the causal Effect of University studies on Job Opportunities Using Principal Stratification. lournol of Educotional ond Behaviorol Sfotistics, 33(1), pp 111-130. 10. Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2007) Multilevel factor models for ordinal variables. Structurol Equotion Modeling, 1a(1'), pp 1-25. 11. Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2007) A multilevel multinomial logit model for the analysis of graduates' skills. Stotistico/ Methods ond Applicotions, 1,6(31, pp 381-393. 12. Testa M.R. & Grilli L. (2006) The Influence of Childbearing Regional Contexts on ldeal Family Size in Europe. Population,6l(1-2), pp 109-138. 13. Grilli L. (2005) The random effects proportional hazards model with grouped survival data: a comparison between the grouped continuous and continuation ratio versions. Jo urnol of the Royol Statistical Society - Series A, t6Sl7), pp 83-94. 14. Rampichini C., Grilli L. & Petrucci A. (2004) Analysis of university course evaluations: from descriptive measures to multilevel models. stotistic ol Methods ond Applicotions, 13(3), pp 357-373. 15. Grilli L. & Pratesi M. (2004) weighted estimation in multilevel ordinal and binary models in the presence of informative sampling designs. Survey Methodology, 3O(1,), pp 93_103. C. (2003) Alternative specifications of multivariate multilevel probit ordinal response models. Journol of Educotional ond Behovioural Stotistics,2g, pp 3r-44. 16. Grilli L. & Rampichini 17. Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2002) Specification issues in stratified variance component ordinal 18. response models. Stof/sticol Modelling,2, pp 251_264. Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2002) Scomposizione della dispersione per variabili statistiche ordinali. Stot/stlco, anno LX , n. 1, pp 111-116. M. & Grilli L. (2001) The transition from university to work: a multilevel approach to the analysis of the time to obtain the first job. lournol of the Royol Stdtisticol Society - Series A, L64 (2), pp 293-305. 19. Biggeri 1., Bini 2/3 Activity in the evaluatiOn of education / Student ratings at the university of Florence′ years 2000-2003: deve10pment Of the ° /瑞 :溜 胤 嗽認1町 嘗te oamttrd 『 :71TTLT認 慰1淵w¶ 』 /m艦 111:l県 胤濫:Tぉ rolects abott statttd mdhOtt br"Jm■ Om ― Futuro in Ricerca 2012:MOde‖ i mistura e a variabililatenti per l(inferenza causale e l'analisi di dati sOciOeconomici(cOOrd F Bartolucci) ::「 富:隠 ∬寵児『 冨Til記 窓:n記 1規 ぶ 『14樋蹴i」 滞:lilW:F i』 30 11 lo,cOOrd B chiandottO) ― PRIN 2008:Analisi de‖ e strutture latentii nuove frontiere nei rnetodi e nei mOde‖ ― i statisticl (COord P Monan) PRIN 2006: Metodi e mode‖ i statistici per ia valutaziOne dei prOcessi fOrmativi(c00rd P MOnan) ― FINVAL1 05:Offerta formativa di secOndo live‖ cofinanziatO dalド INVALSL cOord L Gri‖ O e domanda dilavOro qualificato (PrOgettO 1) ― PRIN 2002:Transiz10ni universitら ‐ lavOro e valorizzazlone de‖ e competenze prOfessiOnan dei laureaj:modelli e metodi di analも i multidimensiOnale de‖ e determinantl(coord L Fabbris) ― 四 N""Ⅷ 帆話 me ttb叩 en獅 ∞ Mt 冨 譜 Member ofthe Nucleo di valutazione ofthe Universty of Pavia(Since 2010) 血 れ particolare riferimentO a‖ 'istruzione e a‖ as: ta rtta∞ n =『 Miscellanea / / r' Member of the ltalian Statistical Society (since 2004) Associate Editor of the jour nal Stotistical Methods o'nd appficotions Member of the scientific Board of the pdD in npptieJ iiati.tic, zor2 (2ath cycre) University of Rome - European ′ 3 ︵ 3 ′