istituto cristo re - Fondazione Cristo Re

annuncio pubblicitario
a.s. 2015-2016
Disciplina: Lingua e civiltà inglesi
Docente: Clea Rivalta
Classe: IV liceo scientifico
Libri di testo: M. Spiazzi/ M. Tavella/ M. Layton, Performer 1 (Zanichelli); A. Capel, W.
Sharp, Objective First (Cambridge).
Programma di letteratura:
Shakespeare’s theatre
Historical context: Revision of Renaissance and New Learning; Elizabethan Age and James I
Literary context: Elizabethan theatre; Shakespeare’s theatre.
Anthology: “Two Households”and “The ball” (from Romeo and Juliet), “The three witches” and
“Duncan’s murder”(from Macbeth), “The Tempest” (from The Tempest).
The Puritan Age
Historical context: The Civil War, the Puritans, the Restoration, the Royal Society.
Literary context: Milton and Paradise Lost.
Anthology: “Satan’s Speech” (from Paradise Lost)
The 18th century in England: the Augustan Age
Historical context: the birth of political parties, the cultural debate and the
periodicals/newspapers; brief introduction to the industrialization process of the late 18th century.
Literary context: the rise of the novel. Defoe and Swift.
Anthology: “Man Friday”(from Robinson Crusoe); “Gulliver and the Lilliputians” (from
Gulliver’s Travels)
The Gothic novel: Frankenstein.
Anthology: “The creation of the monster”.
Early Romantic Poetry:
First generation of Romantic Poets:
Coleridge and Wordsworth. Lyrical Ballads.
Anthology: “Daffodils”; “The rime of the Ancient Mariner”.
Programma di lingua:
Potenziamento del lessico, esercizi di reading and comprehension, listening, speaking, writing.
Passive forms; review of past tenses; conditionals; prepositions, writing a movie review.