Dipartimento di Filosofia Università degli Studi di

ADDRESS: Dipartimento di Filosofia
Università degli Studi di Parma
Via D’Azeglio 85/A
43100 Parma (Italy)
[email protected]
PERSONAL: Born: September 13, 1972
Ph.D. in Philosophy, University Cà Foscari, Venice, February 2002
B.A. in Philosophy, University Cà Foscari, Venice, (cum laude), June 1997
Visiting Scholar, June 2010-October 2010 : Université de Provence Aix-Marseille, Centre Ceperc
Visiting Scholar, June 2009-December 2009: École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris) and Centre NoSoPhi
(Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Visiting Scholar, November 2008-February 2009: École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris) and Centre NoSoPhi
(Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Visiting Scholar, October 2005- February 2006: J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt (Prof. A. Honneth)
Visiting Ph.D. Student, February 1999-October 1999: Ruhr University, Hegel-Archiv, Bochum, (prof. W. Jaeschke)
Visiting Ph.D. Student, April 2000-October 2000: J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt (Prof. A. Honneth)
Riconoscimento naturale e autocoscienza sociale. Ricostruzione e ripresa della teoria hegeliana dell’Anerkennung [Natural
Recognition and Social Self-consciousness. Reconstruction and Reprise of the Hegelian Theory of Anerkennung], 2002
2007-present: Assistant Professor (Professore aggregato), Department of Philosophy, University of Parma
Visiting Professor for “History of Philosophy”, Department of Philosophy, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice
2004-2006: Research Fellow (Full Time), University Ca’ Foscari, Venice
2003-2006: Lecturer for “History of Political Philosophy”, Department of Philosophy, University of Parma
2001-2004: Teacher
in “Philosophy and History”, Scientific Lyceum, G. Veronese, Chioggia, Venice
1997-1998: Tutor for Undergraduates, Department of Philosophy, University Ca’ Foscari,Venice
History of Philosophy; 19th Century German Philosophy; Political Philosophy; Social Philosophy; Theory of Argumentation and
20th Century Continental and Anglo-American Philosophy; Philosophy of Social Sciences; Aesthetics
Research Fellowship, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, September 2004-September 2006 (awarded as a result of a national
Visiting Scholar Grant, October 2005- February 2006, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt
Doctoral Fellowship and Grant, University Cà Foscari, Venice, 1998-2001 (awarded as a result of a national competition)
Doctoral Fellowship, University of Genua, 1998 (awarded as a result of a national competition, declined)
Selected Member of the Italian Delegation at the “Biennale of the Young Artists of Europe and Mediterranean”, Sarajevo, 2001
Undergraduate Scholarship, INDPAP, 1995-1996
Grant for Residential Seminar, IBM Italy, 1996
Lecture Courses:
Politics of Life (University of Parma, 2009, Undergraduates)
Dissensus and Consensus (University of Parma, 2009, Graduates)
Metaphysics and Politics (University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, 2009, Undergraduates)
Second Nature (University of Parma, 2008, Undergraduates)
Politics and Ontology (University of Parma, 2008, Graduates)
Metaphysics, Politics and Anthropology (University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, 2008, Undergraduates)
Conflict and Dialogue (University of Parma, 2007, Undergraduates)
Negotiation and Political Argumentation (University of Parma, 2007, Graduates)
Politics and Anthropology (University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, 2007, Undergraduates)
Politics of Nature (University of Parma, 2006, Undergraduates)
Social Ontology and Politics (University of Parma, 2006, Graduates)
Mimesis and Interaction: Rousseau, Hegel, Auden and Girard (University of Parma, 2005, Graduates)
Honour and Politics: Aristotle and Hobbes (University of Parma, 2004, Undergraduates)
Politics of Recognition (University of Parma, 2004, Undergraduates)
Human Nature, Conduct and Power: Dewey (University of Parma, 2009, Undergraduates)
Dialectics of Enlightenment (University of Parma, 2009, Graduates)
Reification (University of Parma, 2008, Undergraduates)
Redistribution and Recognition (University of Parma, 2008, Graduates)
Authority: Sennett (University of Parma, 2007, Undergraduates)
Negotiation and Argumentation: Habermas, Elster, Schelling (University of Parma, 2007, Graduates)
Language and Politics: Chomsky, Foucault (University of Parma, 2006, Undergraduates)
Human Capacities and Politics: M.C. Nussbaum, J. Searle (University of Parma, 2006, Graduates)
Human Dignity and Social Decency: Ignatieff and Margalit (University of Parma, 2005, Undergraduates)
Respect and Recognition: Sennett (University of Parma, 2005, Graduates)
Multiculturalism: Taylor, Habermas, Honneth (University of Parma, 2004, Undergraduates)
Series Editor (with Ferruccio Andolfi), “La Ginestra. Collana di classici sull’individualismo solidale”, Diabasis Press, (2007-)
Managing Editor, “La Società degli Individui. Quadrimestrale di teoria sociale e storia delle idee”, (1999-)
Editor-in-Chief, “L’Ulisse. Rivista di poesia, arti e scritture”, Lietocolle Press (2007-)
Editorial Panel, Member, “Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain (2009-)
Partner Investigator, Research Program (PRIN 2007-2009) “Truth: Identities and Differences. Ontological Identities, Hermeneutical
Differences, Historical Dialectics”, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research
Founding Member, “Ergo. Associazione di teoria e pratica dell'argomentazione” (2008-)
Member, Internationale Hegel Vereinigung (2009-)
Member, ENSO-European Network for Social Ontology (2009-)
Member, Hegel Society of America (2008-)
Member, ISSA. International Society for the Study of Argumentation, (2008-)
Member, SIFA; “Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica” (2003-)
Member, Internationale Hegel Gesellschaft (2002-)
Member, Hegel Society of Great Britain (1999-)
Organizing committee member, Workshop “Harry G. Frankfurt. L’io e le sue cure”, University of Parma, February 25, 2010
Organizing committee member, “Towards an Analytic Pragmatism. Workshop on Bob Brandom's Recent Philosophy of Language”,
University of Genoa, April 20-23, 2009
Organizing committee member, Workshop “La svolta argomentativa. 50 anni dopo Perelman e Toulmin: 1958-2008. 1° Workshop di
Teoria e Pratica dell’Argomentazione”, Padova, October 31, 2008
Director, “Pensieri viandanti. Antropologia ed estetica del camminare”, Conference,
University of Parma, Berceto, 14-15 June,
Director, “Pensieri viandanti. L’etica dal camminare e il passo del testimone”, Conference, University of Parma, Berceto, June 13-14,
Director, “Pensieri viandanti. Le poetiche del camminare”, Conference, University of Parma, Berceto, May 30-June 1, 2009
Co-director, “The Social Space of Reason. From Hegel Onwards”, International Conference, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice,
September 28-30, 2006
Co-director, “Contemporary Hegel. American Readings of Hegel in Comparison with the European Tradition”, International
Conference, University Ca’ Foscari,Venice, May 15-18, 2001
Co-director, "Giuseppe Veronese. Matematica, filosofia, politica e tutela della laguna", Conference, Chioggia, May 23, 2003
Italian, German, English, French, Latin, Ancient Greek
I. International Conferences and Workshops:
“Scepticisme et dialectique des Lumières chez le jeune Hegel », Invited Speaker, Conference, Scepticisme et
Lumières/Scepticisme and Enlightenment, Université de Sherbrooke, Montreal, April 14-16, 2010
“La Genèse naturelle de la conscience”, Invited Speaker, Conference, Hegel et les Esquisses de système d’Iéna,
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, November 13, 2009
“Embodiment and Fragmentation”, Invited Speaker, Conference, Objective Spirit. Beyond Recognition?, Nordic
Network for German Idealism, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, October 30-November 1, 2009
“Recognition and the background of social practices”, Accepted Paper, Conference, European Network on Social
Ontology, University of Constance, Germany, October 16-17, 2009
“Brandom’s Reconstructive Rationality. Some Pragmatist Themes”, Speaker, Towards an Analytic Pragmatism.
Workshop on Bob Brandom's Recent Philosophy of Language, University of Genoa, April 20-23, 2009
“Spirit and Habit”, Invited Speaker, Monokl-Cogito International Hegel Congress, Bahçeşehir University,
Istanbul, November 14-16, 2008
“Hegel on Second Nature”, Invited Speaker, Harvard University, Humanities Centre, Cambridge (Mass.),
November 21, 2008
“Hegel's Naturalism”, Accepted Paper, 20th Biennial Meeting of the Hegel Society of America, University of
South Carolina, Columbia, SC, November 24-26, 2008
“Limits of Respect in Public Dialogue”, Accepted Paper, International Conference on Rhetorical Citizenship,
University of Copenhagen, October 9-10, 2008
“Habit and the Universal Form of Spirit”, Accepted Paper, 27. Internationaler Hegel-Kongress, Leuven,
September 9-13, 2008
“Second Nature and Social Space”, Accepted Paper, 14th International Colloquium Evian, “What is Second
Nature? - Reason, History, Institutions”, Evian, July 13-19, 2008
“Consensus and Respect in the Second Order”, Invited Speaker, International Conference ”Argumentation 2008”,
12th Biennial Wake Forest University Argumentation Conference, Co-Sponsored by the International Society for
the Study of Argumentation, Casa Artom, Venice, June 15-18, 2008
“Transience and Reification in the early Adorno”, Accepted Paper, International Conference “Beyond Reification:
Critical Theory and the Challenge of Praxis," John Cabot University, Rome, May 21-23, 2008
14) “Second Nature, History and Allegorical Ontology“, Accepted Paper, International Conference “Philosophy and
Social Sciences 2008”, Prague, Czech Academy of Sciences, May 14-18, 2008
15) “The ‘Respect Fallacy’”, Accepted Paper, SIFA Midterm Conference, “Equal respect for persons: its foundations
and its implications for political and legal institutions”, University of Genova, December 13-14, 2007
16) “Hegel and the Heritage of Recognition”, Rapporteur at the International Workshop The plural states of
recognition/La reconnaissance dans tous ses états, Montreal, Maison de la culture de Côte-des-Neiges,
September 27-29, 2007
17) “Recognition and Second Nature. Hegel and the Critique of Social Space”, Accepted Paper, Society for European
Philosophy and Forum For European Philosophy Joint International Conference, University of Sussex,
September 8-10, 2007
18) “Is Common Ground a Word or just a Sound? Second Order Consensus and Argumentation Theory”, Accepted
Paper (with Paola Cantù), International Conference “Dissensus & the Search for Common Ground”, 7th
Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation, University of Windsor, June 6-11, 2007
19) “Selbstbewußtsein”, Invited Speaker, Conference “200 Jahre Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes”, University of
Jena, October 23-28, 2006
20) “Seconda natura e riconoscimento”, International Conference “The Social Space of Reason. From Hegel
Onwards”, Università Cà Foscari, Venezia, September 28-30, 2006
21) ”Criticism from Within Nature”, Invited Speaker, Frankfurt, Kolloquium für Sozialphilosophie, January 26, 2006
22) „Anerkennende Macht“, Invited Speaker, International Conference „Anerkennung. Vom Leben eines hegelschen
Begriffs”, Basel, October 22-23, 2004
23) “Glauben, Skepsis und Anerkennen”, Accepted Paper, Conference “Glauben und Wissen. 24. Kongress der
Hegel-Gesellschaft“, Jena, August-September 28-1, 2002
24) “Skepticism and Recognition”, Invited Speaker, International Conference “Skepticism, Antifoundationalism und
‘offenes System’ bei Hegel”, Università di Siena, April 20-21, 2001
25) “Riconoscere l’antinomia”, Invited Speaker, International Conference “L’esordio pubblico di Hegel.Per il
bicentenario della Differenzschrift”, Università di Milano-Bicocca, November 26-28, 2001
II. Selected National Conferences and Workshops:
26) “Philia e interazione”, Conference “La Politica di Aristotele. Forme e momenti della sua ricezione”, Università di
Parma, December 17-18, 2009
27) “Il naturalismo di Hegel”, Workshop “Natura, soggetto, Libertà”, Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia,
Università degli Studi di Padova, December 15, 2009
28) “Lingua e physis nel primo Gruenbein”, Conference “I figli dell’esilio. Versi per Dopodomani. Durs
Gruenbein”, Dipartimento di Studi Europei e Postcoloniali, Università Ca Foscari, May 26-27, 2009
29) “Ogni reificazione è oblio. La ripresa del concetto di reificazione nella Dialettica dell’illuminismo”, Seminario di
Teoria Critica, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Teoria delle Scienze, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, May 25, 2009
30) “Consenso e dissenso” (with Paola Cantù), Workshop “La svolta argomentativa. 50 anni dopo Perelman e
Toulmin: 1958-2008. 1° Workshop di Teoria e Pratica dell’Argomentazione”, Università di Padova, October 31,
31) “Argomentazione e ragionamento giuridico”, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Modena-Reggio,
September 22, 2008
32) “Un’occhiata di passaggio. La verità del desiderio in W.H. Auden”, Advanced Course on Literature and
Philosophy, Università di Parma, April 18, 2008
33) “Pluralismo discorsivo e ragionamento giuridico”, Seminar “Teorie dell’argomentazione. Sviluppi recenti e
antichi: il ragionamento giuridico”, Università La Sapienza di Roma, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Dipartimento di
Scienze Giuridiche, March 12, 2007
34) “La razionalità trasversale dell’argomentazione”, Conference “Politica, religione e logiche del dialogo”, XVII
Seminario di Teoria Critica, Gallarate, Aloisianum, November 25-26, 2006
35) “Poteri individuali e corpi sociali. Osservazioni sull’ontologia del riconoscimento”, Invited Speaker, Conference
“Linguaggio, ontologia, società”, Porto Conte, June 1-3, 2006
36) “Anima e Corpo in Hegel”, Invited Speaker, Conference “Il problema mente-corpo: genealogia, modelli,
prospettive di ricerca”, Università Cà Foscari, Venezia, April 3-5, 2006
37) “Prima e seconda natura”, Workshop “La mente e la natura: a partire da John McDowell”, Trento, ISTC,
December 5, 2005
38) “Lupi Deliberativi. Natura e diagnosi epocali tra McDowell e Adorno”, Workshop “Natura e normatività”,
Università di Urbino, June 25-26, 2005
39) “Ragione e Natura”, Workshop “Mente e Mondo”, Seminario di Filosofia e Scienze Sociali, Università di Milano
Bicocca, March 8,15, 22, 2005
40) “Conoscere è riconoscere. Osservazioni su Hegel”, Invited Speaker, Conference “Conoscenza e riconoscimento”,
Università di Palermo, October 29-30, 2004
41) “Poteri espressivi e capacità riconoscitive. Per un'antropologia del riconoscimento”, Invited Speaker, Conference
“Globalizzazione, riconoscimento, diritti umani e ragione”, Seminario di Teoria Critica e Filosofia Sociale,
Gallarate, November 16-17, 2002
42) “Ermeneutica e riflessività”, Invited Speaker, Conference “Fine della koiné ermeneutica”, Università Roma II,
Roma, December 15-16, 2000
43) “Scetticismo, riconoscimento e autocoscienza nel giovane Hegel”, Accepted Paper, Conference “Congresso
nazionale dottorato di ricerca in filosofia”, Gallipoli, October 2-4, 2000
44) “Intersoggettività e coscienza”, Workshop “Antropologia, identità, critica”, Università di Urbino, June 23-25,
45) “Hegel e le dialettiche dell’illuminismo”, Seminario di Teoria critica, Università Cà Foscari, Venezia, January
13, 2000
PUBLICATIONS (complete list)
A) I. Books:
Hegel critico e scettico. Illuminismo, repubblicanesimo e antinomia alle origini della dialettica[Hegel as Critic
and Skeptic. Enlightenment, Republicanism and Antinomy at the Roots of Dialectics], Il Poligrafo, Padova, 2002
Riconoscimento naturale e autocoscienza sociale. Ricostruzione e ripresa della teoria hegeliana
dell’Anerkennung[Natural Recognition and Social Self-Consciousness. Reconstruction and Reprise of the
Hegelian Theory of “Anerkennung”], (Dissertation), Venezia, 2002
(with P. Cantù) Teorie dell’argomentazione. Un’introduzione alle logiche del dialogo[Theories of
Argumentation. An Introduction to the Logics of Dialogue], Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2006
(with R. Genovese), Ragione impura. Una jam session su metafisica e immaginazione[Impure Reason. A Jam
Session on Metaphysics and Imagination], Bruno Mondatori, Milano, 2006
La natura del riconoscimento. Riconoscimento naturale e ontologia sociale in Hegel [The Nature of Recognition.
Natural recognition and social ontology in Hegel], Mimesis, Milano, 2010
II. Edited Books:
Ragionevoli dubbi. La critica sociale tra universalismo e scepsi[Reasonable Doubts. Social Criticism between
Skepticism and Universalism], ed. and with an introduction by Paolo Costa, Massimo Rosati and Italo Testa,
Carocci, Roma, 2001
Hegel contemporaneo. La ricezione americana di Hegel a confronto con la tradizione europea[Contemporary
Hegel. American Readings of Hegel in Comparison with the European Tradition], edited and with an
introduction by Luigi Ruggiu and Italo Testa, (with essay by R.J. Bernstein, R.B. Pippin, J. McDowell, T.
Pinkard, R. Rorty, R.B. Brandom, V. Hösle, P. Redding, W. Maker, R.R. Williams, S. Houlgate, A.B. Collins, T.
Rockmore, L. Lugarini, L. Goldoni, D. Zucca, I. Testa, S. Poggi, A. Bellan, L. Cortella, F. Chiereghin, F. Berto,
L. Perissinotto, R. Racinario, L. Ruggiu, M. Ruggenini, A. Masullo, L. Tarca), Guerini, Milano, 2003
Hegel e la teoria sociale[Hegel and Social Theory], edited and with an introduction by Alessandro Bellan and
Italo Testa, (with essays by G. Rose, V. Hösle, P. Redding, M. Quante & D. Schweikard, F. Neuhouser, C.
Kantner & U. Tietz, A. Bellan, A. Sartori, I. Testa), “Quaderni di Teoria Sociale”, 5, Morlacchi, Perugia, 2005,
pp. 1-310
Pensieri viandanti. Antropologia ed estetica del camminare[Wandering Thoughts. Anthropology and Aesthetics
of Walking] , edited and with an introduction by Italo Testa, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2008
Etica del camminare. Pensieri viandanti II [Ethics of Walking. Wandering Thoughts II], edited and with an
introduction by Italo Testa, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2009
Poetiche del camminare. Pensieri viandanti 3[Poetics of Walking. Wandering Thoughts III], a cura e con
un’introduzione di Italo Testa, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2010
Lo spazio sociale della ragione. Da Hegel in avanti[The Social Space of Reason. From Hegel Onwards], edited
and with an introduction by Luigi Ruggiu and I. Testa (with essays by R.B. Brandom, N. Fraser, Ch. Larmore, R.
Tuomela,V. Descombes, J.-F. Kervégan, D. Macbeth, K.R. Dove, H. Ikäheimo, S. Poggi, B. De Giovanni, G.
Marramao, U. Fabietti, L. Ruggiu, I. Testa, V. Vitiello, S. Natoli, F. D’Agostini, G. Cantillo, G. Bonacina, F. Di
Lorenzo, F. Mora, D. Zucca), Mimesis, Milano, 2009
La svolta argomentativa. 50 anni dopo Perelman e Toulmin[The Argumentative Turn. 50 Years after Perelman
and Toulmin], edited and with an introduction by Paola Cantù, Adelino Cattani, Paolo Vidali and Italo Testa,
Loffredo University Press, Napoli, 2009
T.W. Adorno, La crisi dell’individuo[The Crisis of the Individual], edited and with an introduction by Italo Testa,
Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2010
B) Articles:
Scetticismo, mondo, autoriflessione. Il superamento della scepsi moderna del mondo esterno tra Moore,
Wittgenstein, Austin e Apel (passando per Hegel)[ Skepticism, World, Self-Reflection. The Overcoming of
Modern Skepticism on External World between Moore, Wittgenstein, Austin and Apel (through Hegel)],
“Fenomenologia e Società”, 3/1997, pp. 94-121
Individualismo e scepsi antirazionalista[Individualism and Anti-Rationalist Skepticism], “La Società degli
Individui”, 1/1999, pp. 166-170
Individualità e critica[Individuality and Criticism], “La Società degli Individui”, 3/2000, pp. 113-118, (reprinted
in: “Reset”, 65, 2001)
Hegel. Così Europa e America rileggono le sue pagine[Hegel. That’s How America and Europe Read his Pages
Today], “Reset”, 67, 2001, pp. 54-5
Riconoscimento naturalizzato. Una soluzione scettica al dibattito sull’autocoscienza tra Henrich, Tugendhat e
Habermas[Naturalized Recognition. A Skeptical Solution to the Debate on Self-Consciousness between Henrich,
Tugendhat and Habermas], in: AA.VV., Ragionevoli dubbi. La critica sociale tra universalismo e scepsi, edited
and with an introduction by Paolo Costa, Massimo Rosati e Italo Testa, Carocci, Roma, 2001, pp. 67-90
(with P. Cantù) Dalla Nuova retorica alla Nuova dialettica. Il dialogo tra logica e teoria
dell’argomentazione[From New Rhetoric to New Dialectic. The Dialogue between Logic and Argumentation
Theory], “Problemata”, I, 2001, pp. 123-173
Ermeneutica, riflessività, riconoscimento di validità[Hermeneutic, Reflexivity and Validity’s Acknowledgment],
“Fenomenologia e Società”, 3/2001, pp. 118-127
Idealismo e normatività. Robert Brandom e la ricezione americana di Hegel[Idealism and Normativity. Robert
Brandom and Hegel’s American Readings], “Iride”, 36, 2002, pp. 297-314; reprinted in: Hegel contemporaneo,
Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2003, pp. 318-337
(with L. Ruggiu) Hegel contemporaneo. Saggio introduttivo[Contemporary Hegel. Introductory Essay], Guerini
e Associati, Milano, 2003, pp. 11-15
Familiarità con sé e relazione ad altri. Sulle aporie dell'autocoscienza riflessiva[Self-Familiarity and Relation
to Others. On the Aporias of Reflexive Self-consciousness], “La Società degli Individui”, 2/2003, pp. 33-50
Ragione e relazione. La Fenomenologia di Hegel come tropologia[Reason and Relation. Hegel’s
Phenomenology as Tropology], “Giornale di Metafisica”, XXV, 2003, pp. 371-392
Skeptische Antinomie und Anerkennung beim jungen Hegel[Skeptical Antinomy and Recognition by the
Young Hegel], “Kritisches Jahrbuch der Philosophie”, 8, 2003, pp. 171-178
Giustizia comunicativa ed etica del conflitto[Communicative Justice and Ethics of Conflict], “Iride”, 40, 2003,
pp. 619-623
Hegelian Pragmatism and Social Emancipation, “Constellations”, 4/2003, pp. 554-570
Riconoscere l’antinomia[Acknowledging Antinomy], in L’esordio pubblico di Hegel. Per il bicentenario della
Differenzschrift, Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2004, pp. 333-346
Conoscere è riconoscere. L’epistemologia hegeliana del riconoscimento e il passaggio dalla prima alla
seconda natura[Cognition is Recognition. Hegel’s Epistemology of Recognition and the Move from First to
Second Nature], “Giornale di Metafisica”, XXVII, 2005, pp. 121-144
Naturalmente sociali. Per una teoria generale del riconoscimento, in Hegel e le scienze sociali[Naturally Social.
Toward a General Theory of Recognition], “Quaderni di Teoria Sociale”, 5, Morlacchi, Perugia, 2005, pp.165218
(with A. Bellan), Hegel e le scienze sociali. Saggio introduttivo[Hegel and Social Sciences. Introductory Essay],
in “Quaderni di Teoria Sociale”, 5, Morlacchi, Perugia, 2005, pp. 3-9
Doppia svolta. L’ontologia allegorica del primo Adorno e l’ombra di Heidegger[Double Turn. Adorno’s
Allegorical Ontology and the Shade of Heidegger], in Adorno e Heidegger. Soggettività, arte, esistenza, ed. by
Lucio Cortella, Mario Ruggenini and Alessandro Bellan, Donzelli, Roma, 2005, pp. 159-179
Intersoggettività, natura e sentimenti morali. La teoria critica di A. Honneth e la Regola
d’oro[Intersubjectivity, Nature and Moral Feelings. A. Honneth’s Critical Theory and The Golden Rule], in La
regola d’oro come etica universale, ed. by Carmelo Vigna and Susy Zanardo, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2005,
pp. 397-436
Falsi dilemmi. Scienza o filosofia?[ False Dilemmas. Science or Philosophy?], “Il Ponte”, 7/2005, pp. 125-133
Uguaglianza opaca. Rispetto, carattere e riconoscimento espressivo in Richard Sennett[Opaque Equality:
Respect, Character and Expressive Recognition by Richard Sennett], “La società degli Individui”, 3/2005, pp.
Il rinvio della felicità[The Delay of Happiness], “Dalla parte del torto”, 30/2005, pp. 10-11
Anatomia dell’Io. Un dialogo con Durs Grünbein su lirica e soggettività[Anatomy of the I. A Conversation
with Durs Grünbein on Poetry, Subjectivity and Philosophy], “La Società degli Individui”, 1/2006, pp. 99-124
Il naturalismo, l’”idealismo” e la fallacia normativistica[Naturalism, Idealism and the normativistic fallacy]”,
“Iride”, 48, 2006, pp. 426-429
Criticism from within nature. The dialectic from first to second nature between McDowell and Adorno,
“Philosophy and Social Criticism”, 33, 3/2007, pp. 473-497
Storia naturale e seconda natura. Adorno e il problema di una conciliazione non fondativa[Natural History and
Second Nature], “La Società degli Individui”, 1/2007, pp. 37-52
Dopo la natura [After Nature], “La Società degli Individui”, 1/2007, pp. 5-8
(with P. Cantù) Falli d’appello [Fallacies in Court], “Diogene. Filosofare oggi”, 2, 7, march-may 2007, pp. 6365
La felicità improrogabile[Happiness not to be delayed], “Segni e comprensione”, XI, 63, 2007, pp. 100-104
Poteri espressivi e capacità normative. Critica e riconoscimento a partire dal dibattito tra Brandom e
Habermas[Expressive Powers and Normative Capacities. Criticism and Recognition between Brandom and
Habermas], in Soggettività ontologia linguaggio, ed. by Francesco Mora and Luigi Ruggiu, Cafoscarina
Editrice, Venezia, 2007, pp. 42-60
L’immaginazione metafisica[The Metaphysical Imagination], “aut aut”, 336 (2007), pp. 159-186
(with P. Cantù), Is Common Ground a Word or just a Sound? Second Order Consensus and Argumentation
Theory, in Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground, ed. by Hans V. Hansen, Christopher W. Tindale, J.
Anthony Blair, Ralph H. Johnson and David M. Godden, OSSA,Windsor, ON, 2007, CD-ROM (pp. 1-9)
(with P. Cantù), Reply to our Commentator, in Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground, ed. by Hans V.
Hansen, Christopher W. Tindale, J. Anthony Blair, Ralph H. Johnson and David M. Godden, OSSA,Windsor,
ON, 2007, CD-ROM (pp. 1-2)
La seconda natura del camminare[The Second Nature of Walking], in Pensieri viandanti. Antropologia ed
estetica del camminare, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2008, pp. 9-13
I giardini culturali del relativismo[The Cultural Gardens of Relativism], “L’ospite ingrato”, I, 2008, pp. 59-72
Giustizia poetica[Poetic Justice], “Atelier”, XIII, 50 (2008), pp. 138-143
Parità. Quale sinistra nel Pd?[Parity], “Reset”, 105 (2008), pp. 91-95
Anima e corpo nell’Enciclopedia o il naturalismo di Hegel[Soul and Body in Hegel or Hegel’s Naturalism], in
Il problema Mente-Corpo: genealogia, modelli, prospettive di ricerca, edited by M. Giannasi and F. Guadalupe
Masi, Mimesis, Milano, 2008, pp. 137-155
Lo spazio sociale e l’ontologia del riconoscimento[Social Space and the Ontology of Recognition], “Quaderni
di teoria sociale”, 8, 2008, pp. 197-215
Uno sguardo di passaggio. Mimesi e desiderio in Horae canonicae di Wystan H. Auden [A Passing Glance.
Mimesis and desire in Horae canonicae by Wystan H. Auden], “La società degli individui”, 33, 3 (2008), pp.
Selbstbewußtsein und zweite Natur, in Hegels Phaenomenologie des Geistes, edited by K. Vieweg and W.
Welsch, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 2008, pp. 286-307
Intersubjetividade, natureza e sentimentos morais. A teoria crítica de A. Honneth e a regra de
ouro[Intersubjectivity, Nature and Moral Feelings. A. Honneth’s Critical Theory and The Golden Rule],
“Civitas – Revista de Ciências Sociais”, 8, 1 (2008), pp. 94-124
(with Paola Cantù), Consenso e dissenso[Consensus and Dissensus], in La svolta argomentativa. 50 anni dopo
Perelman e Toulmin, edited and with an introduction by Paola Cantù, Adelino Cattani, Paolo Vidali and Italo
Testa, Loffredo University Press, Napoli, 2009, pp. 87-96
Seconda natura e riconoscimento[Second Nature and Recognition], in Lo spazio sociale della ragione, Edited
and with an introduction by L. Ruggiu and I. Testa, Mimesis, Milano, 2009, pp. 315-342
Brandom's Reconstructive Rationality. Some Pragmatist Themes, in Towards an Analytic Pragmatism.
Workshop on Bob Brandom's Recent Philosophy of Language”, edited by C. Penco, C. Amoretti and F. Pitto,
CEUR Workshop, Aachen, 2009: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-444, pp. 1-7
Second Nature and Recognition. Hegel and the Social Space, „Critical Horizons“, 10, 3 (2009), pp. 341-370
Recognition, Skepticism and Self-Consciousness in the Young Hegel, „Fenomenologia e Società“, 32, 2 (2009),
pp. 117-132
Criticism and normativity. Brandom and Habermas between Kant and Hegel, in G. Tuzet and D. Canale (eds.),
The Rules of Inference. Inferentialism in Law and Philosophy, Egea, Milano, 2009, pp. 29-44
Una totalità opaca. Motivi metafisici nel ‘Pensiero post-metafisico’ di Habermas[An Opaque Totality.
Metaphysical Motifs in the “Post-metaphysical Thought of Habermas], in L. Cortella, Teoria critica e
metafisica, Mimesis, Milano, 2009, pp. 183-209
Motivi della renaissance hegeliana nel pensiero angloamericano[Motifs of the Hegelian Renaissance in the
Anglo-American Thought], in F. Rossi (a cura di), Cristianesimo teologia filosofia, Franco Angeli, Milano,
2010, pp. 391-408
52) Sub specie individuationis. Amministrazione della vita e 'nuova antropologia' in Adorno [Sub specie
individuationis. Life’s Administration and new Anthropology in Th.W. Adorno], in Th.W. Adorno, La crisi
dell’individuo, a cura di I. Testa, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2010, pp. 9-32
53) Pluralismo discorsivo e ragionamento giuridico: forme dell’argomentazione, “Ars interpretandi”, 2011, pp. 7184
54) The Universal Form of Spirit. Hegel on habit and sociality, in A. Arndt, P. Cruysberghs, A. Przylebski (eds.),
Geist? Hegel-Jahrbuch 2010, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 2011, pp. 215-220
55) Social Space and the Ontology of Recognition, in H. Hikaeheimo and A. Laitinen (eds.), Recognition and Social
Ontology, Brill Books, London, 2011, pp. 287-308
Spirit and Habit, „Cogito“, forthcoming 2011
Hegel's Naturalism, Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Meeting of the Hegel Society of America, SUNY Press,
forthcoming 2011
58) On the Limits of Respect in Public Dialogue, Proceedings of the Conference “Rhetorical Citizenship”,
University of Copenhagen, 9-10 October, 2008, Penn University Press, forthcoming 2011
C) Other Editions:
Hegel. La riscoperta viene dagli USA[Hegel. The Rediscovery Comes From the USA], edited and with an
introduction by Italo Testa, “Reset”, 67, 2001, pp. 51-69
Individui a Francoforte[Individuals in Frankfurt], ed. and with an introduction by Italo Testa, “La Società degli
Individui”, 3/2000, pp. 113-151
Hegel in America, edited and with an introduction by Italo Testa, „Iride“, 34, 2001, pp. 525-595
Giuseppe Veronese: matematica, filosofia, politica e tutela della laguna[Giuseppe Veronese. Mathematics,
Philosophy, Politics], edited by Italo Testa and Paola Cantù, with an introduction by Italo Testa, in AA.VV., 50
anni di Veronese, il Leggio, Chioggia, 2004, pp. 78-162
Ragione e espressione. Poesia e filosofia I[Reason and Expression. Poetry and Philosophy I], edited and with an
introduction by Italo Testa, “La Società degli Individui”, 3/2004, pp. 145-175
Terrain vague. Poesia e filosofia II[Wasted Ground. Poetry and Philosophy II], edited and with an introduction
by Italo Testa, “La Società degli Individui”, 1/2005, pp. 141-160
Al di là del linguaggio, più in là di questa vita. Poesia e filosofia III[Beyond Language, further away than Life.
Poetry and Philosophy III], edited and with an introduction by Italo Testa, “La Società degli Individui”, 2/2005,
pp. 135-153
Dopo la natura[After Nature], edited and with an introduction by Italo Testa, “La Società degli Individui”,
1/2007, pp. 5-133
Letteratura e filosofia [Literature and Philosophy], edited and with an introduction by Italo Testa, “La Società
degli Individui”, 2/2008, pp. 7-97; 3/2008, pp. 7-100
Democrazie immaginate, edited by Marco Deriu and Italo Testa, “La Società degli individui,” 3/2009, pp. 7-100
“Cornelius Castoriadis, L’immaginario in quanto tale”, Edited and with an Introduction by Italo Testa, “La
Società degli individui,” 3/2009, pp. 113-129
D) Reviews:
R.B. Brandom, Articulating Reasons, “Iride”, 35, 2002, pp. 211-213
Raffaela Giovagnoli, Razionalità espressiva. Scorekeeping: inferenzialismo, pratiche sociali e autonomia,
“Iride”, 48, 2006, pp. 440-441
Recensione a[Review]: Kant e l’idea di Europa, a cura di Paolo Becchi, Gerardo Cunico e Oscar Meo, il
melangolo, Genova, 2005”, “Rivista di Storia della Filosofia”, LXII, 1/2007, pp. 167-170
Hegel. Perché propongo di ricominciare da lui. Intervista a R..B. Brandom[Hegel. Why I Propose to Start from
Him Again], “Reset”, 67, 2001, pp. 63-69
Pragmatismo e metafisica sociale. Intervista a R.B. Brandom[Pragmatism and Social Metaphysics. Interview
with R. Brandom], “Iride”, 3/2001, pp. 575-595
T.W. Adorno, Individuo e Stato[Individual and State], “La Società degli Individui”, 3/2000, (reprinted in:
“Reset”, 65, 2001, pp. 119-124; T.W. Adorno, La crisi dell'individuo, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2010, pp. 142148)
W. Jaeschke, Soggettività e intersoggettività nella filosofia classica tedesca[Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in
Classical German Philosophy], “La Società degli Individui”, 1/2001, pp. 119-124
R.B. Brandom, Olismo e idealismo nella Fenomenologia di Hegel[Holism and Idealism in Hegel’s
Phenomenology], in Hegel contemporaneo, Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2003 pp. 247-289
J. Habermas, Il tempo ha un doppio fondo. Il filosofo Theodor W. Adorno negli anni cinquanta[Time has a
Double-Layered Ground. The Philosopher T.W. Adorno in the Fifties], in Adorno e Heidegger. Soggettività, arte,
esistenza, ed. by Lucio Cortella, Mario Ruggenini and Alessandro Bellan, Donzelli, Roma, 2005, pp. 3-9
M. Quante, D. Schweikard, “… Die Bestimmung der Individuen ist, ein allgemeines Leben zu führen“. La
struttura metafisica della filosofia sociale di Hegel[“Individuals are Destined to Conduct a Universal Life”. The
Metaphysical Structure of Hegel’s Social Philosophy], in Hegel e la teoria sociale, edited and with an
introduction by Alessandro Bellan and Italo Testa, “Quaderni di Teoria Sociale”, 5, Morlacchi, Perugia, 2005, pp.