I.S.S.N. 1722 6961 - EPMagazine 15, vol. 5, issue 3, December 2007 EPM Discover your own way to enjoy science at school EPMagazine THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THE ARTICLES DO NOT NECESSARILY COMPLY WITH THE ONES OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND EPM EDITORIAL BOARD. 1st Cover: http://office.microsoft.com/it-it/clipart/results.aspx?qu=barometro&sc=20 EPMagazine is an international Scientific Periodical Published by a pool of European Schools European Pupils Magazine Discover your own way to enjoy science at school www.epmagazine.org www.liceoboggiolera.it/epm www.biology4u.gr/pupmag.html Co-ordinators Headmasters Ali Kalem [email protected] Stelios Friligkos [email protected] Hatice Uzug [email protected] Angelo Rapisarda [email protected] Yunus Cengiz Nikolaos Georgolios Adnan Dinc Giovanni Torrisi Web Editorial Board Webmaster: Web assistant: Multimedia CD: Rick Hilkens [email protected] Gabriele Viglianisi [email protected] Gianfranco Distefano [email protected] Italian Editorial Board Τeachers: Viviana Dalmas, Antonino Porto, Angelo Rapisarda Students: Angela Pinzone, Angelo Tambone, Ersilia Rappazzo Claudio Arena, Lorenzo Bianchetti Francesco Manuncola Trovato Layout: Paolo Catania and Graziano Troina History of Science and Technology CONTENTS E 6 N 10 N 12 N History of Science and Technology European Pupils Magazine year 5, number 3, 2007 EPM 15 - I.S.S.N. 1722-6961 EPMagazine is an international Scientific Magazine published by a pool of European Schools Editorial: Contributions in Italian, English, Greek, Turkish By Angela Pinzone 10th EPM project meeting Kayseri 14th -20th November 2007 By Nikos Georgolios, Theodosia Karaoglani What do students think about science? By Soustas Panagiotis My Barometer 14 Vasile Melinte, Mihaela Diaconescu G The Solar System Il Sistema Solare 16 14/16 23 Luigi Prestinenza The evolution of the Atomic Model L’evoluzione del Modello Atomico Andrea Savia History of Science and Technology European Pupils Magazine 14/16 32 Medicine In Ancient Egypt Ιατρικη Στην Αρχαια Αιγυπτο 14/16 37 Black Holes Ioakeimidou Erato Exintara Evagelia I Buchi Neri Claudio Arena FUN 48 What is What in Astronomy? 17/19 49 Ecplipse: a mystery in the ancient times Eclissi: un mistero nell’antichità 17/19 54 59 Vangelis Voultsinos Manuele Gangi Following Galileo footstep … Ακολουθώντας τα βήµατα του Γαλιλαίου ... Lenia Kokkinou, Antonis Varvianis, Lina Kexagia Guidelines For Contributors Angela Pinzone E Liceo Statale “E. Boggio Lera” www.liceoboggiolera.it [email protected] EDITORIALE EDITORIAL Cari lettori, Dear readers, A qualche settimana di distanza dal 10° EPMeeA few weeks after the 10th EPMeeting, which took place in Turkey, here we are to sum up the ting, tenutosi in Turchia, eccoci qui a tirare le somme dell’esperienza da poco vissuta. experiences we enjoyed. 10th EPMeeting was an exciting time, full of inputs for the organization of EPM and for the intercultural meeting. The exchange of ideas lies in the use of a common language, English, which enables EPM editors to try their hands and improve their abilities in a foreign language. CAPPADOCIA During the Meeting the title of the new project (Many countries, a common point: science) and the layout for 2008 were decided; moreover the mirror sites and the new CD of EPM were proposed. In the Meeting we had the chance of comparing Turkish, Greek and Italian cultures. So EPMeetings are a good opportunity to get to know, appreciate and respect the customs and the traditions of cultures different from our own. The Italian Editorial Board of EPM will never forget the hospitality of Turkish partners, from whom we received a very epm EPM GROUP 6 Il 10° Meeting si è rivelato un’esperienza elettrizzante, ricca di input sia per quel che riguarda gli aspetti organizzativi di EPM, che per quel che riguarda l’incontro interculturale. Lo scambio di idee si fonda sull’uso strumentale della lingua inglese, che consente ai redattori di EPM di mettersi in gioco e di acquisire una maggiore sicurezza nell’utilizzo della lingua straniera. Durante il Meeting è stato deciso il titolo del nuovo progetto (Tanti Paesi, un punto in comune: la scienza), il layout per il 2008; inoltre sono stati presentati i siti mirror e il nuovo CD di EPM. Il Meeting è diventato anche l’occasione per il confronto tra cultura turca, greca e italiana. I convegni di EPM risultano quindi essere un’ottima occasione anche per conoscere, apprezzare e soprattutto rispettare le abitudini e le tradizioni di culture diverse dalla propria. Il gruppo italiano di EPM porterà epm EPM History of Science and Technology E EDITORIAL EDITORIALE KAYSERI CAPPADOCIA MOUNTAINS warm welcome. With this wonderful heap of memories, we are going to face the 11th EPMeeting , which will be held in April, in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. per sempre il ricordo dell’ospitalità dei partner turchi, che ci hanno riservato un’accoglienza calorosa sin dal primo istante. We hope we shall be able to add a further piece of experience, so that the editorial board may get better and better. EPM STAFF epm We wish the EPMeeting to give unity and compactness to the group and that new stimuli, brought by the other partners, will improve our m a g a z i n e making it more Con questo meraviglioso bagaglio di ricordi ci avviamo ad affrontare, ad Aprile, l’11° Meeting, che si terrà nella città greca di Salonicco. La nostra speranza è quella di aggiungere un ulteriore tassello alla nostra esperienza all’interno della redazione di EPM. Ci auguriamo infatti che il EPMeeting possa servire per dare unità e compattezza al gruppo e che nel corso dell’incontro con gli altri partner possano maturare dei nuovi stimoli che migliorino il giornale rendendolo sempre più attraente e produttivo. 7 EPM TEACHERS epm EPM E History of Science and Technology BAŞYAZI ΕΚ∆ΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ Değerli Okuyucular, Αγαπητοί αναγνώστες, Λίγες βδοµάδες µετά τη 10η συνάντηση του EPM στην Τουρκία, είµαστε εδώ για να συνοψίσουµε τις εµπειρίες που ζήσαµε. Η 10η συνάντηση ήταν µια συναρπαστική ευκαιρία γεµάτη καινούργια στοιχεία, για την οργάνωση του EPM αλλά και µια ευκαιρία συνάντησης α ν θ ρ ώ π ω ν διαφορετικής κουλτούρας. Η ανταλλαγή ιδεών γίνεται σε µια κοινή γλώσσα, την Αγγλική, που δίνει την δυνατότητα στους εκδότες του EPM να συνεργαστούν στενά και να βελτιώσουν την ικανότητά τους στην χρήση µιας ξένης γλώσσας. T ü r k i y e ’ d e gerçekleşen 10. EPM toplantısından bir kaç hafta sonra, yaşadığımız tecrübeleri aktarmak amacıyla karşınızdayız. 10. EPM toplantısı, EPM organizasyonu için ve kültürlerarası iletişim için pek çok katkı ile dolu eğlenceli bir zamandı. EPM editörlerinin yabancı bire dilde kendi becerilerini geliştirme ve LAKE IN URGUP REGION ç a b a g ös t e r me l e r i n i sağlayan, yabacı dilin yani İngilizce’nin kullanımında, fikirlerin paylaşılması yatar. Toplantıda, yeni projenin başlığı (Çok sayıda ülke, bir ortak nokta: Bilim) ve 2008 için yeni dergi tasarımı Kabul edildi; ayrıca yani web siteleri ve yeni EPM CD’si sunuldu. Toplantıda, İtalyan, Türk ve Yunan kültürlerini karşılaştırma fırsatı bulduk. Κατά την διάρκεια της Συνάντησης, αποφασίστηκαν: ο Bu yüzden, EPM toplantıları, τίτλος του καινούργιου kendimizden başka kültürlerin Προγράµµατος («Πολλές geleneklerini ve adetlerini Χώρες, ένα κοινό σηµείο: Η öğrenme, takdir etme ve saygı Επιστήµη») και η σελιδοποίηση duymak için iyi bir fırsattır. του περιοδικού για το 2008. Ακόµη έγιναν προτάσεις για τα EPM’in İtalyan Editör mi r r or si t e s (αντί γραφο grubu, kendileinden çok sıcak bir δικτυακού τόπου) και τα CDs EPM TEACHERS IN KAYSERI karşılama gördüğümüz Türk του EPM. Στη συνάντηση είχαµε την ευκαιρία να ekibinin misafirperverliğini asla unutmayacak. epm 8 epm EPM E History of Science and Technology BAŞYAZI ΕΚ∆ΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ γνωρίσουµε στοιχεία από τον Τουρκικό, Ελληνικό και Ιταλικό πολιτισµό. Εποµένως οι συναντήσεις του EPM είναι µια καλή ευκαιρία Να Γνωρισεις, Να Εκτιµησεις Και Να Σεβαστεις τις συνήθειες και τις παραδόσεις διαφορετικών πολιτισµών από τον δικό σου. Η ιταλική συντακτική οµάδα του EPM δεν θα ξεχάσει ποτέ την φιλοξενία των Τούρκων εταίρων, οι οποίοι µας υποδέχτηκαν πολύ θερµά. KAYSERI MOSQUE Με αυτές τις θαυµά σιες αναµνήσεις, βαδίζουµε προς τ η ν 1 1 η Συνάντηση του EPM , που θα γίνει τον Απρίλιο στην Ελλάδα, στην πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης. Bu güzel hatıra yığını ile, Selanik, Yunanistan’da nisan ayında yapılavak olan 11. EPM toplantısını karşılayacağız. Editör Grubunun daha da iyileşeceği, daha iyi deneyimler hazanmayı umuyoruz. Toplantının, gruba birlik ve beraberlik getirmesini ve dergimizi geliştirecek yeni stimuliyi ortaya çıkarmasını umuyoruz. Ελπίζουµε ότι θα µπορέσουµε EPM CLOSET IN BUNYAN να προσθέσουµε περισσότερες εµπειρίες, ώστε ως συντακτική οµάδα να γινόµαστε καλύτεροι και καλύτεροι. Ευχόµαστε η Συνάντηση να κάνει πιο ενωµένη και συµπαγή την οµάδα και ότι νέα ερεθίσµατα θα προκύψουν ώστε να βελτιώσουν ακόµη περισσότερο το Περιοδικό µας. epm OZKAN SCHOOL 9 epm NEWS 10th EPM PROJECT MEETING KAYSERI 14th -20th NOVEMBER 2007 Nikos Georgolios, Theodosia Karaoglani Experimental School of University of Macedonia Thessaloniki, Greece [email protected] The 10th EPMeeting took place in two towns, Incesu and Bunyan, in Kayseri region between 15th and 20th November 2007. The host schools were M. Ozkan Anatolian High School (Incesu) and Bunyan Anatolian High School. The other contributing partners were Experimental High School of Univ. Macedonia (Neapoli, Thessaloniki, Greece) 4 teachers-4 pupils and Liceo Boggio Lera (Catania, Italy), 1 teacher-2 pupils. The guest schools arrived in Kayseri with the same flight on the 14th November and they enjoyed a very warm and impressive welcome by teachers, students and host families of the two schools. EPM PARTNERS IN INCESU During the first two days, the meeting took place in M. Ozkan Anatolian High School (Incesu) and during the last two days in Bunyan Anatolian High School. At both schools the guests were welcomed by the Headmaster and the teachers of each school. They were guided to the facilities of the school and some teachers had also the opportunity to attend some courses. The main program of the meeting included presentations of all partners about what had been done so far for the Magazine. This work was summarized and checked by the Italian student Angela Pinzone. The main problems of the work were presented by the Greek group, which concerned the delay of printing the issues, the dissemination of the Magazine and the poor communication among partners. A lot of discussion followed in order to find the proper ways to face these problems. All partners agreed to do their best to epm 10 EPM PARTNERS IN BUNYAN epm Discover your own way to enjoy science at school improve the dissemination of the magazine and to speed the printing of issues. Hence, a schedule of tasks was made to share the work to be done. In addition, the cover of the 2008 issues was decided and finally the name of the project, which will be submitted to the E.U. for the next two years, was selected after voting. The prize award ceremony for the competition of the best article of 2006 was postponed for the meeting in Thessaloniki, on April 2008, since the two winners from Greece (A. Deligiorgi and S. Diskou) did not manage to come to Kayseri. Except the official sessions, the students from Greece and Turkey presented interesting subjects of general interest as Ionian philosophers, common words in Greek, Turkish and Italian. All partners had also the opportunity to participate in other activities. In Incesu they had been received by the Mayor, who welcomed the foreign delegations. And then they visited the historical and cultural places of Incesu. They also had a cultural walk in downtown Kayseri and they visited the local market. CAPPADOCIA REGION On Sunday they visited the city of Urgup and the underground town of Derinkuyu in Nevsehir region and they enjoyed the unique landscape of Cappadocia region. Finally, they had lunch by a lake in Urgup region. The last day of the meeting, the farewell dinner took place in Erkilet, in a restaurant with a wonderful view located on the hills surrounding Kayseri. LUNCH AT THE LAKE epm All guests felt thankful to their partners from Kayseri not only for the organization of a perfect meeting but for their warmth and hospitality. 11 epm NEWS WHAT DO STUDENTS THINK ABOUT SCIENCE? Soustas Panagiotis Experimental School of University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece [email protected] At the 8th EPMeeting in Thessaloniki (November 2006) a project was produced based on a questionnaire whose questions concerned the science course and the way it is taught in Greek schools. This included the likeability of students about science, their opinion about the difficulty of the lesson, the time they spend reading it, their need or not of help and the way through which they get it. It would be very interesting if we had opinions from other European students about the teaching of Science in their countries. The answers were 75 out of 75 persons and the questions were: Do you like science? Is it difficult? How much time do you spend reading science? Do you need help for it? 100 80 like science 60 don't like science don't like science at all 40 20 Do you like science? • 46% likes science • 45% doesn’t like science • 8% doesn’t like science at all 0 100 Is it difficult? 80 60 Very difficult 40 Easy Very easy 20 • 29% answered that science is very difficult • 65% answered that it is easy • 6% answered that it is very easy 0 epm 12 epm Discover your own way to enjoy science at school 100 80 Do you need help? 60 don't need help Need help 40 20 • 61% doesn’t need help • 39% needs help 0 100 80 1 hour 60 2hours 40 More than 2 hours 20 How much time do you read science? • 58% reads less than 1 hour • 33% reads less than 2 hours • 8% reads more than 2 hours 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Extra lessons Help from books Help from parents Both help from parents and books No help If you need help what kind of help do you need? • 43% does not need help • Parents help the 26% • 14% has extra books that help the students explain the lesson and solve the exercises • 10% has extra lessons • 6% has help books and is helped by parents Some suggestions Generally students are not happy with the way that science is taught in schools. Especially with the books, which are very difficult to read because they use complicated words. Things should get better for Greek students. Firstly we should visit the laboratories more often. We can also modify the books by adding and abstracting topics, which are easier. This can be done with the help of our teachers. Thus all the students will understand some of the implicit points of the books. epm 13 epm NEWS MY BAROMETER Vasile Melinte, Mihaela Diaconescu Colegiul Tehnic “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, Romania [email protected] The word barometer is derived from the Greek word baros, meaning weight, and the Greek word metron, meaning measure. Mercury barometers are built according to the principle of Torricelli’s tube, in its turn based on Pascal’s Law (the hydrostatic pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure Po). As an application, we calculated the normal atmospheric pressure equal to 1 Atm or 1.013 x 105 N/m2 Metallic barometers rely on the deformation of one or more metallic cans under the action of the atmospheric pressure. In this way, taking the measure in the same place once or even several times a day, we can notice that it can vary around the normal value. These variations are connected with the atmosphere status. METALLIC BAROMETER TORRICELLI’S TUBE AN ANTIQUE BUT STILL FUNCTIONAL BAROMETER epm Barometers measure air pressure but they were also used for measuring altitude, or height above the ground, such as the height of a mountain, and they were often used to measure altitude aboard a hot air balloon. They were also used by miners in caves to determine the depth of a mine. Starting from these historical, scientific and practical grounds, we started to build a barometer using recyclable materials. We will reveal the recipe according to which we executed the practical activity and which we recommend to the pupils who are fond of technique and science. 14 epm Discover your own way to enjoy science at school Necessary materials - a large coffee cup (or something similar to it) - rigid straw - a rubber elastic which is shorter than the circumference of the cup - a balloon - scale paper (or a ruler) - adhesive tape - scissors Mode of acting You are supposed to cut the mouth of the balloon in order to make a latex cuff. Then you must stretch the balloon over the mouth of the cup and fix it with the elastic. The straw must be fixed to the balloon. The barometer will be left several days near a wall or a vertical surface. The scale paper or ruler must be fixed to the wall and the place where the end of the straw lies is to be marked. Now you can start to gauge it by comparison with the indications of the barometer in the laboratory. You must measure the atmospheric pressure for 2 or 3 days, using more barometers in order to be able to compare the values obtained. BAROMETER – SIDE 2 BAROMETER – SIDE 1 Bibliography Garabet M., Neacşu I., Lectii experimentale in laboratorul de fizica, Editura Niculescu, 2002 Hristev A., Manda D., Fizică-manual pentr clasa a IX-a, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1989. Petrescu-Prahova M., Bârzu I., Fizică-manual pentru clasa a VII-a, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1984. www.barometer.ws/history.html Iconography www.navy.mil.za Acknowledgements: Elena Melnig, Tamara Slatineanu epm 15 epm G Luigi Prestinenza No profit association Stelle e Ambiente, Catania, Italy www.stelleambiente.it [email protected] [email protected]. IL SISTEMA SOLARE THE SOLAR SYSTEM THE AIRBAG OF THE ROVER PATHFINDER GLI AIRBAG DEL ROVER PATHFINDER The human race in the last fifty years has made important changes in the knowledge of the solar system (where our Earth is the third planet) not only for the great progression in the use of advanced instruments of observation, capable of extending the investigation beyond the visible radiation but, above all, for the contribution of Hubble telescope, in orbit outside the atmosphere. Moreover, the direct recognitions were led by equipped and sophisticated probes. In fact, various planets were approached at distances of a few thousand kilometres, or space shuttles came down on their surface, as in the case of the Moon (the unforgettable evening, 20th July 1969), Mars; asteroids like Eros, comets nuclei and in 2002 even Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, 2 billion km far from the Earth. Speaking of rediscovery is neither presumptuous nor exaggerated: there is much more to discover, to explain rationally, but the progress made was huge and it paved the way for new and unpredictable investigations. To achieve these goals is only a matter of time and will, but first of all it is necessary to invest resources, brains and money. Some probes are completing the exploration epm Gli ultimi cinquant’anni hanno portato a una totale riscoperta del sistema solare di cui la nostra Terra è il terzo pianeta: ciò è dovuto non solo a i grandi progressi nell’impiego di strumenti d’osservazione sempre più progrediti e in grado di estendere l’indagine al di là della stretta finestra delle radiazioni visibili, ma soprattutto a l’apporto del telescopio Hubble, messo in orbita fuori dall’atmosfera. In particolar modo, le sonde sempre più attrezzate e sofisticate hanno condotto ricognizioni speciali, avvicinando i vari pianeti a distanze di poche migliaia di chilometri, o addirittura scendendovi sopra, come è avvenuto dopo la Luna (l’indimenticabile serata del 20 luglio 1969), per Marte, per asteroidi come Eros e nuclei cometari e nel 2002 addirittura per Titano, la più grande delle molte lune di Saturno, distante da noi quasi due miliardi di chilometri. Parlare di riscoperta non è dunque esagerato né presuntuoso: certo, v’è molto ancora da scoprire, da spiegare razionalmente, ma il passo avanti compiuto è stato gigantesco, e soprattutto ha aper- THE PROBE CASSINI LAUNCHED TO TITANO LA SONDA CASSINI VERSO TITANO 16 epm G EPM History of Science And Technology of Mercury, the nearest planet to the sun. There are probes that photograph Mars with its peculiarities and there are robots that creep on the reddish ground and analyse its composition. Others are approaching Pluto, the farthest planet from the Sun and it is considered as a dwarf planet for its diameter. Finally, there is the discovery of a series of objects beyond Neptune, some of which overcome the distance of the far planet dedicated to the God of Hell. We might get to know the Solar System better thanks to the improvement of more and more sophisticated technologies, which are advanced, efficient and less expensive than before. Werner von Braun hoped to explore Mars (the first planet in our imagination) with a fleet of space ships, but he was unable to do it. He wanted to begin his exploration because in the last year of 18th century and in the first part of 19th century, some specialists observing the surface of the red planet, formulated some hypotheses about THE EARTH LA TERRA epm THE COMETS SWAM LA COMETA SWAM to la strada a nuove indagini tali da rivelare molto di ciò che vorremmo conoscere. A questo fine non mancano i mezzi d’indagine: è questione di tempo e di volontà, ma soprattutto di risorse da investire, cervelli e investimenti. Intanto, ci sono sonde in volo per completare l’esplorazione di Mercurio, il pianeta più vicino al Sole, sonde che fotografano Marte sin nei particolari, robot che addirittura strisciano sul suo suolo rossastro analizzandolo nei molteplici aspetti e nella composizione, e anche sonde in volo verso il remoto Plutone, di questi mondi il più lontano dal Sole e da poco addirittura retrocesso a pianeta nano per il suo modesto diametro; infine, la scoperta, a quell’enorme distanza, di un’intera fascia di oggetti transnettuniani, cioè collocati oltre Nettuno, qualcuno dei quali addirittura eguaglia o supera in dimensioni il lontano mondo dedicato al dio degli Inferi. Dobbiamo quindi aspettarci sempre nuovi oggetti da studiare, via via che aumentano le possibilità di raggiungerli con metodi sempre più efficaci e di costo contenuto. Non con la flotta spaziale di astronavi che Wernher von Braun sperava di mettere in viaggio verso Marte, il pianeta che da sempre ha il primo posto nell’immaginazione dei Terrestri. 17 epm G EPM History of Science And Technology the presence a web of dark lines linking the bluegreen areas in both hemispheres. If it really existed, a sort of canal’s system would apparently be necessary, which could distribute the insufficient water resources of this world from the unique water supply of polar snows to the temperate areas or to the equator. Lots of scientists were sceptic about this hypothesis; in fact, it was demolished by the observations of astronomers as the Italian Vincenzo Cerulli, or the French–Greek Eugenios Antoniadfi at the beginning of the 20th century. The geometric–lined canals were explained by the exploration of the eye, on the limit of perception, of irregular details, shades, little spots of various sizes. In this way a big step forward was made in the reconstruction of the real environment of Mars, thanks to closer images taken by the probes flying over the planet since 1964 (the American Mariner 5). However, the legend of the Martian was hard to die, like all the legends stimulating our imagination. The balance of what we know, and of what we have checked, shows us that in the solar system there are DIONE, SATURN’S SATELLITE DIONE, SATELLITE DI SATURNO epm ENCELADO, ONE OF SATURN’S SATELLITES ENCELADO, UNO DEI SATELLITI DI SATURNO Vediamo perché: negli ultimi anni dell’Ottocento e ai primi del Novecento, osservazioni inattese di esperti specialisti autorizzarono a credere che, sul pianeta rosso esistesse tutta una ragnatela di linee oscure che congiungevano le aree blu-verdastre osservate nei due emisferi. Se effettivamente esistevano, si sarebbe dovuto pensare a una sorta di canalizzazione e immaginare che fosse tale per distribuire le scarse risorse idriche di questo mondo dall’unica riserva d’acqua delle nevi polari sino alle lontane contrade delle zone temperate o dell’equatore. Una tale ricostruzione lasciò scettici molti scienziati e fu confutata dalle osservazioni di astronomi come il teramano Vincenzo Cerulli o il francogreco Eugenios Antoniadfi a cavallo dei primi del Novecento. Le linee geometriche dei canali furono spiegate con la sintesi operata dall’occhio, al limite della percezione, di dettagli irregolari, sfumature, macchiette di vario diametro. E fu fatto così un gran 18 epm EPM G History of Science And Technology THE SOLAR SYSTEM IL SISTEMA SOLARE few areas where life can exist as it happened during the first Earth’s geological ages: Mars has the same levels of the dense and deep atmosphere as Venus and Jupiter, maybe also Jupiter’s satellite Europa is covered by ices that are probably floating upon a liquid ocean; finally the big moon of Saturn, Titan, wrapped in a dense atmosphere. For the other planets there is not much to hope…. The small Mercury, the planet nearest to the Sun, has alternatively oven heats and glacial temperatures. Venus’s hot arid ground is furrowed by huge lava flows and it is covered by a dense atmosphere of carbonic gases. The Moon and the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter are much too small to retain an appreciable atmosphere. The big external planets like Jupiter and Neptune contain gases. Pluto is very cold with its moon Charon; much colder are the big asteroids over Neptune in the dark and frozen depths announcing interplanetary space. So, discovering more about other planets is very interesting like every time a veil, wrapping something unknown, is torn open. We have also strange cases. For example there are asteroids shaping an equilateral triangle between Jupiter and Sun, called Trojans, because they have a Homeric name. epm passo avanti nel ricostruire il reale ambiente di Marte, così come è, e come l’hanno mostrato, in peggio, le immagini ravvicinate delle sonde che lo sorvolarono fin dal 1964 (l’americano Mariner 5). Ma la leggenda dei Marziani, industriosi costruttori di canali è stata lenta a morire, come tutte le leggende che accarezzano e stimolano la nostra sensibilità e immaginazione. Il bilancio di ciò che conosciamo e abbiamo potuto verificare ci mostra, in tutto il sistema planetario della stella Sole, poche aree dove la vita abbia possibilità di nascere e di svilupparsi, come è avvenuto nei lontani giorni delle prime ere geologiche terrestri: il sottosuolo di Marte, certi livelli delle dense e profonde atmosfere di Venere e di Giove, forse anche il satellite gioviano Europa, coperto di ghiacci che forse si stendono sopra un oceano liquido; infine, la grande luna già citata di Saturno, ovvero Titano, avvolta da una densa atmosfera. 19 IO, JUPITER’S FIFTH SATELLITE IO, IL QUINTO SATELLITE DI GIOVE epm G EPM History of Science And Technology Moreover, around the external planets, there are rings made of carbonic gases or ice. There are thousands of comets going through different planetary orbits, approaching the Sun and then going back to black and frozen external spaces. And more, there are the NEO Near Earth Orbiting, asteroids, closer to Earth orbiting representing a continuous threat for our planet. MERCURY MERCURIO Many planets, many questions even more as they regard the formation and the evolution of the System, kept together by the Sun’s force of gravity. It is 1000 times bigger than the other planets. Moreover, there are specific questions concerning the different spatial bodies that we can study. The purpose of Planetary Astronomy, more difficult than the Stellar one, is to study all these worlds, big and small, hot and frozen. The planets do not shine of their own light, but they reflect the Sun light, with bands added by their atmospheric gases as our spectroscopes have revealed. The nearest planets to the Sun are difficult to observe because of its shining light, still the far ones are more difficult to observe, dipped in the faint, dusky light that the Sun itself manages to spread over them. It is easier, instead, to study stars because their spectre reveals us the gases contained, the epm Per il resto, c’è poco da sperare: diviso fra calori da forno e temperature glaciali, il piccolo Mercurio, il pianeta più vicino al Sole; ancora più caldo l’arido suolo di Venere, solcato da enormi colate laviche e avvolto da una densa atmosfera di gas carboniosi; troppo piccoli la Luna e gli asteroidi della fascia fra Marte e Giove per trattenere un’atmosfera apprezzabile; fatti essenzialmente di gas i grossi pianeti esterni, da Giove a Nettuno, freddissimo Plutone con la sua grande luna Caronte; ancora più gelati i grossi asteroidi che si vanno scoprendo oltre Nettuno, nelle profondità buie e gelide che annunciano ormai lo spazio interplanetario. E tuttavia questa scoperta, questa progressiva rivelazione di tanti mondi ha un suo fascino, come sempre quando cade il velo che avvolge qualcosa di sconosciuto. Non mancano poi i casi più singolari: asteroidi che fanno triangolo equilatero con Giove e il Sole, detti troiani perché recano nomi omerici, gli anelli di materia carboniosa o di ghiacci attorno ai pianeti più esterni, migliaia di comete che si infilano fra le diverse orbite planetarie, si approssimano al Sole e poi tornano indietro, puntando verso i neri e gelidi spazi esterni; e ancora i NEO Near Earth OrbiTHE MOON ting, gli asteroi- 20 epm G EPM History of Science And Technology di vicini all’orbita della nostra Terra, che rappresentano una continua minaccia, per le loro orbite perturbate che talora addirittura rasentano il nostro pianeta. Tanti mondi, tanti interrogativi: molti di più, anzi, perchè ci sono quelli di carattere più generale, che riguardano la formazione e l’evoluzione del sistema, tenuto assieme dalla forza di gravità del Sole, la stella che sta nel centro, con una massa mille volte superiore a quella di tutti i pianeti messi assieme; e i quesiti particolari sui diversi corpi che via via si offrono alla nostra indagine. SATURN SATURNO temperature, the age and the probable evolution during the long periods of the Universe. Photography and probes have made wonders in revealing many details of these worlds, a lot of which were studied for their residual and insufficient heat, in general very close to the Absolute Zero. This is the case of the asteroids of EdgeworthKuiper band, situated beyond Neptune. A similar panorama deserves young people’s attention, together with the knowledge of our Earth: the luckiest planet, in which the light of intelligence shines. Iconography www.nasa.gov, NASA (National Astronomic Sky Agency) http://dayton.hq.nasa.gov/IMAGES/MEDIUM/ GPN-2000-000484.jpg, GRIN, great images in NASA, Steve Garber www.skylive.it/forum5/topic.asp? TOPIC_ID=4967, Unione Astrofili Italiani, Franco Lanza epm Studiare e conoscere a fondo tutti questi mondi, grandi e piccoli, roventi o gelati, è il compito dell’astronomia planetaria, ancor più difficile e ardua di quella stellare: perché i pianeti non brillano di luce propria, riflettono quella del Sole, con bande aggiunte dai loro gas atmosferici che si rivelano allo spettroscopio. Difficili da osservare quelli più vicini al Sole, nella luce abbagliante di questa stella; ancor più difficili quelli lontani, immersi nel debole chiarore crepuscolare che il Sole stesso riesce a far giungere sino a laggiù. Più facile, al SHOEMAKER-LEVY 9 confronto, stu- THE COMET AND JUPITER diare le stelle, LA COMETA SHOEMAKER-LEVY 9 E GIOVE che ci dicono già 21 epm G EPM History of Science And Technology quasi tutto col loro spettro: i gas che contengono, la temperatura, persino l’età e la possibile evoluzione nei lunghi tempi del Creato. La fotografia e le sonde hanno fatto meraviglie nel rivelare molti dettagli di questi mondi; molti, i più remoti, come gli asteroidi della fascia di Edgeworth-Kuiper, posta al di là di Nettuno, vengono studiati addirittura in base al loro residuo e scarso calore, di molto vicino agli abissi dello zero assoluto. Un simile panorama merita tutta l’attenzione dei giovani, accanto alla conoscenza della nostra Terra: il pianeta più fortunato, quello in cui brilla la luce dell’intelligenza, che tante cose spiega e interpreta, senza peraltro dar fondo al mistero. THE SUN IL SOLE www.skyandtelescope.com, Sky and Telescope (USA), Richard Tresch Fienberg, various issues of this magazine www.lestelle-astronomia.it, Le Stelle, Margherita Hack, various issues of this magazine www.coelum.com, Coelum, Francesco Mazzotta, various issues of this magazine www.orione.it, Nuova Orione, Francesco Bertuzzi, Paolo Morelli, various issues of this magazine http://uai.it/web/guest/home, Astronomia (UAI), Emilio Sassone Corsi, various issues of this magazine www.bo.astro.it/sait/giornale.html,Giornale di Astronomia, Fabrizio Bònoli, various issues of Bibliography Cesare Guaita, Alla ricerca della vita nel sistema solare Sirio ed. Milano 2005 William Sheehan, The research of the ghost planet; William Sheehan, The planet Mars E. M. Antoniadi, La planète Mars Hermann Paris 1929 Mentore Maggini, Il pianeta Marte. Hoepli. 1939; Giovanni Virginio, Schiaparelli Opere, voll. I, II, V, Hoepli Milano 1886-92 Fresa, "la Luna", Hoepli Piero Bianucci, "La Luna", Giunti ed. Firenze Luigi Prestinenza, Marte fra storia e leggenda, ed. UTET Luigi Prestinenza, La scoperta dei pianeti ed. Gremese Roma 2007 Magazines Sky and Telescope (USA), Le Stelle, Luigi Prestinenza, journalist and astrologer has been interested in astronomy, especially Planetary Astronomy, for about fifty years. He has recently published Marte fra storia e leggenda (UTET) and La scoperta dei pianeti (Gremese, Rome) reviewed and published according to the latest researches. Luigi Prestinenza, giornalista e astrofilo, si occupa di astronomia, soprattutto planetaria, da più di cinquant’anni; ha pubblicato di recente Marte fra storia e leggenda (UTET) e La scoperta dei pianeti (Gremese, Roma), quest’ultimo appena uscito e aggiornato fino alle ricerche più recenti. epm 22 epm 14 16 Andrea Savia Liceo Statale E. Boggio Lera Catania, Italy [email protected] THE EVOLUTION OF THE ATOMIC MODEL L’EVOLUZIONE DEL MODELLO ATOMICO The object of this paper is the description of the matter structure through the enumeration of the major part of the theories formulated about it, in the last centuries. To understand the elementary constitution of the matter the experiments executed by the scientists through the time will be cited. L’obiettivo di questo articolo è la descrizione della struttura della materia attraverso l’elencazione della maggior parte delle teorie formulate su di essa negli ultimi secoli. Per spiegare le ipotesi relative alla costituzione elementare della materia saranno citati alcuni degli esperimenti eseguiti dagli scienziati. Since ancient times man tried to Fin dall’antichità l’uomo ha give some answers to the question cercato di dare delle risposte alle regarding the constitution of the domande riguardanti la costituziomatter: What is it composed of?, ne della materia: Di che cosa è fatta?, Fino a quale punto è posHow far is it possible to subdivide it? sibile suddividerla? The ancient Greeks had two Su questo secondo aspetto gli different theories: some affirmed its antichi Greci avevano due teorie endless divisibility, others that it was differenti: alcuni affermavano la composed by elementary units. sua infinita divisibilità, altri riteThese were only philosophic nevano che fosse costituta da unitheories, without any reliable tà elementari. Si trattava, comunscientific investigation. On the bases que, di teorie filosofiche, senza of this last theory some philosophers alcuna indagine scientifica attensuggested some models, among dibile. Tra i modelli ipotizzati è them, Democritus, who affirmed interessante citare quello creato DEMOCRITUS that all the matter was constituted by da Democrito, il quale affermò DEMOCRITO an infinity of indivisible units, the che tutta la materia era costituita atoms (which in Greek means indivisible), and da un’infinità di unità indivisibili, gli atomi (che in that the atoms had no qualitative property taste, greco significa indivisibile), privi di proprietà qualismell, color, but were characterized by tative, sapore, odore, colore, ma caratterizzati da quantitative property, such as dimension, shape proprietà quantitative, cioè la grandezza, la forma e and position. la posizione. The atomistic hypothesis of Democritus was L’ipotesi atomistica di Democrito venne poi abthen abandoned, but it has been revisited in recent bandonata ma è stata ripresa con altre modalità in times. tempi recenti. The study of the matter, with a modern scientific method, was started by Antoine epm Lo studio della materia, con un metodo scientifico moderno, fu avviato da Antoine Lavoisier con la 23 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology Lavoisier with the law of the conservation of the mass, followed by Joseph Proust with the law of the definite proportions and by John Dalton with the law of the THOMSON ATOMIC MODEL multiple MODELLO ATOMICO DI THOMSON proportions and with his atomic theory (1803), which asserted that the matter was composed by a great number of indivisible particles, that is the atoms, among which, those of the same element are all equal and have the same mass and cannot be created, nor destroyed. With the discovery of the X rays, in 1895 by William Roentgen, and with the photoelectric effect of Albert Einstein, the scientists realized that they had to review the atom’s concept. In 1904 J. J. Thomson through the study of the cathode rays found out the electrons, that is little particles with very small mass and negative charge, which was calculated by Robert Millikan, and also other particles of opposite charge and major mass. On the basis of these results in 1906 Thomson suggested that the atom wasn’t indivisible, but constituted of a positive spherical structure into which the electrons where equally displaced so to render altogether the atom neutral. Thomson’s model was contradicted by the experiments carried out by Ernest Rutherford, and by his students, Geiger e Marsden, with the alpha particles. In fact, Rutherford, bombarding with these particles a thin gold sheet, observed that the greatest part of them maintained the direction of the start, some were lightly deviated epm legge della conservazione della massa, seguito da Joseph Proust con la legge delle proporzioni definite e da John Dalton con la legge delle proporzioni multiple e con la sua teoria atomica (1803), secondo la quale la materia era costituita da un gran numero di particelle indivisibili, cioè gli atomi, fra i quali quelli di uno stesso elemento sono uguali fra loro, hanno uguale massa e non possono essere né creati, né distrutti. Con la scoperta dei raggi X, nel 1895, di Wilhelm Roentgen, e con l’effetto fotoelettrico di Albert Einstein, gli scienziati capirono che si doveva rivedere il concetto di atomo. Nel 1904 J. J. Thomson attraverso lo studio dei raggi catodici, scoprì gli elettroni, cioè particelle con massa piccolissima e carica negativa, che venne calcolata da Robert Millikan, e anche altre particelle di carica opposta e di massa maggiore. Sulla base di questi risultati nel 1906 Thomson ipotizzò che l’atomo non fosse indivisibile, ma costituito da una struttura sferica positiva dentro la quale erano dislocati equamente gli elettroni, tanto da rendere complessivamente neutro l’atomo. Il modello di Thomson fu messo in crisi dagli esperimenti effettuati da Ernest Rutherford, e dai suoi allievi Geiger e Marsden, con le particelle alfa. Infatti Rutherford, bombardando con queste particelle una sottile lamina d’oro, notò che la maggior parte di esse mantenevano la direzione di partenza, altre venivano leggermente deviate e una piccolissima percentuale veniva respinta. Se il modello di Thomson fosse stato valido, RUTHERFOR’S EXPERIMENT si sarebbe osESPERIMENTO DI RUTHERFORD servata la stes- 24 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology and a very small percentage sa deviazione per ogni particelwas repelled. If Thomson’s la, perché, secondo lui, le carimodel had been correct, the che positive e negative dovevasame deviation for every no essere disposte in modo oparticle would be noticed, mogeneo all’interno dell’atomo. because, in his opinion, the positive and negative charge Secondo questi dati, contrashould be disposed in a stanti con il modello di Thomhomogeneous way into the son, Rutherford ipotizzò che atom. l’atomo fosse costituito da un Following these data, in nucleo, nel quale risiede la opposition with Thomson’s maggior parte della massa atomodel, Rutherford mica e la carica positiva supposed that the atom was (giustificando la deviazione di RUTHERFOR’S ATOM made of a nucleus, much alcune particelle alfa a causa ATOMO DI RUTHERFORD more smaller than the atom della repulsione), e dagli eletin which the major part of the atomic mass and troni che gli ruotano attorno velocemente per manthe positive charge (justifying the deviation of tenere il proprio equilibrio fra l’attrazione esercitata some alpha particles because of the repulsion ) dal nucleo e la reciproca repulsione. resides, and of the electrons which turn around quickly to maintain their own balance, between Nel 1920 egli assegnò al nucleo atomico il nome the attraction exercised by the nucleus and the di protone, affermando che esso poteva essere forreciprocal repulsion. mato anche da più protoni, e che in ogni atomo il numero dei protoni e degli elettroni doveva essere In 1920 he gave to the atomic nucleus the uguale. Questo modello era in disaccordo con le legname of proton, affirming that it could be formed gi della teoria elettromagnetica classica, in quanto by more protons and in each atom the number of l’elettrone ha una carica e, quindi, essendo acceleraprotons and electrons should be to, avrebbe dovuto irradiare energia, equal. This model belied the laws cadendo in pochi istanti sul nucleo, fenomeno che avrebbe dovuto comof the classic electromagnetic theory, because the electron has a portare l’emissione di tutte le frecharge and therefore, being quenze nel passaggio dal suo livello accelerated, it should irradiate al nucleo. Queste ipotesi non trovano energy, falling in few instants on riscontro nella realtà in quanto gli atothe nucleus, a phenomenon which mi sono stabili perché non hanno una would involve the emission of all loro frequenza di emissione. its frequencies in the passage from its level to the nucleus. These Nel 1913 Niels Bohr rielaborò il hypotheses cannot be proved in modello ipotizzato da Rutherford, reality in that the atoms are stable, prendendo spunto dai risultati di Max because they don’t have a fixed Planck e Albert Einstein. Il primo emission frequency in the aveva introdotto, al di fuori della fisiNIELS BOHR spectrum. ca classica, il concetto di quantizza- epm 25 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology In 1913 Niels zione, in base al quale Bohr improved una grandezza può assumere solo certi valori Rutherford’s model taking cue from the permessi e l’energia non results of Max viene emessa in modo Planck and Albert continuo ma in quanti; Einstein. The former il secondo estese il conintroduced, out of the cetto di quanto alla luclassic physics, the ce, dicendo che essa era concept of costituita da quanti, cioquantization, that is è fotoni. Complessivaa quantity can take mente il modello atomionly certain co di Bohr si basava su permitted values and due principi: la quantizthe energy isn’t zazione delle orbite, in emitted in a base al quale l’elettrone continuous way, but poteva occupare solo in quanta; the latter determinate orbite, e la extended the concept quantizzazione of quantum to the dell’energia, in base al BOHR’S ATOMIC MODEL light, asserting that it quale, quando un eletMODELLO ATOMICO DI BOHR was composed by trone percorre una certa quanta, that is the photons. Altogether Bohr’s orbita, non emette o assorbe energia, a meno che atomic model was based on two principles: the transiti da un’orbita a un’altra. quantization of the orbits, that is the electron Questo modello però aveva dei difetti perché could occupy only determinate orbits, and the non poteva essere applicato agli atomi con più di un quantization of the energy, that is when a elettrone e non riusciva a spiegare, secondo dei crielectron covers a certain orbit it doesn’t emit or teri, la distribuzione nelle orbite degli elettroni. absorb energy, except in the case in which the Bohr infatti trattava sempre gli elettroni come delle electron passes from an orbit to an other. particelle classiche a cui poteva applicare le leggi This model had some disadvantages because it della meccanica. couldn’t be applied to the atoms with more than one electron and could not explain the La svolta si ebbe nel 1925 con la teoria avanzata distribution of the electrons into the orbits. Bohr, da Louis De Broglie che iniziò a considerare in fact, always handled the electrons as classic l’elettrone con proprietà corpuscolari e ondulatoparticles to which he could apply the laws of the rie; questa teoria fu sperimentalmente verificata da mechanic. Davisson e Germer che bombardarono con un fascio di elettroni un cristallo di nichel ed ottennero la In 1925 there was a turning-point with the stessa diffrazione che si osservava nei raggi X (già theory formulated by Louis De Broglie, who era stata assegnata questa duplice proprietà alle rabegan to consider the electron with corpuscular diazioni). Queste nuove scoperte portarono alla naand undulated property; this theory was verified scita della fisica quantistica, dal momento che alla experimentally by Davisson and Germer, materia fu assegnata la dualità onda-particella. epm 26 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology bombarding a crystal of nickel with a band of electrons and obtaining the same diffraction, which was observed in the X rays (this double property to the radiation had just been assigned them). These new discoveries brought about the rise of quantum physics, from the moment that the wave-particle duality was given to the matter. In 1926 Erwin Schrodinger formulated a mathematic equation, which described the behavior of the electron as a wave, into which, following Max Born’s opinion, the square of the absolute value of the wave width of a electron represented the probability to find the electron in a point of the space around the nucleus. In this way the electron is represented only as a wave, which behaved as a particle. Since then the concept of the orbit was abandoned and it was substituted by the concept of orbital, that is the region of space into which it is more probable to find an electron around the nucleus. One year later Werner Heisenberg developed the knowledge of the atomic structure, noticing that it wasn’t possible to know at the same time the position and the exact moment of an elementary particle, because of the principle of indetermination. In the following years a long series of discoveries of particle until then unknown began; in 1932 James Chadwick discovered the neutron experimentally; successively Carl David Anderson discovered the antiparticle of the electron, the positron. With the study of natural radioactivity of Henri Becquerel the scientists began to doubt of the elementariness of the proton and neutron. In fact in the beta decadence the atom emits bands of electron from the nucleus. To explain this phenomena Enrico Fermi introduced the existence of another particle, the neutrin, found experimentally by Fred Reiners and Charles Cowan. In 1937 the muon was discovered with a mass epm Nel 1926 Erwin Schrodinger formulò un’equazione matematica che descriveva il comportamento dell’elettrone come onda, nella quale, secondo Max Born, il quadrato del valore assoluto dell’ampiezza dell’onda di un elettrone rappresentava la proWERNER HEISENBERG babilità di trovare l’elettrone in un punto dello spazio attorno al nucleo. In questo modo l’elettrone veniva rappresentato solamente come un’onda che si comportava da particella. Da allora in poi si abbandonò il concetto di orbita, che venne sostituito dal concetto di orbitale, cioè la regione di spazio nella quale è più probabile trovare un elettrone attorno al nucleo. Un anno più tardi Werner Heisenberg, sviluppò le conoscenze sulla struttura atomica, rilevando che non era possibile conoscere contemporaneamente sia la posizione sia l’esatto momento di una particella elementare, con il principio di indeterminazione. Negli anni seguenti ebbe inizio una lunga serie di scoperte di particelle fino ad allora sconosciute; nel 1932 James Chadwick scoprì sperimentalmente il neutrone, successivamente Carl David Anderson scoprì l’antiparticella dell’elettrone, il positrone. Con lo studio della radioattività naturale di Henri Becquerel si iniziò a dubitare dell’elementarità del protone e del neutrone. Infatti nel decadimento beta l’atomo emetteva fasci di elettroni dal nucleo. Per spiegare questo fenomeno Enrico Fermi introdusse 27 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology about 200 times bigger than l’esistenza di un’altra particelthat of the electron and with la, il neutrino, trovato speria negative charge. mentalmente da Fred Reiners Around 1963 the e Charles Cowan. physical Murray GellMann and George Zweig Nel 1937 venne scoperto il supposed that the proton muone con massa circa 200 and the neutron were volte quella dell’elettrone e con composed by quarks carica negativa. (particle with a factional Intorno al 1963 i fisici Murcharge, which couldn’t ray Gell-Mann e George exist individually because Zweig ipotizzarono che il proof the strong attraction); tone e il neutrone fossero costithese hypotheses were tuiti da quark (particelle con confirmed later by the carica frazionaria, che non results obtained from the potevano esistere singolarmenparticles accelerator of the te a causa della potente attraSTRONG NUCLEAR FORCE CERN, in Genève. zione); ipotesi che vennero sucFORZA NUCLEARE FORTE The quarks, which have cessivamente confermate dai been found so far are six: d (down), u (up), s risultati ottenuti dagli acceleratori di particelle del (strange), c (charm), b (bottom), t (top). CERN, a Ginevra. The proton is composed by two quarks u and I quark che sono stati finora individuati sono 6: one d; the neutron is composed by two quarks d d (down), u (up), s (strange), c (charm), b and one u. (bottom), t (top). Il protone è formato da due quark u e uno d; il Actually it is thought that all the universe is neutrone è formato da due quark d e uno u. ruled by four fundamental forces: the strong nuclear force, which is manifest in the nucleus Allo stato attuale si pensa che tutto l’universo sia among the quarks; the weak governato da quattro forze fondanuclear force, which is seen in mentali: la forza nucleare forte, che the nuclear reactions or in the si manifesta all’interno del nucleo tra radioactive decadence; the i quark, la forza nucleare debole, electromagnetic force, which is che si osserva nelle reazioni nucleari observed in the atom since it o nel decadimento radioattivo, la forbinds the electrons to the nucleus; za elettromagnetica, che si osserva the gravity force, which is nell’atomo in quanto lega gli elettroni manifest in the planetary system con il nucleo, e la forza gravitazioand in the fall of the bodies. nale, che si manifesta nei sistemi plaFollowing this theory the netari e nella caduta dei corpi. interactions among the particles take place thanks to the Secondo questa teoria le interazioELEMENTARY PARTICLES exchanges of energy, that is of the ni tra le particelle avvengono tramite PARTICELLE ELEMENTARI quanta, to which the name of degli scambi di energia, cioè di quan- epm 28 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology ti, a cui viene dato il mediating particles is nome di particelle given. mediatrici. Following the theories and Utilizzando le the discoveries teorie e le scoperte of the last forty degli ultimi years the quarant’anni si è scientists arrived arrivato a un modelto a model, lo, chiamato Modelcalled Standard lo Standard, seconModel, which do il quale le partiexplains that the celle elementari di tutta la materia preelementary particles of all sente nell’universo the matter sono raggruppabili present in the in tre famiglie: i universe are leptoni (particelle assemble able in elementari comLARGE HADRON COLLIDER three families: p r e n d e n t i the leptons (elementary particles which include l’elettrone, il muone, il tauone e i loro corrisponthe electron, the muon, the tau and their denti neutrini); i quark e le particelle mediatrici corresponding neutrins); the quarks and the (gravitone, fotone, gluone, mesoni e vettori bosomediating particles (graviton, photon, gluon, ni intermedi). meson and intermediate boson vectors). Even if this model seems very detailed, it has Anche se questo modello sembra molto dettasome imperfections. In fact, it can only link the gliato, esso presenta alcuni difetti. Infatti, riesce a electromagnetic force with the weak nuclear unificare soforce. Scientists are trying to include that strong lamente la nuclear force through some experiments, but forza elettrothey aren’t able to insert the gravity force, magnetica because they have not found its mediating con quella particle (the graviton). nucleare deThis model suggests that the particles have all bole. Si sta the same speed of the light, property that really cercando di isn’t noticed, therefore they suppose the presence includere of an other kin of particle, called Higgs’s boson, quella nuclenot yet proved experimentally, but that they are forte atexpect to find it out in the Large Hadrons traverso alcuCollider, in Genève. ni esperimenAnother modern much accredited theory is the ti, ma non si theory of the laces, which suggest that all the riesce a inseTHEORY OF THE LACES elementary particles are composed by equal laces rire la forza epm 29 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology or strings, gravitazionale, with the only anche perché difference in non è stata indithe kind of viduata la sua vibration, particella mediawhich defines trice (il gravitothe properties ne). to the particle itself. The Questo movibration dello prevede doesn’t take che le particelle place in a abbiano tutte la CLASSIC ATOMIC MODEL t h r e e velocità della MODELLO ATOMICO CLASSICO dimensional luce, proprietà kind of space, but can also arrive to nine che realmente non viene riscontrata, quindi si ipotizdimensions, plus the time dimension. There are za la presenza di un altro tipo di particella, detta bosome other slightly different theories, though. sone di Higgs, ancora non rilevata sperimentalmenNowadays these theories aren’t considered te, ma che viene ricercata soprattutto nel Large Haconvincing and are object of many doubts. dron Collider (LHC) a Ginevra. The models always come from the intuition of some scientists and are considered valid so far as they are able to explain the observed phenomena. When later, because of other discoveries, they are no longer satisfactory, the model is elaborated again, sometimes even radically as the case of the passage from the classic physics to the quantum physics, so that it is nearer to the new reality. No model can therefore be considered final and the new continuous discoveries demand the formulation of more and more complex models. Un’altra teoria moderna molto accreditata è la teoria delle stringhe, la quale sostiene che tutte le particelle elementari sono costituite da cordicelle o stringhe tutte uguali, con la sola differenza nel tipo di vibrazione, che definisce le proprietà della particella stessa. La vibrazione non avviene in uno spazio di tipo tridimensionale, ma può arrivare anche a nove dimensioni, più quella temporale. All’interno di questa teoria ce ne sono altre leggermente differenti tra di loro. Attualmente queste teorie non sono considerate convincenti e sono oggetto di molti dubbi. Bibliography La struttura dell’atomo agli inizi del ‘900: Rutherford – Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei, Dolo, Riccardo Canonizzo, 22/12/2007, http:// galilei-dolo.provincia.venezia.it/2006_2007/ Energia%20Nucleare/NSEN_La% 20struttura%20dell'atomo%20agli% 2 0 i n i z i % 2 0 d e l % 2 0 9 0 0 % 20Rutherford_1.htm Struttura dell’atomo: cenni storici, Università de- I modelli nascono sempre dalle intuizioni di alcuni scienziati e vengono considerati validi fino a che sono in grado di spiegare i fenomeni osservati. Quando poi, alla luce di altre scoperte, essi non sono più soddisfacenti, si rielabora il modello, a volte anche radicalmente, come nel caso del passaggio dalla fisica classica a quella quantistica, rendendolo in grado di rispecchiare la realtà. Nessun modello può dirsi, quindi, definitivo e le nuove continue scoperte richiedono la formulazione di modelli sempre più epm 30 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology gli studi, Messina, Antonino Giannetto, 19/12/2007, http://ww2.unime.it/cclchim/ generale/atomo/atomo.htm Modello atomico, Evoluzione, Liceo Statale, Volterra, Enrico Giachè, 19/12/2007, www.liceovolterra.it/giache/ ModelloAtomico_Evoluzione.pdf Dai primi modelli atomici, Paolo C. Corigliano, 19/11/2007, www.profcorigliano.it/ DOWNLOAD/EVOLUZIONE% 20MODELLI%20ATOMICI.pdf Modelli atomici, INFN, Bari, M. Bonifacio, C. D’Aponte, M. T. De Bellis, R. Del Vecchio, R. Pannarale, http://oldserver.ba.infn.it/ ~garuccio/didattica/SSIS_03_04/ modatomici.pdf Dall’atomo ai quark, ISISS Carlo Anti, Villafranca, Alfio Pennisi, Andrea Bernardelli, Daniele Di Giovine e Marco Scapinello, 30/05/2001, www.carloanti.it/preside/news/ infinitamentepiccolo/L'atomop11.htm Da Democrito a Schrodinger, Liceo N. Copernico, Bologna, 14/12/2007, www.copernico.bo.it/ subwww/weboriana/filehtml/ le__varie_rappresentazioni__dell.htm La struttura dell’atomo, Università agli studi, Firenze, P. Vanni, 06/05/2005, www.scibio.unifi.it/ lezioni/atomo.html L’atomo dal rinascimento alla meccanica quantistica, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici del CNR, Pisa, Giovanni Villani, Liberato Cardellini, http://wwwcsi.unian.it/educa/filoscien/ atomormq.html La teoria quantistica, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, www.infn.it/multimedia/particle/ paitaliano/history/quantumt.html Il sapere attuale, il Modello Standard 1964 – 1998, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, www.infn.it/multimedia/particle/paitaliano/ history/smt.html Introduzione alla fisica delle particelle ed al modello standard, INFN, Pisa, Giorgio Chiarelli, 16/03/2006, www.df.unipi.it/~guada/PLSF/ epm complessi. Iconography Democritus, La filosofia e suoi eroi, www.filosofico.net/democ.html Thomson’s model, ISISS Carlo Anti, Villafranca, 30/05/2001, www.carloanti.it/preside/news/ infinitamentepiccolo/L'atomop07.htm Rutherford’s Experiment and Classic Atomic Model, Liceo Artistico, Venezia, S. Marziali, http://las.provincia.venezia.it/discscien/ chimica/lucecoloriipert1/rutherford.htm Rutherford’s Atom and Theory of Laces, , Astronomia.com, Buchi Neri, Il paradosso dell’informazione, pubblicato in: Astrofisica, 21/06/2007 ,Gabriella Bernardi, www.astronomia.com/2007/06/21/buchineri-il-paradosso-dellinformazione Niels Bohr, S.M.S., E. Filippini, Cattolica, S.M.S. A. Serpieri, S. Giovanni in Marignano, www.cattolica.info/cultura/fisica/biblioteca/ personaggi/bohr.htm Bohr’s Atomic Model, Answers.com technology, Introduction to quantum mechanics, www.answers.com/topic/introduction-toquantum-mechanics?cat=technology Werner Heisenberg, Stefano Pasini, 24/12/2007, www.stefanopasini.it/Aurora-Dramatis_% 20Personae.htm Strong Nuclear Force, http:// knightstrife.altervista.org/Pagine/ Forza_Forte.htm Particelle elementari, Irene Amodei e Marco Del Mastro, Borborigmi di un fisico renitente, 23/01/2007, www.bivacco.net/ marco/2007/01/23/il-bosone-di-higgsspiegato-a-oliver Large Hadron Collider, Il CERN, 50 anni di ricerca in fisica dal Dipartimento di Fisica, Roma Tre, 24/11/2007, http://xoomer.alice.it/ 31 epm 14 16 Ioakeimidou Erato Exintara Evagelia Experimental School of University of Macedonia Thessaloniki, Greece [email protected] MEDICINE IN ANCIENT EGYPT ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΑΙΓΥΠΤΟ Introduction Modern medicine owes a lot to the Ancient Egyptians. In the beginning man could not explain all that happened around him so he attributed it to supernatural powers. He thought diseases were caused by evil spirits or were a punishment coming from a divinity. So physicians were simultaneously both priests and magicians. Εισαγωγη Η Σύγχρονη Ιατρική οφείλει πολλά στους αρχαίους Αιγυπτίους. Στην αρχή, επειδή ο άνθρωπος δεν µπορούσε να εξηγήσει όλα όσα του συνέβαιναν, άρχισε να τα αποδίδει σε υπερφυσικές δυνάµεις. Οι αρρώστιες θεωρήθηκαν έργα κακών πνευµάτων ή τιµωρία από µια θεότητα. Έτσι, οι γιατροί ήταν συγχρόνως και ιερείς και µάγοι. Αυτές οι ιδέες επικρατούσαν σε όλους τους λαούς της αρχαιότητας. Στην αρχαία Αίγυπτο ο θεραπευτής θεός ήταν η θεά Ίσιδα, στην αρχαία Ελλάδα ο Ασκληπιός, στη Φοινίκη ο Εσµούν. Ο Imhotep, ο γνωστότερος αιγύπτιος παθολόγος ήταν αστρονόµος και αρχιτέκτονας. Ο Imhotep λατρεύτηκε ως θεός της Θεραπείας και της Ιατρικής. Το άγαλµα του σήµερα βρίσκεται στη Στοά των Αθανάτων στο ∆ιεθνές Κολέγιο Χειρουργικής του Σικάγου. Η Peseshet ήταν η γηραιότερη γυναίκα γιατρός στον κόσµο, έζησε κατά την διάρκεια της 4ης δυναστείας. THE PREPARATION OF THE MUMMY FOR THE NEXT LIFE (DEPICTION ON PAPYRUS) ΠΡΟΕΤΟΙΜΑΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ «ΜΟΥΜΙΑΣ» ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΛΛΗ ΖΩΗ (ΑΠΕΙΚΟΝΙΣΗ ΣΕ ΠΑΠΥΡΟ) These ideas were shared by all populations in ancient times. For example in ancient Egypt Isis was thought to be the healing god, in ancient Greece Asclepion, and for the Phoenicians it was Esmun. Imhotep, the most famous physician in Egypt was an astronomer and an architect as well. Imhotep was worshipped as the god of Healing and medicine. His statue stands today in the Hall of Immortals at the International College of Surgeons in Chicago. Peseshet was the earliest female physician in the world, practicing during the 4th dynasty. epm Η Ιατρικη Επιστηµη Μεσα Απο Τους Παπυρους Τα περισσότερα που γνωρίζουµε για την ιατρική επιστήµη στην αρχαία Αίγυπτο προέρχονται από ντοκουµέντα που έχουν γράψει οι γιατροί-ιερείς. Αυτά τα ντοκουµέντα βασίζονται σε προϊστορικές πρακτικές. Οι αποκρυπτογραφήσεις των παπύρων µας δείχνουν ότι οι Αιγύπτιοι γνώριζαν πολλά για την ιατρική. Μας πληροφορούν για τις θεωρίες κάποιων ασθενειών, ενώ πραγµατοποιούσαν επεµβάσεις για να αφαιρέσουν κύστεις και όγκους. Πολλές από τις πρακτικές που χρησιµοποιούσαν οι Αιγύπτιοι τις ακολουθούµε κι 32 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology εµείς σήµερα. π.χ. απευθείας πίεση πάνω στο τραύµα ώστε να σταµατήσει η αιµορραγία. Ο παλαιότερος πάπυρος που έχει ανακαλυφθεί µέχρι σήµερα είναι ο πάπυρος THE PREPARATION OF THE MUMMY FOR THE NEXT LIFE (DEPICTION ON PAPYRUS) τ ο υ K a h u n , ΠΡΟΕΤΟΙΜΑΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ «ΜΟΥΜΙΑΣ» ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΛΛΗ ΖΩΗ (ΑΠΕΙΚΟΝΙΣΗ ΣΕ ΠΑΠΥΡΟ) χρονολογείται το 1852 π.Χ. Αναφέρεται σε µεθόδους και διαγνώσεις Medical Papyruses αναπαραγωγής, εγκυµοσύνης, για το φύλο του Most of what we nowadays know about εµβρύου, για οδοντιατρικά προβλήµατα κατά την Egyptian medicine comes from a variety of διάρκεια της κύησης, σε γυναικείες ασθένειες, σε medical documents written by these physicianσυνδυασµούς φαρµάκων για την αντιµετώπιση priests. These documents are based on prehistoric τους, σε κρέµες για κολπικές χρήσεις. practices. The deciphering of these papyruses Οι γνωστότεροι πάπυροι είναι του: Edwin shows us that the Egyptians knew a lot about Smith, χρονολογείται το 1600 π.Χ. και του Ebers, medicine. They inform us of treatments to χρονολογείται το 3000 π.Χ. diseases and how they performed surgical operations to remove cysts and cancer. Ο πάπυρος του Edwin Smith έχει µήκος 5 µ. Many of the ancient procedures the Egyptians Περιγράφει 48 χειρουργικές περιπτώσεις used are still in use today. For example: using τραυµάτων του κεφαλιού, του λαιµού, των ώµων pressure directly on the wound to stop the και του θώρακα. Φαίνεται πως υπήρχε µια bleeding. τεράστια εµπειρία σε σπασίµατα η οποία The oldest as yet discovered papyrus is the αποκτήθηκε σε έναν τόπο όπου τα ατυχήµατα Kahun Gynaecology Papyrus, dated back to 1825 ήταν υπερβολικά πολυάριθµα, όπως κατά την BC. It describes methods of diagnosing διάρκεια του pregnancy, diagnosing sex of the fetus, toothache χτισίµατος των problems during pregnancy, gynaecological πυραµίδων. illnesses and the combination of drugs to cure Ο πάπυρος του them such as pastes and vaginal applications. Eber είναι ένα The most famous papyruses are the Edwin τεράστιο ρολό Smith Papyrus (1600 BC) and the Ebers Papyrus µήκους 20m και (3000 BC). The Edwin Smith Papyrus is 5 πλάτους 30cm. meters long. It describes 48 surgical cases of Περιγράφει head, neck, shoulder, breast and chest wounds. It BRAIN REMOVAL THROUGH παθήσεις των contains a vast experience in fractures that can THE NOSE BEFORE µατιών, του only be acquired at a site where accidents are MUMMIFICATION δέρµατος, των AΦΑΙΡΕΣΗ ΕΓΚΕΦΑΛΟΥ extremely common such as during the building of ΤΗ ΜΥΤΗ ΠΡΙΝ ΤΗ ά κ ρ ω ν , ΑΠΟ the pyramids. ΜΟΥΜΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ γυναικολογικές και The Ebers Papyrus is a huge roll, more than epm 33 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology ορισµένες χειρουργικές 20 meters long and 30 cm επεµβάσεις. Συµπεριλαµβάνει wide. It describes diseases of ανατοµική και φυσιολογική the eye, skin, extremities, ορολογία. gynaecology and some surgical Απαριθµεί για αυτές τις diseases. παθήσεις 877 ιατρικές Anatomical and συνταγές και 400 φάρµακα. physiological terminology are Οι αρχαίοι Αιγύπτιοι also included. For the treatment µελέτησαν την ανατοµία του of these diseases, 877 recipes κεφαλιού και του εγκεφάλου. and 400 drugs were described. The ancient Egyptians had Στον πάπυρο του Eber also studied the anatomy of the περιγράφεται µε ακρίβεια η THE SO CALLED CANOPIC VESSELS WHERE θέση της καρδιάς και head and the brain. THE INNER ORGANS WERE PLACED BEFORE α ν α φ έ ρ ονται ορισµένες The Ebers Papyrus MUMMIFICATION TΑ ΛΕΓΟΜΕΝΑ ΚΑΝΩΠΙΚΑ ΑΓΓΕΙΑ ΟΠΟΥ διαταραχές της, όπως οι precisely describes the position ΤΟΠΟΘΕΤΟΥΣΑΝ ΤΟ ΚΑΘΕΝΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΑ of the heart and illustrates some ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΑ πτώσεις ΟΡΓΑΝΑ ΤΟΥ ΝΕΚΡΟΥ ΠΡΙΝ ΤΗ of its disorders such as dropped τ ω ν ΜΟΥΜΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ heart beats. They also knew παλµών. that blood supply runs from the heart to all organs Γνώριζαν την κυκλοφορία of the body. Due to the examination of the του αίµατος, κι ότι η καρδιά embalming bodies we can conclude that they also προµηθεύει το αίµα σ’ όλα knew about tuberculosis, arteriosclerosis, measles, τα όργανα του σώµατος. arthritis, epilepsy, tumors, headaches, stomach Από την εξέταση των upsets, skin diseases, leprosy and pneumonia. ταριχευµένων σωµάτων Drugs of different sources were used. Mineral, συµπεραίνουµε ότι γνώριζαν as zinc was used especially in eye and skin την φυµατίωση, την ointments. Animal products, as ox meat, liver as αρτηριοσκλήρωση, την well as more than 160 plants (many still in use) ευλογιά, τα αρθριτικά, την were used in the form of pills, powders or επιληψία, τους όγκους, τους suppositories. πονοκεφάλους, τις Among the common plants used were στοµαχικές διαταραχές, τις sycamore, castor oil, acacia gum, mint, garlic and δερµατικές παθήσεις, τη onion. Yeast was used for indigestion and λέπρα και την πνευµονία. externally for leg ulcers. The dosage was adjusted Χρησιµοποιούσαν to the patients' age. They also used alternative διαφορετικά φάρµακα όπως medicine like physiotherapy, heliotherapy, µέταλλα π.χ. hydrotherapy. In the Kalup Papyrus treatments τον ψευδάργυρο στις with mud and clay are described. αλοιφές για τα µάτια και το δέρµα, ζωικά προϊόντα, όπως AN EGYPTIAN MUMMY βοδινό κρέας, συκώτι και Mummification ΜΙΑ ΑΙΓΥΠΤΙΑΚΗ The Egyptians knew the human anatomy and περισσότερα από 160 φυτά ΜΟΥΜΙΑ healing very well mostly due to the extensive (πολλά από τα οποία epm 34 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology mummification ceremonies. These involved removing most of the internal organs including the brain, lungs, pancreas, liver, spleen, heart and intestine. The Mummification process was 70 days long. During this period the body was treated by THE WRAPPING OF THE BODY ‘TILL THE CREATION OF THE MUMMY ΤΟ ΤΥΛΙΓΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΜΑΤΟΣ ΜΕΧΡΙ ΤΗ ∆ΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΟΥΜΙΑΣ priests and experts. The Mummification laboratory was called The house of energy. The definition of the word embalming means give back the full health. The last words of the ceremony go back to life, go back to life forever, to be young again forever. χρησιµοποιούνται και σήµερα). Τα χρησιµοποιούσαν ως χάπια, σκόνες και υπόθετα. Ανάµεσα στα πιο συνηθισµένα φυτά ήταν η συκοµουριά, το ρετσινόλαδο, κόµµι ακακίας, µέντα, σκόρδο και κρεµµύδια. Τη µαγιά την χρησιµοποιούσαν για την δυσπεψία και τις εξωτερικές πληγές των ποδιών. Η δοσολογία ήταν προσαρµοσµένη στην ηλικία του ασθενούς. Χρησιµοποιούσαν και τις εναλλακτικές θεραπείες όπως φυσιοθεραπεία, ηλιοθεραπεία, υδροθεραπεία. Στον πάπυρο του Kalup αναφέρονται θεραπείες µε λάσπη και πηλό. Μουµιοποιηση Οι Αιγύπτιοι γνώριζαν πολύ καλά την ανατοµία του ανθρώπινου σώµατος και θεραπείας του χάρη στις εκτεταµένες τελετές της µουµιοποίησης. Πραγµατοποιούσαν περίπλοκες αφαιρέσεις των εσωτερικών οργάνων συµπεριλαµβανοµένων του εγκεφάλου, των πνευµόνων, του παγκρέατος, του συκωτιού, της σπλήνας, της καρδιάς και των εντέρων. Η διαδικασία της µουµιοποίησης διαρκούσε 70 ηµέρες. Σ’ αυτό το διάστηµα το σώµα αναλάµβαναν ιερείς και τεχνικοί. Το εργαστήρι της µουµιοποίησης ονοµαζόταν Το σπίτι της Ζωτικότητας. Η τελευταία φράση της τελετής ήταν Ξαναζείς, ξαναζείς για πάντα, να είσαι πάλι νέος για πάντα. The role of Egyptian Medicine in History Egyptian physicians based their treatments on THE SO CALLED CANOPIC VESSELS WHERE THE INNER ORGANS WERE PLACED BEFORE MUMMIFICATION TΑ ΛΕΓΟΜΕΝΑ «ΚΑΝΩΠΙΚΑ» ΑΓΓΕΙΑ ΟΠΟΥ ΤΟΠΟΘΕΤΟΥΣΑΝ ΤΟ ΚΑΘΕΝΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΑ ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΑ ΟΡΓΑΝΑ ΤΟΥ ΝΕΚΡΟΥ ΠΡΙΝ ΤΗ ΜΟΥΜΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ epm THE BODY AFTER THE REMOVAL OF THE ORGANS TO ΣΩΜΑ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΦΑΙΡΕΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΝ 35 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology examination, followed by diagnosis. Descriptions of the examination the most demanding part of a physician’s job, was lengthier both than the diagnosis and the recommended treatment. Ancient Egyptian pharmacopoeia and many medical practices were ineffective, if not downright poisonous: e.g. excrement used in medicines would only in the rarest of cases prove to be wholesome, and if applied as wound dressing it may cause tetanus poisoning, yet dung continued to be used in Europe until the Middle Ages. The reliance on magic and faith surely retarded the development of more rational views of the causes of diseases and their cures. Egyptian theories and practices influenced the Greek, who passed on information to many of the physicians in the Roman Empire and through them Arab and European medical thinking for centuries to come. Bibliography Λαοί της Ανατολής, Βασίλης Κυριακίδης, εκδ. Β. Κυριακίδης, 2001; Κρανιοεγκεφαλικές κακώσεις σε ενήλικες, Συγκούνας. Aθήνα, 1996; ∆ιαδίκτυο: Η ιατρική στην Αίγυπτο; www.nea-acropoli.gr Ο Ρολος Της Αιγυπτιακης Ιατρικης Στην Ιστορια Οι Αιγύπτιοι γιατροί είχαν ως βάση της θεραπείας τους την εξέταση και ύστερα ακολουθούσε η διάγνωση.Η αρχαία αιγυπτιακή φαρµακολογία και πολλές ιατρικές πρακτικές ήταν αναποτελεσµατικές, εάν όχι ολοφάνερα δηλητηριάσεις π.χ. τα περιττώµατα σε σπάνιες περιπτώσεις µπορούν να είναι ωφέλιµα και εάν επαλειφθούν πάνω σε τραύµατα µπορεί να προκαλέσουν τέτανο. Η κοπριά συνεχίστηκε να χρησιµοποιείται στην Ευρώπη µέχρι το Μεσαίωνα. Η εµπιστοσύνη στη µαγεία και την πίστη, πρέπει να επηρέασε την εξέλιξη για πιο δραστικές θεραπείες ή τις αιτίες που προκαλούν τις ασθένειες. Οι αιγυπτιακές θεωρίες και πρακτικές επηρέασαν τους Έλληνες, οι οποίοι εφοδίασαν µε πληροφορίες τους γιατρούς της Ρωµαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας και διαµέσου αυτών τους Άραβες και την Ευρωπαϊκή ιατρική σκέψη για τους µελλοντικούς αιώνες. Iconography www.ancientegypt.co.uk/mummies/story/ main.html THE MUMMIFICATION PROCESS ∆ΙΑ∆ΙΚΑΣΙΑ ΜΟΥΜΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΣ epm 36 epm 14 16 Claudio Arena Liceo Statale “Enrico Boggio Lera” Via Vittorio Emanuele 346, Catania, Italy www.liceoboggiolera.it [email protected] BLACK HOLES I BUCHI NERI The term Black Hole has only recently been coined. It was first used in 1969 by the physicist John Wheeler and described effectively a twocentury old idea. The studies began in 1783, when John Mitchell, one of the great forgotten scientists of the XVIII century published an essay in The Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London where he stated that a star with a large mass and density would present such a gravity as to prevent light from getting out. A beam of light emitted from the surface of this star would be drawn back by the star gravitational attraction. Mitchell understood that a great lot of stars with such characteristics could exist. His great intuition was to imagine that the light leaves a star as we consider it a rocket leaving the surface of the planet. To completely escape Earth’s gravitational attraction and travel through space, a rocket needs a 11/Km/sec velocity n upwards, that is to say, more than the terrestrial gravity attracts it downwards. Mitchell knew nothing about rockets on the moon but he did know that, theoretically a largest star could exert a gravitational attraction such as to swallow the light rays that travel at the speed of 300,000 Km/s. John Mitchell calculated that in a celestial a body with a big mass the gravity would be such as to prevent light to escape from its surface, and theorized that an object with the bigger mass than the universe could be invisible. In 1795, the great French mathematician Pierre Simon de Laplace calculated that light could not have got out of quite massive bodies, the dark bodies as he called them. However, it was only in 1939 that scientists found out that Black Holes could really exist, and in the atomic era it finally became known how a black hole is formed. In 1939 J. Robert Oppenheimer and a student of his, Hartland Snyder, showed that a cold, big mass star is bound to collapse indefinitely, thus becoming a Black Hole. Oppenheimer and Snyder’s work, which came out almost contemporarily to Oppenheimer-Volkoff’s epm REPRESENTATION OF A BLACK HOLE RAPPRESENTAZIONE DI UN BUCO NERO Il termine buco nero (black hole) è stato coniato solo di recente. Esso fu creato nel 1969 dal fisico John Wheeler. Questo termine descriveva efficacemente un’idea di almeno due secoli prima. Gli studi sui buchi neri ebbero inizio nel 1783, quando John Michell, uno dei grandi scienziati dimenticati del XVIII secolo, pubblicò nelle Philosophical transactions of the Royal 37 MAIN PHASES OF STAR EVOLUTION FASI PRINCIPALI DELL’EVOLUZIONE STELLARE epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology IMAGE OF THE DUST DISC SURROUNDING THE BLACK HOLE INSIDE THE SPIRAL GALAXY NGC 4261 IMMAGINE DEL DISCO DI POLVERE ATTORNO AL BUCO NERO (CENTRO DELLA GALASSIA A SPIRALE NGC 4261) about neutron stars, drew the same conclusions: black holes could exist. They could be real objects, not only mathematic games of people sharing an interest in Einstein’s theory. In the Sixties, when Einstein’s theory of general relativity came back in fashion, black holes were thoroughly studied and their features clarified in detail. Furthermore, in the mid-sixties, scientists calculated that there can’t be stable dead stars bigger than three solar masses and as we commonly observe stars (not yet collapsed) which have much bigger masses, astrophysicists have taken into serious consideration the idea that black holes are scattered about in the cosmic space. To completely understand how a black hole is generated, men have had to wait and live the atomic era, when scientists began to comprehend what happens inside a star. A star is composed of three main parts: the visible surface, called photosphere, epm Society of London un saggio in cui precisava che una stella di massa e densità abbastanza grandi avrebbe avuto una gravità tale che la luce non avrebbe potuto uscirne. Un raggio di luce emesso dalla superficie della stella sarebbe stato trascinato all’indietro dall’attrazione gravitazionale della stella. Michell capì che poteva esistere un gran numero di stelle con queste caratteristiche. La sua grande intuizione fu quella di immaginare la luce che lascia una stella simile a un razzo che lascia la terra. Per sfuggire completamente all’attrazione gravitazionale terrestre e viaggiare nello spazio un razzo ha bisogno di una velocità verso l’alto di 11 km/s, cioè superiore alla forza con cui la gravità lo attrae verso il basso. Michel non sapeva nulla di razzi sulla luna, ma sapeva che in teoria una stella molto grande poteva avere un’attrazione gravitazionale tale da inghiottire i raggi luminosi che viaggiano alla velocità di 300.000 km/s. John Michel calcolò che in un corpo con una massa molto grande la gravità sarebbe tale da impedire alla luce di sfuggire dalla sua superficie e ipotizzò che l’oggetto con la massa più grande dell’universo potrebbe essere invisibile. Nel 1795, il grande matematico francese Pierre Simon de Laplace calcolò che la luce non avrebbe potuto uscire da corpi abbastanza massicci, che chiamò corpi oscuri. 38 BLACK HOLE IN M87 BUCO NERO IN M87 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology Ma si dovette attendere fino al 1939 per provare che i buchi neri potrebbero esistere nella realtà, e l’era atomica per capire bene qual’e il meccanismo alla base della loro formazione. Nel 1939 J: Robert Oppenheimer e un suo studente, Hartland Snyder, mostrarono che una stella fredda e di grande massa deve collassare indefinitamente, diventando un buco nero. il lavoro di Oppenheimer-Snyder, che apparve quasi contemporaneamente all’articolo di Oppenheimer-Volkoff sulle stelle di neutroni, raggiungeva le stesse conclusioni: i buchi neri potevano REPRESENTATION OF A GALAXY esistere. Potevano essere oggetti reali, non solo CONTAINING A BLACK HOLE giochi matematici di persone che si interessavano RAPPRESENTAZIONE DI UNA GALASSIA alla teoria di Einstein. Negli anni Sessanta, CONTENENTE UN BUCO NERO quando la teoria della relatività generale di Einstein tornò di moda, i buchi neri furono intensicounterbalance the mass gravitational push and vamente studiati e furono chiarite in dettaglio le carries out this task exerting a pressure. A star can loro proprietà. Inoltre nella metà degli anni Sesrealize such pressure through the santa gli scienziati calcolarono che non si possonucleus’contorsion: the gas is compressed, heats up no avere stelle morte stabili maggiori di tre masse and generates enough pressure to sustain itself. solari e dato che si osservano comunemente stelThis contraction, however, would provide a star le (non ancora collassate) con masse molto più with energy for only 15 million years, whereas we grandi, gli astrofisici hanno preso in seria consiknow that the Sun is 4.57 billion years old. derazione l’idea che buchi neri si trovino sparsi Therefore, there must be another source of nel cielo. pressure: this source is the thermonuclear fusion. Ma per comprendere appieno come si possa In a star like the Sun, thermonuclear fusion formare un buco nero si deve attendere l’era reaction occurs between two atoms of hydrogen atomica, periodo in cui si cominciò a capire methat generate one of helium. When hydrogen is glio quello che accade all’interno di una stella. over, a star begins to contract. If, during the Una stella è formata da tre parti principali:la contraction temperatures of 108 K are reached, the superficie visibile, chiamata fotosfera;un invireaction of fusion occurs between the Helium luppo gassoso contenente la maggior parte della atoms. As helium fuses, it produces Carbon and massa; un piccolo nucleo centrale. Il nucleo deve Oxygen, Carbon fuses into Neon and Magnesium; combattere la spinta gravitazionale Oxygen into Silicium and Sulfur and Neon, dell’inviluppo. E svolge questo compito eserciMagnesium, Sulfur and the rest fuse into a series of tando una pressione. Una reactions (so far only partly stella può ottenere questa understood) to generate Iron. pressione dalla compressioFrom iron no other reaction ne del nucleo:il gas viene takes place, and so the nucleus compresso, si riscalda e gestarts to contract. If the star is nera pressione sufficiente a less than 1.5 solar masses big, sostenersi. Ma la contrazio(one and a half the sun mass) ne darebbe energia a una the matter density itself SPACE-TIME CURVATURE stella come il sole solo per generates enough pressure to CURVATURA DELLO SPAZIO-TEMPO a gas mass containing most of the star mass, and a small c e n t r a l nucleus. The nucleus has t o epm 39 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology sustain the star (degenerating pressure). A white dwarf is born, a super dense star, not bigger than our earth. One of the first dwarfs to be discovered was the one which orbits around Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, a winter sky colossus called Sirius B. This star concentrates a mass close to that of the Sun in a volume nearly equal to the earth’s. It is then extremely dense. One has to imagine that a box of matches full of solar matter would weigh 15 grams, while filled with Sirius B matter would have a weight of 10 tons if it were on the Earth. Instead, if the star features more than 1.5 the solar mass, the degenerating pressure is no more sufficient. The neutrons collapse onto the nucleus and the star becomes a super dense star with a mass equal to the sun enclosed in a sphere with a 20 Km diameter, about the size of New York. There, the matter collapses and becomes so dense that the quantity of matter equal to 1/100th of a pin-head would weigh as much as 24 elephants. A neutron star is born. Yet, if the star features more than 3 solar masses, the collapse is inevitable. The mass of the star gets concentrated in an infinitely small as well as infinitely dense point. Gravity is so high it doesn’t FROM LEFT: WILLIAM HAWKING, MARTIN REES, MICHEAL GRIFFIN (NASA ADMINISTRATOR) DA SINISTRA: WILLIAM HAWKING, MARTIN REES, MI- epm 15 milioni di anni, mentre il sole ha circa 4,57 miliardi di anni. Ci deve essere quindi un'altra fonte di pressione: questa fonte si chiama fusione termonucleare. In una stella come il sole la reazione di fusione termonucleare avviene tra due atomi di idrogeno che ne formano uno di elio. Quando finisce l’idrogeno la stella inizia a contrarsi. Se nella contrazione si raggiungono temperature di 108 K si innesca la reazione di fusione tra atomi di Elio. L’Elio fondendo genera Carbonio e Ossigeno, il Carbonio fonde in Neon e Magnesio; l’Ossigeno in Silicio e Zolfo, e Neon, Magnesio, Zolfo e il resto fondono in una serie di reazioni (capite solo in parte) per formare Ferro. Dal Ferro non avviene più nessuna reazione. E così il nucleo inizia a contrarsi. Se la stella ha meno di 1,5 masse solari (una volta e mezzo la massa del sole) la stessa densità della materia genera pressione in grado di sostenere la stella (pressione di degenerazione). È nata una nana bianca, una stella super densa, non più grande della terra. Una delle prime nane bianche scoperte è stata quella che orbita attorno a Sirio, la stella più luminosa del cielo, colosso del cielo invernale, Sirio B. Questa stella concentra una massa vicina a quella del sole in un volume vicino a quello della terra. È così molto denso. Basti pensare che una scatola di fiammiferi piena di materia solare peserebbe 15 grammi, mentre riempita di materia di Sirio B peserebbe 10 tonnellate, se fosse collocata qui sulla terra. Se la stella ha invece più di 1,5 masse solari la pressione di degenerazione non è più sufficiente. I neutroni collassano sul nucleo e la stella diventa una stella superdensa con la massa del sole racchiusa in una sfera di 20 km di diametro, circa la città di New York. Lì la materia collassa e diventa così densa che una parte di materia grande 1/100 di una capocchia di spillo peserebbe quanto 24 elefanti. È nata una stella di neutroni. Ma se la stella ha più di 3 masse solari il collasso è inevitabile. La massa della stella viene concentrata in un punto infinitamente piccolo e infinitamente denso. La gravità è così forte da non fare uscire 40 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology A GALACTIC BLACK HOLE (REPRESENTATION) UN BUCO NERO GALATTICO (RAPPRESENTAZIONE ARTISTICA) even let the light out; that’s why it looks black: only a black hole is visible in space. However, how a black hole may show up all its power is a matter which Professor William Hawking is closely concerned with. Born exactly 300 years after Galileo Galilei’s death, Hawking has the same professorship as Isaac Newton at Cambridge University. Hawking’s mind moves freely not in Newton’s universe, but in Einsteins’s one. We are used to thinking about gravity – Hawking says – as a force which attracts objects to the earth and the earth to the Sun, but Einstein had the great idea of considering gravity as an effect of the space and time curvature in presence of very big bodies. Einstein understood that nothing can exist in a certain space without existing in a certain time simultaneously. Space and time are linked together to form the flexible frame dimensional structure of the universe: the so-called space-time. Space-time is almost impossible to imagine because our sensory universe is limited to our everyday three-dimension experience. The best way for us to get into Einstein’s universe is to imagine that space and time are like an elastic plan. If space-time were empty, the plan would have absolutely no reliefs, but big bodies like the earth and the sun bend the elastic surface of space-time producing a curve. This curvature represents Einstein’s concept of gravity. epm nemmeno la luce. Per questo appare nera: si vede solo un buco nero nello spazio. Ma come può manifestarsi un buco nero in tutta la sua potenza è una questione che viene studiata approfonditamente dal professor William Hawking. Nato esattamente 300 anni dopo la morte di Galileo, Hawking occupa la stessa cattedra di Newton alla Cambridge University. La mente di Hawking si muove liberamente non nell’universo di Newton, ma in quello di Albert Einstein. Abbiamo l’abitudine di considerare - dice Hawking - la gravità come una forza che attrae gli oggetti verso la terra e questa verso il sole ma Einstein ha avuto la brillante idea di considerare la gravità come un effetto della curvatura dello spazio e del tempo in presenza di corpi molto grandi; egli ha compreso che niente può esistere in un certo spazio senza esistere contemporaneamente in un determinato tempo. La spazio e il tempo sono legati insieme a formare la flessibile struttura quadro dimensionale dell’universo: il cosi detto spazio-tempo. Lo spazio-tempo è quasi impossibile da immaginare, poiché il nostro universo sensoriale è limitato alle tre dimensioni dell’esperienza quotidiana. Per noi il modo più semplice di entrare nell’universo di Einstein è di immaginare che lo spazio e il tempo siano come un piano elastico. Se lo spaziotempo fosse vuoto il piano sarebbe assolutamente privo di rilievi, ma corpi molto grandi come la terra e il sole pieREPRESENTATION OF THE GRO J1677-40 BINARY SYSTEM gano la superRAPPRESENTAZIONE DEL SISTEMA ficie elastica BINARIO GRO J1677-40 41 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology The bigger is the mass of a star or a planet, the deeper is the curvature of space-time around it and consequently the bigger is its gravity. Imagine to launch onto a plan something extremely heavy like a star collapsing on itself and you will find a universe full of holes. While a giant star gets cold as long as it implodes, it bends the space-time around itself more and more. When it reaches a particular critical mass, it will literally create a black hole in the space-time. Objects can precipitate into it but can never get out of it. One of the most brilliant experts of black holes, Phil Charles, looks for them. Phil has found strong signals that show the presence of a black hole in a not far area of our galaxy. As he points out, looking for these objects is an extraordinary way of get ting closer to the borders of modern physics. By day Phil Charles holds lessons of theoretical astrophysics at Oxford university and by night he passes from theory to practice looking for black holes with the biggest telescopes STARS EVOLUTION EVOLUZIONE STELLARE epm REPRESENTATION OF BINARY SYSTEM M33 X-7 RAPPRESENTAZIONE DEL dello spazio-tempo incurvandola. Questa curvatura è il concetto einsteiniano di gravità. Maggiore è la massa di una stella o di un pianeta, più grande è la curvatura dello spazio tempo attorno a essi, e maggiore è quindi la loro gravità. Si immagini di lanciare su piano qualcosa di estremamente pesante come una stella che collassa su se stessa e vi troverete un universo pieno di buchi. Quando una stella gigantesca si raffredda man mano che implode piega sempre di più lo spazio-tempo intorno a sé. Quando raggiungerà un a certa massa critica creerà letteralmente un buco nero nello spazio-tempo. Gli oggetti possono precipitare in esso, ma è impossibile che riescano ad uscirne. Phil Charles, uno dei maggiori studiosi di buchi neri, si dedica a dar loro la caccia. Phil ha trovato forti segnali che indicano la presenza di un buco nero in un’area non lontana della nostra galassia. Come lui stesso dice, cercare questi corpi è un modo straordinario per avvicinarsi ai confini della fisica moderna. Di giorno Phil Charles tiene lezioni di astrofisica teorica alla Oxford University e di notte passa dalla teo- 42 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology on the Earth: Las Palmas and Hawaii in the north hemisphere, in South Africa, Chile and Australia in the southern one. The searchers of black holes exploit the best instruments to peruse the deep space looking for these mysterious objects: from the x-ray satellites and the orbited telescope Hubble, to the best optical or radio-wave telescopes on earth. Black holes cannot be seen by definition since light can’t get out of them. Official science accepted the idea that black holes could exist only in the 90s. Theory tells us that inside black holes all that man knows about the universe and its laws is no longer worth. When a great star dies, it will by all means create a black hole. But how can you possible find an invisible object which may be located hundreds of light years away? With more stars in the sky than sand grains in all the world’s beaches, how is it possible to spot a small black star that swallows light instead of shining like a lighthouse at night? Astronomers do not properly look for black holes, but for the effects they provoke in the surrounding space. Astronomers look for a visible star which may have remained trapped in a black hole’s orbit but this too is not easy to recognize. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack, with the difference that if the needle is not felt there is no hope of finding it. In the 80s the Japanese made a big step ahead in this field by launching the x-ray satellite Ginga, provided with a device able to spot any source of x rays in the universe. In practice, it is x-rays which inform us of the presence of a black hole. In 1989, the satellite Ginga recorded a sudden increase of x-rays in an area not distant from our galaxy. The source of radiation was an invisible object 3,000 light years away around which there seemed to rotate a scarcely brilliant star. Such star SIZE OF THE STARS DIMENSIONI DELLE STELLE epm ria alla pratica cercando buchi neri dai più grandi telescopi della terra: Las palma e Hawaii nell’emisfero settentrionale, in Sudafrica, in Cile e in Australia. I cercatori di buchi SIRIUS A AND SIRIUS B neri utilizzano gli strumenti migliori per scrutare lo spazio profondo alla ricerca di questi oggetti misteriosi: dai satelliti a raggi x e dal telescopio Hubble in orbita ai migliori telescopi ottici e a onde radio sulla terra. I buchi neri per la loro stessa natura non possono essere visti, poiché la luce non riesce a uscirvi. La scienza ufficiale ha accettato l’idea che i buchi neri possono effettivamente esistere solo negli anni Novanta. La teoria ci insegna che all’interno dei buchi neri tutto ciò che sappiamo dell’universo e delle sue leggi non ha più valore. Quando una grande stella muore dovrà per forza dare luogo a un buco nero. Ma come si fa a trovare un oggetto invisibile che potrebbe trovarsi a centinaia di migliaia di anni luce di distanza? Con più stelle nel cielo che granelli di sabbia in tutte le spiagge del mondo, come è possibile trovare una piccola stella nera che inghiotte la luce invece di brillare come un faro nella notte? Gli astronomi non cercano propriamente i buchi neri, ma gli effetti che essi provocano nello spazio circostante. Gli astronomi cercano una stella visibile che può essere rimasta intrappolata nell’orbita di un buco nero ma anche queste non sono facili da riconoscere. È come cercare un ago in un pagliaio, con la differenza che se l’ago non si fa sentire non c’è speranza di trovarlo. Fondamentale fu il lancio negli anni Ottanta da parte dei giapponesi del satellite a raggi x Ginga, dotato di uno strumento in grado di individuare qualunque sorgente di raggi x nell’universo. Sono in pratica i raggi x a informarci della presenza di un buco nero. Nel 1989 il satellite Ginga registrò un improvviso aumento dei raggi x in una regione non lontana della nostra galassia. La sorgente 43 epm EPM 14 16 History of Science and Technology had been classified as Cygnus v404. It was exactly the star the astronomers were looking for. The hypothesis is that the invisible object is a black hole originated from a star, the most common type. According to the theory a black hole like this should have a mass equal to ten of our sun, but with a diameter equal to the city of London. A second type of black holes is less common, being these far bigger than the previous ones, located in the middle of galaxies. A matching analogy of what occurs to Cygnus v404 is with a well built man and a very thin woman. While they rotate, the man hardly shifts whereas the woman counterbalances their weights and moves much faster. Calculations demonstrate that Cygnus v404 completes a total orbit around its partner once every 6.5 days. In order to gain such a high speed, it has to rotate around a body with a remarkable gravitational mass. It has been calculated that the mass of Cygnus v404’s mysterious partner equals four times that of the sun. This means that it is noticeably heavier, as related to theoretical calculations, than a neutron star. Almost surely it is a black hole. This black hole is CYGNUS X-1 (X RAY) CIGNO X-1 (RAGGI X) epm BINARY SYSTEM SISTEMA BINARIO della radiazione era un oggetto invisibile a 3.000 anni luce di distanza dalla terra attorno al quale sembrava ruotare una stella poco luminosa. La stella era stata catalogata come cigno v404. Era proprio la stella che gli astronomi cercavano. L’ipotesi è che l’oggetto invisibile sia un buco nero di origine stellare, il tipo più comune. In base alla teoria un buco nero di questo tipo dovrebbe avere una massa pari a dieci volte quella del nostro sole, ma con il diametro della città di Londra. Meno comune è un secondo tipo di buchi neri, molto più grandi dei precedenti, che si annidano al centro delle galassie. Un’eccellente analogia di quello che succede a cigno v404 è quella di un uomo robusto e di una donna molto gracile. Mentre roteano l’uomo a mala pena si sposta, mentre la donna per bilanciare i loro pesi si sposta molto di più. I calcoli dimostrano che v400 compie un’orbita completa attorno al suo partner misterioso una volta ogni sei giorni e mezzo. Per raggiungere una velocità così alta deve ruotare attorno ad un corpo con una massa gravitazionale notevole. È stato calcolato che la massa del partner misterioso di v404 è pari a quattro volte quella del sole. Ciò significa che è notevolmente più pesante, rispetto a calcoli teorici, di una stella a neutroni. Quasi certamente è un buco nero. Questo buco nero sta guidando v404 in una danza fatale sottraendo gas alla sfortunata stella 44 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology REPRESENTATION OF THE CYGNUS X-1 BINARY SYSTEM RAPPRESENTAZIONE DEL SISTEMA BINARIO CIGNO X-1 per alimentare un grande disco di materia. Queste particelle, avanzando a spirale verso il buco nero, si scaldano e inviano un ultimo segnale a raggi x al mondo esterno. In modo analogo sono stati identificati dagli astronomi una decina di oggetti simili. Uno dei primi fu cigno x1. Su quest’oggetto K. S. Thorne e Stephen William Hawking hanno fatto una scommessa: cigno x1 è un buco nero? William Hawking aveva scommesso di no. Come lui stesso dicequesto non vuol dire che non credevo ai buchi neri. È che avevo bisogno di una sorta di polizza assicurativa. Avevo dedicato molto lavoro ai buchi neri e sarebbe stato solo tempo perso se si fosse scoperto che non esistevano. Almeno avrei avuto la consolazione di vincere la scommessa.quando nel 1974 Hawking e Thorne fecero la scommessa non c’erano prove consistenti, ma col passare degli anni le prove divennero più convincenti e Hawking dovette così pagare la scommessa. Come racconta lo stesso Thorne, nel 1990 Hawking si trovava a Los Angeles e venne nel mio ufficio a fare varie copie di quello che avevo vinto si trattava dell’abbonamento per un anno a Penthouse, con grande disgusto della moglie come racconta Hawking. Questa scommessa scritta a mano su un foglio di carta, è divenuta il simbolo del primo riconoscimento dell’esistenza dei buchi neri da parte della comunità scientifica. driving v404 into a fatal ballet, subtracting gas from the unlucky star to feed a big disc of matter. While advancing spirally towards the black hole, these particles heat up and send a last x-ray signal to the external world. By the same token the astronomers have spotted about ten similar objects. One of the first was cygnus x1. On this object K. S. Thorne and Stephen William Hawking made a bet: is cygnus x1 a black hole? William Hawking had bet it wasn’t. As he points out – this does not mean I did not believe in black holes. It’s just I needed some sort of insurance policy. I had worked a lot on black holes and it would have only been a waste of time had we found out they did not exist. I would at least have had the consolation to win the bet. When, back in 1974, Hawking and Thorne made the bet, there were no positive proofs but as time went by proofs became more convincing and Hawking had to pay the BINARY SYSTEM WITH FORMATION OF A BLACK HOLE bet. As Thorne himself SISTEMA BINARIO CON FORMAZIONE DI UN recounts, in 1990 Hawking BUCO NERO was in Los Angeles and epm 45 Un articolo pubblicato su Nature il 20 ottobre rivela che è stato scoperto un buco nero, nella Galassia del Triangolo (chiamata anche M33 e distante da noi circa tre milioni di anni luce) che orbita intorno a una stella, con un periodo di tre giorni e mezzo. La particolarità di questo corpo (catalogato col nome M33 X-7) è di essere estrema- epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology came to my office to make some copies of what I had won, the yearly subscription to Penthouse, with his wife’s great disappointment –as Hawking says. This handwritten bet on a paper sheet, b e c a m e the GALAXY WITH A BLACK HOLE symbol of the GALASSIA CON BUCO NERO f i r s t acknowledgement of the existence of black holes by the scientific community. An article published on Nature on October 20th reveals that a black hole had been discovered, in the Triangle Galaxy, (also called M33, about 3 million light years far from earth) which orbited around a star with a 3.5 days’ period. The peculiarity of this body (catalogued as M33 X-7) is that it is extremely massive: it is thought to have a mass 15.65 times as much as the sun’s, being so the most massive as yet observed black hole, and also its partner has a quite high mass value (about seventy times as much as our Sun’s). Jeffrey McClintock of HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics of Cambridge, has explained that it is an enormous star that has an enormous black hole as partner. At the end the partner will become a supernova: so there will be a couple of black holes. The data obtained through observations, however, is in contrast with today’s theories concerning black holes, and so Jerome Orosz, of San Diego State University, one of the article’s authors, has maintained that it is this discovery that arouses all sorts of questions about the possibile origins of such a black hole. In fact, a black hole is born from the collapse of a massive star but, in the case of a binary star system, the star with a bigger mass collapses first and turns into a black hole. This did not happen with M33 X-7, because the star which epm mente massiccio: si calcola che abbia una massa pari a 15,65 volte quella del Sole, rendendolo così il buco nero più massiccio finora osservato, e anche la sua compagna ha un valore della massa molto elevato (circa settanta volte la massa del Sole). Jeffrey Mc Clintock dell’HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics di Cambridge, ha spiegato che Si tratta di un’enorme stella che ha come compagno un enorme buco nero. Alla fine, la compagna diventerà una supernova: si avrà così una coppia di buchi neri. I dati ottenuti dalle osservazioni, però, sono in contrasto con le teorie attuali riguardo ai buchi neri, e perciò Jerome Orosz della San Diego State University, uno degli autori dell'articolo, ha affermato che è questa scoperta a far sorgere ogni sorta di domanda circa le possibili origini di un simile buco nero. Infatti, un buco nero nasce dal collasso di una stella massiccia, ma, nel caso di un sistema binario di stelle, collassa per prima in un buco nero la stella avente la massa maggiore. Ciò non è successo nel caso di M33 X-7, poiché la stella che ha poi dato origine al buco nero aveva una massa minore della sua compagna. Inoltre, la stella genitrice avrebbe dovuto anche avere un raggio molto maggiore, superiore addirittura alla distanza attuale dei due corpi celesti, tale che le due stelle avrebbero dovuto condividere parte della loro atmosfera. Sulla base delle conoscenze attuali, questa condizione non dovrebbe permettere di dare vita a un buco nero di massa così elevata, a causa della perdita di materiale gassoso. Lo studio del buco nero appena scoperto potrebbe portare a nuove conoscenze sull'origine dei buchi neri e della loro evoluzione e alla revisione delle teorie attuali. Forse non troveremo mai le risposte, ma almeno sappiamo dove cercarle. Iconography www.scienzaonline.com/astronomia/img/ nascita-buco-nero3g.jpg, scienza online, Guido Donati www.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/spacesci/pictures/ 46 epm 14 16 EPM History of Science and Technology gave origin to the black hole had a smaller mass than its partner. Furthermore, the generating star should also have had a much bigger radius, even superior to the actual distance between the two celestial bodies, such that the two stars would have had to share part of each other’s atmosphere. On the basis of our present knowledge, this status is not likely to give life to such a big-massed black hole, owing to the loss of gas matter. The study of the newly discovered black hole might bring new information about the origin of black holes and their evolution or to reviewing our current theories. Maybe no answers will be given, but at least we shall know where to find them Bibliography Hawking W. Stephen, Dal big bang ai buchi neri, Rizzoli, Milano, 1988; Hawking W. Stephen, Inizio del tempo e fine della fisica, Mondadori, Milano, 1992; Hawking W. Stephen, Buchi neri e universi neonati, Rizzoli, Milano, 1995; Hawking W. Stephen & Roger Penrose, La natura dello spazio e del tempo, Sansoni, Milano, 1996; Kaufmann J. Williams, Le nuove frontiere dell’astronomia, Sansoni, Firenze, 1980; Shipmen B. Harry, Buchi neri, Quasar e universo, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1982; www.pd.astro.it/MOSTRA/NEW/ A3003EVO.HTM, INAF istituto nazionale di astrofisica, Renato Falomo, Daniela Fantinel; www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Missione_Possibile/ SEMOEJD3M5E_0.html, ESA European space agency, Fulvio Drigani; www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/ Biographies/Newton.html, School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences;University of St Andrews, John J O'Connor e Edmund F Robertson; www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2007122, NASA, Brian Dunbar; www.pd.astro.it/MOSTRA/NEW/ A5022RAD.HTM, INAF istituto nazionale di astrofisica, Renato Falomo, Daniela Fantinel; epm blackhole/BH1m.jpg, NASA, Brian Dunbar; www.pd.astro.it/MOSTRA/NEW/IMAGES/ BHOLE1.JPG, osservatorio astronomico di Padova, Renato Falomo; www.astrosurf.com/cosmoweb/documenti/ buchineri.html,astro surf; www.lastronomia.it/News2006/07-2006.htm, L’astronomia, M. Ferrara, F. Oldani, R. Serpilli; www.ivreastrofili.it/Astrofisica/Testi/ Relativit%E0%20generale.htm,gruppo astrofili Eporediesi www.nasa.gov/images/ content/163830main_Hawking_Griffin_Rees .jpg, NASA, Brian Dunbar; http://diamante.uniroma3.it/hipparcos/ BlackHole.jpg, Università degli studi di Roma, Joram Marino; www.scienzagiovane.unibo.it/mortestelle/ neri.html, Università di Bologna, R. Giacomelli. B. Poli; http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2007/ m33x7/m33x7.jpg, osservatorio astronomico di Roma, Marco Castellani; www.pd.astro.it/MOSTRA/ IMAGES/120702.JPG, osservatorio astronomico di Padova, Renato Falomo http://astrolink.mclink.it/ids/lib/nanabi.htm, Astro-link, Stefano Iacus; www.astrosurf.com/cosmoweb/stelle/ evoluzione.html, astro surf; www.castfvg.it/zzz/ids/steneutr.html, circolo astrofili talmassons, Lucio Furlanetto; www.pd.astro.it/MOSTRA/NEW/ EVOL.HTM#stelle6, osservatorio astronomico di Padova, Renato Falomo; www.bo.astro.it/sait/spigolature/ spigo101base.html, osservatorio astrofisica di Bologna, Marco Lolli; www.torinoscienza.it/dossier/apri? obj_id=8864, Torino scienza, Patrizia Picchi, http://diva.mporzio.astro.it/webdiva/News/ news_universo_nov.htm, osservatorio astronomico di Roma, Francesco D’Alessio. 47 epm History of Science and Technology What is What in Astronomy? 1. Earth 2. Jupiter 3. First step 4. Galaxy of Andromeda 5. Hubble 6. Mars 7. Sputnik 8. Omega Centauri B A 9. Saturn 10. Solar System 11. Moon 12. Sun C D E F G H I J K L 1-G, 2-D, 3-F, 4-I, 5-H, 6-L, 7-C, 8-K, 9-J, 10-B, 11-E, 12-A CREATED FOR YOU BY Vangelis Voultsinos Experimental High School of University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece [email protected] epm 48 epm 17 19 Manuele Gangi Liceo Statale “Enrico Boggio Lera” Via Vittorio Emanuele 346, Catania, Italy www.liceoboggiolera.it [email protected] ECLIPSE: A MYSTERY IN THE ANCIENT TIMES ECLISSI: UN MISTERO NELL’ANTICHITÀ The sun has always been Il sole è stato sempre consideconsidered very important for rato molto importante per la vita earthly life because it gives us terrena perché ci dà calore, luce heat, light and, in a certain e, in un certo senso, anche prosense, even protection. Our life tezione. La nostra vita non ci would not exist without the sun. sarebbe senza sole. Possiamo We are certainly able to ben capire, quindi, cosa succeunderstand, therefore, what deva nelle popolazioni antiche happened in the ancient quando il sole, per motivi allora populations when the sun, sconosciuti e misteriosi, scomECLIPSE IN KAYSERI owing to unknown and pariva nel bel mezzo del giorno. ECLISSI A KAYSERI mysterious reasons for those Anche oggi un’eclissi totale di times, disappeared in the middle of the day. Even sole dà delle emozioni molto forti. Io ho avuto la today a total eclipse of sun stirs up some very fortuna di assistere a questo evento nel marzo del strong emotions. I was lucky enough to witness this 2006 in Turchia, in occasione di un Meeting di Eevent in March 2006 in Turkey, on the occasion of PMagazine e devo dire che è stata una delle più bela Meeting of EPMagazine and I must say that it has le esperienze che io abbia mai avuto. Infatti, nel giro been one of the most beautiful experiences I have di pochi minuti tutto è diventato buio, la temperatuever had. In fact, within a few minutes, everything ra è scesa moltissimo e un leggero vento è comparso became dark, temperature fell down many degrees all’improvviso. Non solo mi sono reso conto di and a light wind suddenly appeared. I not only quanto siamo infinitamente piccoli rispetto alla realized how infinitely grandezza dell’universo, small we are in ma anche di come comparison with the quest’ultimo sia veramenbigness of the universe te dinamico. Il primo pobut even how the latter polo che decise di regiis really dynamic. The strare questo meravigliofirst people that decided so evento fu la Cina. Il 22 to record this marvellous ottobre del 2134 a.C. event were Chinese. On scrissero che Il Sole e la 22nd October 2134 B.C. luna non si incontrarono in armonia. they wrote, in fact, that Da questo possiamo The Sun and the moon capire che videro l’evento did not meet in MAP OF KAISERI ECLIPSE come un qualcosa di cataharmony. From this we MAPPA ECLISSE KAYSERI strofico, di estremamente can understand that they epm 49 epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology saw the event like negativo. Questo è ansomething catastrophic che dimostrato dal fatand extremely negative. to che due astronomi, This is also proved by Hi e Ho, furono messi the fact that two a morte perché non astronomers, Hi and riuscirono a prevedere Ho, were put to death l’evento: Qui giacciobecause they didn't no i corpi di Hi e Ho, succeed in foreseeing il cui fato, benché trithe event: Here lie the ste, è risibile; uccisi bodies of Hi and Ho, perché non poterono whose fate, although scorgere l’eclissi che fu invisibile. sad, is laughable; Un'altra testimokilled because they nianza ci arriva could not perceive the dall’antico poeta greco eclipse that was invisible. Another A 1888 IMAGE OF AN ECLIPSE OF THE SUN AND THE MOON Archiloco che con poECLISSI DI SOLE E DI LUNA IN UNA RIPRODUZIONE DEL 1888 chi versi riuscì a detestimony arrives from the ancient Greek poet Archiloco who with a few scrivere, verso la metà del VII secolo a.C., lo stralines succeeded in describing, about the half of the ordinario fenomeno dell’eclisse: Non c’è nulla di VII century B.C., the extraordinary phenomenon of incredibile, nulla di innegabile, nulla di assurdo, the eclipse: there is nothing unbelievable, nothing poiché Zeus padre degli Olimpi fece notte a mezzoundeniable, nothing absurd, since Zeus father of giorno, e del sole splendente smorzò ogni luce. Un the Olimpis turned midday into night and damped freddo timore calò sugli uomini. Inoltre, in molte every light of a shining sun. A cold fear fell on occasioni, le eclissi turbarono così tanto l’animo men. Besides, in a lot of occasions, eclipses have so dell’uomo da far riappacificare intere popolazioni. much disturbed man's mind Un esempio eclatante ci as to make entire arriva dallo storico Erodoto che narra di una guerra populations be reconciled. fra i Lidi e i Medi, due poAn impressive example poli che combatterono inarrives from the historian cessantemente per cinque Herodotus that narrates anni senza arrivare a nessun about a war between the Lydians and the Medes, accordo. two people that fought Lo storico infatti scrive che Mentre essi con pari incessantly for five years without coming to an fortuna proseguivano la agreement. The historian in guerra, nel sesto anno si fact, writes that While they scontrarono e, nel corso della battaglia, il giorno continued the war with ECLIPSE IN PROJECTION all'improvviso diventò notequal fortune, in the sixth ECLISSI IN PROIEZIONE te... I Lidi e i Medi cessayear they clashed and, epm 50 epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology during the battle, unexpectedly the day became rono allora il combattimento e s'adoprarono ennight... The Lydians and the Medes then stopped trambi affinché si facesse fra loro la pace. Questo the fight and they both did their best to make a dir poco originale episodio è molto significativo peace. This original episode is very meaningful perché ci fa capire ancor di più quanto la potenza e because it makes us understand even better, how the il mistero di eventi naturali avesse influenza sulle power and the mystery of inexplicable natural popolazioni. Inoltre l’uomo cercò anche di contrastare questo phenomena had their influence on populations. Hence people tried to oppose this appalling terrificante fenomeno, sviluppando dei rituali caratphenomenon developing some characteristic rituals teristici per ogni cultura che ancora oggi in alcune for every culture, which still today in some parts of parti nel mondo vengono svolti. Per esempio gli anthe world take place. For example the ancient tichi cinesi pensavano che l’eclissi era causata da un Chinese, since they thought the eclipse to be caused drago che divorava il sole e per questo cercavano di by a dragon that devoured the sun, tried to send it scacciarlo e spaventarlo percuotendo tamburi e faaway and to frighten it making a lot of noise playing cendo vibrare nel cielo migliaia di frecce. In Giapdrums and having thousand of arrows vibrate in the pone invece la popolazione copriva i pozzi per evisky. In Japan, the population covered the wells to tare che il veleno proveniente dal cielo oscurato poavoid the poison coming from the darkened sky. tesse inquinare l’acqua e provocare quindi un danno This could pollute water provoking therefore a ancora più grande. Ci furono anche delle credenze e greater damage. There were also some positive spiegazioni positive riguardo le eclissi. Per esempio beliefs and explanations as concerning the eclipses. alcune antiche tribù eschimesi pensavano che il For example some ancient Eschimo tribes think sole e la luna lasciassero il loro posto in cielo per that this phenomenon is due to the divine controllare che sulla terra andasse tutto bene; o anbenevolence. In fact, the sun and the moon, to cora alcune popolazioni nordiche vedevano le eclischeck that on earth everything goes well, leave their si come il congiungimento amoroso tra il sole e la place in the sky. Eclipses were seen, even as the luna. Ma l’uomo, nel corso della storia ha cercato di loving union between the sun and the moon. But dare una spiegazione scientifica a questo straordinario evento. Mentre inizialman, in the course of the mente attribuiva l’eclissi a history has also tried to give a scientific tremende punizioni degli explanation to this Dei o addirittura all’opera extraordinary event. While di draghi, molti filosofi initially he attributed the greci o pensatori degli eclipse to awful ultimi secoli prima di Cripunishments of gods or sto incominciarono a proeven to dragons, many porre alcune ipotesi. InfatGreek philosophers or ti, riuscirono a formulare thinkers of the last tre principali teorie: centuries before Christ • la prima individuava began to propose some come causa la luna, che new hypotheses. In fact, interponendosi tra la terra SUN ECLIPSE they succeeded in e il sole impediva ai raggi ECLISSI DI SOLE formulating three principal solari di raggiungere il epm 51 epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology theories on the origin of the solar eclipse: • the first one identifies as a cause the moon that, interposing between the earth and the sun, prevents the solar rays from reaching our planet leaving it in the dark; • the second one identifies, instead, as a cause some clouds JOHANNES KEPLER present in the universe containing elements that would prevent the combustion; these clouds, would succeed in extinguishing temporarily the sun provoking therefore a total obscuring in proximity; • the third theory identifies finally as a cause a vacant celestial body in the space and able to attract all the bright rays in one point of its surface. But, despite this first attempt of rational explanation, a n e g a t i v e conception of the e c l i p s e s remained always rooted in society, tied up to a divine will and a l s o t o negativeness. Particularly also in the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the modern age people thought t h a t t h e happening of an ANGELO SECCHI e c l i p s e epm nostro pianeta, lasciandolo al buio; • la seconda individuava come causa alcune nubi presenti nell’universo contenenti elementi che avrebbero impedito la combustione; queste nubi, in prossimità del sole, sarebbero riuscite a spegnerlo temporaneamente provocando quindi un oscuramento totale; • la terza teoria, infine, individuava come causa un corpo celeste vacante nello spazio e capace di attirare tutti i raggi luminosi in un solo punto della sua superficie. Ma, nonostante questo primo tentativo di spiegazione razionale, rimase sempre radicata nella società una concezione negativa delle eclissi, legata al volere divino e anche alla negatività. In particolare anche nel medioevo e negli inizi dell’età moderna si pensava che il verificarsi di un eclisse preannunciasse delle sventure. Ed è solo dal XVII secolo che si incominciò a studiare questo fenomeno mettendo da parte miti, paure e legSOLAR CORONA gende tramandaCORONA SOLARE ti da secoli. In particolare Johannes Kepler, in occasione dell’eclissi di sole del 12 ottobre 1605 fu il primo a descrivere l’apparizione della corona solare. Anche l'astronomo reale inglese Edmund Halley, con l’eclissi del 1705 riuscì a fare la stessa osservazione, individuando anche alcune protuberanze. A partire dalla seconda metà dell’800, grazie all’osservazione delle eclissi si fecero importanti scoperte. Infatti, nel 1851 fu costruito il primo dagherrotipo della corona solare e nel 1860 Angelo Secchi e Warren de la Rue riuscirono a fotografarla. Grazie a queste ultime fu possibile dimostrare che le protuberanze non 52 epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology portended evils. And it is only since the XVII century that this phenomenon has been studied, setting apart myths, fears and legends handed down for centuries. Particularly Johannes Kepler, on the occasion of the eclipse of sun of October 12th 1605 was the first one to describe the apparition of the solar crown. Also the royal English astronomer Edmund Halley, with the eclipse of 1705 succeeded in making the same observation also individualizing some prominences. Beginning from the second half of 19th century, thanks to the observation of eclipses, important discoveries were made. In fact, in 1851 the first daguerreotype of the solar crown was made, in 1860 Dry Angel and Warren de the Rue took some photos of the solar crown. Thanks to these pictures it was possible to prove that the prominences are not optical effects but they are part of the solar atmosphere. Finally a new element that was called helium was identified in the sun. In short, even if there are still people that sometimes elaborate absurd theories, we can say that today the eclipse is not a mystery anymore or an event to fear, but only a show not to be lost for the great charm and the load of emotions that it succeeds in transmitting in a few minutes. Iconography Coppermine photo gallery, http:// astroimmagini.uai.it/albums/userpics/10020/ eclisse%20sole%202006%20piccola.jpg, 07.04.2006 Jens Kleemann, www.jenskleemann.de/wissen, Wissens-Quiz , Hamburg, 31.01.2008 John E. Huerta, www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/ hst/scientific-identity/fullsize/SIL14-S00305a.jpg, General Counsel Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 22.07.2003 R. Baglioni, www.astro.unifi.it/gruppi/plasmi/ ricerca/eit_171.gif, Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienza dello Spazio, Firenze, 22.01.2008 Tomaso Belloni, www.brera.inaf.it/hevelius/ epm sono effetti ottici, ma fanno parte dell’atmosfera solare. Infine, si riuscì a individuare nel sole un nuovo elemento che fu chiamato Elio. Insomma possiamo dire che oggi l’eclisse non è più un mistero o un evento da teSOLAR PROMINENCE mere, ma solo PROTUBERANZE SOLARI uno spettacolo da non perdere per il grande fascino e il carico di emozioni che riesce a trasmettere in pochi minuti. Bibliography www.pd.astro.it/eclisse, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Padova, 26.09.2005 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclissi_solare, Wikimedia Foundation, Italy, 30.01.2008 Marco Maura, www.astrofilitrentini.it/attiv/ lavori/eclsol07.html, Associazione Astrofili Trentini, Trento, 21.01.2003 Fred Espenak, http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/ eclipse/eclipse.html, NASA, USA, 15.01.2008 www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse/, 04.01.2006 Fred Espenak, www.mreclipse.com/Special/ SEprimer.html, 14.01.2008 http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/time/ eclipses.html, 10.08.2000 www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/solarsystem/sun/ solareclipse.shtml, BBC, London, 01.02.2008 Mauro dolci, www.te.astro.it/infoservizi/ attivitadivulg/2005eclissesole/ eclisse_sole_05.html, Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania, Teramo, 13.12.2007 F.R. Stephenson, www.dur.ac.uk/Classics/ histos/1998/stephenson.html, Department of Physics, University of Durham, 21.07.1998 53 epm 17 19 Lenia Kokkinoun, Antonis Varvianis, Lina Kexagia Greek Gymnasium Lyceum of Brussels [email protected] FOLLOWING GALILEO FOOTSTEPS ... ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΩΝΤΑΣ ΤΑ ΒΗΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΓΑΛΙΛΑΙΟΥ ... Introduction Εισαγωγή What is the article about? This article is about an effort from a group of students to reproduce in the modern school environment some of the Free Fall experiments that Galileo performed. A METAL BALL’S FREE FALL FROM THE PISA TOWER Η ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΗ ΠΤΩΣΗ ΜΙΑΣ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΙΚΗΣ ΣΦΑΙΡΑΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΝ ΠΥΡΓΟ ΤΗΣ ΠΙΖΑΣ The motivation When we started, we knew about Galileo two things: a) His attitude at the famous trial against his belief that the earth moves around the sun and b) The picture of him performing the Free Fall experiments by dropping objects from the top of the tower of Pisa. Two years ago we were asked to create a website as a team, for our Technology class. We had some trouble finding a subject that would interest all three of us. Then, out of nowhere, Galileo’s life came as an idea. We all agreed for different reasons. I believe we had fun studying Galileo, because that way we didn’t only learn his science theories, but we had the chance to think about the way he lived, trying to prove something that later turned out to be right. Because of this project, we have also epm Το θέµα αυτού του άρθρου? Αυτό το άρθρο αναφέρεται στην προσπάθεια µιας οµάδας µαθητών να πραγµατοποιήσει στο περιβάλλον ενός σύγχρονου σχολείου µερικά από τα πειράµατα ελεύθερης Πτώσης του Γαλιλαίου. Το κίνητρο Οταν αρχίσαµε ξέραµε για το Γαλιλαίο δύο πράγµατα: a) Τη στάση του στην γνωστή δίκη εναντίον του επειδή υποστήριζε τη θεωρία ότι η Γη κινείται γύρω από τον Ηλιο b) Την εικόνα των πειραµάτων Ελεύθερης Πτώσης από τον πύργο της Πίζας. ∆ύο χρόνια πριν, µας ζητήθηκε να κάνουµε µια εργασία στο µάθηµα της Τεχνολογίας, ∆υσκολευτήκαµε στην αρχή να βρούµε θέµα που να ενδιαφέρει και τους τρεις µας και ξαφνικά µας ήρθε η ιδέα να ασχοληθούµε µε τη ζωή του Γαλιλαίου. Συµφωνήσαµε για διαφορετικούς λόγους ο καθένας. Περάσαµε ευχάριστα µελετώντας το Γαλιλαίο γιατί δεν µάθαµε µόνο για τις επιστηµονικές του θεωρίες, αλλά είχαµε την ευκαιρία να γνωρίσουµε για τη ζωή του που την αφιέρωσε στο να αποδείξει κάτι που αργότερα έγινα αποδεκτό. HALVES OF THE SAME METAL BALL FALL FREE. DO THEY MOVE FASTER, SLOWER OR THE SAME? ∆ΥΟ ΙΣΑ ΚΟΜΜΑΤΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΙΚΗΣ ΣΦΑΙΡΑΣ ΠΕΦΤΟΥΝ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΑ. ΚΙΝΟΥΝΤΑΙ ΠΙΟ ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑ, ΠΙΟ ΑΡΓΑ, ΤΟ Ι∆ΙΟ? 54 epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology come to realize how important Galileo’s theories have been for science. We really enjoyed studying his life and we enjoyed even more a Free Fall Motion experiment that we reproduced and saw successfully. The work The first part of the work was to find information about Galileo’s life and his point of view. The work was focused on Galileo’s efforts to find the Free Fall motion laws. GALILEO ΓΑΛΙΛΑΙΟΣ The text is short because it is a part of a web site. In the site the portrait of Galileo and an animation of his experiments (according to the legend from the tower of Pisa) are shown. Galileo’s point of view Even today, after his death 500 years ago, Galileo’s theories and experiments are still taught in schools, puzzling students and teachers. The study of Aristotle’s theory was an important issue in his life. He started trying to verify with experiments the truth in it. According to that theory the speed of a body is the result of an action (force). He fought for his ideas, which was really hard, because Aristotle’s theory was considered the absolute truth at that time. Galileo and the Free Fall Experiments Galileo performed his experiments using slopes. Why not just drop objects? In his book The Two Sciences Galileo, suggests that: ... for a ball rolling down a ramp, the speed at various heights is the same as the speed the ball would have attained (much more quickly!) by just falling vertically from its starting point to that epm Εξ αιτίας της εργασίας αυτής καταλάβαµε επίσης πόσο σπουδαίες ήταν οι θεωρίες του για την επιστήµη. ∆ιασκεδάσαµε µε το σχεδιασµό κι εκτέλαση των πειραµάτων Ελεύθερης Πτώσης. Η εργασία Το πρώτο µέρος της εργασίες ήταν να βρούµε πληροφορίες για τη ζωή και την προσωπικότητα του Γαλιλαίου. Το κύριο κοµµάτι εστιαζόταν στην προσπάθεια του Γαλιλαίου να βρεί τους νόµους της Ελεύθερης Πτώσης. Το κείµενο που γράψαµε ήταν σύντοµο γιατί είναι µέρος ενός δικτυακού τόπου. Βάλαµε επίσης την ARISTOTLE εικόνα του Γαλιλαίου καθώς ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ και µια κινούµενη εικόνα σχετικά µε τα πειράµατα που σύµφωνα µε την παράδοση πραγµατοποίησε στον πύργο της Πίζας (βλ. εικόνες παρακάτω). Η προσωπικότητα του Γαλιλαίου Ακόµα και σήµερα 500 χρόνια µετά το θάνατό του οι θεωρίες του Γαλιλαίου και τα πειράµατά του διδάσκονται στα σχολεία προβληµατίζοντας µαθητές και καθηγητές. Η µελέτη της θεωρίας του Αριστοτέλη αποτέλεσε σηµαντικό παράγοντα στη ζωή του. Αρχισε, προσπαθώντας να αποδείξει την ορθότητα της θεωρίας αυτής πειραµατικά. ∆ηλαδή ότι η ταχύτητα που αποκτά ένα σώµα είναι αποτέλεσµα µιας δράσης (εφαρµοζόµενης δύναµης). Ο Γαλιλαίος αντιλήφθηκε ότι αυτή η παραδοχή ήταν λάθος. ∆εν είναι η ταχύτητα αλλά η επιτάχυνση που οφείλεται στην δράση (δύναµη). Υπερασπίστηκε τις ιδέες του πράγµα πολύ δύσκολο την εποχή εκείνη, επειδή τη θεωρία του Αριστοτέλη θεωρούσαν τότε σαν την απόλυτη αλήθεια. 55 epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology height. But if we make the ramp gentle enough, the motion will be slow enough to measure. One of the main questions was: Do different bodies that Fall Free from the same height r e a c h different velocities? In an attempt to A METAL BALL ROLLING DOWN THE compare the RAMP AND FALLING FROM A HEIGHT H ΜΙΑ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΙΚΗ ΣΦΑΙΡΑ ΚΥΛΑΕΙ ΣΤΟ f i n a l ΚΕΚΛΙΜΕΝΟ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΦΤΕΙ ΑΠΟ ΥΨΟΣ H velocities of different bodies, Galileo let them continue their motion falling down from the bottom of the ramp. He thought to measure the horizontal distance traveled instead of the final velocity (see Picture). He found that: The square of the Velocity is proportional to the initial Height, no matter the mass. Today, it is proven that: Velocity=sqrt(2*Height_of_theSlope*g) The horizontal distance/range of the parabolic motion is proportional to the Velocity: vx=Velocity*cos(angle) x=Velocity*cos(angle)*t The reproduction of Galileo’s experiment The team tried to reproduce the experiment shown on pictures below using two metallic cylinders of the same volume, one solid the other hollow; thus, the cylinders have different mass: the solid is heavier than the hollow. epm Ο Γαλιλαίος και τα Πειράµατα Ελεύθερης Πτώσης Ο Γαλιλαίος πραγµατοποίησε τα πειράµατά του σε κεκλιµένα επίπεδα. Γιατί προτίµησε την κίνηση σε κεκλιµένα αντί να αφήνει απλώς τα σώµατα να πέφτουν ελεύθερα; Στο βιβλίο του «Οι δύο Νέες Επιστήµες» ο Γαλιλαίος γράφει: ... η ταχύτητα µιας σφαίρας που κυλά σε κεκλιµένο επίπεδο σε διάφορα ύψη, είναι η ίδια που θα είχε (αλλά πολύ συντοµώτερα) εάν έπεφτε κατακόρυφα από το ίδιο αρχικό ύψος. Αλλά εάν η κλίση του επιπέδου είναι µικρή τότε η κίνηση θα είναι αρκετά αργή ώστε να µπορέσουµε να πάρουµε µετρήσεις. Μία βασική ερώτηση ήταν: ∆ιαφορετικά σώµατα που πέφτουν από το ίδιο ύψος αποκτούν διαφορετικές ταχύτητες; Σε µια προσπάθεια να συγκρίνει ταχύτητες, ο Γαλιλαίος αφησε σώµατα διαφορετικής µάζας να κυλήσουν στο κεκλιµένο επίπεδο. Στη βάση του κεκλιµένου τα σώµατα είχαν αποκτήσει µια ταχύτητα και έπεφταν σε παραβολικές τροχιές. Μπορούσε να µετρήσει την οριζόντια απόσταση, που θεώρησε ότι ήταν ανάλογη της ταχύτητας στη βάση του κεκλιµένου (βλ. Εικόνα ). Βρήκε ότι: Το τετράγωνο της Ταχύτητας είναι ανάλογο του αρχικού Υψους ανεξάρτητα από τη µάζα. Σήµερα ξέρουµε ότι: Ταχύτητα=sqrt(2*Υψους_Κλίσης*g) Η οριζόντια απόσταση της παραβολικής τροχιάς είναι ανάλογη της Ταχύτητας: vx=Ταχύτητα*cos(angle) x=Ταχύτητα*cos(angle)*t THE TWO NEW SCIENCES ΟΙ ∆ΥΟ ΝΕΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΕΣ 56 Η µεταφορά των πειραµάτων του Γαλιλαίου στο σχολικό εργαστήριο Η οµάδα πραγµατοποίησε τα πειράµατα που απεικονίζονται παρακάτω. Αφήσαµε να κυκήσουν από το ίδιο ύψος δυό µεταλλικοί κύλινδροι, ένα συµπαγή και ένα µη epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology 1. Calculated: vx=1.25 m/s, t=0.4 s x=0.5 m Measured: x=0.39 m δυµπαγή (κούφιο) του ίδιου όγκου και διαφορετικής µάζας. 2. Calculated: vx=1.25 m/s, t=0.4 s x=0.5 m Measured: x=0.35 m 1. Υπολογισµοί: vx=1.25 m/s, t=0.4 s x=0.5 m Μέτρηση: x=0.39 m 3. Calculated: vx=1.25 m/s, t=0.4 s x=0.5 m Measured: x=0.35 m 2. Υπολογισµοί: vx=1.25 m/s, t=0.4 s x=0.5 m Μέτρηση: x=0.35 m 4. Calculated: vx=1.72 m/s, t=0.5 s x=0.7 m Measured: x=0.53 m 3. Υπολογισµοί: vx=1.72 m/s, t=0.5 s x=0.7 m Μέτρηση: x=0.48 m Conclusion As shown above, the horizontal distance is similar for objects that fall from the same height, no matter their mass. Thus: the final Velocity at the bottom of the ramp is similar for objects that “fall” from the same height h, no matter their mass. 4. Υπολογισµοί: vx=1.72 m/s, t=0.5 s x=0.7 m Μέτρηση: x=0.53 m Today, it is possible to measure the velocities (e.g. using position sensors). Galileo didn’t have the proper measuring devices. He had to think another way. We followed Galileo’s steps and proved that the velocities are similar just measuring the horizontal distances x! No fancy stuff!! No expensive user unfriendly meters! Galileo was really brilliant!!! He taught us epm Συµπέρασµα Οπως φαίνεται από τους υπολογισµούς, οι οριζόντιες αποστάσεις σωµάτων που «πέφτουν» από το ίδιο ύψος είναι παραπλήσιες, ανεξάρτητα 1-HOLLOW CYLINDER ROLLS DOWN FROM INITIAL από τη µάζα. HEIGHT 8 cm Αρα και η τελική 1-ΜΗ ΣΥΜΠΑΓΗΣ ΚΥΛΙΝ∆ΡΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΑΡΧΙΚΟ ΥΨΟΣ 8 cm Ταχύτητα στη βάση του κεκλιµένουείναι η ίδια για σώµατα που «πέφτουν» από το ίδιο ύψος h 2-SOLID CYLINDER ROLLS DOWN FROM INITIAL ανεξάρτητα από τη µάζα HEIGHT 8 cm των σωµάτων. 2-ΣΥΜΠΑΓΗΣ ΚΥΛΙΝ∆ΡΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΑΡΧΙΚΟ ΥΨΟΣ 8 cm Σήµερα µπορούµε να µετρήσουµε τις ταχύτητες (π.χ. µε αισθητήρες θέσης). Ο Γαλιλαίος 3-HOLLOW CYLINDER ROLLS DOWN FROM INITIAL όµως δεν είχε κατάλληλλα HEIGHT 16 cm 3-ΜΗ ΣΥΜΠΑΓΗΣ ΚΥΛΙΝ∆ΡΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΑΡΧΙΚΟ ΥΨΟΣ 16 cm όργανα µέτρησης. Επρεπε να σκεφτεί άλλο τρόπο. Εµείς, ακολουθώντας τα βήµατά του αποδείξαµε ότι οι ταχύτητες είναι 4-SOLID CYLINDER ROLLS DOWN FROM INITIAL ίδιες, µετρώντας µόνο την HEIGHT 16 cm οριζόντια απόσταση x! 4-ΣΥΜΠΑΓΗΣ ΚΥΛΙΝ∆ΡΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΑΡΧΙΚΟ ΥΨΟΣ 16 cm ∆εν χρησιµοποιήσαµε 57 epm 17 19 EPM History of Science and Technology that in Science the only thing you really need is brains!!! The students all over the world would really admire him if they had the chance to learn the methods he used in his experiments!!! Iconography http://users.skynet.be/fb738062 http://alexis.m2osw.com/images/ galileo_person.jpg http://academic.shu.edu/honors/aristotle.jpg http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.edu/ tns_draft/tns_title.jpg www.tate.org.uk/shop/images/prints/stives/ david_nash.jpg περίπλοκα, εντυπωσιακά όργανα κι όµως αποδείξαµε κάτι σηµαντικό! Ο Γαλιλαίος ήταν πράγµατι εκπληκτικός!!! Μας δίδαξε ότι στις Φυσικές Επιστήµες το µόνο που χρειάζεσαι είναι δυνατό µυαλό!!! Οι µαθητές σε όλο τον κόσµο θα τον θαύµαζαν περισσότερο αν είχαν την ευκαιρία να διδαχθούν τις µεθόδους που χρησιµοποίησε για να πραγµατοποιήσει τα πειράµατά του!!! Bibliography www.sec.org.za/physics/p12mAvsG.html http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/catalogo/index.html www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/ galilei_galileo.shtml OUR CLASS Η ΤΑΞΗ ΜΑΣ epm 58 epm Guidelines for Contributors Author(s) of original manuscripts who would like their work to be considered for publication in the European Pupils Magazine are invited to submit their papers as follows: The articles must be written by pupils after their accurate personal or group research. The topic of submitted papers has to be concerned with the History of Science and Technology. Papers may be the result of either personal research or classroom practice in the covered topic. Submitted articles should not have been published or being currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submitting an article with exactly or almost exactly the same content as found in publications of another journal or conference proceedings may result in the refusal of its publication. 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Have a look at the published articles in the multimedia CD and/or in the web-editions www.epmagazine.org or www.liceoboggiolera.it/epm and download a printed issue to see the layout of accepted articles. The more your submitted article differs in layout and formatting, the more it causes delay and extra work. Priority will be given to articles which are expected to interest a broader number of readers. This may particularly be the case when the covered topic corresponds with curricula in the European Countries. In case different submitted articles cover very similar topics, the European Editorial Board will also pay attention to a balanced geographical distribution. We are sorry to say that contributions without a clear scientific content, lack of originality, poor presentation and/or language, cannot be considered for publishing. EPM