Liceo Scientifico Statale “M.G.Agnesi” Via dei Lodovichi 10 – 23807 Merate PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA INGLESE CLASSE 4 B/ linguistico Anno scolastico 2014 / 2015 Libri di testo in adozione: . GOLD FIRST Jan Bell, Amanda Thomas Pearson. . INSIDE GRAMMAR Vince and Cerulli Macmillan, vol. unico. . PERFORMER culture and literature Con e-book , vol.1 M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, Margaret Layton Lingue Zanichelli . LANGUAGE Sono state svolte le restanti unità didattiche del testo “Gold First” con tutti gli esercizi correlati ai testi d’ascolto e al lessico. Sono state svolte tutte le funzioni programmate, dando particolare spazio alle descrizioni di luoghi e persone, con appropriati approfondimenti lessicali e analisi di testi di approfondimento forniti separatamente in copia e in aggiunta alle eserciziario consigliato in preparazione alla certificazione Pet. GRAMMAR Sono state riviste e approfondite a livello intermedio/advanced le strutture grammaticali di base del biennio e svolte le unità di grammatica del testo in uso. Unit 7 Grammar Vocabulary -Modal verbs: possibility and certainty; -relative clauses; -so, such, too, -deducing meanings; -describing places; -travel and expressions Writing - an article; -adding interest and more information. Speaking -long turn; Stating preferences. very and enough. with world. Unit 8 -Reporting verbs; -reported statements; -reported questions and imperatives -letter of application; -planing. -collaborative task and discussion; -compensation strategies. Unit 9 -Conditional forms; -third conditional. - essay; -organising paragraphs and arguments. -discussion; -compensation strategies. Unit 10 -conditionals: alternatives to if; -participles (ing and ed forms); - emphasis with what. -mixed conditionals; -hypothetical meaning: wish and if only. -collocations and phrasal verbs with work; -linking words and expressions; -concrete and abstract nouns. -collocations: success and failure; -word-building; -collocations with luck. - adjectives with self; -easily confused adjectives. -informal email; -choosing an appropriate style. -collaborative task; -turn-taking and giving emphasis. -using prefixes to work out meaning; -verbs, nouns and adjectives with prepositions; -phrasal verbs with off. -collocations with catch, follow and reach; -cybercrime; - phrasal verbs with go. -phrasal verbs with come; -semi-formal letter; -making polite requests. -long turn; -responding to your partner’ s paragraph. -a story; -using a range of vocabulary. -discussion; -informal mail; -apologising and -long turn; -useful Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 -modal verbs: obligation, prohibition and necessity; -have/get something done. -modal verbs: ability; -reflexive pronouns. Unit 14 -it is, there is; -subject/verb agreement. -expressions making excuses. with mind; -verbs with similar meaning; -expressions with time. -say, speak, talk -informal letter; and tell; -giving advice. -ways of speaking; -idioms: animals. LITERATURE 1. A CULTURAL AWAKENING: 2. Meet the Tudors; Portraits of Queen Elizabeth 1; Queen Elizabeth i; Elizabethian entertainment; The most popular team sport; The origins of tennis; An expanding word; The English Renaissance; The sonnet; Shakespeare’s sonnets; The English and the Italian sonnet; I find no peace by T. Wyatt; Woman, lady, mistress; My mistress’ eyes by W. Shakespeare; Anne Hathaway by C.A.Duffy; Death be no proud by J.Donne; Do not go gentle into that good night by D.Thomas; King by divine right; The origin of Thanksgiving Day; The Gunpowder Plot; Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night: WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE: ENGLAND’S GENIUS - Why study Shakespeare? - William Shakespeare; phrases. -interview; -long turn; -dos and don’ts. - Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare’s birthplace; Shakespeare’s London; The structure of the theatres; The Globe; Christopher Marlowe; The word of drama; The balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet; To be or not to be from Hamlet; Hamlet; My hands are of your colour from Macbeth; Opening scenes in Shakespeare’s plays; Two households from Romeo and Juliet; The three witches from Macbeth; The tempest from The tempest; Dramatic effect in Shakespeare; The ball from Romeo and Juliet; Duncan’s murder from Macbeth; Shakespeare’ soliloquies and monologues; With a kiss I die from Romeo and Juliet; Macbeth’s last monologue from Macbeth; Prospero renounces his magic powers from the tempest; Lettura integrale di MACBETH. 3. A TIME OF UPHEAVAL: - The civil war; The puritans; Jphn Milton : satan’s speech; The scientific revolution; The Restoration of the monarchy; 4. SHAPING THE ENGLISH CHARACTER: - The birth of political parties; - The means for cultural debate; - British newspapers; - Two newspapers: the spectator and il caffè; - The rise of the novel; - Daniel Defoe and the rise of the realistic novel; - The journal from Robinson Crusoe; - Man Friday form Robinson Crusoe. 9 Giugno 2015 I rappresentanti degli studenti L’insegnante