Dipartimento di Presidio Fossano Caraglio Direttore Dr. Riccardo Conte “NUTRIZIONE ED INVECCHIAMENTO” Il ruolo dell’invecchiamento fisiologico e patologico sull’assetto nutrizionale Giorgetta Cappa Fossano 26 novembre 2011 The Fight Against Malnutrition has the overall goal to secure that everyone who needs care for disease, old age or handicap receives proper nutritional care. The probem is that nutritional treatment is grossly underutilized in just about every care situation all over Europe. At the individual level malnourished people suffer substantially more from disease than necessary. MALNUTRIZIONE Elementi della definizione Associazione non equilibrata di nutrienti Carenza proteica Stato funzionale Conclusion: This study shows that there is no full agreement among experts on the elements defining and operationalism of malnutrition. The results of this study may fuel the discussion within the nutritional societies, which will most ideally lead to an international consensus on a definition and operationalism of malnutrition. Cachessia Carenza di energia Anoressia Stato cognitivo Diminuzione della massa magra Sarcopenia Alterazioni tissutali, funzionali e cliniche Squilibrio fra introito e richieste Infiammazione Deficit multipli conseguenti a aumentate perdite o alterato assorbimento MALNUTRIZIONE Principali elementi della definizione MISURE 50% - Non concordanza sul cutoff di LOW-BMI (BMI < 18-21 kg/m2) ENERGIA PROTEINE MASSA MAGRA - BMI affidabile indicatore di massa magra solo per valori It is remarkable that only about 50% of the experts emphasized fat-free mass or a comparable measurement of body composition to be most important, because low fat-free mass remains a significant predictor of mortality. molto bassi SARCOPENIA SCARSE PROTEINE PERDITA DI MASSA MAGRA PERDITA DI CAPACITA’ FUNZIONALE PROTEIN INTAKE RDA - WHO Geneva 1985 Optimal protein intake in the elderly. 0.80 g/kg 1.5 g/kg Clin Nutr 2008 Increasing dietary protein requirements in Elderly people for optimal muscle and bone health. 1.6 - 1.8 g/kg (short term) JAGS 2009 Are Elderly Hospitalized Patients Getting Enough Protein? 1.06 ±0.28 g/kg JAGS 2008 Patologie croniche Comorbilità Infiammazione (IL, PCR, TNFα) Alterazioni metaboliche (anemia, ipoalbuminemia, IGT) Sarcopenia Cachessia 60% proteine corporee nei muscoli. In situazione di stress metabolico le proteine muscolari sono rapidamente mobilizzate per fornire aminoacidi, specialmente glutammina, al fegato, intestino e sistema immunitario. FRAGILITÀ: un concetto in evoluzione Fenotipo fisico della fragilità •Perdita di peso non intenzionale … la sua identificazione, trattamento e prevenzione sono oggi considerati il “cuore” ed allo stesso tempo la sfida principale della medicina geriatrica … 4,5Kg nell’ultimo anno •Riferita esauribilità Item della CES-D Depression Scale •Diminuzione della velocità di Tempo impiegato a percorrere 4,5 cammino metri •Forza muscolare Hand Grip Strenght Test •Diminuita attività fisica Minnesota Leisure Time Activity Questionnaire (SV): < 270 Kcal/sett Presenza di 3 su 5 criteri G. Gerontol 2011; 59: 125-129 NUTRIENT DENS FOOD vs EMPTY CALORIES ! FACTORS INFLUENCING NUTRITIONAL INTAKE: Eating nutrient-dense foods become especially important as we get older. We generally need fewer calories because we tend to become less active and our lean-muscle mass decreases with age. However we still need the same amount of most vitamins and mineral…This means that as we get older, we need to get the same amount (or more) of nutrients from eating a smaller amount of food. Personal Factors: Food Factors: Environmental Factors: Satiety Macronutrients and fibres Timing Anorexia of aging Taste, variety, palatability and sensory-specific satiety Social isolation Energy density Encouragement, help with eating and interruptions Portion size and volume Ambiance Liquid vs solid foods Viscosity J. Am. Diet Ass. 2008; 108: 937 - 938 ANORESSIA DELL’INVECCHIAMENTO SUPPORTO NUTRIZIONALE NUTRIZIONE PARENTERALE CIBI FORTIFICATI ESPEN GL 2009 Cibo normale arricchito con specifici nutrienti + 26% energia, + 23% proteine in anziani ospedalizzati NUTRIZIONE ENTERALE ESPEN GL 2006 INTEGRATORI (ONS) SNG, PEG Supplemento alla normale alimentazione (liquidi, barrette, polveri) ONS liquidi favoriscono un più rapido svuotamento gastrico Clinical Nutrition 2010; 29: 160 - 169 Small weight gain, but no longer supports the finding that there is a beneficial effect on mortality overall. There is more evidence of a reduction in complications than in the previous review. Ridotto meccanismo di compensazione dell’introito energetico nell’anziano Further more, elderly people may become more malnourished because they do not get assistance with feeding on a busy ward, and encouragement and assistance may be all that they require. Data on the effects of restrictive diets in older persons are still scarce. With increasing age, restrictive diets seem to be less effective with regard to relevant study endpoints like morbidity, quality of life and mortality. Main long-term restrictive diets in the elderly. Unwarranted and/or ‘‘historical’’ diets without benefit for the patient - Salt-free diet for hypertension or congestive heart failure - Low-carbohydrate diet, without simple carbohydrates, for type 2 diabetes mellitus - Low-fat diet for hypercholesterolemia - Very low-protein diet for chronic kidney disease Restrictive diets sometimes justified but to be regularly evaluated - Moderate caloric restriction (-500 to 750 kcal/d compared with the usual diet) coupled with regular physical activity for complicated obesity (especially with type 2 diabetes) - Moderate reduction of sodium intake (100–120 mmol/d) for resistant hypertension or congestive heart failure - Moderate protein restriction (0.8–1.0 g/kg body weight/d) for chronic kidney disease (before dialysis) Even in older persons dietary restrictions may be valuable over a limited period of time during an acute disease. In the long run, the benefit/risk ratio of restrictive diets is usually unfavourable. Efforts to improve health status via dietary restrictions may translate into deficiencies thus producing a major additional risk for malnutrition and frailty, with a subsequently increased risk of morbidity and mortality. In older persons, the promotion of physical activity to maintain muscle mass complies more effectively with the goals prevention than dietetic restrictions do. Although proprietary sip feeds have become a widely accepted means of improving nutritional status, it is not enough to provide supplements and hope for the best. of Fattori personali che condizionano l’apporto nutrizionale nell’anziano Fattori alimentari che condizionano l’apporto nutrizionale nell’anziano Riducono l’intake Riducono l’intake Personali Favoriscono l’intake Favoriscono l’intake Alimentari Ingredienti: Ingredienti: •Proteine elevate •Fibre elevate •Carboidrati a lento assorbimento •Grassi elevati Caratteristiche del cibo: Caratteristiche del cibo: Cambiamenti psicologici •Elevata viscosità •Ampio volume •Diete monotone Processo alimentare Cibo culturalmente inappropriato •Elevata palabilità •Aspetto appetitoso •Elevata densità energetica •Volume piccolo/ piccole porzioni •Liquidi (fra i pasti) •Varietà della dieta Cambiamenti sociali Buona salute Cambiamenti fisiologici Motivazione Presentazione di porzioni troppo ampie Clinical Nutrition, 2010 Clinical Nutrition, 2010 Fattori ambientali che condizionano l’apporto nutrizionale nell’anziano Riducono l’intake Ambientali Favoriscono l’intake Vivere soli Distrazioni(eg TV,…) Isolamento sociale Convenienza/facile accesso al cibo Eventi che interrompono i pasti Mancanza di aiuto durante i pasti Tempo del pasto non appropriato Deficit visivo Deterioramento cognitivo Difficoltà motorie Oronasali: Problemi dentari e cattiva masticazione Secchezza del cavo orale Minor sensibilità gustativa ed olfattiva Gastrointestinali: Rallentato svuotamento gastrico Peggioramento della funzione intestinale Sazietà Maggior sensibilità a CCK Sazietà rapida e durevole Minor fame Minor sete Processo alimentare più lento Minor varietà della dieta Meno spuntini Ridotto introito alimentare Consumare il pasto alla stessa ora Cambiamenti fisiologici • • • • Problemi psicologici MALNUTRIZIONE Clinical Nutrition, 2010 Disabilità funzionali: • • Cambiamenti fisiologici Consumare il pasto con altre persone ANOREXIA OF AGEING • • • Cambiamenti sociali Incoraggiamento da parte del care giver Clinical Nutrition, 2010 • • • ANOREXIA OF AGEING The prevalence of undernutrition and risk of undernutrition in community dwelling older adults … 6% of frail older adults (78–86 years) undergoing rehabilitation were (>65 years) have been reported to be 4.3% and 25.4%, malnourished and 13% mildly malnourished… respectively. Public Health Nutr 2009;12: 82-90 J Nutr Health Aging 2008; 12: 721 - 726 …the prevalence of malnutrition in long-term care home residents has been estimated to be as high as 85%.... The Fight Against Malnutrition has the overall goal to secure that everyone who needs care for disease, old age or handicap receives proper nutritional care. The problem is that nutritional treatment is grossly underutilized in just about every care situation all over Europe. The cost for society of malnutrition is around 120 Billion Euros annually. Nutr Rev 2007; 65: 135 - 138 MALNUTRIZIONE PAZIENTI OSPEDALIZZATI Prevalenza media 18% (range 5%-37.5%) di pazienti sottopeso ricoverati in ospedale Stratton RJ 2003 …a state of nutrition in which a deficiency or excess (or imbalance) of energy, protein and other nutrients causes measurable Incidenza tra il 20% e il 50% di malnutrizione calorico-proteica negli anziani ospedalizzati. adverse effects on tissue/body form (body shape, size and composition) and function, Clin Nutr 2008 and clinical outcome. Incremento dei costi dal 75 sino al 300% per la presenza di malnutrizione. Clin Nutr 2003 - Am J Diet Assoc 2000 Elia M. Guidelines for detection and management of malnutrition. Maidenhead: Standing Committee of BAPEN; 2000. CONSEGUENZA DELLA MALNUTRIZIONE SUGLI OUTCOME E LA QUALITA’ DI VITA COME RICONOSCERE LA MALNUTRIZIONE ? VALUTAZIONE CLINICA Allungamento del tempo di degenza Aumento del tasso di complicanze (20 fold) Aumento della morbilità rispetto ai pazienti senza problemi nutrizionali di uguale patologia Persistenza della - comunità MUST - altezza - modificazioni anamnestiche malnutrizione post dimissione con incremento del tasso di riammissione ospedaliera o di (Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool) recenti del peso, soprattutto se “involontarie” mortalità ad un anno Sarcopenia correlata ad insufficienza respiratoria e a perdita ESPEN GL FOR NUTRITION SCREENING 2002 -peso - valutazione capacità - ospedale NRS 2002 (Nutritional Risk Screening) deglutitoria con test di I°livello dell’ autonomia nelle attività quotidiane - diario alimentare durante la - anziani MNA-SF degenza (Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form) MNA-SF Alta correlazione con full MNA Alta accuratezza diagnostica In elderly people at risk of undernutrition ONS improve nutritional status and reduce mortality. Minimo tempo di esecuzione Basso tasso di risposte “non so” ESPEN Vienna 2009 TF is clearly indicated in patients with neurologic dysphagia. In contrast, TF is not indicated in final disease states, including final dementia, and in order to facilitate patient care. Oral nutritional therapy via assisted feeding and dietary supplements is often difficult, time-consuming and demanding … therefore, even in times of declining financial and human resources, it is unacceptable to initiate tube feeding (TF) merely in order to facilitate care or save time. NUTRIENT DENS FOOD vs EMPTY CALORIES ! OMEGA 3 A LUNGA CATENA (EPA - DHA) CAUSE Micronutrienti introdotti in quantità inferiore al fabbisogno in percentuale 33-92% negli anziani in comunità J. Nutr. 2008 RESOLVINE - NEUROPROTECTINE …Vitamine liposolubili, Calcio, Vit D, Potassio, Fibre, Vit B12, Vit B6, Ac. Folico… ALTO POTERE ANTI-INFIAMMATORIO Dieta mediterranea Rivalutazione uova, fegato, frattaglie, latte intero e derivati “Alla domanda: chi è il tipico paziente geriatrico? Il valore aggiunto della alimentazione deve essere La risposta è: pensa al più anziano, al più malato, al ricercato nella sinergia, antagonismo e ridondanza più complicato ed al più fragile dei tuoi pazienti… dei nutrienti che la compongono e non sulla affetto di solito da multiple malattie, la cui validità “scientifica” del singolo nutriente. presentazione è spesso atipica, e portatore di Field J.C. Am. J. Clin. Nutr 2009 deficit funzionali. I suoi problemi di salute sono cronici, progressivi, solo in parte reversibili…” Hazzard, 1999 (modificata) NRS 2002 … 6% of frail older adults (78–86 years) undergoing rehabilitation were malnourished and 13% mildly malnourished… The prevalence in community dwelling older adults (>65 years): J Nutr Health Aging 2008;12:721–6 Frail older adults (78–86 years) undergoing rehabilitation: - malnourished 6% undernutrition 4.3% - mildly malnourished 13% risk of undernutrition 25.4% J Nutr Health Aging 2008;12:721–6 …the prevalence of malnutrition in long-term care home residents has been Public Health Nutr 2009; 12: 82-90 estimated to be as high as 85%.... Nutr Rev 2007;65:135–8 Mean prevalence of underweight Prevalence of malnutrition in in patients admitted to hospital: …the mean prevalence of being underweight in patients admitted to long-term care home residents: approximately 18% (range 5%- hospital is approximately 18% (range 5%-37.5%)… as high as 85% 37.5%) Stratton RJ 2003 Nutr Rev 2007;65:135–8 Stratton RJ 2003 ENTERAL TUBE FEEDING FOR OLDER PEOPLE WITH ADVANCED DEMENTIA REVIEW 2009 The success of ONS is sometimes limited by poor compliance due to low palatability, side effects such as nausea and diarrhoea, and by cost. Calculations extrapolated from the ESPEN sister society BAPEN in the UK to the EU situation indicates that as many as 20 million individuals are at risk for malnutrition and that the cost for society of malnutrition is around 120 Clinical Nutrition (2006) 25, 330–360 Billion Euros annually. CONSEGUENZA DELLA MALNUTRIZIONE SUGLI OUTCOME E LA QUALITA’ DI VITA - longer hospital stays, and present a 20-fold increase in complication rate The prevalence of malnutrition which is 5–10% - morbidity is increased in these patients compared to well-nourished among independently living older individuals is individuals with the same diseases considerably higher (30–60%) in hospitalized or - nutritional deficits often persist for variable periods subsequent to institutionalized older adults. discharge - patients who remain undernourished at discharge have substantially increased rates of early hospital readmission and 1- year mortality - sarcopenia with muscle wasting is a major consequence of undernutrition, leading to respiratory failure and decreased capacity for daily activities. Clinical Nutrition 2010 PRINCIPALI CAUSE DI INVOLONTARIA PERDITA DI PESO (5-10% del peso corporeo nei precedenti 12 mesi) depressione cancro patologie cardiache basso livello socio-economico …Key features of NHs with a low rate of tube-feeding use disabilità funzionale include a physical patologie gastrointestinali benigne enjoyment of environment food, that administrative promotes the support, and empowerment of staff to value hand feeding and shared decision-making processes involving family members. Nei pazienti istituzionalizzati il 58% dei casi di involontaria perdite di peso è da attribuire a patologie psicogeriatriche, compresa la depressione Arch Intern Med. 2010 Am Fam Physician 2002 PRE CACHEXIA DEFINIZIONE SARCOPENIA INDICATORI - underlying chronic disease - C-reactive protein - unintentional weight loss 5% of - impaired glucose tolerance usual body weight during the last - anaemia related to inflammation 6 months - hypoalbuminemia - chronic or recurrent systemic inflammatory response - anorexia or - A low muscle mass, i.e. a percentage of muscle mass 2 standard deviations below the mean measured in young adults of the same sex and ethnic background. - Low gait speed, e.g. a walking speed below 0.8 m/s in the 4-m walking test. PERDITA DI MASSA MAGRA PERDITA DI CAPACITA’ FUNZIONALE anorexia-related symptoms. Clinical Nutrition 2010; 29: 154-159 Clinical Nutrition 2010; 29: 154-159