PIANO DIDATTICO PROVVISORIO – CDL MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA, A.A. 2014/2015 1/6 PIANO DIDATTICO MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 2014/2015 NEW CURRICULUM I ANNO (D.M. 270/04, DEGREE CODE 8415) COD. ESAME CFU/ECTS SEMESTRE* 37197 ANATOMIA-STORIA DELLA MEDICINA (C.I.) 8 37198 Anatomia 1 6 37199 Laboratorio di anatomia 1 1 00976 Storia della medicina 1 21005 BIOCHIMICA (C.I.) 21 1+2 37201 Biochimica metabolica 10 2 12946 Biologia molecolare 1 2 37200 Chimica e biochimica generale 9 1 14041 Laboratorio di biochimica 1 2 21197 BIOLOGIA E GENETICA (C.I.) 10 15950 Biologia e genetica 9 90171 Laboratorio di biologia e genetica 1 00405 FISICA 6 1 02573 INGLESE 3 1 14775 ISTOLOGIA ED EMBRIOLOGIA (C.I.) 8 37185 Istologia ed embriologia 1 5 37193 Istologia ed embriologia 2 2 37188 Laboratorio di istologia ed embriologia 1 2 2 1 *Semestre: st 1 = 1 semester (lessons from October to December, exams in January-February); nd 2 = 2 semester (lessons from March to May, exams in June-July); 1+2 = the course is taught over the first and the second semester. You must attend classes in both semesters to be admitted to the final exam (June-July session). Please note that this course catalogue is provisional; the official course catalogue will be published on the Medical Degree’s website later this year at http://corsi.unibo.it/medicinaechirurgia > Piani didattici. PIANO DIDATTICO PROVVISORIO – CDL MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA, A.A. 2014/2015 2/6 II ANNO (D.M. 270/04, DEGREE CODE 8415) COD. ESAME 37213 ANATOMIA (C.I.) 12 37214 Anatomia 2 7 37216 Anatomia 3 4 37215 Laboratorio di anatomia 2 1 21103 FISIOLOGIA (C.I.) 20 1+2 08068 Fisiologia applicata 1 2 12939 Fisiologia cellulare 6 1 90194 Fisiologia degli apparati 13 2 00714 MICROBIOLOGIA 8 2 37217 PATOLOGIA MOLECOLARE – IMMUNOLOGIA (C.I.) 10 1+2 03766 Immunologia 5 1 01132 Patologia molecolare 5 2 40078 PSICOLOGIA GENERALE E ANTROPOLOGIA MEDICA (C.I.) 6 90324 Laboratorio di Psicologia generale 1 02207 Psicologia Generale 3 CFU SEMESTRE* 1 1 49335 Antropologia Medica 2 *Semestre: st 1 = 1 semester (lessons from October to December, exams in January-February); nd 2 = 2 semester (lessons from March to May, exams in June-July); 1+2 = the course is taught over the first and the second semester. You must attend classes in both semesters to be admitted to the final exam (June-July session). Please note that this course catalogue is provisional; the official course catalogue will be published on the Medical Degree’s website later this year at http://corsi.unibo.it/medicinaechirurgia > Piani didattici. PIANO DIDATTICO PROVVISORIO – CDL MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA, A.A. 2014/2015 III ANNO (D.M. 270/04, DEGREE CODE 8415) CFU/ECTS 3/6 COD. ESAME 31867 FARMACOLOGIA (C.I.) 9 1+2 37236 Farmaci e bioetica 1 1 00351 Farmacologia 6 1+2 42578 Prescrizione dei farmaci 2 2 37249 IGIENE, SANITÀ PUBBLICA, STATISTICA MEDICA (C.I.) 7 57138 Igiene generale e applicata 3 37250 Programmazione, organizzazione e gestione sanitaria 2 03848 Statistica medica 2 23987 MALATTIE CARDIOVASCOLARI E DELL’APPARATO RESPIRATORIO (C.I.) Chirurgia cardiaca 00160 Chirurgia toracica 1 03313 Chirurgia vascolare 1 02405 Fisiopatologia respiratoria 1 08957 Malattie cardiovascolari 4 06051 Pneumologia 2 37239 MALATTIE DELL’ APPARATO URINARIO (C.I.) 5 39565 Chirurgia gastroenterologia ed endocrinologia 1 1 37243 Nefrologia 1 2 37245 Nefrologia 2 1 01070 Urologia 1 34340 MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO (C.I.) 5 08956 Biochimica clinica 1 03257 Microbiologia clinica 2 07732 Patologia clinica 2 39575 1 36814 37223 Medicina interna 1 5 21364 PATOLOGIA E FISIOPATOLOGIA GENERALE (C.I.) 10 90316 Laboratorio di patologia generale 2 02359 Patologia e fisiopatologia generale 8 TIROCINIO PRATICO (NOT INCLUDED IN COURSES) 2 10 METODOLOGIA CLINICA E SISTEMATICA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA (C.I.) Chirurgia generale 1 39564 SEMESTRE* 2 2 1 9 4 1 1 Incoming Erasmus students must request clinical rotations according to the instructions published on the information booklet and on the “Clinical Rotations – F.A.Q.s” document. *Semestre: st 1 = 1 semester (lessons from October to December, exams in January-February); nd 2 = 2 semester (lessons from March to May, exams in June-July); 1+2 = the course is taught over the first and the second semester. You must attend classes in both semesters to be admitted to the final exam (June-July session). Please note that this course catalogue is provisional; the official course catalogue will be published on the Medical Degree’s website later this year at http://corsi.unibo.it/medicinaechirurgia > Piani didattici. PIANO DIDATTICO PROVVISORIO – CDL MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA, A.A. 2014/2015 4/6 IV ANNO (D.M. 270/04, DEGREE CODE 8415) COD. ESAME CFU/ECTS 14786 ANATOMIA PATOLOGICA (C.I.) 12 00031 Anatomia patologica 10 37763 Principi di anatomia patologica 2 37311 CLINICA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA DELL’ APPARATO LOCOMOTORE (C.I.) 5 37312 Anatomia 4 1 17609 Malattie dell’apparato locomotore 3 42244 Medicina fisica e riabilitativa 1 1 37313 EMATOLOGIA, IMMUNOLOGIA CLINICA, REUMATOLOGIA (C.I.) 6 02404 Ematologia 3 01218 Immunologia clinica 2 03565 Reumatologia 1 42529 GASTROENTEROLOGIA, ENDOCRINOLOGIA E MALATTIE DEL METABOLISMO (C.I.) 8 39566 Chirurgia gastroenterologica ed endocrinologia 2 1 03467 Endocrinologia 4 03594 Gastroenterologia 3 37317 MALATTIE DEL SISTEMA NERVOSO (C.I.) 8 37319 Diagnostica neurometabolica in vivo 1 00734 Neurochirurgia 1 06551 Neurofisiologia 1 03668 Neurologia 4 00737 Neuroradiologia 1 37316 MALATTIE INFETTIVE, DERMATOLOGIA E CHIRURGIA PLASTICA (C.I.) 7 00159 Chirurgia plastica 1 20676 Malattie cutanee e veneree 3 00671 Malattie infettive 3 SEMESTRE* 1+2 1 1 1 2 TIROCINIO PRATICO (NOT INCLUDED IN COURSES) 2 Incoming Erasmus students must request clinical rotations according to the instructions published on the information booklet and on the “Clinical Rotations – F.A.Q.s” document. *Semestre: st 1 = 1 semester (lessons from October to December, exams in January-February); nd 2 = 2 semester (lessons from March to May, exams in June-July); 1+2 = the course is taught over the first and the second semester. You must attend classes in both semesters to be admitted to the final exam (June-July session). Please note that this course catalogue is provisional; the official course catalogue will be published on the Medical Degree’s website later this year at http://corsi.unibo.it/medicinaechirurgia > Piani didattici. PIANO DIDATTICO PROVVISORIO – CDL MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA, A.A. 2014/2015 5/6 V ANNO (D.M. 270/04, DEGREE CODE 8415) COD. ESAME CFU/ECTS 00058 CLINICA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA DEGLI ORGANI DI SENSO (C.I.) Audiologia 21341 Malattie apparato visivo 1 20630 Malattie odontostomatologiche 1 02367 Otorinolaringoiatria 1 14787 DIAGNOSTICA PER IMMAGINI E RADIOTERAPIA (C.I.) 5 20756 Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia 4 09127 Radioprotezione 1 17067 GINECOLOGIA E OSTETRICIA 5 37336 4 1 37344 MEDICINA INTERNA, DELL’INVECCHIAMENTO E DI COMUNITÀ (C.I.) Chirurgia generale 2 37342 Clinica medica e dell’invecchiamento 3 42247 Medicina fisica e riabilitativa 2 1 21142 MEDICINA LEGALE E DEL LAVORO (C.I.) 5 00699 Medicina del lavoro 2 00701 Medicina legale 2 13220 Pedagogia generale e sociale 1 37368 ONCOLOGIA MEDICA (C.I.) 5 37354 Anestesiologia 1 1 04982 Oncologia medica 2 37355 Pedagogia generale e sociologia oncologica 1 03151 1 42584 Radioterapia PEDIATRIA GENERALE E SPECIALISTICA – GENETICA MEDICA (C.I.) Chirurgia pediatrica e infantile 03553 Genetica medica 2 00736 Neuropsichiatria infantile 1 57179 Pediatria generale e specialistica 5 37353 PSICHIATRIA E PSICOLOGIA CLINICA (C.I.) 6 00867 Psichiatria 4 03084 Psicologia clinica 2 37341 37349 TIROCINIO PRATICO (NOT INCLUDED IN COURSES) SEMESTRE* 1 2 2 5 1 2 1 1 9 1 2 1 Incoming exchange students must request clinical rotations according to the instructions published on the information booklet and on the “Clinical Rotations – F.A.Q.s” document. *Semestre: st 1 = 1 semester (lessons from October to December, exams in January-February); nd 2 = 2 semester (lessons from March to May, exams in June-July); 1+2 = the course is taught over the first and the second semester. You must attend classes in both semesters to be admitted to the final exam (June-July session). Please note that this course catalogue is provisional; the official course catalogue will be published on the Medical Degree’s website later this year at http://corsi.unibo.it/medicinaechirurgia > Piani didattici. PIANO DIDATTICO PROVVISORIO – CDL MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA, A.A. 2014/2015 6/6 OLD CURRICULUM VI ANNO (D.M. 509/99, DEGREE CODE 0080) COD. ESAME CFU SEMESTRE* 00166 CLINICA CHIRURGICA 4 1 03216 CLINICA MEDICA 5 1 43045 ECONOMIA ED ORGANIZZAZIONE SANITARIA 2 1 11450 EMERGENZE MEDICO-CHIRURGICHE (C.I.) 4 15600 Chirurgia d’urgenza e pronto soccorso 1 43046 Anestesiologia e rianimazione/Terapia intensiva/Terapia del dolore 2 57160 Medicina d’urgenza e pronto soccorso 1 TIROCINIO PRATICO (NOT INCLUDED IN COURSES) 1 Incoming exchange students must request clinical rotations according to the instructions published on the information booklet and on the “Clinical Rotations – F.A.Q.s” document. *Semestre: st 1 = 1 semester (lessons from October to December, exams in January-February); nd 2 = 2 semester (lessons from March to May, exams in June-July); 1+2 = the course is taught over the first and the second semester. You must attend classes in both semesters to be admitted to the final exam (June-July session). Please note that this course catalogue is provisional; the official course catalogue will be published on the Medical Degree’s website later this year at http://corsi.unibo.it/medicinaechirurgia > Piani didattici.