PROGRAMMA CONSUNTIVO A.S.2014/2015 SCUOLA : CIVICO LICEO LINGUISTICO A. MANZONI DOCENTE: Prof. LAURA LUSTRO MATERIA: Lingua inglese Classe 3 Sezione G CONTENUTI DISCIPLINARI LETTERATURA The Origins of Great Britain : The historical,social and literary context The epic poem and the elegy : Beowulf and Grendel : The Fight The Seafarer The Middle Ages The historical and social context Feudalism,Henryll reforms,Magna Charta Medieval drama The medieval ballad Modern ballads The medieval narrative poem Brani: Lord Randal A hard rain........ (Bob Dylan) The Last Journey Chaucer Canterbury Tales scelta di brani e analisi testuale: The Prioress,The Merchant,The Wife of Bath The Renaissance The historical and social context Henry vlll,Elizabeth,The Reformation New Learning The Development of Drama The World of Theatre Shakespeare: Lettura integrale di Romeo and Juliet e Macbeth Commento e analisi di: The balcony scene With a kiss l die The three Witches Duncan's Murder A tale told by an idiot Hamlet ,Othello Commento e analisi: Hamlet meets The Ghost To Be or not to be Iago's jealousy Eros and Thanatos Visione e commento di Much Ado about nothing The Tempest CONTENTS of the Coursebook: Habits,Used to,articles,gerunds and infinitives The Past,obbligation necessity and permission Relatives, The Future and time linkers Modals for speculation and deduction Passives and Conditionals Preparazione al FCE : Presentazione di esercizi tratti da sample papers del First Comprehension Traduzioni Prove strutturate (materiale proposto in fotocopie dal docente per ulteriori esercizi e approfondimenti) La docente Gli studenti