Classi seconde - Comune di Soliera

annuncio pubblicitario
Classi seconde. Anno scolastico 2012-2013
IMPORTANTE: il prossimo anno continueremo a usare HIGH SPIRITS 2. Riportalo a Settembre. Accertati di avere
HIGH SPIRITS 3: lo useremo non appena terminato il secondo volume. Se acquisti un libro usato, verifica che sia in
buone condizioni, che sia presente il Digital Book e cancella gli esercizi già svolti.
Esercizi da fare nel periodo metà giugno-luglio- metà agosto
1) Utilizzando il computer sul sito puoi fare un proficuo ripasso
Tutti gli esercizi sono adatti alle classi 2^ tranne gli argomenti di grammaticali che non hai
ancora affrontato (comparative, superlative, future). In questo sito sfrutta anche gli esercizi
di listening, reading e vocabulary.
2) Per chi ama leggere e vuole potenziare il proprio inglese i libri con CD audio consigliamo i
seguenti titoli tutti della casa editrice Oxford costano 6,80 euro cadauno comprensivi di CD:
Incredible Earth (letture a carattere scientifico)
Wonders of the Past (libro illustrato per scoprire civiltà del passato)
The Real McCoy and Other Ghost Stories
The Emearld Crown – Sherlock Holmes
The Curse of the Mummy
Puoi anche trovare dei libri in lingua alla biblioteca “Il Mulino” di Soliera nella sezione
lingua straniera
3) Per il ripasso utilizza anche il DVD: fai tutti gli esercizi di della sezione iPractice, di tutte le
unit da 1 a 6 del volume di seconda, ma potresti anche rifare quello di classe prima!
4) Non tornare a scuola senza aver scritto e ripassato tutti i verbi irregolari a pag. 118.
Usa anche YouTube per ripassare la pronuncia: digita ESL irregular verbs troverai vari
video oppure sul DVD digita espansioni online.
Esercizi da fare nel periodo fine agosto-settembre
1) Riascolta sul DVD tutti i dialoghi svolti lo scorso anno.
2) ESERCIZI OBBLIGATORI da riscrivere completamente su fogli a parte e da portare il
primo giorno di scuola, da svolgere in modo accurato perché saranno valutati.
Ricorda che la seconda settimana di scuola ci sarà la prova di ingresso con voto!
Prima di fare di fare gli es. 1-2-3 ripassa pag. 142-143 di HS1
1 Completa le domande con do o does.
a. …….. you go to school by bus?
b. …….. your class study German?
c. …….. your mother eat cereals for breakfast?
d. …….. your friends play tennis?
e. …….. you live in a nice town?
2 Sul quaderno rispondi alle domande dell'esercizio precedente con la risposta breve
negativa. Poi dai l'informazione corretta.
Ex.: Do you like jogging? – No, I don't. I prefer biking.
3 Sul quaderno trasforma queste frasi alla forma interrogativa e poi negativa
a. You have cereals for breakfast. ...........................................................................................
b. Ben comes from Ireland. .....................................................................................................
c. The students do Maths on Thursday and Friday. ................................................................
d. Your brother likes horror films. ............................................................................................
e. Charles watches TV in the evening.
Prima di fare es. 4-5 ripassa pag. 152-153 di HS1
4 Scrivi frasi affermative ( ), negative (X) o interrogative (?) usando can.
a. Andrea / use the computer ( ) ............................................................................................
b. you / play the guitar (?) ........................................................................................................
c. Gemma / dance a waltz (?) .................................................................................................
d. I / speak Chinese (X) ...........................................................................................................
e. my friends / ride a motorbike (X) .........................................................................................
f. we / go to the football match ( ) .........................................................................................
5 Completa le frasi con can o can't e i verbi take - cycle - listen - drink - read - go - buy - play sing
a. Diana's in the volleyball team. She …… …… very well.
b. Are you thirsty? You …… …… a coke.
c. I …… …… that song. It’s in French.
d. Helen …… …… that mobile phone. It’s very expensive.
e. Michael …… …… fantastic photos. He’s a professional photographer.
f. My brother …… …… to school. He hasn’t got a bike.
g. We …… …… to the swimming pool on Sunday. It’s closed.
h. I …… …… this poster. The words are really small.
i. I …… …… to my Mp3, I haven’t got my headphones.
6 Completa le frasi usando le preposizioni at, in, on, to quando necessario.
a. My mother is …… home.
b. The clothes are …… the bed.
c. We go …… Spain on holiday.
d. I usually go …… home at five.
e. My grandparents live …… London.
f. Do you want to come …… the supermarket with me?
g. I can meet you …… the bus stop.
7 Completa gli spazi con some o any.
a. I've got …………… books about London.
b. Are there …………… biscuits in the box?
c. There are ………. beautiful houses in my town.
d. There aren’t …………… clothes in the wardrobe.
e. I don't watch ………. sports programmes onTV.
f. Do you know …………… foreign students at school?
8 Sul quaderno trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative e viceversa.
a. There are some boys in my classroom.
b. I haven’t got any English friends.
c. There are some desks in the classroom.
d. My grandfather doesn't watch any quiz shows.
e. Sarah hasn't got any red T-shirts.
9 Scegli i pronomi corretti per completare le frasi.
a. Is Susan with her friends? – No, they / he / she isn't with him / us / them.
b. Please come with me / you / it to the reception. There’s an important visitor for him / you / it.
c. We like Mary but she / her / we doesn't like we / us / I.
d. Is Sandra here? There's a telephone call for it / him / her. – Yes, she / her / it is in her room.
10 Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con i pronomi personali.
a. David doesn’t know Shirley’s boyfriend. ……… doesn’t know ………
b. Sandra and Michael don't know your sister. ……… don't know ………
c. Susan and I like your brothers. ……… like ………
d. Your father doesn't like Susan and me. ……… doesn't like ………
11 Completa ogni spazio con il pronome personale corretto.
a. Are these flowers for me? – Yes, they're for ……… .
b. We've got a new basketball team. Come and play with ……… .
c. Do you like Nicole Kidman? – Yes, I like ……………. . She's a good actress.
d. Is that your new bicycle? – Yes, do you like ……………. ?
e. These are Emma’s parents. I know ……… very well.
f. We've got a big house. Come and stay with ……… if you visit Milan.
Prima di fare gli es. 12-13-14-15 ripassa pag. 160-161 di HS1 e pag. 122 di HS2
12 Sul quaderno scrivi domande e risposte usando il Present continuous.
a. You / play tennis? – No / do the cooking
b. Susan / play the guitar? – No / watch TV
c. Your grandparents / read a book? – No / sleep
d. Bob and Melinda / dance? – No / talk to their friends
e. Mike / have lunch? – No / do his homework
13 Scegli le parole corrette per completare queste frasi.
a. Where do you go / are you going? – To the cinema. Do you want to come with me?
b. Dad is in the garden. He washes / is washing his car.
c. My uncle is a doctor. He works / is working in a hospital.
d. They usually have / are having dinner at half past seven.
e. Where’s your brother? – In his room. He listens / is listening to the music.
14 Scrivi il verbo tra parentesi nel tempo corretto, Present simple o Present continuous.
a. We usually …………………………….………… to school. (cycle)
b. Can you see dad? – Yes, he’s in the garden. He ……………..………………… the grass. (cut)
c. My sister is a receptionist. She …………………………………………… in a hotel. (work)
d. Jasmine is in the kitchen. She ……………………………….……………… some tea. (make)
e. Listen! Sally ………………………………………………………..… a beautiful song. (sing)
15 Trasforma queste frasi affermative in frasi interrogative.
a. Penny studies Spanish.........................................................................................................
b. Stephanie is talking to her sister. .........................................................................................
c. The concert starts at half past nine.......................................................................................
d. You work in a bank. .............................................................................................................
e. They are surfing the net........................................................................................................
Prima di fare gli es. 16-17 ripassa pag. 130-131 di HS2
16 Scegli il verbo corretto in ogni frase.
a. The capital city of Spain was / is / were / are Madrid.
b. We are / was / were / is at school yesterday.
c. Margaret Thatcher was / were / is / a British prime minister from 1979 to 1990.
d. The Alps were / is / are / was mountains in the north of Italy.
e. Was / Were / Are / Is you in London last week?
17 Completa le frasi con il passato di be.
a. When …….. your English exam? – It …….. last Tuesday.
b. …….. you at school ? – No, I …….. . I …….. at home.
c. Where …….. the Olympic Games in 2000? – They …….. in Sydney.
d. …….. there any messages for me yesterday?
e. When ……….. Sigmund Freud born? – He ……….. born in 1856.
Prima di fare gli es. 18-19-20-21-22 ripassa pag. 140-141 di HS2 e i verbi irregolari pag. 118
18 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative e viceversa.
a. Your sister didn't go to school yesterday. ............................................................................
b. Suzie did her homework this afternoon. ...............................................................................
c. The supermarket was closed on Sunday. ............................................................................
d. Melanie didn't buy a present for Sarah. ...............................................................................
e. You weren’t at school yesterday. ........................................................................................
19 Sul quaderno trasforma le frasi dell’esercizio precedente in frasi interrogative.
20 Coniuga il verbo alla forma corretta del Past simple.
a. I ………..…. Clare at Susan’s party. (meet)
b. My sister ………….. to the supermarket with my mother. (not go)
c. …….. you …….. the homework yesterday? (do)
d. What ………. Karen ………. you for your birthday? (give)
e. I ………….. the book. (not read)
f. …….. the teacher ………. you? (help)
g. My grandparents ………. in Spain for two years. (live)
h. What …….. you ………. for dinner? (eat)
i. You ………….. your room this morning. (not tidy)
j. ………. you ………. the concert last night? (like)
21 Completa con le parole interrogative: when – where – why – who – what – what time – how
– how old
a. ……… date was it yesterday? – 23rd March.
b. ……… was your grandfather? – Very well, thank you.
c. ……… did you buy these jeans? – Because I liked them.
d. ……… did you go to London? – By train.
e. ……… did you go on holiday? – Last August.
f. ……… were your parents born? – In England.
g. ……… did you go to bed last night? – At quarter past eleven.
h. ……… is your sister? – She's twenty years old.
i. ……… did you meet in town? – My friend Christine
22 Descrivi una giornata o qualche giorno speciale che hai trascorso in vacanza. Utilizza il
simple past (puoi fare anche un progetto con il computer, con immagini, commenti, foto…)