Midterm Review – Italiano I

annuncio pubblicitario
Midterm Review –
Italiano II
1. Mesi/Giorni/Stagioni – Months, Days and Seasons –
know the meaning and definition of each.
2. Materie d’insegnamento – Subjects – Know the classes
and materials that correspond with each subject
(example: Dante, Shakespeare = la letteratura)
3. Verbi – Essere/Avere/-ARE – Know the conjugations of
each of the verbs and remember the subject pronouns
(example: Io, lei, MAYA=lei [sono, sei, ho, hai etc.])
{sono, sei, è, siamo, siete, sono – ho, hai, ha, abbiamo,
avete, hanno; -o, -I, - a, -iamo, -ate, -ano}
4. Idiomatic Expressions – Know what they mean and how
then fit into a sentence (example: avere sonno= to be
5. Prepozioni e artciolate – use the preposition and
determine the article to match the correct combination
(example: a+il=al, in+la=nella)
6. I parti del corpo – know the meaning of the parts of the
body and what you use each part of the body for
(example: Per ascoltare usiamo=le orecchie)
7. La Città – Match the places in the city to the action that
goes with it (example: Con quale luogo associ il verbo
mangiare? = Con il ristorante)