-> Syllabus in lingua italiana -> Syllabus in deutscher Sprache Syllabus Course description Course title Project PD – A1 Ten / X / 10 Course code Scientific sector 97003 Module 1: ICAR/13 disegno industriale Module 2: INF/01 informatica Module 3: M-DEA/01 discipline demoetnoantropologiche Bachelor in Design and Art (L-4) II 1st, 2nd or 3rd 22 Yes Degree Semester Year Credits Modular Teaching language Total lecturing hours Total hours of self-study and / or other individual educational activities Attendance Prerequisites Module 1: English Module 2: German Module 3: Italian 180 (Module 1: 90, Module 2: 60, Module 3: 30) 370 (Module 1: about 210, Module 2: about 65, Module 3: about 95) not compulsory but recommended For students enrolled from 2012 onwards: passed WUP Course page courses (warm up project + descriptive geometry + methods and techniques of representation); For students enrolled before: passed warm up project - Project description and specific educational objectives The course belongs to the class “caratterizzante” (module 1, “di base” (module 2) and “affine integrativa” (module 3) in the curriculum in Design. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Course description module 1 – Product Design Magical number? series? myth? cliché? Foreword It is the basis of our numerical system and a combination of the most basic graphic forms - a line and a circle. Both of them also represent the base of our complete computer language (1,0). 1/16 It is the ultimate player number in team sports (see Messi, Maradona, Zidan or Pele). In the Roman numerical system it is X it is also an onomatopoeia and used as a short for 'kiss'. In Chinese culture it is equivalent to the Western '+' which is also the universal sign of 'positive'. In biblical times there were the ten commandments given by god and in modern times the ten thousand day war in Vietnam. It's a playing card and the function key in Mac OS which unites all windows together. Each official countdown starts with it and it's the ultimate listing - where the 'top-ten' in everything represent the ultimate. In many cultures Ten it is a sign of the optimal. As an olympic mark it symbolises perfection and when in 1976 Nadia Comăneci got the first olympic '10' ever, the display did not show it but '1.0' as the perfect '10' didn't exist before, and so the technology was evidently not ready for perfection (...) It's a number, it's a code, it's a list and it's a myth. Project We will be looking at daily life, mundane objects and special moments, trying to identify a 10 and 10's. We will focus on 'Ten/10/X' at it's largest scope or the narrowest interpretation. We will be dealing with unique items, series, multiplications and variations and perfection as well as myths, memories and magic. The goal of this project is to create analogies holding an exciting discourse with the theme and translating it into products -on the widest sense. As such the result may be a one-off three dimensional object or a mass consumption product as much as it could be a spatial intervention, a scenography or just a 10 second moment... Ten possible starting points Ten Seconds... ten Pixels... ten m².... ten megabytes... ten years...ten objects... ten Watt...ten ideas... ten words... a perfect ten... Educational objectives module 1 – Product Design 2/16 The acquisition of the basic knowledge concerning the culture of design in all its aspects. The acquisition of a design methodology in the field of product design from the initial idea phase to the final completion phase of the project. Developing an independent point of view and rigorous study pathway whilst acquiring the fundamental knowledge enabling the student to carry out a project in the field of product design. Depending on the student's own tendencies and focus, the further acquisition of the knowledge and understanding of: - design processes for industrial products for mass consumption or industrial manufactured one-off's. - design processes for the visualisation of virtual and physical scenarios. Professionally presenting a project realised in the field of product design in the form of an installation, both oral and written. communicate at a professional level and argue the reasons for their choices and justify them from a formal, technical, scientific and theoretical point of view Course description module 2 – Digital Modelling: > see German version of the syllabus Educational objectives module 2 – Digital Modelling: the acquisition of the essential basic knowledge to be able to carry out a project in the field of product design the acquisition of the basic knowledge concerning the technical and scientific subjects the acquisition of the knowledge and understanding of design processes for the visualisation of virtual and physical scenarios know how to produce visualisations of virtual and physical scenarios for product design know how to carry out drawing and/or CAD (computer-aided design) know how to produce 3D models and rapid prototyping communicate at a professional level and argue the reasons for their choices and justify them from a formal, technical, scientific and theoretical point of view 3/16 Course description module 3 – Cultural Anthropology: -> see Italian version of the syllabus Educational objectives module 3 – Cultural Anthropology: -> see Italian version of the syllabus Module 1 Lecturer Scientific sector of the lecturer Teaching language Office hours Teaching assistant List of topics covered Product Design Nitzan Cohen office F1.01.a, e-mail [email protected], tel. +39 0471 015220, webpage http://www.unibz.it/en/designart/people/StaffDetails.html?personid=35262&hstf=35262 ICAR/13 English Tuesday 16.00-18.00 This project deals on the meta level with the creation of a project, as such the below topics do not only lead to an aim, but are the aim itself. -Design methodology and process awareness. -Design investigation instead of design research and that as a continuous methodical tool. -Conceptual thinking and independent concept creation. -Concept translation into three dimensional reality. Teaching format Frontal lectures, group discussions, exercises and workshops, labs, short-medium-long term projects. Module 2 Lecturer Digital Modelling Sebastian Camerer office F1.01.b, e-mail [email protected], tel. +39 0471 015236, webpage http://www.unibz.it/en/designart/people/StaffDetails.html?personid=28444&hstf=28444 INF/01 Scientific sector of the lecturer Teaching language Office hours Teaching assistant (if any) List of topics covered Teaching format German Tuesday 16.00-18.00 - modelmaking rapid prototyping digital/analog tools productdevelopment designprocess and Methodology Lectures, practical exercises, workshop 4/16 Module 3 Lecturer Scientific sector of the lecturer Teaching language Office hours Teaching assistant (if any) List of topics covered Cultural Anthropology Carmelo Marabello office F1.01.b, e-mail [email protected], tel. +39 0471 015236, webpage https://www.unibz.it/en/designart/people/StaffDetails.html?personid=28088&hstf=28088 L-Art-06 , M-DEA 01, phd Italian Thursday, 8:30 – 9:30 -> see Italian version of the syllabus Teaching format -> see Italian version of the syllabus Learning outcomes Learning outcomes for module 1 – Product Design The acquisition of basic and further enriched knowledge of and in product design. The acquisition of the ability to independently and critically apply the acquired knowledge and understanding whilst making continuous independent and personal judgments. In every step of the way further developing and sharpening one's skills, know-how and experience in communicating the full scope of the work done. All in all developing and widening one's learning skills as an integral and methodical part of the project. Learning outcomes for module 2 – Digital Modelling: the acquisition of the essential basic knowledge to be able to carry out a project in the field of product design, with a special focus on designprocesses, digital and analog techniques of modelling, prototyping and visualisation of concepts. know how to analyse, design and develop models and prototypes for a product-design-project. knowledge of the technical and scientific aspects of digital modelling, prototyping and fabrication in product design know how to develop and carry out the technical aspects of product-design, prototyping and modelling which are both analog and digital 5/16 skills to communicate at a professional level and argue the reasons for their choices and justify them from a formal, technical, scientific and theoretical point of view Learning outcomes for module 3 – Cultural Anthropology: -> see Italian version of the syllabus Assessment Assessment details for module 1 – Product Design: The complete semester work will be judged not only on the final produced result. The way will be assesed as much as the 'result' itself. On the base of physically presenting a fully finished 1:1 scale model together with an overall completed project; the student should be able to argue the project and throughly hold a convincing frontal presentation of it. In further discussions it is as well expected that the student is able to apply criticle and objective view on his/her own work and point out difficulties as much as plus points. (Besides all the physical aspects being perfectly executed, a healthy way of preparing oneself for the final presentation is making sure that the simple question 'why?' could be answered concerning each detail and step) Assessment details for module 2 – Digital Modelling: Oral and lab: oral exam with review questions, oral exam to test knowledge application skills, evaluation of results Assessment details for module 3 – Cultural Anthropology: -> see Italian version of the syllabus Assessment language Evaluation criteria and criteria for awarding marks The same as the teaching language. The evaluation of the single modules does not result in three separate marks, but will add up to the overall project evaluation. There is only one final overall mark for the project which is agreed by the three professors, who evaluate the project according to the following criteria: Evaluation criteria and criteria for awarding marks 6/16 for module 1 – Product Design Process: there would be two in-between presentations, each counting for 20% of the final mark, in total 40% Personal development: the scope of abilities acquired and practiced in the projects as reflected in the overall level of the work done and presented 40% Final result: the overall quality of the final presentation and the final presented model 20% Evaluation criteria and criteria for awarding marks for module 2 – Digital Modelling: It is required to prove results of the exercises and workshops that will be conducted during the course. Completeness and quality of all works, models, research and presentations, the originality of ideas, personal interest, motivation and contribution to the class will be considered. Evaluation criteria and criteria for awarding marks for module 3 – Cultural Anthropology: -> see Italian version of the syllabus Required readings Module 1 – Product Design: Integrated in the course itself. Module 2 – Digital Modelling: no required readings Module 3 – Cultural Anthropology: Prima lezione di Antropologia di F. Remotti, Laterza Il pensiero selvaggio C.Lèvi-Strauss Einaudi Geertz Interpretazione di Culture Mulino Supplementary readings Module 1 – Product Design: - Module 2 – Digital Modelling: - 7/16 Module 3 – Cultural Anthropology: to be defined during the course 8/16 Syllabus Beschreibung der Lehrveranstaltung Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Projekt PD – A1 Code der Lehrveranstaltung Wissenschaftlichdisziplinärer Bereich der Lehrveranstaltung Studiengang Semester Studienjahr Kreditpunkte Modular 10 / X / TEN 97003 Modul 1: ICAR/13 Industriedesign Modul 2: INF/01 Informatik Modul 3: M-DEA/01 Demoetnoantropologische Disziplinen Bachelor in Design und Künste (L-4) 2. 1., 2. oder 3. 22 Ja Gesamtanzahl der Vorlesungsstunden Gesamtanzahl der Stunden für das Eigenstudium und andere individuelle Bildungstätigkeiten Anwesenheit Voraussetzungen 180 (Modul 1: 90, Modul 2: 60, Modul 3: 30) 370 (Modul 1: ca. 210, Modul 2: ca. 65, Modul 3: ca. 95) nicht verpflichtend, aber empfohlen Für im Jahr 2012 immatrikulierte Studierende: die WUPKurse (Projekt + Darstellende Darstellungsmethoden und –techniken); Geometrie + Für Studierende, die sich vor 2012 immatrikuliert haben: Link zur Lehrveranstaltung nur das WUP-Projekt - Kursbeschreibung und spezifische Bildungsziele: Modul 2 - Digitaler Modellbau Die Lehrveranstaltung zählt zum Bildungsbereich der kennzeichnenden Fächer (Modul 1), der Grundfächer (Modul 2) sowie der verwandten und ergänzenden Fächer (Modul 3) und ist Teil des Studienzweigs Design. Kursbeschreibung Modul 2 – Digitaler Modellbau: … 11000101001011001 ... Der Computer erlaubt dem Designer präzises Entwerfen, Analysieren und Herstellen von Prototypen. Aber können hier auch Ideen entstehen, Lösungen gefunden werden ? Fragen der Konstruktion oder Formfindung werden mit Pappe, Schnur und Klebeband meist besser geklärt als mit konkreten Abbildungen und physikalischen Berechnungen. Andersherum können CADProgramme dabei helfen mehr mit den Händen zu arbeiten. Manchmal hilft aber auch das beste Modell nicht weiter und plötzlich findet man die Lösung auf der Strasse. Was ist das überhaupt, ein Modell ? Und was ist 9/16 ein gutes Modell ? Welchen Einfluss hat die Art des Modellbaus auf den Ablauf eines Projekts und die Form eines Produkts? Das Modul behandelt das experimentelle Entwerfen und Entwickeln im Zusammenspiel analoger und digitaler Technologien. Verschiedene Arten zur Erstellung von Modellen und deren Bedeutung in verschiedenen Phasen des Entwurfs werden betrachtet und probiert. Wir setzen uns mit grundlegenden Prinzipien des Modellbaus, dem Umgang mit Entwurfswerkzeugen, Verfahren und Materialien auseinander. Dazu zählt die Verwendung von CAD-Programmen und wie sie in Kombination mit handwerklichen Methoden den Entwurf vorantreiben können. Durch kontinuierliches Experimentieren sollen Strategien entdeckt und entwickelt werden. Dabei spielen wir mit ... Zufall, Zweckentfremdung, Rekombination, Skalierung, Vervielfältigung, Vereinfachung, Serie, Variation, Muster, Improvisation, Evolution, Abstraktion, Sprache, Quantität, Qualität, Im/Perfektion, Simulation, Täuschung ... Bildungsziele Modul 2 – Digitaler Modellbau: Erwerb der Grundkenntnisse in den technischen und wissenschaftlichen Fächern In der Lage zu sein, das erworbene technische und wissenschaftliche Grundwissen in die Ausführung eines zu realisierenden Projekts im Bereich Produktdesign einzubringen Erwerb des Fachwissens und der Fertigkeiten für das Design zur Visualisierung virtueller und physischer Szenarien Visualisierungen virtueller und physischer Szenarien für das Produktdesign realisieren zu können exekutive Zeichnungen und/oder CAD (Computeraided Design) realisieren zu können 3D Modelle und Rapid Prototyping realisieren zu können In professioneller Weise die Gründe der eigenen Entscheidungen kommunizieren und argumentieren und sie unter formellem, technischem, wissenschaftlichem und theoretischem Gesichtspunkt begründen zu können. Modul 1 -> siehe Syllabus in englischer Sprache 10/16 Modul 2 Dozent Wissenschaftlich disziplinärer Bereich des Dozenten Unterrichtssprache Sprechzeiten Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (wenn Digitaler Modellbau Sebastian Camerer Büro F1.01.b, E-Mail [email protected], Tel. +39 0471 015236, Webseite http://www.unibz.it/de/designart/people/StaffDetails.html?personid=28444&hstf=28444 INF/01 Deutsch Dienstag 16.00-18.00 - vorgesehen) Auflistung der behandelten Themen Unterrichtsform Modelbau rapid prototyping digitale/analoge Werkzeuge Produktentwicklung Designprozess und Methodik Vorlesungen, Übungen, Workshop Modul 3 -> siehe Syllabus in englischer und italienischer Sprache Erwartete Lernergebnisse Erwartete Lernergebnisse für Modul 2 – Digitaler Modellbau: Der Erwerb grundlegender Kenntnisse zur Durchführung eines Projekts im Bereich Produktdesign, insbesondere mit Fokus auf den Designprozess, digitale und analoge Techniken des Modellbaus, Prototypenbau und Visualisierungen von Konzepten. Kenntnisse der Analyse, Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Produktdesignprojekts. Kenntnisse über digitalen Modellbau, Prototypenbau und digitale Herstellungswege im Produktdesign Kenntnisse zur Entwicklung und Anwendung technischer Aspekte für Produktentwicklung, Modell- und Prototypenbau, analog und digital, und deren Einbindung in den Designprozess die Fähigkeiten in professioneller Weise die Gründe der eigenen Entscheidungen kommunizieren und argumentieren und sie unter formellem, technischem, wissenschaftlichem und theoretischem Gesichtspunkt begründen zu können. 11/16 Art der Prüfung Art der Prüfung – Modul 2 – Digitaler Modellbau: Mündliche Prüfung und Laboratorium: mündliche Prüfung mit Prüfungsfragen und “Transfer-Fragen” mit Aufarbeitung der Erfahrungen aus dem Laboratorium Prüfungssprache Bewertungskriterien und Kriterien für die Notenermittlung entspricht der Unterrichtssprache Die Bewertung der einzelnen Module führt nicht zu einer getrennten Benotung sondern fließt in die Gesamtbewertung des Projektes ein. Es wird eine Note für das gesamte Projekt und in Absprache zwischen den drei Lehrenden zugewiesen, welche das Projekt aufgrund folgender Kriterien bewerten: Bewertungskriterien und Kriterien für die Notenermittlung für Modul 2 - Digitaler Modellbau: Es sind die Ergebnisse aller praktischen Übungen und Workshops, die im Rahmen des Kurses durchgeführt wurden vorzulegen. Die Vollständigkeit und Qualität aller Arbeiten, Modelle, Recherchen und Präsentationen, die Originalität der Ideen, persönliche Einbringung, Motivation und Mitarbeit im Kurs werden bei der Bewertung berücksichtigt. Bewertungskriterien und Kriterien für die Notenermittlung für Modul 1 -> siehe Syllabus in englischer Sprache Bewertungskriterien und Kriterien für die Notenermittlung für Modul 3 -> siehe Syllabus in englischer und italienischer Sprache Pflichtliteratur Modul 2 - Digitaler Modellbau: Weiterführende Literatur Modul 2 - Digitaler Modellbau: - 12/16 Syllabus Descrizione del corso Titolo del corso PROGETTO PD – A1 10 / X / TEN Codice del corso Settore scientifico disciplinare del corso 97003 Modulo 1: ICAR/13 disegno industriale Modulo 2: INF/01 informatica Modulo 3: M-DEA/01 discipline demoetnoantropologiche Bachelor in Design and Art (L-4) II I, II o III 22 Si Corso di studio Semestre Anno del corso Crediti formativi Modulare Numero totale di ore di lezione Monte ore totale di studio individuale o di altre attività didattiche individuali inerenti Corsi propedeutici Frequenza Sito web del corso Descrizione ed obiettivi formativi specifici del corso: modulo 3 – antropologia culturale 180 (Modulo 1: 90, Modulo 2: 60, Modulo 3: 30) 370 (Modulo 1: circa 210, Modulo 2: circa 65, Module 3: circa 95) Per studenti immatricolati a partire dal 2012 avere superato i corsi wup (progetto + geometria descrittiva + metodi e tecniche di rappresentazione); per anni precedenti avere superato il progetto wup. non obbligatoria ma raccomandata - Il corso si inserisce nell’area di apprendimento dei corsi “caratterizzanti” (modulo 1), “di base” (modulo 2) e “affini integrativi” (modulo 3) del curriculum in design. Descrizione del corso modulo 3 – antropologia culturale: Drowning by numbers Se il dieci è un numero che evoca il voto più alto, un’idea di perfezione, tutto questo accade perché siamo animali culturali...abbiamo imparato a numerare e abbiamo investito di simboli e senso il mondo delle qualità come il mondo delle quantità….L’universo stesso, come insegnano i fisici, è l’esito di una grande asimmetria, materia e antimateria non sono presenti in pari misura , e tuttavia cerchiamo simmetrie, serie , ricorsi…speriamo in serie , misure ricorsi di eventi e numeri, viviamo della fantasia della ripetizione e dell’emergenza spasmodica del nuovo. 13/16 Ma se la perfezione ci ossessiona , l’imperfezione segna le nostre culture, la storia di queste, persino la storia dei numeri…come ci mostrano gli antropologi, le etnomatematiche, le storie di calendari, i calcoli del tempo nelle diverse culture, nelle tracce complesse che dal primitivo risalgono sino a noi, o sopravvivono nelle misure di chiese, templi, ordini e cadenze musicali, nelle morfologie e nell’astrazione dei ritmi. Noi viviamo e pensiamo un mondo a base 10, e tuttavia l’informatica si basa su su 0 e 1 .Civiltà antiche, diverse dalle nostre, pensano mondi e calendari su base sessanta, come i dogon, ad esempio, nel segno della rivoluzione della stella Sirio, centro della cosmologia e cosmogonia del loro mondo…Perché allora il dieci è dieci…? Perché investiamo una cifra si senso, perché la simbolizziamo? Perché altri mond,i a noi prossimi, numerano, o hanno numerato, diversamente ? Perché tra forme geometrichenumerabili- e misure aritmetiche- calcolabili- l’idea di misura, di limite, di senso, cerca una sua visibilità astratta, una vista semplice e comunicabile? Oggi è il 2015. Siamo nella seconda decade del terzo millennio…ma perché pensiamo e storicizziamo il mondo in decadi? In fondo viviamo sette, otto decadi, se in buona salute, ricchi, e di solito occidentali… Ma una vita è solo sette decadi? Sette volte dieci? Sette volte le nostre mani aperte con le nostre dieci dita…Nelle mani di vecchi chirurgo, o di un floricultore, ci sono dieci dita, come in quelle di tutti…ma quante vite raccontano quelle dieci dita uguali quelle di tutte… E se provassimo a contare su un base diversa per una volta? Obiettivi formativi modulo 3 – antropologia culturale: acquisire le conoscenze di base per esercitare uno sguardo critico rispetto al proprio lavoro e per confrontarsi con la complessità contemporanea acquisire le conoscenze di base relative alle discipline di carattere teorico essere in grado di finalizzare alla realizzazione di un progetto compiuto nel campo del design di prodotto le conoscenze di base acquisite in campo teorico conoscenza di rilevanti aspetti sociologici, semiotici ed antropologici sapere esporre elaborati critici e programmatici in forma orale sapere produrre elaborati critici e programmatici in forma scritta sapere applicare metodi e risultati di ricerca alla 14/16 progettazione nei diversi ambiti della cultura del progetto comunicare e argomentare ad un livello professionale le ragioni delle proprie scelte e motivarle dal punto di vista formale, tecnico, scientifico e teorico. Modulo 1 -> vedi versione inglese Modulo 2 -> vedi versione inglese o tedesca Modulo 3 Docente Antropologia culturale Carmelo Marabello office F1.01.b, e-mail [email protected], tel. +39 0471 015236, webpage https://www.unibz.it/it/designart/people/StaffDetails.html?personid=28088&hstf=28088 -L-ART-06 Settore scientifico disciplinare del docente Lingua ufficiale del corso Orario di ricevimento Collaboratore didattico (se previsto) Lista degli argomenti trattati Italiano 8.30-9.30 Thursday - Attività didattiche previste Metodi dell’indagine etnografica, etnoestetica del concetto di perfezione, etnomatematica e mondi dei numeri, antropologia delle immmagini Lezioni frontali , seminari , esercizi Risultati di apprendimento attesi Risultati di apprendimento attesi relativi al modulo 3 – antropologia culturale: Competenze teoriche utli al alla cultura del progetto e definizione di visione critica sulla natura e la funzione del design nella società contemporanea Metodo d’esame Metodo d’esame relativo al modulo 3 – antropologia culturale: Un paper finale di discussione del progetto e delle basi teoriche dello stesso di 7000/10.000 parole,e un diario di progetto in forma da definer. Discussione in sede di esame finale dei materiali. Lingua dell’esame Criteri di misurazione e criteri di attribuzione del voto corrisponde alla lingua d’insegnamento La valutazione dei singoli moduli non costituisce un voto a se stante, ma è parte integrante della votazione complessiva del progetto. Il voto finale del progetto è unico ed è definito sulla base del coordinamento tra i tre docenti che valutano il progetto secondo questi criteri: 15/16 Criteri di misurazione e criteri di attribuzione del voto relativi al modulo 3 – antropologia culturale: La valutazione dipende dalla formulazione di un testo chiaro, coinciso, capace di dar prova delle Lezioni teoriche e delle riflessioni maturate nel corso del progetto, scritto in buon italiano Criteri di misurazione e criteri di attribuzione del voto relativi al modulo 1 -> vedi syllabus in lingua inglese Criteri di misurazione e criteri di attribuzione del voto relativi al modulo -> vedi syllabus in lingua inglese ed italiano Bibliografia fondamentale Modulo 3 – antropologia culturale: Bibliografia consigliata Modulo 3 – antropologia culturale: Prima lezione di Antropologia di F. Remotti, Laterza; Il pensiero selvaggio C.Lèvi-Strauss Einaudi Geertz Interpretazione di Culture Mulino Da definire lungo il corso 16/16