Consigli per la verifica sui verbi Oltre alla “tabella” dei verbi

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Consigli per la verifica sui verbi
Oltre alla “tabella” dei verbi irregolari da completare con le forme mancanti (dovete quindi
studiarli bene!) ecco alcune tipologie di esercizi che potreste trovare nella verifica di giovedì:
A) “-ing form” or infinitive?
- I wanted ………… (run) away.
- She decided ……………. (come) in the end.
- Are you afraid of ………….. (speak) in public?
Consiglio: per ridurre al minimo il numero di errori ripassate accuratamente la costruzione dei verbi già
studiati lo scorso anno ( Unit 4 , pag. 53 Student's book e pag 190 del Workbook); ripassate inoltre la scheda
dei reporting verbs che vi ho fornito (to advise, to suggest, to apologize, etc).
Ricordate inoltre che dopo le preposizioni il verbo è alla forma -ing (Are you afraid of speaking in public?)
B) Riportare al passato, utilizzando i reporting verbs appropriati
a- Mrs Ransom said “ Waiter, the soup is cold!”
b- Bob “Sheila, if I were you, I would stop smoking”
Consiglio: ripassare tutti i reporting verbs!!!
(= Mrs Ransom complained that the soup was cold
(=Bob advised Sheila to stop smoking)
C) Complete these sentences using the most appropriate structures
a- If I won the lottery, I ….....................................
b- Unless it rains, we ….............................. (unless it rains= if it rains )
c- I could have passed the exam if …..........................
Consiglio: ripassare il periodo ipotetico di 1°, 2° e 3° tipo, compreso l'uso di if only e wish
Se avete dimenticato le
D) Choose the correct alternative for each blank space:
a- After the family ….......................... lunch, they (1) …......................... to the zoo.
(1) a- had b- had had c- was having
(2) a- went b- had gone c- were going
b- While I (1) ….................... on the computer, the lights (2) ….............................
(1) a- worked b- had worked c- was working
(2) a- went out b- had gone out c- were going out
E) There is a (bad, really bad) mistake in every sentence. Find the mistakes and correct them all!
a- She asked me where was the hospital (arghhhhhhh....)
b- Went you to Milan last Sunday? :-((
(…..... where the hospital was)
(Did you go to ….................)