Arabic Language and Culture - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Arabic Language and Culture
The course will provide the student with knowledge of the main themes of the
Koran and the main stages in the life of Muhammad and the first caliphs, the key
elements of Arabic-Muslim culture.
Main Module: the Koran
The Koran’s statute in the Muslim religion.
Chronological divisions.
Elements of Koranic theology: uniqueness of God, prophesying, eschatology.
Elements of Koranic jurisprudence: concept of man, personal statute,
organisation of society.
Mystical readings of the Koran.
How the Koran sees non-Muslims.
Mary and Jesus in the Koran.
Fixation and tradition of the Koranic text.
Supplementary Module: Life of Muhammad
Pre-Islamic Arabia.
The Mecca period.
The Hegira.
Muhammad at Medina.
The well-guided caliphs.
Siffin and Kerbala and the break of umma unity.
Omayyadi and Abbasidi (notions).
Il Corano, translated by Alessandro Bausani, BUR, Milan (continuous reprints).
Il Corano, translated by Ida Zilio-Grandi, Mondadori, Milan 2010.
Il Sacro Corano, translated by Hamza Roberto Piccardo, Newton & Compton, Rome 1996.
S.K. SAMIR, Cento domande sull’Islam, ed. by C. Eid and G. Paolucci, Marietti, Genoa, 2002.
A. BAUSANI, L’Islam, Garzanti, Milan, 1999.
M.A. AMIR-MOEZZI, Dizionario del Corano, Italian translation by I. ZILIO-GRANDI, Mondadori,
Milan, 2007.
S.K. SAMIR, La Crocifissione di Cristo nel Corano in P. CODA-M. CROCIATA (ed. by), Il Crocifisso e
le religioni. Compassione di Dio e sofferenza dell'uomo nelle religioni monoteistiche, Città
Nuova, Rome 2002, pp. 49-82.
For further study:
S.K. SAMIR, Cristo nel Corano, “La Civiltà Cattolica” 134, II, n. 3191, 1983, pp. 450-462.
S.K. SAMIR, Teologia coranica di Cristo, “La Civiltà Cattolica” 134, II, n. 3192, 1983, pp. 556-564.
R. TOTTOLI, I profeti biblici nella tradizione islamica, Paideia, Brescia 1999.
J. JOMIER, Dieu et l’homme dans le Coran , Cerf, Paris 1996.
ALFRED-L. DE PRÉMARE, Les fondations de l’Islam: entre écriture et histoire, Seuil, Paris 2002.
S.K. SAMIR, Violence et non-violence dans le Coran et l’Islam, coll. “Cahiers de l’Orient Chrétien”
8, CEDRAC, Beirut 2006.
M. RODINSON, Maometto, Einaudi, Turin 19952.
Vite antiche di Maometto, ed. by MICHAEL LECKER, Italian translation by ROBERTO TOTTOLI,
Mondadori, Milan 2007.
C. LO JACONO, Il Vicino Oriente, first volume of Storia del mondo islamico (VII-XVI secolo),
Einaudi, Turin 2004.
For further study:
IBN ISHAQ, The Life of Muhammad, translated by A. GUILLAUME, Oxford University Press, 2002.
AN-NAWAWI, Quaranta Hadith, Centro Editoriale Studi Islamici, Rome 1982.
S. NOJA-V. VACCA-M. VALLARO, Detti e fatti del Profeta dell’Islam / raccolti da al-Bukhari, UTET,
Turin 1982 (reprint 2009: al-Buḫārī, Detti e fatti del profeta dell’Islām).
Classroom lectures.
Oral exam.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage or on the Faculty notice board.