UNIVERSITY OF MILANO-BICOCCA A.Y. 2007/2008 MATHEMATICS Code 517011 Title of the course Credits 5 Field INF/01 Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto; Voto finale Lecturer Programme Aim: the aim of this corse is to introduce the basic concepts related to the architecture of computer systems and to supply the student the basic competences required to define the algorithmic solution to simple problems, coding the solution in Java language. Prerequisites: no required prerequisites. Main Topics: Architecture of computer systems: * Computer archtecture basics and information coding. * Operating systems basics. * Computer networks basics. Imperative programming in Java: * Programming language hierarchy, compilers and interpreters· * The Java Virtual Machine.· * Algorithms and programs.· * Primitive data types.· * Control flow structures: choices and loops.· * Arrays of primitive data types.· * Methods: definition and invocation. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: rules will be explained at the beginning of the course. Code 517093 Title of the course Credits 5 Field MAT/08 Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Russo Alessandro Programme Aim: to present some elementary techniques of numerical analysis in order to promote the use of computers for mathematical investigations. The software Matlab will be used. Prerequisites: basics of linear algebra and calculus. Pag. 1/22 Main Topics: * Introduction to Matlab. * Floating Point Arithmetic. * Numerical Linear Algebra: Gaussian Elimination, PA=LU and Cholesky Decomposition. * Numerical Integration. * Zero-finding Methods. Bibliographic references: the course notes will be made available. Tests: written, oral tests, and reports on the laboratory activities. Code 517091 Title of the course Algebra I Credits 5 Field MAT/02 Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Weigel Thomas stefan Programme Main Topics: * Sets, relations, operations. * Groups (cyclic groups, fundamental theorems on morphisms, group actions, the symmetric group, subgroups and cosets). * Langrange's theorem and the orbit formula. * Rings and modules, ideals and annihilators; algebras. * The chinese reminder theorem. * Commutative rings and fields. Noetherian domains, principal ideal domains, euclidean domains. * The decomposition in products of prime numbers. * Structure theorems for modules over PID. Polynomial rings. * Torsion modules. * Canonical forms of matrices, the Jordan form. Bibliographic references: S. Bosch, Algebra, Springer, 2003. N. Jacobson, Basic Algebra I, Freeman & Co, 1985. Exams: written and oral exams. Code 517092 Title of the course Geometry and Topology I Credits 10 Field MAT/03 Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Ferrario Davide luigi Programme Aim: the aim is to give an introductory course on geometry and topology, focusing on the topology of the real line and the corresponding geometry of euclidean, affine and projective spaces. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: Pag. 2/22 * Metric spaces and continuity: topology of metric spaces. * Properties of open subsets. * Closed subsets of a metric space. Closure. * Limit points. Topological spaces. * Basis for a topology. * Induced topology. Continuous maps and homeomorphisms. * Product topology. Equivalence relations. * Hausdorff spaces. Compactness. * Compactness for metric and Euclidean spaces. * Connected and path-connected spaces. * Examples of topological groups and transformation groups. * Geometry of affine spaces. * Affine subspaces, Grassmann formula. * Affine structure of a vector space. * Affine maps. Incidence structure and parallelism. * Affine Euclidean spaces. * Orthogonal group. * Classical transformation groups and finite subgroups. * Projective spaces. * Projectivity and projective frames, homogeneous coordinates. * Projective closure of an affine space, points at infinity, affine charts on a projective space. * Projective closure of an affine curve. * Quadrics and conics. Bibliographic references: E. Sernesi, Geometria, vol.I-II, Bollati-Boringhieri, 1989, 1994. H.S.M. Coxeter, Introduction to geometry, John Wiley and Sons, 1961, 1969, 1989. M. Nacinovich, Elementi di geometria analitica, Serie di matematica e fisica, Napoli Liguori Editore, 1996. Tests: written and oral test. Code 517090 Title of the course LINEAR ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY Credits 10 Field MAT/02, MAT/03 Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Dalla volta Francesca Programme Aim: this is a first course in linear algebra and geometry, which gives the basis for deeper arguments fundamental in Mathematics and Physics. Prerequisites: a good knowledge of the mathematics studied in higher school. * Vector spaces. * Duality. * Linear maps and systems of linear equations. * Affine Geometry. * Matrix calculus. * The determinant. * Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization. * Similarity, minimal polynomial. * Scalar and Hermitian products. * Euclidean Geometry. * Self-adjoint, orthogonal, Hermitian, unitary, normal operators. * Spectral theorem. * Canonical forms. Pag. 3/22 * Simultaneous diagonalization, uncertainty principle. * Esponential of a matrix, square root of a positive definite matrix. * Conics. Bibliographic references: Main references: S. Lang, Algebra Lineare, ed. italiana, Boringhieri, 1970. Other references: M. Abate, Geometria, McGraw Hill, 2002. F. Dalla Volta, M. Rigoli, Elementi di Matematica discreta e di Algebra lineare, Pearson Education, 2007 Tests: a written test based on exercises and a test on the theory. Code 517010 Title of the course MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 1 Credits 10 Field MAT/05 Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Soardi Paolo maurizio Programme The course aims at providing a fairly thorough theoretical exposition of sequences, series, differentiation and Riemann integration in one variable. It also aims at providing the background for the extension to several variables. Students must pass a written test before being admitted to the oral examination. Both exams can be repeated in case of failure. Code 517085 Title of the course Physics 1 (I part) Credits 5 Field FIS/01 Year of course 1 Code 517071 Title of the course Physics 1 (II part) Credits 10 Field FIS/01 Year of course 1 - MUTUATO - MUTUATO Pag. 4/22 Code A5170053 Title of the course Algebra II Credits 5 Field MAT/02 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Di martino Lino giuseppe Programme Aim: The course will illustrate: a) further basic topics in the theory of rings and fields; b) the theory of finitely generated modules over principal domains, with applications to abelian groups and linear algebra. Prerequisites: the content of the course Algebra - I mod.-. Main Topics: * Commutative rings: Noetherian domains. Polynomial domains; Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Localisation, local rings. * Ring and field extensions: Algebraic and transcendental extensions; splitting field of a polynomial; finite fields. * Modules over rings and linear algebra. Free modules: bases, rank, universal property. Torsion. Modules over principal domains: finitely generated modules; matrix equivalence and reduction to normal form;. Structure theorem for finitely generated modules. Torsion modules and primary decomposition. Invariant factors, elementary divisors. Applications to abelian groups and matrices: Structure theorem for finitely generated abelian groups. Canonical forms of matrices: companion matrix; rational canonical form; Jordan canonical form. Bibliographic references: N. Jacobson, Basic Algebra I, Freeman & Co, 1985. B. Hartley, T. Hawkes, Rings, modules and linear algebra, Chapman & Hall, 1970. S. Bosch, Algebra, Springer-Verlag, 2003. Tests: written and oral test. Code 517074 Title of the course ALGORITHMS AND PROGRAMMING Credits 5 Field INF/01 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Programme Aim: to learn the basics of object-oriented programming with Java. Main Topics: not available at the publication date. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: written and oral test. Pag. 5/22 Code A5170057 Title of the course An Introduction to Numerical Analysis Credits 10 Field MAT/08 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Bozzini Maria tugomira Programme • Floating-point arithmetic, errors, numerical models and algorithms • Linear systems. Condition number. Direct methods, iteration methods, the coniugate gradient method • The matrix eigenvalue problem. The power method and its variants • Approximation of data and functions. Polynomial interpolation. Piecewise polynomial interpolation. The best approximation methods. Orthogonal polynomials. • Numerical Integration. Newton-Cotes formulas. Gaussian quadrature. Composite rules. Adaptive quadrature. • Finite differences. Linear difference equations. • Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. Runge-Kutta methods. Multistep methods. Stability of numerical methods. Stiff problems. Code 517018 Title of the course CLASSICAL MECHANICS Credits 10 Field MAT/07 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Magri Franco Programme Aim: the basic ideas of Mechanics, from Newton to Lagrange, Hamilton and Jacobi are introduced. Examples are borrowed from Celestial Mechanics and from the mechanics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: * Introduction to the history of Mechanics. Nicolò di Cusa and the principle of virtual works. Kepler and the motion of planets. The Mechanics of Newton and Euler. The geometrization of Mechanics by Lagrange. The great synthesis by Hamilton and Jacobi. The crisis of foundations. * The Mechanics of Lagrange and Hamilton. Systems and constraints. The configuration space and its tangent bundle. The action of Maupertuis and the central equation. The equations of Lagrange and Hamilton. Variational formulation. * The geometrization of Mechanics. The symplectic structure. Symmetries and conservation laws. Canonical transformation and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. * Examples. Motion of planets. Integrable tops. Coupled oscillators. Examples of integrable and separable systems. * Elements of the qualitative study of the motion. Bibliographic references: B. Silvestre-Brac, C. Gignoux, Mécanique. De la formulation lagrangienne au chaos hamiltonien, EDP Sciences. D.T. Greenwood, Advanced Dynamics, Cambridge university press, 2003. N.M.J. Woodhouse, Introduction to Analytical Dynamics, Oxford Clarendon press, 1987. Pag. 6/22 Tests: written and oral test. Code A5170058 Title of the course Computational Geometry Credits 5 Field MAT/08 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Rossini Milvia francesca Programme Aim: the aim of the course is to learn how to design curves satisfying to those fundamental properties essentials for the realization of industrial objects. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: * Introduction. Parametric curves, control polygon, convex hull. * Bezier Curves: properties. The de Casteljau's algorithm, subdivision, rational Bezier curves. * Spline curves. Definitions. Properties. De Boor's algorithm, multiple knots, multiple control points. Refinement. The Oslo algorithm. * Parametric and geometric continuity. Bibliographic references: J. Hoschek, D. Lasser, Fundamental of Computer aided geometric design, Wellesley, MA: A. K. Peters Ltd., 1993. G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for CAGD, Academic Press, 1993. Tests: oral test. Code A5170054 Title of the course Differential Equations and Mathematical Models Credits 5 Field MAT/07 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Programme Aim: the student becomes familiar with the idea of mathematical model of a natural phenomenon. Furthermore, he/she is provided with some techniques for the qualitative study of the system of differential equation that translates the phenomenon in a mathematical problem. Prerequisites: elementary differential calculus Main Topics: * Discrete time models. Iterate maps and their representation. Fixed points and cobweb. Cascade bifurcations. Logistic Map. * One-dimensional systems. Flow in the line. Fixed points and stability. Some examples. Bifurcations. * Two-dimensional systems. Flows in the plane and their phase portrait. Linear systems. Conservative systems. Some examples. An outline of periodic orbits and limit cycles. Bibliographic references: S. Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Addison Wesley, 1994. Pag. 7/22 Tests: written and oral test. Code 517020 Title of the course DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY Credits 5 Field MAT/03 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Ghigi Alessandro callisto Programme Aim: the course is an introduction to the geometry of curves and surfaces in Euclidean space. Prerequisites: a good knowledge of the foundations of calculus, linear algebra and topology. Main Topics: * Smooth functions of a real variable. Plane and space curves. Frenet formulas, curvature and torsion. * Implicit function theorem. Regular surfaces. Differential calculus on a surface. Orientation. * Local geometry of surfaces. First and second fundamental form. Normal curvature, principal curvatures and Gaussian curvature. * Intrinsic geometry of surfaces.Covariant derivative. Theorema Egregium. Parallel transport. Geodesics. Geodesic curvature. * Topology of compact surfaces (sketch). Triangulations. Gauss-Bonnet theorem Bibliographic references: M.P. Do Carmo, Differential geometry of curves and surfaces, PrenticeHall, Inc., 1976. E. Sernesi, Geometria 2, Bollati Boringhieri, 1994. M. Abate, F. Tovena, Curve e superfici, Springer, 2006. Tests: written and oral test. Code 517017 Title of the course MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 2 Credits 10 Field MAT/05 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Colzani Leonardo Programme Program: 1 - Differential calculus in several variables. 2 - Integral calculus in several variables. 3 - Curves, surfaces, differential forms. 4 - Sequences and series of functions. 5 - Differential equations. Text: Enrico Giusti "Analisi Matematica 2", Editore Bollati Boringhieri. Pag. 8/22 Code A5170055 Title of the course Measure theory Credits 5 Field MAT/05 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Terracini Susanna Programme Aim: this is a complement to the course of Analisi Matematica 2 and is devoted to deepen some aspects of the theory of integrals. Prerequisites: Analisi Matematica 1 and 2. Main Topics: * Lebesgue measure. * Lebesgue integral. Comparison with Riemann. * Product measure and Fubini-Tonelli's theorem. * Integration of differential forms. * Stokes theorem. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: written and oral test. Code A5170056 Title of the course PROBABILITY I Credits 10 Field MAT/06 Year of course 2 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Tessitore Gianmario Programme Introduction: The purpose is to give the basic ideas and the rigorous mathematical tools needed in the study of random phenomena, Required knowledge: calculus in one and more variables. Sequences and series. Lebesgue integration. Programma: • Axioms of Probability • Conditional probability and independence. • Probabilities on countable spaces • Random variables on countable spaces • Classical laws on countable spaces (Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, poissonian). • Construction of probability measures • Probability measures on the real line R. • Random variables and their laws • Absolutely continuous random variables and densities. • Uniform, gaussian, exponential, gamma laws. • Integration with respect to probability measures (mean, variance moments). • Independent random variables and product measures • Probabilities on Rn • Characteristic functions • Sums of independent random variables Pag. 9/22 • Gaussian random variables • Convergence of random variables: in probability, almost sure, weak • Law of large numbers • Central limit theorem Suggested textbooks: J. Jacod, P. Protter, Probability Essentials, Springer, 2000. P. Baldi, Calcolo delle Probabilità e Statistica, McGraw-Hill libri Italia, 1998. Exam: written and oral (in a short time delay) Code A5170069 Title of the course Advanced Algebra I Credits 5 Field MAT/02 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Di martino Lino giuseppe Programme Aim: the course offers an introduction to the theory of Lie algebras, focusing on the classification of finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Lie algebras have important applications in several areas of mathematics and physics. In the classical case, sufficiently deep and satisfactory results can be obtained with very limited prerequisites. Prerequisites: Linear algebra; basic algebra courses. Main Topics: I: Basic concepts. * Definitions and examples. * Ideals, homomorphisms, automorphisms. * Nilpotent and solvable Lie algebras. Engel's theorem. II: Semisimple Lie algebras. * Theorems of Lie and Cartan. * The Killing form. * Representations: complete reducibility (Weyl's theorem). * Representations of sl(2). * Cartan decomposition (root spaces). III: Root systems. * Axioms. * Simple roots and Weyl group. * Classification of root systems. * Construction of root systems. IV: Complements. * Isomorphism and conjugacy theorems (A sketch). * The simple algebras (the classical algebras, the algebra G2). Bibliographic references: J.E. Humphreys, Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, Springer Verlag, 1972. N. Jacobson, Lie Algebras, Wiley Interscience, 1962. Tests: written and oral test. Pag. 10/22 Code A5170045 Title of the course Algorithms and Data Structures (Soft Computing) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Code A5170052 Title of the course BiologiaComputational methods in biology - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Code A5170046 Title of the course Cybernetics (Elements of System Theory) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Code A5170049 Title of the course Digital Signal Processing - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Pag. 11/22 Code A5170037 Title of the course Foundations of Geometry II Credits 5 Field MAT/03 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Ferrario Davide luigi Programme Aim: the course is an introduction to some ideas and fundamental tools of modern geometry, such as homotopy and homology theory, together with some examples of applications: classification of surfaces, Morse theory and intersection theory. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: * Manifolds and atlas. * Triangulation and triangulability, simplicial complexes. * Graphs and trees. Euler-Poincaré characteristic. * Homotopy, homotopy type and fundamental group. * Classification of compact and connected topological surfaces. * Singular homology and cohomology groups. * Differential forms and De Rham cohomology. * Integration on manifolds. De Rham Theorem. * Introduction to Morse theory. * Brouwer fixed point theorem. * Winding number and topological degree. * Borsuk-Ulam theorem. * Introduction to intersection theory. Bibliographic references: J.M. Lee, Introduction to smooth manifolds, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 218, 2003. J.M. Lee, Introduction to topological manifolds, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 202, 2000. J.W. Milnor, Topology from the differentiable viewpoint, Princeton University Press, 1997. I.M. Singer, J.A. Thorpe, Lecture notes on elementary topology and geometry, Springer Verlag, 1976. Tests: written and oral test. Code A5170038 Title of the course Foundations of Higher Analysis Credits 5 Field MAT/05 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto; Voto finale Lecturer Cellina Arrigo Programme Aim: to introduce the main concepts of modern real analysis and of basic complex analysis. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: Real Analysis * A review of Lebesgue integral. Pag. 12/22 * Convex functions; polars. Normed spaces. Spaces of p-integrable functions and their completeness. Holder's inequality. * C(X) is complete; Continuous linear functionals; X' is complete. A linear functional is continuous if and only if its null space is closed. Extension of functionals and Hahn Banach theorem. Baire's theorem. The unit ball in infinite dimension is never compact. Weak topology and weak convergence. Mazur's lemma; weak star topology. Alaoglu's Theorem. Hilbert spaces; best approximation and their characterization. Complete orthonormal sets. Uniformly convex spaces. Complex Analysis * Cauchy Riemann equations; harmonic functions. * Power series. Moebius maps. * Line integrals. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: written test, consisting of four questions, three on real analysis and one on complex analysis. Code A5170039 Title of the course Foundations of Higher Analysis Credits 5 Field MAT/05 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto; Voto finale Lecturer Cellina Arrigo Programme Aim: to introduce the basic concepts of modern real analysis. To improve the knowledge of complex analysis. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: Real Analysis * Total boundedness and compactness. Ascoli Arzela' Theorem and its applications. * Convolutions. Strong compactness in L1. * An introduction to Sobolev spaces. Complex Analysis * Cauchy Theorem and Cauchy integral formula. Taylor and Laurent series. Liouville's theorem. * The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The open mapping theorem. Bibliographic references: H. Brezis, Analisi Funzionale - Teoria e Applicazioni, Liguori Editore, 1986. Tests: written test, consisting of four questions, two on real analysis and two on complex analysis. Pag. 13/22 Code A5170070 Title of the course Galois theory Credits 5 Field MAT/02 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Weigel Thomas stefan Programme Aim: one of the central subjects in the theory of fields is the study of finite extensions, in particular finite Galois extensions. In the times of E.Galois many mathematicians still worked on problems formulated by the ancient greek mathematicians. One problem of this type was the trisection of an arbitrary angle in the plane by ruler-compass constructions. From the Main theorem one concludes easily that this is impossible. Prerequisites: Algebra, I and II mod. Note: This course is independent of Instituzioni di Algebra I mod. Main Topics: * The algebraic closure. * Integrality and the integral closure. * Normal extensions. * Separable extensions. * Galois extensions and the Galois group. * Cyclotomic extensions. * The Main theorem in Galois theory. * Constructions with ruler and compass. * Solutions of algebraic equations. Testi: S.Bosch, Algebra, Springer, Unitext, 2003. Exams: written and oral exams. Code A5170051 Title of the course Image Processing (Advanced) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Pag. 14/22 Code A5170048 Title of the course Image Processing (Advanced) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Code A5170043 Title of the course Information Theory (Coding and Cryptography) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Code A5170068 Title of the course Institutions of Numerical Analysis Credits 5 Field MAT/08 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Bozzini Maria tugomira Programme Aim: to study from a theoretical and algorithmic point of view, some mathematical topics connected with the image processing. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: * The theory of Plancharel. * Analog and digital signals. * Window transform. * Theory and applications of JPEG. * Applied numerical examples. Bibliographic references: C.K. Chui, An introduction to wavelets, Academic Press, 1992. Tests: oral test. Pag. 15/22 Code A5170065 Title of the course Introduction to Modern Physics : II Mod. Credits 3 Field FIS/01 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method ; Voto finale Lecturer Sironi Giorgio Programme Aim: understanding the structure of matter. Prerequisites: Maxwell Equations. Main Topics: * Review of Maxwell Equations. * Crisis of the Classical Law of Physics: Special Relativity. * Crisis of the Classical Law of Physics: Blackbody Radiation and Planck Law. * Photoelectric effect, Compton Effect. * De Broglie hypothesis, wave aspects of matter. * Atomic hydrogen structure, Bohr atom model. * Schroedinger equation: general properties. * Atomic and Molecular structure: introduction. Electrical conductivity of solids. * Nuclear Structure, Elementary Particles, Unification of Forces: introduction. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: rules will be explained at the beginning of the course. Code A5170060 Title of the course Introduction to Modern Physics : I mod Credits 7 Field FIS/01 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method ; Voto finale Lecturer Sironi Giorgio Programme Aim: fundamental laws and interpretation of natural phenomena. Prerequisites: notions of Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Main Topics: * Static Electric and Magnetic Fields: phenomena and definitions. * Slowly variable Electric and Magnetic Fields: phenomena and definitions. * Gauss Laws for Electric and Magnetic Fields. * Ampere Law. * Faraday Neuman Lenz Law: induction phenomena. * Electric and Magnetic Fields in a medium. * DC and AC circuits. * Maxwell Equations: integral and differential form. * Waves and electromagnetic waves. * Propagation of electromagnetic waves. Pag. 16/22 Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: rules will be explained at the beginning of the course. Code A5170036 Title of the course Introductory geometry - I mod. Credits 5 Field MAT/03 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto; Voto finale Lecturer Ghigi Alessandro callisto Programme Aim: The first part of the course will focus on smooth submanifolds of Euclidean spaces. The second part will be centred on fundamental group and covering spaces. Prerequisites: calculus in several variables, linear algebra, elementary topology and surface theory. Main Topics: * Implicit function theorem. Smooth submanifolds of Euclidean spaces. Tangent spaces and tangent bundle. * Immersions, submersions, local diffeomorphisms. * Critical points and regular values. Sard theorem. * Homotopy of maps. Homotopy type. * Fundamental group of a topological space. The theorem of Seifert and van Kampen. * Coverings (if time permits). Bibliographic references: E.Sernesi, Geometria 2, Bollati Boringhieri, 1994. G.E.Bredon, Topology and Geometry, Springer, 1993. V. Guillemin, A. Pollack, Differential Topology, Prentice Hall, 1974. Tests: written and oral test. Code A5170042 Title of the course Logical foundations of computer science (advanced course) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Pag. 17/22 Code A5170041 Title of the course Logical foundations of computer science (introductory course) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Code 517029 Title of the course Mathematical Physics II Credits 5 Field MAT/07 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Noja Diego davide Programme Aim: the course introduces the main mathematical aspects of partial differential equations of Mathematical Physics, Laplace, wave and heat equations. Applications are discussed, particularly in Physics. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: * Introduction. Partial differential equations and definition of classical solution. Classical examples: Laplace equation and static phenomena, heat and diffusion equation, wave equation. Other examples from physics and applications. * Linear first order equations and the method of characteristics. Initial and boundary conditions. Well posed problems. Classification of constant coefficients second order linear equations. * The wave equation on the line. Solution of the Cauchy problem and D'Alembert formula. Influence and dependence domain and causality principle. Energy conservation. * Heat equation on the line. Maximum principle. Energy methods, unicity and continuous dependence of the solution on the initial data. Einstein description of the brownian motion and connection with the diffusion equation. * Wave and heat equation on a bounded interval. Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions. Fourier series in Hilbert spaces. Bessel inequality and Parseval identity. The regular Sturm-Liouville problem and its spectral theory. * Introduction to the Laplace equation. First Green formula. Harmonic functions. Mean value theorem. Maximum principle. Dirichlet principle and applications. Second Green formula and representation of harmonic functions. Green functions and representation formulae for Dirichlet and Neumann boundary value problems. The case of the halfspace and the ball. Poisson formula. * Spherical means and Darboux equation. Kirchhoff formula for three dimensional wave equation. Energy conservation. Huygens principle. Hadamard method and two dimensional wave equation . Duhamel principle and the wave equation with external source. * N-dimensional heat equation. Cauchy problem and solution formula. Schrödinger equation. Harmonic oscillator and hydrogen atom. * Heat and wave equation on n-dimensional bounded domains. Vibrating membranes and three dimensional vibration of an elastic sphere. * Eigenvalues, eigenvector and minima of the energy functional for the laplacian. Minimax principle. Weyl estimates. * Introduction to the theory of distributions. Test function and distributions. First operations with distributions. Convolution. Schwartz class and tempered distributions. Fourier Transform of Pag. 18/22 tempered distributions, Fundamental solutions of constant coefficient partial differential operators. Application to mathematical physics and partial differential equations. Bibliographic references: W.A. Strauss, Partial Differential Equations. An introduction, John Wiley and Sons, 1992. S. Salsa, Equazioni a Derivate Parziali, Springer Italia, 2004. Tests: oral test. Code A5170059 Title of the course Numerical Models Credits 10 Field MAT/08 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method ; Voto finale Lecturer Russo Alessandro Programme Aim: to study some mathematical models of the real world of interest for modern applications. The analysis will be complemented by practical use of the Matlab toolboxes. Prerequisites: the courses of the previous years. Main Topics: the text used is Introduction to Applied Mathematics, by Gilbert Strang (Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1986). Chapters 2,3,4 and 8 will be covered. Equilibrium Equations (Chapters 2 and 3) * A Framework for the Applications. * Constraints and Lagrange Multipliers. * Structures in Equilibrium. * One-dimensional Problems. * Differential Equations of Equilibrium. * Laplace's Equation and Potential Flow. * Equilibrium of Fluids and Solids. * Elements of Calculus of Variations. Fourier Analysis (chapter 4) * Spectral Approximation of functions defined on an interval. * Discrete Fourier Transform and the FFT. * Trigonometric Interpolation. Optimization (chapter 8) * Introduction to Linear Programming. * The Simplex Method and Karmarkar's Method. * Duality in Linear Programming. * Saddle Points (Minimax) and Game Theory. * Nonlinear Optimization. Bibliographic references: G. Strang, Introduction to Applied Mathematics, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1986. Tests: rules will be explained at the beginning of the course. Pag. 19/22 Code A5170062 Title of the course PROBABILITY II Credits 5 Field MAT/06 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Bertacchi Daniela Programme Aim: conditional expectation. Discrete time stochastic processes: Markov chains and martingales. Prerequisites: students are supposed to know concepts and tools usually developed in a Probability Theory course, in particular the use of measure theory to modelize random data, the main probabilistic models and convergence theorems. Main Topics: * Conditional expectation (with respect to a general sigma-algebra and with respect to sigmaalgebras generated by random variables). * Markov chains with finite or countable state space. * Discrete time martingales, stopping times and optional stopping theorem. Bibliographic references: W. Woess, Catene di Markov e teoria del potenziale nel discreto, UMI, 1996. D. Williams, Probability with martingales, Cambridge University Press., 1991. P. Baldi, Calcolo delle probabilità e statistica, McGraw-Hill., 1998. P. Billingsley, Probability and measure, Wiley & Sons., 1995. R.P. Laha, V.K. Rohatgi, Probability theory, Wiley & Sons, 1979. Tests: written and oral test. Code A5170047 Title of the course Processing (Fundamentals) - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field INF/01 Year of course 3 Pag. 20/22 Code 517028 Title of the course RELATIVITY Credits 5 Field MAT/07 Year of course 3 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto; Voto finale Lecturer Magri Franco Programme Aim: the purpose is to give an introduction to Einstein's Relativity, from the viewpoint of the geometry of spacetime. Prerequisites: no preliminary acquaintance with the subject is required. Nevertheless the understanding of General Relativity is made easier by the knowledge of the basic notions of the intrinsic geometry of surfaces, as presented in the course of Differential Geometry. Main Topics: * The Maxwell theory and the crisis of Classical Physics. The axioms of Special Relativity. The Kcalculus, and the discovery of the geometry of Minkowski's space. Lorentz transformations and some of the relativistic paradoxes. * The intrinsic formulation of relativistic dynamics. Four vectors and the equivalence of mass and energy. * The intrinsic formulation of Maxwell theory. Maxwell and Faraday 2-forms and Maxwell equations written with forms. * A brief introduction to the geometry of curved spacetimes. Vector fields and tensor fields. Geodesic and curvature. * The Einstein's theory of gravitation. The principle of equivalence and its implications. The Einstein's equations. The Schwarzschild solution and its maximal extension. The precession of the perihelion of Mercury and the deflection of light. Bibliographic references: G.F.R. Ellis, R.M. Williams, Flat and Curved spacetimes, Oxford University Press, 2000. S. Carroll, Spacetime and Geometry: an introduction to General Relativity, Addison Wesley, 2004. Tests: oral test (exercises are done during the course, and they are an integral part of the course). Code A5170076 Title of the course Algorithms and programming - MUTUATO Credits 8 Field INF/01 Year of course n.d. Pag. 21/22 Code A5170075 Title of the course Introduction to Data Bases - MUTUATO Credits 7 Field INF/01 Year of course n.d. Pag. 22/22