Programmazione effettivamente svolta Disciplina: INGLESE Classe: 4^ B Ipsia Docente: Gandolfi Cristina Maria A.S. 2015/16 . GRAMMATICA Ripasso grammaticale: “simple present” vs “present continuous”. Frequency adverbs. Ripasso grammaticale del “simple past” del verbo “to be”. Ripasso del “simple past” dei verbi regolari con variazioni ortografiche. Ripasso del “simple past” dei verbi irregolari. Definite and indefinite articles. Past continuous. The Present Perfect tense. Present Perfect vs Simple Past. Duration form. Comparatives and superlatives. Prepositions of time and place. Simple future (will/shall). Futuro intenzionale: “to be going to”. Present continuous as a future. Simple present as a future. The Passive voice. LETTURE – MICROLINGUA E TECNOLOGIA Conducrors, semiconductors and insulators. Copperv attracts thieves in Italy. What is lightning? DC/AC. The advantages of alternating current. Electricity transmission. Lightning Engineering. Lightning design. How electromagnetism works. Feng Shui. The First Industrial Revolution. The Luddite movement. The steam engine. Edison: the scientist of 1000 inventions. The grid. H.C. Oersted. Michael Faraday: the electric generator. The bicycle dynamo. The transformer. The hydroelectric power station. What is energy? Solar energy. Solar cells. Describing a solar cell. Why should we point to solar energy? A nuclear power plant. Testi: V. Bianco- A. Gentile, New Gear Up (Ed. Il Capitello) J Hird, The Complete English grammar (O.U.P.) Montecchio Maggiore, lì 26 maggio 2016 Gli alunni L’insegnante Cristina Maria Gandolfi