Martedí 14 Ottobre, 2008 Italiano per Principianti (Italian Beginners) Prima Lezione Contatti: Raffaello Mariani [email protected] PROGRAMMA DELLA LEZIONE Amministrazione (Administration) Introductions Il gioco delle parole (Word Game) Saluti – Formali/Informali (Formal/Informal greetings) Presentazioni (How to introduce oneself) L’alfabeto e la fonetica (The alphabet and phonetics) L’Italia (Information about Italy) Compiti a casa (facoltativi) (Homework – discretional) IL GIOCO DELLE PAROLE: I SALUTI – FORMALI/INFORMALI (Greetings – formal/informal) PRESENTAZIONI (Introductions) Introductions can be either formal or informal. Formal introduction are commonly reserved to persons older then yourself (i.e. your parents’ generation), or for approaching people such as professors and public figures. The third person singular is commonly used. Informal introductions are reserved for friends/family, or people with whom you are personally familiar, regardless of age or social status. Formal Presentation: Buongiorno, mi chiamo ……., e lei, come si chiama? Informal presentation: Ciao, mi chiamo….., e tu, come ti chiami? In English, both forms can be translated, Good day/Hello, my name is…what’s your name? Additional questions (formal/informal): Quanti anni ha/hai? => How old are you? Ho…..anni. => I am….. Che lavoro fa/fai? => What’s your job? Sono…… => I am…….. Di che nazionalita’ e’/sei? Oppure Da dove viene/vieni? => What is your nationality/Where are you from? L’ALFABETO E LA FONETICA (The alphabet and phonetics) Additional sounds/phonetics in Italian: in Italian there are two common sounds generated by adding two letters: c+h and g+h. This construction is needed when the vowel i follows the letters c or g. BEWARE: it is possible to have c+i and g+i, but they become soft pronunciations. With the other vowels, c and g are strong sounds. The ch is a strong sound and is read as a k in English. I.e.: la chiave (key). il cioccolato (chocolate) il cappello (hat) The gh is similar to the g in English. I.e.: il ghiaccio (ice) il giocattolo (toy) il gatto (cat) ESERCIZIO DI FONETICA – LA “R” (ERRE) (Phonetics exercise – the “R”) Trentatre trentini Andavano a Trento Tutti e trentatre trotterellando I VERBI AVERE ED ESSERE Verbo Avere Verbo Essere Avere To have Essere To be Io ho I have Io sono I am Tu hai You have Tu sei You are Egli/Ella ha He/She/It has Egli/Ella é He/She/It is Noi abbiamo We have Noi siamo We are Voi avete You have Voi siete You are Essi/Esse hanno They have Essi/Esse sono They are L’ITALIA Can you name the monument and link it to its city? COMPITI A CASA (Homework) 1) I saluti: look at the pictures below, and fill in the gaps with the appropriate greeting. Also specify whether is formal or informal. 2) Based on the vocabulary learnt in class, write a simple introduction for yourself. I.e.: name, age, nationality, job/field of study.