programma di lingua inglese - Liceo da Vinci

annuncio pubblicitario
Classe IV B linguistico
a. s. 2015 - 2016
Libri di testo: Jordan – Fiocchi
Grammar Files
Trinity Whitebridge
Cattaneo - De Flaviis
Millenium concise
Signorelli Scuola
Ripasso delle principali strutture grammaticali e sintattiche
Phrasal verbs
Costruzioni sintattiche dei verbi
Word formation
Argomenti di letteratura svolti:
The Restoration and the 18th century: key concepts
The Augustan Age: main features
The Rise of the novel: main features and types
Features of the novel
Daniel Defoe: life - works
Robinson Crusoe: features - themes – the story
Reading from “ Robinson Crusoe”: Robinson and Friday
Moll Flanders: the story – main features
Jonathan Swift: life – works
Gulliver’s Travels: features – themes – the story
Reading from “ Gulliver’s Travels”: Beloved Horses, Hateful Men
The Romantic Age: key concepts
The American Revolution-The French Revolution-The Industrial Revolution and its consequences
Romantic Poetry: features and themes
The role of the poet
The Gothic Novel
William Wordsworth: life - works - features - themes
Lyrical Ballads – The Preface : features - themes
Reading: I wandered lonely as a cloud
Samuel T. Coleridge: life - works- features - themes
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Reading of part 1: It is an Ancient Mariner
Part 7 ...: A Sadder and a Wiser Man, He Rose the Morrow Morn
The Romantic novel
Jane Austen: life - works – features - themes
Pride and Prejudice: themes – the story
Reading from “ Pride and Prejudice”: Hunting for a husband
The Victorians: An Age of industry and reforms-The British Empire- The Victorian Compromise
The American Frontier and the Civil War
The Early Victorian novel: main features and themes
E’ stato svolto un breve modulo di CLIL con l’insegnante di Storia sulle conseguenze sociali della
Rivoluzione Industriale. In classe è stato letto e commentato un documeno autentico:
Extracts from a testimony given before the Sadler Committee, 1832.
I brani letterari sono stati letti, tradotti ed analizzati in classe.
L’insegnante: Ceste Renata