ISTITUTO D’ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE “N. MACHIAVELLI” Anno scolastico 2015 / 2016 CLASSE 4 B LICEO ECONOMICO SOCIALE INGLESE Docente: Marina Montauti Testi di letteratura : Performer Culture and Literature vol.1 From the Origins to the Eighteenth Century Performer Culture and Literature vol.2 The Nineteenth Century in Britain and America Marina Spiazzi Marina Tavella M. Layton Ed. Lingue Zanichelli Testo di riferimento grammaticale : Grammar Reference Classic Mariagiovanna Andreolli Pamela Linwood ed.Petrini GRAMMATICA Con l’ausilio del testo di grammatica in adozione sono state consolidate e ampliate le seguenti strutture: uso dei tempi verbali Present Simple e Progressive, Past Simple e Progressive, Present Perfect Simple e Progressive, Past Perfect Simple e Progressive, Present and Past Conditional,Tutti i tempi futuri incluso Future perfect and Future continuous; Frasi ipotetiche di tipo 0, 1, 2, 3; Forma passiva; Discorso indiretto;Verbi modali. LETTERATURA: Lo studio della letteratura inglese ha focalizzato l’ analisi dei generi letterari DRAMA e FICTION e POETRY individuando gli elementi che li caratterizzano. DRAMA: the origins and the elements of drama, tragedy, comedy, structure, plot and sub-plot, setting, stage directions, characters, dramatic techniques, language. FICTION: story, plot, setting, characters, narrative technique, theme POETRY layout, language, sound, figures of speech, theme. THE RENAISSANCE Meet the Tudors Henry VII; HenryVIII; ary I; Elizabeth I; tha Act of Supremacy; the defeat of the Spanish armada. Elizabethan entertainment; the English Renaissance, the Sonnet; the flourishing of Medieval drama (Miracle, Mistery and Morality plays; Interludes) William Shakespeare vita e opere ; Why study Shakespeare?- Shakespeare’s London- The structure of theatres- the Globe- The world of drama “Macbeth” conoscenza completa dell’opera nella versione semplificata ed CIDEB Black Cat (sources, plot, prejudice, symbols, themes) Macbeth’s Last monologue; Duncan’s murder “Romeo and Juliet” ( characters, stage directions, double illusion, structure, imagery, plot, themes, love as light) The Prologue, the Balcony Scene, With a kiss I die Visione della scena del balcone nelle interpretazioni cinematografiche di Zeffirelli e Baz Luhrmann Analisi testuale dei sonetti My mistress’ Eye;, Shall I compare Thee; Like as the waves; Let Me not to the Marriage of True Minds; One Day I wrote her name upon the Strand; THE PURITAN AGE The Civil war- Oliver Cromwell and the Ironsides- The British monarchy today- The Puritans and the Puritan heritage in America- -The Royal Society THE RESTORATION The Restoration of the Monarchy and the Glorious Revolution. THE AUGUSTAN AGE The birth of political parties- The Act of Union- The Tories and the Whigs - Modern political parties -The means for cultural debate-Two newspapers: The Spectator and Il Caffé- British newspapers today (popular press and quality press) The rise of the novel and the reading public The coffeehouse. Daniel Defoe life and works - “Robinson Crusoe” analisi testuale The Journal e Man Friday Jonathan Swift life and works-“Gulliver’s travels” analisi testuale Gulliver and the Liliputians AN AGE OF REVOLUTIONS Agrarian and Industrial revolutions- The industrial society and child labour – Approfondimento su child labour today (from The Daily Mail “The Real price of your 5 pound jeans”) William Blake life and works- Songs of Innocence and Songs of experience London; The Chimney Sweeper (1789) The Chimney Sweeper (1794) Mary Shelley life and works - The Gothic novel from Frankenstein The Creation of the monster video : Human cloning pros and cons and debate; (photocopy) Is technology changing our lives too much? CLIL INGLESE/ARTE: Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I, the symbolism of power); William Dobson a Puritan painter ( portrait of a Puritan Family) William Hogarth “Marriage a la mode” and “Gin Lane” FILMS: analisi di scene significative da Elizabeth (USA 1998); Elizabeth the Golden Age (USA 2007) Shakespeare in love (GB 1998) Romeo and Juliet (Zeffirelli UK/Italy 1968) Romeo + Juliet ( Luhrmann USA 1996) Cromwell (USA 1970) To kill a king (UK 2003). L’insegnante (Marina Montauti) Lucca, 7 giugno 2016 I rappresentanti di classe