Istituto Tecnico “Lorenzo Mossa” Via Carboni n°10 - 09170 ORISTANO GEOMETRI Programma svolto nell’anno scolastico 2015-2016 Docente: Annina Scalas Classe: 1^L Geometri – CAT – Costruzione, Ambiente e Territorio. Testo utilizzato: Network Concise, Student’s Book & Workbook, CD audio e My Digital Book Versione 2.0 – di Paul Radley – Edizioni Oxford University Press. Lesson and Unit Functions Vocabulary Grammar Lesson A Ripasso dell’alfabeto, del verbo essere e dei pronomi personali alla 3^ persona singolare e degli aggettivi possessivi singolari. Lesson B Ripasso dei numeri cardinali, del verbo essere alla 1^ e 2^ persona. Lesson C Ripasso delle nazioni e delle nazionalità, del verbo essere e degli aggettivi possessivi al plurale, e dell’articolo determinativo the. Lesson D Ripasso dei mestieri e delle risposte brevi del verbo essere, e dell’articolo indeterminativo a/an Lesson E Gli animali domestici e gli oggetti personali. Il verbo to have got (1^ parte) Asking for and giving personal information – 1^ parte. The alphabet Verb to be (1st part), he, she, it; Possessive adjectives (1st part): my, your, his, her, its. Asking for and giving personal information – 2^ parte. Cardinal numbers Verb to be (2nd part), I, you. Talking about nationality Countries and nationalities Verb to be (3rd part), we, they; Possessive adjectives (2nd part): our, their; The definite article: the. Talking about jobs Jobs Verb to be (4th part), short answers; The indefinite article: a/an Talking about possessions Pets and possessions Verb to have got (1st part), I, you, we, they. Lesson F Gli aggettivi usati nelle descrizioni delle persone. Il verbo to have got (2^ parte) Lesson G I pronomi dimostrativi e il plurale dei sostantivi. Unit 1- Family life I membri della famiglia, il verbo to be e le preposizioni di luogo (1^parte), il genitivo sassone, il verbo to have got, a/an/ How many….? any Unit 2- Free time Il presente indicativo dei verbi (1^ parte), i verbi + -ing, i pronomi personali complemento, le espressioni con i verbi to play, to go, to do. Unit 3- Everyday life Il presente indicativo dei verbi (2^ parte), descrizione delle attività di ogni giorno. L’orario, gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza, le preposizioni at, on, in, le espressioni con il verbo to have. Unit 4- School life Le materie scolastiche, il Present continuous (1^ e 2^ parte); L’utilizzo del Present Continuous o del Present simple, I verbi di stato. Unit 5- Difficult days I numeri ordinali, l mesi dell’anno e le Describing appearance Describing people Verb to have got (2nd part), he, she, it. Understanding classroom language Classroom objects Talking about family; Talking about possessions (1^parte) Family Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those; Plural nouns. Verb to be and Preposition of place (1st part); Possessive’s; Verb to have got; a/an, How many….? Talking about sports and free-time activities; Expressing likes and dislikes Sports; Free-time activities (1st part) Present simple (1st part), Verbs + -ing; Object pronouns; to play, to go, to do. Talking about daily routine; Telling the time; Talking about lifestyle Daily routine (1st part); The time; Free-time activities (2sd part) Present simple (2nd part); Adverbs of frequency; Expressions of frequency; Prepositions of time at, on, in; Expressions with to have. Talking about school; Talking about temporary actions; Talking about your life at the moment School subjects Present continuous (1st and 2nd part); Present continuous or Present simple? Talking about dates; Talking about ability; Making arrangements Ordinal numbers; Months and dates; Abilities Can: Ability; Present continuous (3rd part): The future; date. Il verbo modale can per esprimere abilità. L’utilizzo del Present Continuous e del Present simple per indicare il futuro. Unit 6- In town I posti in città, preposizioni di luogo (2^parte); l’utilizzo di there is/are + some/any, l’imperativo, Preposizioni e avverbi di moto, aggettivi per descrivere la città. Unit 7- Let’s eat! I cibi e le bevande; I sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili; le quantità e i contenitori di cibi e bevande; some/any; much/many, a lot of/lots of; (a) little (bit of) / (a) few; too much/many, (not) enough; i negozi. Present simple (3rd part): The future. Talking about places in Places in a town; your town; City adjectives Asking for and giving directions Prepositions of place (2nd part); there is/are + some/any; The imperative; Prepositions and adverbs of movement. Talking about your favourite food; Talking about quantities; Talking about diet; Talking about your town. Countable and uncountable nouns; some/any; much/many, a lot of/lots of; (a) little (bit of) / (a) few; too much/many, (not) enough Oristano, lì 08 giugno 2016 Gli alunni Il docente Food and drink; Food quantities and containers; Shops