caricato da Utente18466

I numeri

I Numeri esercizi
Answer the equations. Write out the numbers in Italian.
1. Uno + Uno = _________________
11. Undici + Due = __________________
2. Due + Due = _________________
12. Tredici - Due = __________________
3. Tre + Tre = __________________
13. Quindici - Uno = _________________
4. Cinque - Quatro = ______________
14. Sedici + Quattro = ________________
5. Sei - Tre = ____________________
15. Quattordici - Tre = ________________
6. Dieci - Due = __________________
16. Diciassette - Uno = _______________
7. Otto - Uno = __________________
17. Quindici + Due = _________________
8. Dieci + Uno = _________________
18. Diciannove - Due = _______________
9. Sette + Due = _________________
19. Diciotto - Quattro = _______________
10. Nove + Uno = ________________
20. Venti + Uno =____________________
How many images do you see? Write the numbers in Italian.
Write out the number in Italian corresponding to the number you see.
1. 56 ________________________
11. 19 _______________________
2. 77 ________________________
12. 13 _______________________
3. 43 ________________________
13. 23 _______________________
4. 90 ________________________
14. 86 _______________________
5. 82 ________________________
15. 34 _______________________
6. 28 ________________________
16. 29 _______________________
7. 21 ________________________
17. 92 _______________________
8. 33 ________________________
18. 66 _______________________
9. 61 ________________________
19 76 _______________________
10. 78 ________________________
20 58 _______________________
Answer the following questions in Italian.
1. Quanti anni hai? _________________________________________________
2. Qual’è tuo indirizzo? _____________________________________________
3. Qual’è il tuo numero di telefono? ___________________________________
4. “ I don’t know” in Italian: _________________________________________
5. “ I have a question” in Italian: _____________________________________