News 1st Festival Musica Sacra 14th - 16th May 2010 Friday, 14 May, 15:00 Chiesa Santa Maria della Pietà Venezia Romanian Orchestra of Engineers "Petru Ghenghea" Bucharest, Romania Choriosa Basel, Switzerland Coral Polifonico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal GV Germania 1897 Neckarhausen e.V., Germany Friday, 14 May, 21:00 Chiesa Sacro Cuore di Gesù Lido di Jesolo (Venezia) Frauenchor Altstätten, Switzerland Gumpoldskirchner Kammerchor "Vox Humana", Austria Boy's and young men choir "Baltika", Russia Saturday, 15 May, 15:00 Chiesa Santa Maria della Pietà (Venezia) Izmir Isilay Saygin Fine Arts School, Turkey Children choir "Viva Voce", Finland Frauenchor Altstätten, Switzerland Gumpoldskirchner Kammerchor "Vox Humana", Austria Boy's and young men choir "Baltika", Russia Saturday, 15 May, 21:00 Chiesa Sacro Cuore di Gesù Lido di Jesolo (Venezia) Coral Polifonico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal Choriosa Basel, Switzerland Romanian Orchestra of Engineers "Petru Ghenghea" Bucharest, Romania Sunday, 16 May, 21:00 Chiesa Sacro Cuore di Gesù Lido di Jesolo (Venezia) Izmir Isilay Saygin Fine Arts School Orchestra and Choir, Turkey Children choir "Viva Voce", Finland GV Germania 1897 Neckarhausen e.V., Germany