“Michelangelo” Cagliari Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese

annuncio pubblicitario
Liceo Scientifico “Michelangelo” Cagliari
Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese
Professoressa F. Giglio
Anno Scolastico 2015-2016
Classe 4 A
Dal testo in adozione “Performer Culture and Literature 1+2” di M. Spiazzi – M. Tavella Ed. Zanichelli ; i
seguenti argomenti:
The English Renaissance:
- Historical Background : The Tudor Period, Henry VII, Henry VIII, The English Reformation, Mary
Tudor, Elizabeth I
- Social Background : Social and political changes: The spirit of Renaissance curiosity; The
centrality of man: Humanism; The reign of Elizabeth I; The myth of Elizabeth.
Literature during the Renaissance:
- Renaissance Drama: The Renaissance Drama; The Elizabethan theatre and its structure;
Shakespeare’s London; Features of a Play; Elizabethan entertainment
- The sonnet: General features of the sonnet; W. Shakespeare “Shall I compare thee” and “My
Mistress Eyes”; E. Spenser “One Day I Wrote Her Name”.
William Shakespeare
- Life, works, main themes;
- A play by Shakespeare: general features; Shakespearean English.
- Romeo and Juliet (the plot);
- from Romeo and Juliet “The Ball” (If I profane…); “ The Balcony Scene ”; “What’s in A Name?”
- Hamlet (the plot); from Hamlet “ To Be or not to Be ”
- Macbeth (the plot);
- From Macbeth “The three witches”, “ Duncan’s Murder ”,
The Late English Renaissance
- Historical Background : The Stuart Period: James I, Charles I, The Civil War, O. Cromwell and The
Puritans; Charles II and The Restoration, James II, The Glorious Revolution, William of Orange.
- Social Background
: The Puritans and The Closure of the Theatres; The Restoration and The Reopening of the Theatres; The growing importance of London. The Royal Society.
The Augustan Age
- Social Background
: The coffee-houses; The rise of the Middle Class;
- Literary Background
: The Rise of the Novel.
- The XIII century novel : Formal variety. The Art of Fiction; The Realistic Novel;
Daniel Defoe
- life, works, features and themes;
- from Robinson Crusoe ‘’I was born of a good family’’, ‘’Man Friday”.
Approfondimento linguistico svolto attraverso costante riferimento e riflessioni sugli aspetti funzionali,
comunicativi, grammaticali e culturali della lingua, in particolare: Simple Past e Present Perfect; Conditional
Sentences; Reported Speech; The Passive
Lettura del testo Frankenstein by M Shelley ( Ed Black Cat)
Cagliari 09/06/16
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