Liceo Statale “Giulia Molino Colombini”- Piacenza Liceo Scienze Umane Economico Sociale (opzione del Liceo delle Scienze Liceo Umane) Liceo Scientifico (opzione Scienze Applicate). PROGRAMMA SVOLTO A.S. 2013 / 2014 CLASSE 4SUC Materia: Inglese Insegnante: Francesca Fontana Elliott Libro di testo: “Slides 2” di Layton, Spiazzi, Tavella – Zanichelli “With Rhymes and reason” di Medaglia, Young - Loescher GRAMMATICA Unità dalla 10 alla 16 di “Slides 2”: Ripasso dei tempi verbali passati ripasso del periodo ipotetico ripasso dei tempi modali ripasso della forma passiva la struttura have something done linkers di causa ed effetto linkers di constrasto e concessivi il discorso indiretto costruzione del verbo want il verbo modale be able to costruzioni con ing e to+infinito phrasal verbs: get – put - look i verbi di percezione causative verbs il riflessivo make uso dell’articolo Passages form Romeo and Juliet: - The Prologue - The balcony Scene Hamlet (lettura integrale dell’opera in italiano) Passages from Hamlet: - The appearance of the ghost (fotocopie) - To be or not to be - Have you eyes? (fotocopie) Macbeth (plot, characters, source, themes) Passages from Macbeth: - Act I Sc I the witches (fotocopie) - Act II Sc II Duncan’s murder - Act V Sc V Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow (fotocopie) A Midsummer Night’s Dream (lettura integrale dell’opera in italiano) Passages from A Midsummer Night’s Dream: - Lysander and Helena - Puck’s last speech (fotocopie) LETTERATURA Dal testo “With Rhymes and reason”: The Reinassance (the historical background, the The Restoration The Augustan Age (the historical background, literary context, towards the Age of sensibility, the English Reinassance, differences with the Italian Reinassance, The theatre, The history of theatre, public and private theatres, the sonnet) the literary context) The Rise of the Novel Features of the novel Types of novel William Daniel Defoe (biographical notes, works) Shakespeare (biographical notes, career, genius, source and structure of Shakespeare’s plays) Romeo and Juliet (plot, characters, source, themes) Robinson Crusoe (plot, themes, characters) Passages from Robinson Crusoe: - Text 1 p. 216 - Text 2 p. 219 Moll Flanders (plot, themes, characters) Passages from Moll Flanders - Texts 1 and 2 p. 250 Jonathan Swift (biographical notes, works) Gulliver’s Travels (plot, themes, characters) Passages from Gulliver’s Travels: Text p. 226 A Modest proposal (themes) Passage from A Modest Proposal (fotocopie) Piacenza, 3 giugno 2014 Henry Fielding (biographical notes, works) Tom Jones (plot, themes, characters) Passage from Tom Jones p. 238 L’insegnante Laurence Sterne (biographical notes, works) The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (plot, themes, characters) Passages from Tristram Shandy: - Text 1 p. 242 - Text 2 p. 245 - Text 3 p. 247 APPROFONDIMENTO MONOGRAFICO Tra scienza e fantascienza Frankenstein di Mary Shelley (biographical notes, circumstances of composition, origins of the book, Gothic and Romantic influences, structure of the novel, plot, characters, the double, themes) Passage from Frankenstein: - The creation of the monster Su Frankenstein la classe ha assistito ad una conferenza da parte di Joseph Quinn. VISIONE DI FILM IN LINGUA ORIGINALE A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1999) The Perks of being Wallflower (2012) LEZIONI CON DOCENTE MADRELINGUA 6 ore svolte in orario mattutino, in cui sono stati trattati i seguenti argomenti: Adolescence The media Privacy and Technology _____________________________________ I Rappresentanti di Classe ______________________________________ ______________________________________