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annuncio pubblicitario
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
PdQ - 7.06 | Ediz.: 1 | Rev.: 0 | Data 02/09/05 | Alleg.: D01 PROG. M2
Programma Didattico Annuale
Anno Scolastico 2012/2013
MATERIA : Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
CLASSE : 4ª H Scientifico
INSEGNANTE : Nebuloni Clelia
4 H scientifico
a.s. 2012 / 2013
Classe 4^ H Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
Pagina 1 di 6
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
Programma svolto nella classe:
Dal testo “ Only Connect “ Vol.1 di Spiazzi – Tavella Ed. Zanichelli sono state svolti i seguenti argomenti :
Historical and Social Background : The Renaissance
Drama as literary genre : origins-elements-tragedy- comedy
Features of a dramatic text : structure-plot & sub-plot – setting-stage directions- characters –
dramatic techniques- language
C. Marlowe :
life and works – Dr Faustus : plot – theme contrast with Morality Play
Soliloquy – monologue –aside
“Faustus’s last hour”
William Shakespeare :
life - works – the four periods
The Poet :
Sonnets : “Shall I compare thee” – “Like as a wave” – “My mistress
eyes” - the blazon
The Dramatist
dating the plays - themes – characters- style – double illusion-
Comedies and tragedies :
Julius Caesar : plot – features – Rhetoric ( concept)- the Elizabethan
Order – characters – “Anthony’s Speech”
Hamlet : features of the play – plot – themes –
“To Be or not to Be” – Commentary
Macbeth : features of the play – plot – themes - characters –
“ The Three Witches” -“Duncan’s Murder” -
Testo : ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE - Themes from the greatest plays of William Shakespeare Ed.
Cideb Black Cat : prefazione , tutte le Unità , Issues in criticism, Plots
Historical and Social Background :The Puritan, Restoration and Augustan Ages
The Puritans , The Stuarts , the Civil Wars and the Restoration : Religion –The Middle Way Divine Right of the Kings – The Civil War and Cromwell – The Commonwealth – The
Restoration - ( photocopies)
Poetry : Metaphysical Poem
Classe 4^ H Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
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Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
Conceit – paradox – pun - wit : definitions
Non fiction as a literary genre : essay- diary- biography- autobiography
John Donne :
“Batter my heart” – “Song”
Unconventional poetry – differences with the Petrarchan tradition
John Milton : Paradise Lost : plot – epic poem – The Universe – Satan as an epic hero –
In Dante and M. Shelley’s
“ Satan’s speech (Better to Reign in Hell) ”
Grand Style : definition
The Restoration – Glorious Revolution- Scientific Rigour- R oyal Society- Wit and
ScienceDrama : Restauration Drama - The features of a Commedy
The Restoration Comedy
Congreve : The Way of the World – “The Sealing of the Deed”
Wit : definition
The Augustan Age - The hanoverians – Whigs & Tories _ The Prime Minister - A
Golden Age - Reason and Common Sense – Nature - the Coffee – Houses
The Enlightenment
Artifice and real life :reading public- prose – poetry- poetic diction - drama
The Rise of Journalism : a new literary form- the Tatler and the Spectator - language
The Rise of the Novel : reality Vs fantasy- the novel and the short story – features of a
narrative text
Satire – irony - humour
Daniel De Foe : life and works – structure of the novels – characterisation – differences with
the past
Robinson Crusoe - plot – setting – a new hero – style
“ The Island”
“ Evil Vs Good”
First-person narrator
Jonathan Swift : life and works – satire – style
Gulliver’s Travel : plot – sources – the main character – interpretations
“The Laputians”
Classe 4^ H Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
Pagina 3 di 6
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
· Dal testo “Premium ” di R. Acklam e A. Crace, Ed. Pearson Longman
Coursebook e Workbook B2 Level , sono state svolte le seguenti Unità con relativi contenuti e strutture linguistiche :
Unit 0
Sistematico ripasso delle principali strutture sintattico –grammaticali .
Tense Revision – Comparison- Reflexives- So/such-Too/enough – As Vs Like –
Modal verbs - etc.
Unit 1
Topic : Entertainment -Going out vs staying in.
Grammar contents : Question forms ( yes-no questions vs wh-questions- Subject
vs object questions Wh-questions with prepositions – Indirect questions (would you
mind, could you tell me, do you know..?) - question tags Prepositional phrases and
prepositions of place / time and movement - Expressing and asking about
opinions (In my opinion, I think, the only thing I would say, did you..? really..?can’t
stand, what about….?etc)
Topic: Crime. Lexis related .
Grammar contents. Direct vs Reported speech. Main reporting verbs. Reported
statements and questions. Reported orders. Reported suggestions .
Phrasal verbs related to crime. Prefixes.
Unit 12
Topic: weird and wonderful. Lexis related .
Unit 13
Ing-forms and infinitives (arranged to / accused of + ing / try +to/ing I’d better –
bare infin.- etc. ) - Feelings
Topic: work . Lexis related .
Unit 14
Grammar contents: ability ( can, be able, managed to) - Application for a job :
lexis and vocabulary – plan of the letter- phraseology
Dal testo “ Grammar Files “ , sono state svolte le seguenti Unità con relativi contenuti e strutture linguistiche :Files : 25- 31 – 32- 34 –
Classe 4^ H Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
Pagina 4 di 6
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
35 –36 – 37 - 38 – 39 - 42
Per studenti senza debito
1. Ripasso sistematico delle strutture grammaticali e delle funzioni linguistiche oggetto di studio nel
corso del corrente a.s.
2. Lettura e attività di Dark Reason and Lucid Madness ( tranne The pit and the pendulum ; The black
Cat) – selected Stories di Edgar Allan Poe ed.Echoes – LANG - ISBN 88-424- 6190-3
Percorso di recupero assegnato agli studenti con debito formativo
Per studenti con debito formativo * o aiuto :
1. Ripasso sistematico delle strutture grammaticali e delle funzioni linguistiche oggetto di studio nel
corso del corrente a.s.
3. Lettura e attività di Dark Reason and Lucid Madness ( tranne The pit and the pendulum ; The black
Cat) – selected Stories di Edgar Allan Poe ed.Echoes – LANG - ISBN 88-424- 6190-3
Esercizi ed attività di Pass FCE Workbook – di David Maule, Madeleine du Vivier
ISBN 978-88-530-0852-7 (esercizi ed attività da svolgere
che riguardano il programma sopra esposto )
* Si ricorda che la prova di recupero per studenti con sospensione del giudizio verterà su tutto il
programma sopra esposto
Legnano, lì 4 giugno 2013
Classe 4^ H Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
Pagina 5 di 6
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
Firma del docente
Firma degli studenti
Classe 4^ H Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
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