SemUs for the word "viola" 21/01/2003 16.33.24 page1 Syntactic Description = "n-0-xc" CorrespSynUSemU SemU = "USem1595viola" Syntactic Description = "n-0-xc" CorrespSynUSemU SemU = "USem1596viola" Syntactic Description = "n-0-xm" CorrespSynUSemU SemU = "USem2477viola" Syntactic Description = "n-0-xc" CorrespSynUSemU SemU = "USem2908viola" id = "USem1595viola" naming = "viola" example = "un'aiuola di viole" freedefinition = "pianta delle Violacee <bot.>" weightvalsemfeaturel="TSVP_BOTANY_TS_domaine_D TSVP_PLANT_TS_classificateur_de_nom_C WVSFTemplatePlantPROT WVSFTemplateSuperTypeVegetalentityPROT" Relations: semr = "SRIsa" weight = "PROTOTYPICAL" target = "USem1428pianta" (Vegetal_entity) semr = "SRProduces" weight = "ESSENTIAL" target = "USem1596viola" (Flower) semr = "SRPolysemyPlant-Flower" weight = "ESSENTIAL" target = "USem1596viola" (Flower) id = "USem1596viola" naming = "viola" example = "un mazzetto di viole" freedefinition = "il fiore dell'omonima pianta" weightvalsemfeaturel="TSVP_BOTANY_TS_domaine_D TSVP_FLOWER_TS_classificateur_de_nom_C WVSFTemplateFlowerPROT WVSFTemplateSuperTypeVegetalentityPROT" Relations: semr = "SRIsa" weight = "PROTOTYPICAL" target = "USemD2389fiore" (Vegetal_entity) semr = "SRProducedby" weight = "ESSENTIAL" target = "USem1595viola" (Plant) semr = "SRPolysemyVegetal_Entity-Colour" weight = "ESSENTIAL" target = "USem2477viola" (Color) semr = "SRPolysemyPlant-Flower" weight = "ESSENTIAL" target = "USem1595viola" (Plant) SemUs for the word "viola" 21/01/2003 16.33.24 page2 id = "USem2477viola" naming = "viola" example = "tingere di viola" freedefinition = "colore" weightvalsemfeaturel="TSVP_COLOR_TS_classificateur_de_nom_C WVSFScalarPlusPROT WVSFTemplateColorPROT WVSFTemplateSuperTypePhysicalpropertyPROT" Relations: semr = "SRIsa" weight = "PROTOTYPICAL" target = "USem2451colore" (Physical_property) semr = "SRPolysemyFlower-Colour" weight = "ESSENTIAL" target = "USem1596viola" (Flower) id = "USem2908viola" naming = "viola" example = "suonare la viola" freedefinition = "strumento musicale ad arco, simile al violino ma un po' piu' grande e dal suono piu' grave" weightvalsemfeaturel="TSVP_MUSIC_TS_domaine_D TSVP_MUSICAL_INSTRUMENT_TS_classificateur_de_nom_C WVSFAgentiveYesPROT WVSFTemplateInstrumentPROT WVSFUnificationPathConcreteentity-ArtifactAgentive-TelicPROT" Relations: semr = "SRIsa" weight = "PROTOTYPICAL" target = "USemD6299strumento_musicale" semr = "SRHasaspart" weight = "ESSENTIAL" target = "USemD900corda" (Part) semr = "SRUsedfor" weight = "PROTOTYPICAL" target = "USemD4591suonare" (Cause_Act)