CLASSE 4F (Scienze Applicate) A.S. 2015

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CLASSE 4F (Scienze Applicate) A.S. 2015-16
Del libro di testo in adozione Laser B2 sono state svolte le seguenti unità didattiche:
UNIT 4 Money
Conditionals: zero, first, second;
unless, in case, as long as, provided that;
Countable, uncountable nouns; quantifiers;
Vocabulary; Listening; Speaking; reading; Use of English.
Writing: essay
UNIT 5 Leisure
Modals: ability, permission, advice/criticism, obligation.
Comparatives and superlatives;
Vocabulary; Listening; Speaking; reading; Use of English.
Writing: formal letter/email.
UNIT 6: Nature
The passive.
Vocabulary; Phrasal verbs, word formation, word patterns.
-ing form or infinitive.
Prefer, would rather, had better.
Reading, listening, speaking, use of English activities.
Writing: an article.
UNIT 7: Sport
Modals: degrees of certainty.
Vocabulary; Phrasal verbs, word formation,collocations.
Prepositions of time and place.
Indirect questions.
Reading, listening, speaking, use of English activities.
Writing: formal letter/e-mail.
Dal testo in adozione : Visions and Perspectives 1, C. Medaglia, B.A. Young, Loescher 2008.
William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet: plot, sources, themes. Text 1: Prologue ; Text 2 The Balcony
scene. p. 109. The Merchant of Venice: plot, source, themes. Text: I am a Jew , p. 122. Macbeth: plot,
characters, themes, symbols, the protagonist. Text: Duncan’s murder p.135. Hamlet: plot, themes, the
character, the soliloquy. Text: To be or not to be…. p. 127.
John Donne: Songs and Sonnets, poetic themes, Style. Text: The Sun Rising. P.148.
Charles I; The quarrel between king and Parliament. The Civil War. Oliver Cromwell’s republic.
Puritan Literature: Poetry; Prose.
John Milton: literary life; style; Paradise Lost. Text: Satan’s Speech. P. 161.
Historical context:
The Restauration of the king, James II and the Glorious Revolution; political parties.
The Augustan Age : George I, Sir Walpole and the Jacobites. England under George II. The slave trade. The
social situation.
Literary context:
The Royal Society. Prose in Restauration. Drama. The Age of Reason. Poetry. The Reading public. London
and the coffee houses. Journalism. The rise of the novel. General features of the novel. The five great
novelists of the century.
Authors and texts:
Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe. Plot, expression of colonial aspirations. A manifesto of economic
individualism. The success.: Text: Friday. P.194.
Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels: plot, What is Gulliver’s Travels? . Gulliver the European. The satire.
Text: the Laputians. P. 202.
Henry Fielding: Tom Jones: plot. The picaresque tradition. The comic epic. The narrator and the characters.
Text. P. 211 Tom leaves.
Laurence Sterne: the anti novel. The characters and the narrator. Sterne’s influence. Tristram Shandy. P.
Dal testo Performer Culture and Literature 2, Spiazzi, Tavella Layton.
The historical and social context:
An Age of Revolutions. Heroes of invention. Industrial society.
The literary context:
William Blake and the victims of industrialisation.. The Sublime: a new sensibility. The Gothic novel. Mary
Shelley and a new interest in science.
Authors and texts:
William Blake: Blake the artist; the poet; the prophet. Complementary opposites. Imagination and the poet.
Interest in social problems. Style.
William Blake: London; The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence)
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein. The influence of science. The story. Literary influences. Narrative structure.
Themes. The creation of the monster. Frankenstein and the monster.
Emotion vs reason. A new sensibility. The emphasis on the individual.
William Wordsworth and nature. The importance of the senses. Recollection in tranquility. The poet’s task.
Lyrical Ballads: the Manifesto of English Romanticism.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge and sublime nature. Imagination and fancy. Coleridge’s view of nature. The Rime
of the Ancient Mariner.
William Wordsworth : Daffodils; My Heart Leaps Up.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge : The Killing of the Albatross. P. 222
Verona, 6 giugno 2016
La docente
Prof.ssa Silvia Palamara