Usa un pronome al posto delle parole sottolineate

annuncio pubblicitario
Classe 1ª – Compiti per l’estate (debito e recupero)
 Utilizzando il computer vai sul sito puoi fare un proficuo ripasso
 Grammar: Adjectives 1-2, Plurals 1-2, Plurals (Irregular) 3, Articles (A/An) 1-2,
Possessive Adjectives, Have Got, Have Got - Questions, Present Simple Tense - To Be,
To Be - Negative, To Be - Questions, Present Simple Tense - To Have, Present Simple
Tense - 1-2, Present Simple Tense - Questions (Do/Does), Present Simple Tense - "Wh"
Questions, Present Tense - Short Answers, There is/There are, This/These, That/Those,
This-These, That-Those, Prepositions 1 -2-3, Word Order - Present Tense.
 Listening: Personal Information, Hue Le's Story, Min's Story, My Family, Anna's Story,
My Day, My Weekend
 Reading: Sue's Family, Ruth's Family, George - Part 1, George - Part 2
 Vocabulary: Colours, Opposites 1-2, Days of the Week 1-2, Numbers 1-2, The Time 1-2,
The Family 1-2-3
 Sempre utilizzando il computer vai sito e ripassa i
seguenti vocaboli suddivisi per argomento: the alphabet, numbers, the body, colours, the
family, school. Ascolta e ripeti le parole più volte, l’immagine ti aiuterà a memorizzare le
parole più facilmente.
 Per il ripasso dei vocaboli utilizza il DVD ROM allegato al libro That’is it! Rifai tutti gli
esercizi e i giochi delle seguenti pagine: 15, 23, 33, 41, 53, 61, 71, 79.
 Riascolta e ripeti a voce alta più volte i dialoghi iniziali delle unità 1-7.
 A inizio settembre svolgi i seguenti esercizi semplificati, fanne qualcuno ogni giorno.
Usa il pronome corretto singolare (it, she, he) al posto delle parole sottolineate.
The poster ………..……….. is in the classroom.
FIAT………..……….. is an Italian car.
Melanie ………..……….. is in the office.
Peter ………..……….. is a student.
The boy ………..……….. is from London.
Your telephone number ………..……….. is 2543567.
Mr White ………..……….. is the new boss.
That’It! ………..……….. is a magazine.
Completa le frasi con il pronome personale (we, he, you, they) e il verbo to be (is, are)
Wow! Robbie Williams! …………………….…… my favourite pop star.
Esmeralda and Belen are from Barcelona. …………………….…… Spanish.
You and Sheila are in Year 9. …………………….…… classmates.
Bob and I are not English. …………………….…… Irish.
Completa le frasi con a (davanti a consonante) oppure an (davanti a vocale).
Antonio Banderas is ………. actor.
It is ………. jaguar.
Sydney is ………. Australian city.
This toy is ………. train.
This is ……..…. hamburger.
The lesson lasts ………. hour.
It costs ………. euro.
Trasforma le seguenti frasi in interrogative (?) Is Mary fifteen? o negative (–) Mary isn’t
David Beckham is American. (–) ………………………………………………………………….
She is twenty. (?) …………………………………………………………………………………….
They are Japanese. (?) …………………………………………………………………………….
Del Piero is a basketball player. (–) …………………………………………………………………
My friend Mary is a good student. (?) ………………………………………………………………
Scegli l'aggettivo possessivo corretto in ogni frase.
Edinburgh is in Scotland. His / Their / Its festival is very famous.
This is Gemma: her / his / its brother is in your class.
John's thirteen and his / her / their sister is fifteen.
These are Mr and Mrs Radcliffe and this is her / his / their son Jacob.
We are from New York: her / our / your home is in the south of the city.
Completa le frasi con l'aggettivo possessivo appropriato (my, your, his her, its, our,
Brendan, is this ……………. bag? – Yes, it is. Thanks.
He’s my German teacher. ……………. name is Thomas Schultern.
We're French. ……………. home is in Paris.
Is Lucy's mother from England? – No, ……………mother is from Scotland.
My cousin and Mary are in Class 2B. ……………. classroom is nice.
My cat is lovely. ……………… eyes are grey.
Scegli l'alternativa corretta in ogni frase.
We're / Our names are Clara and Paolo.
She's / Her my girlfriend.
He's / His my brother.
They're / Their hometown is Naples.
It's / Its my new mobile phone.
Inserisci il pronome personale soggetto (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) e l’aggettivo
possessivo corretto (my, your, his, her, its, our, their).
This is my friend. ………………………..… name’s Robert and ………………is from New York.
……………… are cousins. Our mothers are sisters.
Hi, ……………name’s Roger. What’s ……………… name?
That’s my aunt. ……………… name’s Irene and ……………… is 36 years old.
My grandparents aren’t English. ………………are German. ……………… names are Stephi and
Scrivi l’equivalente inglese delle seguenti espressioni.
il libro di Tom Tom’s book
l’amico di mio fratello ...................................................................................................
la casa di mia cugina ...................................................................................................
il gatto di mia nonna
Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa corretta di have got/has got.
1. I ……………………… dark hair.
2. Her sister ……………………… blue eyes.
3. We ……………………… a daughter.
4. Mark and Jane ……………………… freckles.
5. You ……………………… a turtle.
6. Ruben ……………………… a new car.
Trasforma ora le frasi dell’esercizio precedente in interrogative (?) o negative (–).
1. (–)
2. (–)
3. (–)
4. (?)
5. (?)
6. (?)
Completa il dialogo inserendo queste domande.
What’s your name? What colour is he? Have you got a pet? Have you got brothers or sisters?
How old is she? Are you English? Where are you from? Is Jane pretty? What’s her name?
a. ………………………………………………………………?
My name’s Richard.
b. ……………………………………………………………?
Yes, I am English.
c. ………………………………………………………… ?
I’m from London.
d. ………………………………………………………………?
Yes, I’ve got a sister?
e. ………………………………………………………………?
Her name is Jane.
f. ………………………………………………………………?
She is 12.
g. ………………………………………………………………?
Yes, she’s very pretty.
h. ………………………………………………………………?
Yes, I have a dog.
i. ………………………………………………………………?
He is black.
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di there is/are.
__________ __________ two boys in the garden.
__________ __________ a television in your kitchen?
__________ __________ a spider in the bath.
‘__________ __________ a sofa in the living room?’ ‘Yes, __________ __________.’
‘__________ __________ two computers in your house?’ ‘No, __________ __________.’
Scegli l’alternativa corretta.
1 There is / There are 7 boys in the classroom.
2 There is / There are a table in the dining room.
3 There is / There are four chairs in the kitchen.
4 There is / There are a mirror in the bedroom.
5 There is / There are a sofa and an armchair in the living room
Descrivi le figure. Usa le parole there is, there are, on, under
There ……….. a shoe ……………. the bed.
Computer, table
Four chairs, table
Dog, chair
Completa il dialogo con le domande.
What colour are the walls?
What’s your favourite thing in your bedroom?
Are there posters on the walls?
Have you got a TV in your room?
How is your room?
A 1…………………………………………………………………………..
B It’s great!
A 2 …………………………………………………………………………..
B They’re yellow.
A 3 …………………………………………………………………………..
B Yes, there are. I’ve got posters of my favourite singers.
A 4 …………………………………………………………………………..
B No, I haven’t.
A 5 …………………………………………………………………………..
B My favourite thing is my red lamp.
Osserva la figura e completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette (on, under, in).
The book is _______________ the chair.
The dog is _______________ the rug.
There are 3 books _______________ the bed.
The clothes are _______________ the wardrobe.
There are some (alcuni) books _______________ the shelves.
The shoes are _______________ the chair.
Completa le frasi con la preposizione di tempo corretta (at, on, in).
………………. Christmas all children have fun.
My mother goes to the supermarket ………………. Saturday morning.
I watch TV ………………. the evening.
Shops are closed ………………. Sunday.
I play football with my father ………………. the weekend.
She has piano lessons ………………. the afternoon.
Scegli la preposizione di tempo corretta in ogni frase.
1. Clare’s party is in / on Sunday afternoon.
2. My mother gets up on / at six o’clock.
3. Sally has her yoga lesson in / at the afternoon.
4. School starts in / at ten past eight.
5. Your appointment with Dr Johnson is in / on Thursday.
Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo le parole sottolineate con il pronome personale
complemento (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them).
1. Susan likes Antonio Banderas. …………………………………………………………
2. Jackie hates Maths. ………………………………………………………………………
3. I play football with my friends. …………………………………………………………..
4. I go to the cinema with Cindy. ………………………………………………………………..
5. The Maths teacher gives my friends and me a test every week.
Simple Present - scegli la forma corretta del verbo in ogni frase. Ricorda che alla 3ª
persona singolare il verbo prende la s.
1. I go / goes to the swimming pool on Fridays.
2. Brendan do / does judo on Wednesdays.
3. My parents have / has breakfast at half past seven.
4. Maggie play / plays volleyball in the school team.
5. You write / writes e-mail to your friends.
6. My sister and I get / gets up at seven o’clock
Completa le frasi usando la forma corretta di questi verbi. Ricorda che alla 3ª persona
singolare il verbo prende la s.
1. They ……………..…… (do) their homework in the afternoon.
2. Jennifer ………………..…… (write) a letter to her friends in Germany.
3. We …………………….… (have) dinner at seven o’clock.
4. The programme …………………..…… (start) at half past six.
5. My mother ………………………..… (read) the newspaper in the evening.
6. I …………………………… (go) to bed at ten o’clock.
7. My friends …………………..…… (play) games on the computer.
8. Carmel ………………………… (live) at home with her parents.
Completa le frasi con i verbi suggeriti al Present simple: live • play • hate • love • think •
I ………………. German. It’s too difficult!
Susan ………………. George Clooney. She has got 10 posters in her bedroom!
We ………………. basketball on Sunday.
He ………………. in a very big house.
I ………………. this book is very boring!
My brother and I ………………. mum at the weekend.
Cerchia la risposta corretta
1. I don’t/doesn’t eat meat.
2. The cinema don’t/doesn’t open on Sunday.
3. My parents don’t/doesn’t work at the weekend.
4. We don’t/doesn’t have a test on Monday.
5. You don’t/doesn’t live near me.
6. My brother don’t/doesn’t go to school.
Trasforma queste 4 frasi alla forma interrogativa e poi alla forma negativa
1. You get up at 7 o’clock. ……………………………………………………………………..
2. I go to school by bike. ……………………………………………………………………..
3. My parents work in Modena. ……………………………………………………………………..
4. Mary likes English and German. ……………………………………………………………………..
Inserisci la parola interrogativa corretta: who, when, where, what, how old, what time
quanti anni
a che ora
cosa / quale
Completa le domande con la parole interrogative corretta.
1. ……………………is our football match? – It's on Saturday.
2. ……………………is your brother? – He's one year old.
3. ……………………is Ottawa? – In Canada.
4. ……………………is your appointment with the doctor? – At quarter to three.
5. ……………………is your cat? – It’s in the garden.
6. ……………………is your favourite singer? – Beyoncè.
7. ………………….. is your favourite subject? – It’s Physical Education.
Numera le frasi da 1 a 9 mettendo nell’ordine corretto le seguenti azioni.
In the evening I watch TV with my family.
I have lunch at 1.30. I eat pasta for lunch.
Lessons start at 8.05
I get up at 7.00
I go to bed at about 10.30.
In the afternoon I do my homework.
I have breakfast and I go to school at 7.45.
I have dinner at 8.00. I usually eat meat and salad.
Lessons finish at 1.00 and I go home.
Leggi il brano e decidi se le affermazioni sono vere (T) o false (F).
Hi! My name’s Alex and I’m American. I’m from Los Angeles. I’m 13. My birthday is in July. My
mum’s from New York and my dad’s from Italy. My first language is English and my second
language is Italian. It’s June, and today the weather is sunny and warm. I’m at school.
1. Alex is American. ___
2. He’s from New York. ___
3. He’s thirteen. ___
4. His birthday is in July. ___
5. His mum and dad are Italian. ___
6. His first language is English. ___
7. His second language is Spanish. ___
8. It’s July. ___
9. It’s sunny today. ___
10. Alex is at the beach. ___.
Completa le frasi con informazioni personali.
My name’s ___________________________.
I’m ___________________________ years old.
My birthday is in ___________________________.
I’m from ___________________________.
My nationality is _____________________________.
My hero is ___________________________.
My friend is ___________________________.
At school I’m in ___________________________.
My teacher’s name is ___________________________.
Leggi le informazioni sugli studenti di diversi paesi. Decidi se le frasi sono vere (T) o
false (F). Correggi le frasi false.
Eva is 12 years old. She is Greek. Her school is in Athens. It’s a small school. There
are 20 girls in her class. Her favourite subject is Maths. Her teacher is Ms Bells.
Jules is 11. He’s French. His school is in Paris. It’s big school. There are 36 students
in his class. His favourite subject is History. His teacher is Mr Fournier.
Chiara is 11. She’s Italian. Her school is in Rome. There are 28 students in her class:
14 girls and 14 boys. Her favourite subject is Art. Her teacher is Ms Olivieri.
1. Eva is Irish. F - Eva is Greek.
2. Her school is small. ___________________
3. Her favourite subject is English. _______________
4. Jules is ten. _____________________
5. He is from France. _______________
6. His school is small. ______________
7. Chiara is an Italian boy. ___________
8. Her school is in Siena. ____________