University of Padua Bachelor and Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences of the health professions PROGRAM OF THE COURSE Professor/Lecturer: Teaching: Qualitative Research in Rehabilitation Credits: 6 Course Hours: 60 Prerequisites Learners must possess an introductory orientation on the epistemological framework and methodological basis of the rehabilitative science. Learners must know basic concepts on the general research process. Knowledge, skills and learning targets Qualitative Research in Rehabilitation (3CFU) Knowledge and understanding: The learner will have a general orientation on the methodological process of qualitative research. He will be familiar with the specific concepts of different methods in qualitative research. Applying knowledge and understanding: The learner will be able to consider rehabilitative problems in terms of a qualitative research process, in order to acquire new and original knowledge on the topics. Project of Qualitative Research (3 CFU) Contents Qualitative Research in Rehabilitation (3CFU) Foundations: - The rehabilitative paradigm - Ontological and epistemological assumptions on the concepts of person, subject, body, illness, experience, cure, therapy. Philosophical and methodological models in Qualitative Research: - Phenomenology - Ermeneutics - Ethnography - Constructivism - Symbolic interactionism and Grounded theory. Methods of Qualitative Research in practice: - The open and in-depth interview. - The diary - The participant observation - The focus group - The rhythm of the sense in the experience of qualitative research - Methods of data analysis. Project of Qualitative Research (3 CFU) Learning activities provided for and teaching methodologies The teaching methodology of the discipline is conduct in a reflexive and dialogic manner. Workshop: - Autobiographical text or open interview as a source for develop an inter-subjective process of analysis, aimed to acquire new insights on an experiential topic. References Introduction to the Qualitative research methods: Cambi F. 2002 L’autobiografia come metodo formativo. Laterza, Bari. Cardano M 2003 Tecniche di ricerca qualitativa. Percorsi di ricerca nelle scienze sociali. Carocci, Roma. Demetrio D 1995 Raccontarsi. L’autobiografia come cura di sé. Raffaello Cortina, Milano Diana P, Montesperelli P 2005 Analizzare le interviste ermeneutiche. Carocci, Roma. Montesperelli P 2001 L’intervista ermeneutica. Franco Angeli, Milano, 2a ed. Mortari L. 2007 Cultura della ricerca e pedagogia. Prospettive epistemologiche. Carocci, Roma. Mortari L. 2003 Apprendere dall’esperienza. Il pensiero riflessivo nella formazione. Carocci, Roma. Sità C. 2012 Indagare l’esperienza. L’intervista fenomenologica nella ricerca educativa. Carocci, Roma. Tarozzi M. 2008 Che cos’è la Grounded Theory. Carocci, Roma. Phylosophical foundations: Fabietti U 1999 Antropologia culturale. L’esperienza e l’interpretazione. Laterza, Bari. Cappuccio M (a cura di) 2006 Neurofenomenologia. Bruno Mondadori, Milano. Ceruti M 2000 Il vincolo e la possibilità. Feltrinelli, Milano, 5a ed. De Monticelli R 1998 La conoscenza personale. Introduzione alla fenomenologia. Guerini, Milano. De Monticelli R. 2003. L’ordine del cuore. Etica e teoria del sentire. Garzanti, Milano. Gadamer HG (1986) Wahrheit und Methode. Trad. it. Verità e metodo. Bompiani, Milano, 2000. Geertz C Interpretazione di culture. Il Mulino, Bologna. Husserl E. La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale. Net, Milano, 2002. Merleau-Ponty M 1945 Fenomenologia della percezione. Bompiani, Torino 2003. Phenomenology and rehabilitation: Migliorino N. (2010) Il gesto terapeutico. Forma e Contatto. Franco Angeli, Milano. Migliorino N. (2011) L’esperienza del gesto di cura: percorsi e intrecci nel formarsi del corpo. Encyclopaideia XV (31), 91-101. Assessment mode The exam consists of the presentation of the workshop as a personal process and as a production of new insights on the explored topic. Evaluation Criteria for the practical test Interest of the chosen topic, quality of the organization and the presentation mode, reflexive and creative thinking.