ITIS MORSELLI - GELA PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CIVILTA’ INGLESE Classe I sez. I Agrario a.s. 2015/2016 Prof. Ferrera Carolina Maria Rita Libro di testo in uso: “Speak your Mind” vol.1° di Jane Comyns, Jennifer Parsons con Elizaberh Foody; ed.Longman; UNIT ● Starter : Person to Person FUNCTIONS - VOCABULARY GRAMMAR ○Introduction and greetings ○Givingpersonal information(name,age, nationality) ○Describing your family ○Talking on the phone ◊ Verb Be: present Simple (forma affermativa, negativa interrogativa e risposte brevi) ◊ Indefinite articles ◊ Subject pronouns ◊ Verb have got: present simple ◊ Possessive adjectives ◊ Possessive’s ◊ Plural nouns ◊ This/That/These/Those Countries and nationalities The alphabet Numbers Family members ◊ Verb Have got present Simple (forma affermativa, negativa interrogativa e risposte brevi) ● 2 : My place ◊ Imperative ○Describing a house ○Talking about ability and ◊ Object pronouns ◊ There is/There are possibility ◊ Possessive adjectives Reading: “Opposites Attract” ○Giving directions ◊ a/some/any Reading: “Dino’s Day” Everyday objects ◊ Modal verb Can (possibility and Adjectives of appearance and ability) personality ◊ Prepositions of place Household objects Places in town. ○Describing routines ◊ Present Simple ◊ Prepositions of time ● 3 : Routines ○Telling the time ◊ like/love/enjoy/hate + -ing ○Saying dates ● 4 : Home or away? ◊ Present Simple with wh-questions ○Talking about preferences ◊ Adverbs of frequency ○Describing your hometown ◊ How often? ○Talking about frequency Reading: “Rob’s day” ○Asking for and giving ◊ Can/Could for permission permission Reading: “Typically ● 1 : A big day ○Describing people ○Giving instructions 1 English” Reading: “Under the weather” ○Talking about the weather Time, dates, days of week, months Ordinal numbers The weather and seasons Emotions UNIT FUNCTIONS - VOCABULARY GRAMMAR ● 5 : Eat up! ○Talking about quantities ○Talking about prices ○Buying food and drink ◊ Countable and uncountable nouns with some/any/no ◊ How much/many; a lot of; a little/a few; not many/much ◊ Would like(offers, requests) ◊ Present continuous ◊ Present simple vs Present continuous ◊ too/ (not) enough ● 6 : What are they doing? Reading: “Good food, bad food?” Reading: “How to be smart in the shops” ○Describing what people are doing ○Asking for information ○Offering help ○Checking information Food and drink Containers and prices Clothes Phrasal verbs - clothes ● 7 : I remember… Reading: “I remember” ○Talking about ability in the past ○Talking about the past ○Giving and receiving news ◊ Past simple – to be and can ◊ Past simple affirmative (regular and irregular verbs) Personality adjectives School and school subjects ■Laboratory Activities: Listening Comprehension; Grammar Activities How to Write a Summary How to Make an Oral Report ■Strutture grammaticali: il present simple del verbo to be, forme affermativa, negativa, interrogativa e risposte brevi; gli aggettivi possessivi; il possessive case dei sostantivi; 2 pronomi personali soggetto e oggetto pronomi dimostrativi; il plurale dei sostantivi; preposizioni di tempo e di luogo; verbo can present simple del verbo to have, forme affermativa, interrogativa, negativa e risposte brevi; avverbi di frequenza; present simple dei verbi ordinari; present continuous; present simple vs present continuous; countable and uncountable nouns; quantifiers; wh-words; can/could; would like; imperatives past simple (to be) past simple (regular and irregular verbs) ■Funzioni linguistiche: Salutare e presentare se stessi ed altre persone; Chiedere e dare informazioni personali e parlare di se stessi; Chiedere e dare informazioni sui prezzi; Parlare di professioni; Parlare di orari, chiedere e dire l’ora; Chiedere e dare indicazioni sui luoghi; Parlare dei propri passatempi; Parlare della vita quotidiana; Parlare delle proprie preferenze; Usare espressioni quotidiane in conversazioni Parlare di attività in corso di svolgimento Parlare di eventi passati. 3 ■Lessico e pronuncia: Phonetic Symbols Paesi e nazionalità; Oggetti di uso quotidiano; Parentela; I contrari; Cibi e bevande; I verbi di azione; Professioni; Tempo libero e passatempi; Money; Shopping; Music; Individuazione della sillaba su cui cade l’accento; Pronunciation Approfondimenti: ■Culture Frame 1: Budget London ■Culture Frame 2: Food Fights Gela, 31/05/2016 Gli Alunni La Prof. Ferrera Carolina Maria Rita _________________ _________________ _________________ 4