Curriculum Vitæ et Studiorum EN

annuncio pubblicitario
Curriculum Vitæ et Studiorum
Personal Information
Name: Elvio Gilberto
Surname: Amparore
Gender: Male
Place and date of Birth: Pinerolo(TO), March 6th, 1984
Citizenship: Italian
Residente a: Cumiana(TO), via del Pino n°17, C.A.P. 10040, ITALY
Cod. Fiscale: MPRLGL84C06G674C
Languages: Italian(native), English(intermediate)
Phone: +39 366-8743278 (mobile), +39 011-9070130 (home) ,
Phone: +39 011-6706728 (office), +39 011-751603 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Gen 2010: Started the Ph.D. in Computer Science
Oct 2009: Laurea Magistrale (italian Master's degree) in Computer Science
at the University of Turin, with 110/110 "e Lode". He presented “Model
Checking of CSLTA with DSPN Nets” M.D. Thesis with professor Susanna
• Apr 2007: Laurea Triennale (Bachelor's degree) in Computer Science at the
University of Turin, with 110/110 "e Lode". He presented “Multithreading
techniques in http servers” B.D. Thesis with professor Franco Sirovich.
• Jun 2003: Took the "Diploma di Maturità scientifica" (Secondary school) at
the Lyceum “Marie Curie” of Pinerolo(TO, ITALY), with vote 100/100.
Working Experiences
2010: Development of a tool-chain for the solution of non-Markovian Petri
• 2009: Development of a CSLTA model checker prototype.
• 2007: Project and develpoment of an http server with multithreaded
structure and CGI protocol support.
• 2005: Project and development of a management accounting platform, with
data transition from a previous Basic/DOS software.
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003.
Amparore, Elvio Gilberto and Donatelli, Susanna, "Model checking CSL-TA
with Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets", Accepted for pubblication at
DSN-PDS 2010, Chicago, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press.
• Amparore, E. and Donatelli, S., "MC4CSL-TA: an efficient model checking
tool for CSL-TA", Tool demo presentation accepted at QEST 2010, September
15-18, Williamsburg, USA, IEEE-CS Press.
• Amparore, E. and Donatelli, S., "DSPN-Tool: a new DSPN and GSPN solver
for GreatSPN", Tool demo presentation accepted at QEST 2010, September
15-18, Williamsburg, USA, IEEE-CS Press.
• Amparore, E. and Donatelli, S., "Revisiting the Iterative Solution of Markov
Regenerative Processes", Submitted at NSMC-2010, Williamsburg, USA.
Key Skills
Markov and semi-Markov stochastic systems, Petri Nets, process algebra.
Good knoledge of linear algebra and other numerical solution methods.
• Model checking technologies, temporal logics, decision diagrams.
• Working knowledge of cross-platform development with C/C++. Good
knowledge of Java tecnhologies, and Unix/Windows platoforms.
• Other skills: DBMS development, automatic verification of software models,
programming paradigms, lambda calculus.
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003.