UNIVERSITY OF MILANO-BICOCCA A.Y. 2007/2008 Mathematics - Courses A.Y. 2007/2008 Code A5520062 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 4 Field Year of course MAT/04 1 Code A5520078 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 7 Field Year of course M-PED/01 1 Code 552007 Title of the course GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY II Credits 10 Field Year of course MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Levi Sandro Programme Aim: the aim of the course is to introduce the basic tools and first applications of algebraic topology. Prerequisites: basics of abstract algebra, linear algebra, general topology and analysis. Main Topics: Part 1 * Tietze and Urysohn extension theorems for continuous functions. * Jordan curve theorem. * Higher-dimensional simplices and Sperner lemma. * Brouwer fixed point theorem. * Brouwer theorem on the invariance of domain. Pag. 1/ 18 Part 2 * Basic notions of algebraic topology. * Fundamental group and coverings. * Time permitting: homology (singular and/or simplicial). Bibliographic references: J. Dugundji, Topology, Allyn and Bacon, 1966. J. Van Mill, Infinite-dimensional topology: prerequisites and introduction, North-Holland Mathematical Library, 1988. E. Sernesi, Geometria 2, Bollati Boringhieri, 1994. C. Kosniowski, Introduzione alla topologia algebrica, Zanichelli, 1988. Additional bibliography and notes will be available during the course. Tests: oral test. Code 552009 Title of the course PHYSICAL THEORIES AND MATHEMATICAL MODELS Credits 10 Field Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Russo Alessandro Programme Aim: to present and discuss the basic equations that govern fluid motion in the case of ideal and viscous conditions, for incompressible and compressible fluid flows, with or without vorticity. To discuss the most important solutions for the cases considered. To solve numerically the equations for fluid flows (after some simplifications). Prerequisites: --. INF/01, MAT/07, MAT/08 Main Topics: Programme of the theoretical part. Elements of kinematics of fluid flows: continuum hypothesis; Eulerian/Lagrangian description; invariants of motion. Fundamentals: mass conservation; rotation and vorticity; conservation of linear momentum; Jacobian and incompressibility; conservation of energy. Euler's equations: Bernoulli's theorem; Kelvin's circulation theorem; vorticity transport theorem; Helmholtz's conservation laws; Cauchy's solutions and topological equivalence classes; case of incompressible flow in two dimensions; fluid flow decomposition; vortex filament and self-induction; kinetic energy, linear and angular momentum and helicity of vortices. Navier-Stokes' equations: Reynolds' number; Stokes' flows; dissipation of kinetic energy; Poisuille's flow; example of boundary layer modelling. Compressibility and waves in one dimension: the wave equation; representation of d'Alambert 's solution on the (x,t)-plane; conservation laws in the presence of discontinuities; contact discontinuities and shock wave; separation of the characteristics and entropic condition; convexity criterium for the classification of the discontinuities. Programme of the Applied part. Introduction to the numerical approximation of the equations describing fluid flows; finite differences and finite elements; examination in simplified cases of the numerical difficulties involved. Bibliographic references: G.K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1967. A.J. Chorin, J.E. Marsden, A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Springer-Verlag, 1990. P.G. Saffman, Vortex Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1991. M. Van Dyke, An Album of Fluid Motion, The Parabolic Press, 1982. The course notes will be made available. Tests: report on the laboratory activities and oral test. Pag. 2/ 18 Code 517082 Title of the course - CONDIVISO DA 517 Year of course n.d. Code 517081 Title of the course - CONDIVISO DA 517 Year of course n.d. Code 517075 Title of the course - CONDIVISO DA 517 Year of course n.d. Code 517080 Title of the course - CONDIVISO DA 517 Year of course n.d. Pag. 3/ 18 Code 516085 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course INF/01 n.d. Code 561005 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-S/01 n.d. Code 561009 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-P/01 n.d. Code 561010 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-P/01 n.d. Pag. 4/ 18 Code 552010 Title of the course Credits 7 Field Year of course FIS/08 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Lucchini Gianni Programme Aim: the course is aimed to: a deeper knowledge of items in classical and modern physics already met in the general physics courses; a first look to laboratory methods and experimental data analysis. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: not available at the publication date. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: rules will be explained at the beginning of the course. Code 517077 Title of the course - CONDIVISO DA 517 Year of course n.d. Code 561013 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-S/01 n.d. Pag. 5/ 18 Code 561015 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-S/01 n.d. Code 516146 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course INF/01 n.d. Code A5520059 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 4 Field Year of course MAT/04 n.d. Code A5520061 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-P/01 n.d. Pag. 6/ 18 Code A5520079 Title of the course Advanced geometry Credits 5 Field Year of course MAT/03 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto; Voto finale Lecturer Paoletti Roberto Programme Aim: this corse aims to take a closer look at the notion of differentiable manifold, with a special emphasis to the relation between vector fields and diffeomorphisms. Prerequisites: basic differential topology. Main Topics: * Differentiable manifold. * Partitions of unity. * Vector fields and diffeomorphisms. * Integrability and the theorem of Frobenius. * Introduction to the theory of Lie groups. The theory will be illustrated by several examples, largely inspired from the theory of Lie groups. Bibliographic references: Teacher's notes. Tests: written test. Code A5520054 Title of the course Functional Analysis Credits 7 Field Year of course MAT/05 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Meda Stefano Programme Aim: this course on the Theory of Distributions, with applications to partial differential equations. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: * Locally convex topologies. * Tempered distributions. * Distributions. * Introduction to Sobolev spaces. Bibliographic references: notes will be distributed during the course. Tests: oral test. Pag. 7/ 18 Code 552005 Title of the course General Relativity - MUTUATO Credits 5 Field Year of course FIS/02 n.d. Code A5520081 Title of the course HARMONIC ANALYSIS Credits 7 Field Year of course MAT/05 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Kuhn Maria gabriella Programme Aim: --. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: not available at the publication date. Bibliographic references: the course notes will be made available. Tests: oral test. Code 552012 Title of the course HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS Credits 8 Field Year of course MAT/04 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Colzani Leonardo Programme Aim: The aim of the course is to introduce a certain number of mathematical topics in a historical perspective. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: The problem of the squaring of the circle and of the hyperbola and the numbers pi and e. The lunulae of Hyppocrates. Archimedes and the method of exhaustion. Tables of chords and logarithms. Wallis infinite product. Gregory-Leibniz arc tangent series. Euler series of the inverses of squares. Lagrange and continued fractions. Buffon and Monte Carlo methods. Gauss circle problem. The lemniscate and the arithmetic geometric means. The catenary and the isoperimetric problem. The cycloid. Rational, algebraic and transcendental numbers. Ruler, compasses, origami. An abstract definition of pi. Pag. 8/ 18 Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: oral test. Code A5520068 Title of the course Homological Algebra Credits 7 Field Year of course MAT/02 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Weigel Thomas stefan Programme Aim: one on the central subjects in homological algebra is the study of the modules of a ring R. For two R-modules M and N one can define abelian groups ExtkR(M,N) which are derived forms of the abelian group HomR(M,N). For groups - but also for other algebraic or geometric structure - these groups reflect many combinatorical or geometric properties. In the course we intend to develop the theory far enough in order to apply it to groups which act on trees. Prerequisites: Algebra I e II mod. Main Topics: * Rings, modules and complexes of modules. * The abelian group HomR(M,N). * Projective modules, projective resolutions and the bar complex. * The comparison theorem. * The abelian groups ExtkR(M,N) and cohomology. * Generators of a group, the Cayley graph of a group. * Free groups and groups acting on trees. Bibliographic references: K.S. Brown, Cohomology of Groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 87, Springer-Verlag, 1982. P.J. Hilton, U. Stammbach, A Course in Homological Algebra, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 4, second edition, Springer-Verlag, 1997. S. MacLane, Homology, Classics in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1975. J-P. Serre, Trees, Springer-Verlag, 1980. Exams: written and oral exams. Code 552003 Title of the course INTRODUCTORY QUANTUM MECHANICS - MUTUATO Credits 5 Field Year of course FIS/02 n.d. Pag. 9/ 18 Code A5520077 Title of the course NON LINEAR ANALYSIS Credits 7 Field Year of course MAT/05 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Cellina Arrigo Programme Aim: to introduce the basic results in the Calculus of Variation. Prerequisites: Analysis as presented in the first three years of classes. Analisi Funzionale ed Equazioni Differenziali (Prof. Terracini). Main Topics: * Introduction to the Calculus of Variations. The Direct Method. Coercivity. Weak lower semicontinuity. * Bipolar of a function and relaxation. * Euler Lagrange equations. The Pontriagin Maximum Principle and their relations. Bibliographic references: B. Dacorogna, Direct methods in the calculus of variations, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 1989. Tests: oral test. Code A5520074 Title of the course NUMBER THEORY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY Credits 7 Field Year of course MAT/02 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Dalla volta Francesca Programme Aim: in this course, some algebraic and number theory arguments, foundamental for studying asymmetric cryptosystems are studied. Prerequisites: basic facts about algebraic structures, generally given in the first degree courses of algebra. Main Topics: * * Finite fields: Integer numbers and congruences. Finite fields. Euler's function. Remainder Chinese Theorem. * Prime numbers and factorization: Little Fermat's Theorem. Pseudoprime numbers and primality tests (Fermat, Jacobi, Miller-Rabin), (p-1) Pollard method). Introduction to the complexity. * Symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic systems: Public key cryptography (RSA. Diffie ed Hellman Cryptosystem). The discrete logarithm problem. * Elliptic curves: Weierstrass equation. The group of the points of an elliptic curve. Elliptic curves on finite fields. Key exchange of Diffie-Hellmann, ElGamal's protocol. Factorization using the elliptic curves: primality tests. Pag. 10/ 18 Bibliographic references: N. Koblitz, A course in Number Theory and Cryptography, volume 114 of Graduate texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, second edition, 1994. A. Languasco, A. Zaccagnini, Introduzione alla Crittografia, Hoepli Editore, 2004. L. C. Washington, Elliptic Curves, Number theory and Cryptography, Chapman&Hall/CRC, 2003. Tests: oral test. (The students may prepare a talk, which is part of the test). Code A5520080 Title of the course Real Analysis Credits 5 Field Year of course n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Varopoulos Nicolas Programme Aim: Prerequisites: basic knowledge of measure theory and functional analysis. In particular, the definition and the elementary properties of Lp spaces. MAT/05 Main Topics: * Definition of distributions and Fourier Transform: Plancherel's theory for L2(RN). * Part I: notions from real variable theory. Vitali covering Lemma and Whitney decomposition. Definition and first properties of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function. Special cases of the interpolation theorem in LP and the mapping properties of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function. * Part II: Singular Integrals. Calderon-Zygmund decomposition of a function. The definition and the properties of the classical singular integrals. * Part III: Differentiability properties. Riesz potentials and Sobolev spaces. Hardy-LittlewoodSobolev theorem. * Part IV: Applications. Harmonic functions. Boundary behaviour (Fatou's theorem). Conjugate harmonic functions in the classical case in dimension 1. Hp spaces. Extensions to higher dimensions. Bibliographic references: W. Rudin, Real and Complex analysis, McGraw-Hill,1987. E. Stein, G. Weiss, Introduction. Of Fourier Analysis on Euclidean spaces, Princeton University Press, 1971. E. Stein, Singular integrals and differentiability properties, Princeton University Press, 1970. K. Hoffman, Banac spaces of analytic functions, Prentice Hall, 1962 (or Dover,1988). Y. Katznelson, An introduction to harmonic analysis, Wiley, 1968 (or Dover, 1976). Tests: oral test. Pag. 11/ 18 Code 552008 Title of the course Theory of Dynamical Systems Credits 7 Field Year of course MAT/07 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Falqui Gregorio Programme Aim: the aim of the course is to discuss some fundamental aspects of the modern theory of Hamiltonian dynamical systems. This will be done mostly from a geometrical point of view. We will consider both "qualitative" aspects of the theory (e.g., the perturbation theory of integrable systems) and methods for "exactly" solving Hamilton equations (e.g., the Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the Lax scheme). Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: * Hamiltonian Mechanics, completely integrable systems and Action-Angle variables. * Oscillations: Introduction to perturbative techniques. * Hamilton-Jacobi theory and Separation of Variables. * Lax pairs: Toda and Calogero type systems. * The Korteweg-de Vries equation as an infinite dimensional integrable system. Bibliographic references: notes covering the greatest part of the course will be provided. Additional references (for specific topics): V. I. Arnold, Metodi Matematici della Meccanica Classica, Editori Riuniti, 2004. A. Giorgilli, Dynamical Systems, Part I: Exponential stability of Hamiltonian systems. In: Dynamical systems. Part I., Pubblicazioni Centro di Ricerca Matematica "Ennio De Giorgi". B.A. Dubrovin, I.M. Krichever, S.P. Novikov, Integrable systems. In Dynamical systems, IV, 177-332, Encilopædia Mat. Sci., 4, Springer-Verlag, 2001. A. Fasano, S. Marmi, Meccanica analitica: con elementi di meccanica statistica e dei continui, Boringhieri, 2002. S. Benenti, Modelli Matematici della Meccanica, Vol. II., Celid, 1997. Tests: oral test. Pag. 12/ 18 Mathematics - Courses for students matriculated in A.Y. 2007/2008 Code 552007 Title of the course GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY II Credits 10 Field Year of course MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Levi Sandro Programme Aim: the aim of the course is to introduce the basic tools and first applications of algebraic topology. Prerequisites: basics of abstract algebra, linear algebra, general topology and analysis. Main Topics: Part 1 * Tietze and Urysohn extension theorems for continuous functions. * Jordan curve theorem. * Higher-dimensional simplices and Sperner lemma. * Brouwer fixed point theorem. * Brouwer theorem on the invariance of domain. Part 2 * Basic notions of algebraic topology. * Fundamental group and coverings. * Time permitting: homology (singular and/or simplicial). Bibliographic references: J. Dugundji, Topology, Allyn and Bacon, 1966. J. Van Mill, Infinite-dimensional topology: prerequisites and introduction, North-Holland Mathematical Library, 1988. E. Sernesi, Geometria 2, Bollati Boringhieri, 1994. C. Kosniowski, Introduzione alla topologia algebrica, Zanichelli, 1988. Additional bibliography and notes will be available during the course. Tests: oral test. Code 552009 Title of the course PHYSICAL THEORIES AND MATHEMATICAL MODELS Credits 10 Field Year of course 1 Semester n.d. Assesment method Scritto e Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Russo Alessandro Programme Aim: to present and discuss the basic equations that govern fluid motion in the case of ideal and viscous conditions, for incompressible and compressible fluid flows, with or without vorticity. To discuss the most important solutions for the cases considered. To solve numerically the equations for fluid flows (after some simplifications). Prerequisites: --. INF/01, MAT/07, MAT/08 Main Topics: Programme of the theoretical part. Pag. 13/ 18 Elements of kinematics of fluid flows: continuum hypothesis; Eulerian/Lagrangian description; invariants of motion. Fundamentals: mass conservation; rotation and vorticity; conservation of linear momentum; Jacobian and incompressibility; conservation of energy. Euler's equations: Bernoulli's theorem; Kelvin's circulation theorem; vorticity transport theorem; Helmholtz's conservation laws; Cauchy's solutions and topological equivalence classes; case of incompressible flow in two dimensions; fluid flow decomposition; vortex filament and self-induction; kinetic energy, linear and angular momentum and helicity of vortices. Navier-Stokes' equations: Reynolds' number; Stokes' flows; dissipation of kinetic energy; Poisuille's flow; example of boundary layer modelling. Compressibility and waves in one dimension: the wave equation; representation of d'Alambert 's solution on the (x,t)-plane; conservation laws in the presence of discontinuities; contact discontinuities and shock wave; separation of the characteristics and entropic condition; convexity criterium for the classification of the discontinuities. Programme of the Applied part. Introduction to the numerical approximation of the equations describing fluid flows; finite differences and finite elements; examination in simplified cases of the numerical difficulties involved. Bibliographic references: G.K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1967. A.J. Chorin, J.E. Marsden, A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Springer-Verlag, 1990. P.G. Saffman, Vortex Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1991. M. Van Dyke, An Album of Fluid Motion, The Parabolic Press, 1982. The course notes will be made available. Tests: report on the laboratory activities and oral test. Code 516085 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course n.d. Code 561005 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course n.d. INF/01 SECS-S/01 Pag. 14/ 18 Code 561009 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-P/01 n.d. Code 561010 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-P/01 n.d. Code 552010 Title of the course Credits 7 Field Year of course FIS/08 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Lucchini Gianni Programme Aim: the course is aimed to: a deeper knowledge of items in classical and modern physics already met in the general physics courses; a first look to laboratory methods and experimental data analysis. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: not available at the publication date. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: rules will be explained at the beginning of the course. Pag. 15/ 18 Code 561013 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-S/01 n.d. Code 561015 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-S/01 n.d. Code 516146 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course INF/01 n.d. Code A5520059 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 4 Field Year of course MAT/04 n.d. Pag. 16/ 18 Code A5520061 Title of the course - MUTUATO Credits 6 Field Year of course SECS-P/01 n.d. Code 552005 Title of the course General Relativity - MUTUATO Credits 5 Field Year of course FIS/02 n.d. Code 552012 Title of the course HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS Credits 8 Field Year of course MAT/04 n.d. Semester n.d. Assesment method Orale; Voto finale Lecturer Colzani Leonardo Programme Aim: The aim of the course is to introduce a certain number of mathematical topics in a historical perspective. Prerequisites: --. Main Topics: The problem of the squaring of the circle and of the hyperbola and the numbers pi and e. The lunulae of Hyppocrates. Archimedes and the method of exhaustion. Tables of chords and logarithms. Wallis infinite product. Gregory-Leibniz arc tangent series. Euler series of the inverses of squares. Lagrange and continued fractions. Buffon and Monte Carlo methods. Gauss circle problem. The lemniscate and the arithmetic geometric means. The catenary and the isoperimetric problem. The cycloid. Rational, algebraic and transcendental numbers. Ruler, compasses, origami. An abstract definition of pi. Bibliographic references: bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course. Tests: oral test. Pag. 17/ 18 Code 552003 Title of the course INTRODUCTORY QUANTUM MECHANICS - MUTUATO Credits 5 Field Year of course FIS/02 n.d. Pag. 18/ 18