Università degli Studi di Palermo
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Corso di Laurea in
Formatore Multimediale
Polo Universitario di Agrigento
Anno Accademico 08-09
Multimedia Educator English Course
“Web Style”
Prof.ssa Jaana Helena Simpanen
Unit 1 Before You Begin
Grammar Focus 1
to be – all forms
the basic structure of the English sentence
identifying the individual parts of the sentence
analysing the English sentence
personal pronouns: object and subject form
cardinal numbers
Lexical Focus:Planning Basics
Reading text:Planning Basics
“To be”– affirmative (full/short form)
 I am
 You are
 He, she, it is
he’s, she’s, it’s
 We are
 You are
 They are
In inglese, a differenza dell’italiano, è indispensabile usare i pronomi personali soggetto.
Sono in laboratorio linguistico. I’m in the language lab.
“To be” – negative (full /short form)
 I am not (I’m not)
 You are not (you aren’t)
 He, she, it is not (he, she, it isn’t)
 We are not (we aren’t)
 You are not (you aren’t)
 They are not (they aren’t)
Nella forma negativa del presente del verbo “to be” si aggiunge la negazione “not” dopo il verbo.
Non siamo ancora pronti. We aren’t ready yet.
“To be” – interrogative form
 Am I…?
 Are you…?
 Is he/she/it…?
 Are we…?
 Are you…?
 Are they…?
Nella forma interrogativa del presente del verbo “to be” il soggetto segue il verbo (“inversione”).
Exercise 1- Affirmative form
Fill in the sentences with the affirmative form of verb “to be”(both forms).
1.This site ______ interesting.
2.The site specification documents_______crucial.
3.I ____ a multimedia educator.
4.We ___________ at University now
5.The Multimedia department? It _____ open every day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Exercise 2 –Negative form
Fill in the sentences with the negative form of the verb “to be”.
1.I_______ a researcher, I’m a student.
2.The process ______long .
3.This _____ a good plan.
4.My laptop______ new.
5.They ________ web designers.
Exercise 3-Interrogative form
Make questions with the verb “to be”.
1.______ you a student?
2.______ he your collegue?
3.______ they your partners?
4.______ she your professor?
5.______ I late?
The Basic Structure of the English Sentence –
La struttura base della frase inglese
What is a text ?
Quando si parla o si scrive un messaggio secondo un’intenzione comunicativa precisa, vengono
prodotti degli enunciati linguistici,lunghi o brevi, detti testi, che sono costituiti da elementi
strettamente collegati tra loro.
Basic Elements – 1
Una frase semplice è un’unità di senso compiuto che contiene un soggetto e un verbo, seguiti, se
necessario, da altre parole che concorrono nell’insieme a formare il significato globale.
La costruzione della frase è meno flessibile di quella italiana.
Gli elementi base della frase inglese sono : soggetto – verbo – oggetto
Il soggetto deve sempre essere espresso, poiché in inglese, a differenza dell’italiano, non esiste il
“soggetto sottinteso”.
Structure of affirmative sentences
Exercise 1
Put the words in order and make sentences.
1. in Italy / live / I.
2. is / Palermo / in Sicily.
3. the Net / every day / surf / we.
4. an architect / he / is ?
5. They /not / are / students / good.
Identifying the Individual Parts of the Sentence Gli elementi base della frase
Subject – il soggetto
Il soggetto in inglese può essere costituito da:
 un nome proprio:
Mr Scalia teaches Sociology.
 un sostantivo /aggettivo + sostantivo:
The (new) professor is from Palermo.
 un pronome
He comes to Agrigento by car.
Verb – il verbo
Il verbo in una frase rappresenta la parte del discorso che indica un’azione o uno stato in riferimento
al soggetto. In inglese esso viene generalmente posto, se la frase è affermativa, dopo il soggetto.Il
verbo inglese ha una coniugazione molto semplice e assume forme diverse a seconda:
delle persone che compiono l’azione o sono in quello stato;del modo e del tempo in cui avviene
Complements – Complementi
I complementi seguono il verbo. Essi possono essere rappresentati da:
 un nome proprio:
I love the Internet..
 un sostantivo/ un aggettivo + sostantivo:
I click on a (new) site every day.
 un pronome
Do you know this site? Actually I don’t know it.
Before you begin -Reading text
Read the text, and then do the following exercises.
Exercise 1
Underline the subjects.
Exercise 2
Circle the verbs
Planning a Web site is a two-part process: first you gather your development partners, then you
analyze your needs and goals, and work through the development process to refine your plans. The
second part is creating a site specification document that details what you intend to do and why.
This document specifies the technology and the content that you need, it defines the length of the
process, the expenses, and the assessment of the results. The site specification document is crucial
to creating a successful site, as it is both the blueprint for your process and the touchstone to keep
the project focused on your goals.(Text adapted from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com,
Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and Sarah Norton)
Analysing the English Sentence –
Le parti del discorso
Gli aggettivi inglesi hanno due posizioni:
1.Posizione predicativa: dopo il verbo “to be” e affini.
Your laptop is fantastic.
2.a.Posizione attributiva: prima dei sostantivi, anche se sono più di uno.
Small prototypes of the sites…
Small,simple protypes of the sites…
2.b.Ordine degli attributi
Come ordine indicativo degli attributi si può seguire una progressione da aspetti più generali a
aspetti più specifici, cioè da opinioni a origine/materiale. Fra questi estremi si collocano aggettivi
che indicano nell’ordine : 1.grandezza/lunghezza (big, large, small, tall, short, long…); 2.
forma/ampiezza (round, square, straight, thin, slim, wide…);3.età (old, young, modern…) 4.colore
(green, grey, blue…).
2.c. Tra gli aggettivi più comuni che esprimono un’opinione ci sono:wonderful, great, fantastic,
beautiful, nice, strange, funny, (un)friendly, horrible, awful, good,bad.
2.d.L’ordine di priorità degli aggettivi o altri modificatori si può quindi riassumere come segue:
1. articolo, numerale, dimostrativo, partitivo, possessivo o altro determinativo
2. opinioni/caratteristiche generali
3. dimensione
4. forma
5. età
6. colore
7. provenienza
8. materiale
9. uso o funzione
A. la cosa di cui si parla
two excellent small thin modern white Japanese crystal TV monitors
Ovviamente le combinazioni più frequenti comprendono al massimo tre o quattro attributi che
seguono l’ordine indicato.
that big , wide screen
an expensive, American modem
Mark’s new, red racing car
6 9
2.e.In genere gli attributi non sono legati da and. Quando si usano due o più aggettivi prima di un
nome si mette una virgola.
It was a long, tiring lesson.
La congiunzione and è però normalmente usato per aggettivi di colore( il colore bianco in genere
non è posto per primo).
Today nobody has a black and white television any more.
Exercise 1
Put the following noun phrases in order.
1. brand-new/German/powerful/detector/a/metal
2. ski/funny/second-hand/boots/a pair of
3. old/film/an/war/exciting/American
4. old/Italian /four/cars/racing/splendid/red
5. gold/a/small/watch/beautiful
Gli aggettivi inglesi sono invariabili, cioè non cambiano né secondo il numero né secondo il genere
dei nomi che descrivono.
1. A good graphic designer
un bravo designer grafico
2. A good graphic structure
una buona struttura grafica
3. Good graphic designers
bravi designer grafici
4. Good graphic structures
buone strutture grafiche
Exercise 1
Decidi se le seguenti frasi rispettano la corretta struttura.
1. He plans well sites.
2. We at University study English.
3. She is a famous artist American.
4. Is crucial to the site.
5. It specifies the content.
Personal Pronouns –
Pronomi Personali
Personal Pronouns: subject & object singural -(people)
I know Maria.
Maria knows me.
You know Maria.
Maria knows you.
He knows Maria.
Maria knows him.
She knows Maria.
Maria knows her.
Personal Pronouns:subject & object plural -(people)
We know Maria
Maria knows us.
You know Maria.
Maria knows you.
They know Maria.
Maria knows them.
Personal Pronouns: subject & object singular & plural (things)
It is an interesting site.
I know it.
The CDs?They are on the I can see them.
Differences with Italian
In inglese, il pronome soggetto è indispensabile, mentre in italiano,spesso, se ne può fare a
Where is she? Dov’è (lei) ?
It’s too difficult. E’ troppo difficile.
o In inglese, i pronomi personali oggetto sono sempre dopo il verbo. In italiano possono anche
He knows her. La conosce.
Il pronome “you” corrisponde in italiano, oltre che a tu, anche a voi e alle forme di cortesia
Lei/Loro.Sarà quindi importante, per una corretta interpretazione di “you”, osservare gli altri
elementi della frase, cioè di chi o a chi si parla. Inoltre,” you” viene usato per esprimere il si
impersonale, quando si vuole dare un consiglio.
Exercise 1
Focus on the communicative goal of “you”.
1.Are you ready,Carlo?______________________________________________
2.You are welcome, Mr Davidson. ____________________________________
3.Are you all in agreement,gentlemen? __________________________________
4.Then you go right into New Row…____________________________________
5.Are you all students?_______________________________________________
Cardinal Numbers Numeri cardinali
Spelling rules for 0
1. Oh / әu /
Quando è parte di un numero letto cifra per cifra:
My room number is seven oh three.
Il numero della mia stanza è 703.
2. Nought / no:t /
Nelle numerazioni e nei calcoli:
The result is nought point five.
Il risultato è 0.5.
3. Zero /ziәrәu/
Nelle temperature:
We are now five degrees Celsius below zero.
Ora siamo a meno - 5°C.
4. Nil / nil /
Nei risultati di partite di calcio:
Chelsea beats Liverpool two-nil.
Chelsea batte Liverpool due a zero.
5. Love / lav /
Nel punteggio di partite di tennis:
Fifteen love to Brown.
Quindici a zero per Brown.
Expressing the exact number of things
Numbers from 1 to 10
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
Numbers from 13 to 19
I numeri dal 13 al 19 si formano con i numeri dal 3 al 9, aggiungendo -teen. Per alcuni di essi vi
possono essere delle variazioni ortografiche.
 12 twelve
 15 fifteen
 18 eighteen
Numbers from 20 to 90
Le decine da 20 a 90 si formano con l’aggiunta di –ty.Per alcuni di essi vi possono essere delle
variazioni ortografiche.
20 twenty
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
80 eighty
Le unità sono aggiunte alle decine con un trattino.
 35 thirty-five
 92 ninety-two
 73 seventy-three
Numbers from 1 to 99
I numeri da 1 a 99 vengono uniti a hundred, thousand e million per mezzo di “and”; quelli
superiori, senza la congiunzione, solo per mezzo di una virgola.
 232 two hundred and thirty-two
 4,058 four thousand and fifty-eight
 7,249 seven thousand , two hundred and forty-nine
hundred, thousand, million
hundred, thousand, million , da soli, sono preceduti da one(quando si vuole definire una quantità
numericamente) o da a / an.
1. one hundred projects cento progetti
a thousand researchers mille ricercatori
a million inhabitants un milione di abitanti
2. hundred, thousand, million sono invariabili
three million euro tre milioni di euro
Exercise 1
Write the following numbers.
a. 13__________________________________________________________________
b. 29__________________________________________________________________
c. 47__________________________________________________________________
d. 101_________________________________________________________________
e. 234_________________________________________________________________
f. 1,563________________________________________________________________
g. 66,010_______________________________________________________________
Reading text –Planning Basics
Read the text and focus on the underlined terms. Then read the explanations.
Planning a Web site is a two-part process: first you gather your development partners, then you
analyze your needs and goals, and work through the development process to refine your plans. The
second part is creating a site specification document that details what you intend to do and why.
This document specifies the technology and the content that you need, it defines the length of the
process, the expenses, and the assessment of the results. The site specification document is crucial
to creating a successful site, as it is both the blueprint for your process and the touchstone to keep
the project focused on your goals. .(Text adapted from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com,
Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and Sarah Norton)
Lexical Focus - Planning Basics
Blueprint –countable noun
A blueprint is a plan or technical drawing usually documenting an architecture or an engineering
design. More generally, the term "blueprint" is now used to refer to any detailed plan.
Development –uncountable noun
Development (in general) - is a dynamic process of improvement, which implies a change, an
evolution, growth and advancement.
Goal- countable noun
Goal may refer to
a):an objective
b):Goal (sport: ice hockey, soccer, football)
Plan - countable noun
A plan is a proposed or intended method of getting from one set of circumstances to another. They
are often used to move from the present situation, towards the achievement of one or more
objectives or goals.
Process - countable noun
Process (lat. processus - movement) is a naturally occurring or designed sequence of changes of
properties/attributes of a system/object.
Unit 2 Planning
Grammar Focus 2
definite article
indefinite article
countable and uncountable nouns
plural of nouns (regular/ irregular plurals, spelling rules)
possessive adjectives
Lexical focus: Site development team
Reading text: Planning
Lexical Focus
Check the meaning of the following words before you read the text.
Site development team
 an expert =esperto
 a writer = scrittore
 an information architect =architetto informatico
 a graphic designer = progettista grafico
 a technical expert = esperto tecnico
 a producer = produttore
Planning –Reading text
Read the text, and then tick (√ ) the statements true (T) or false (F).
People are the key to successful Web projects. You need content experts, writers, information
architects, graphic designers, technical experts and a producer to create a substantial site.
Remember that the site development team should function as an active advocate for the users and
their needs. Don’t listen only to management directives, keep the process inside your development
team, be prepared for failure. Involve real users, listen and respond to their questions, test your
designs with them, and keep the site easy to use, and the project will be a success. .(Text adapted
from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and Sarah
1.Human resources are not vital to the project.
2.The development team should support the users.
3.The management gives the only important directives.
4.You shouldn’t think about a flop.
5.The site shouldn’t be complicated to use.
The definite article “the”
In inglese l’articolo determinativo “the” è invariabile nel genere e nel numero.
L’articolo determinativo si usa con tutti sostantivi , mentre l’indeterminativo ha due forme (“a” e
“an”), a seconda del suono iniziale del termine che accompagna.
1)si pronuncia / đә / con parole che cominciano per consonante o semivocale, e con il suono juә o
ju ;
2)Si pronuncia / đi: / con parole che cominciano per suono vocalico o h muta.
Exercise 1
How do you spell it?/ đә / or / đi: / ?
The teacher gives us a test every Friday. The only good thing is that the weekend comes next. And
an exam is good because the holidays come after the exam.
The indefinite article “a”
Si usa l’articolo indeterminativo “a” davanti
1) ad un suono consonatico (b, c , d, f, g ,j ,k ,l etc.): a bug, a computer, a disk, a file;
2) ad h aspirata: a hypertext, a host, a hacker etc.;
3) alle semivocali “w” e “y” (es. a window, a year);
4) alle parole che hanno il suono iniziale semivocalico juә o ju: (es.a European country,a
The indefinite article “an”
Si usa l’articolo indeterminativo “an” davanti
1)ad un suono vocalico (a, e, i,o,u): an arrow, an email, an interface, an output,an umbrella;
2)ad h muta. Le parole di uso comune che cominciano per h muta sono:an hour, an honour,an
honest man, an heir).
Quando si usa l’articolo determinativo?
In inglese, come in italiano, l’articolo determinativo si usa per parlare di qualcosa di determinato e
noto a chi parla e a chi ascolta.
“The”- usage
 Cose uniche, universalmente note:
This site is the best in the world!
Questo sito è il migliore del mondo.
 Cose menzionate in precedenza, sia singolari che plurali:
Are you going to the meeting on Saturday?
Vai al meeting il sabato?
Differences with Italian
A differenza dell’italiano, in inglese l’articolo determinativo si usa per indicare le parti di una casa:
I’m in the kitchen. Are you in the bedroom?
Sono in cucina. Sei in camera da letto?
Come in italiano, l’articolo determinativo si usa davanti ai nomi collettivi di istituzioni religiose,
politiche o sociali quali
Non si usa però quando si vuole indicare la loro funzione.
Our house is near the hospital.(fabbricato)
His father is in hospital.(luogo di cura)
A differenza dell’italiano, l’articolo determinativo non si usa nei seguenti casi
 Continenti: Africa, Europe
 Nazioni al singolare: Italy, France
l’Italia,la Francia
 Sport: basketball,skiing
 il basket, lo sci
 Nomi propri preceduti da titoli: Doctor House
Il Dottor House
 Lingue:Italian, English
 l’italiano,l’inglese
 Parti del corpo al plurale: She has got blue eyes.Lei ha gli occhi blu.
 Giorni:I play tennis on Saturdays…il sabato
 Festività: I spend Easter with my family.
Passo la Pasqua in famiglia.
 Anni:I was born in 1987. …nel 1987.
 Stagioni:Spring is my favourite season.
La primavera…
 Orari: It’s four o’clock now.Sono le quattro…
 Nomi di familiari usati come nomi propri:
Grandpa is from Milan.
Il nonno è di Milano.
 Possessivi:This isn’t your book.
Questo non è il tuo libro.
 Nomi dei pasti: Lunch is served at one.
Il pranzo è servito…
Exercise 1
Choose the correct alternative.
1. Send an email to the/- cousin Mark .
2. The/- Prince Charles is married to Camilla.
3. Let’s meet at the/- seven.
4. The/- sun is hot today.
5. You must go to the/- doctor.
6. The/- Italy won the World Cup in the/- 2006.
7. The/- computers in the lab are old.
Nouns –
In inglese, come in italiano, si definiscono numerabili (countable) i sostantivi che si riferiscono a
cose che possono essere quantificate.
Si definiscono non numerabili (uncountable) i sostantivi che designano sostanze o entità astratte
non quantificabili.
Countable nouns
I sostantivi numerabili hanno
1.Il plurale:
This is an interesting site. I love innovative sites.
2. Possono essere preceduti da numerali:
You need three web designers…
3. Prendono gli articoli indefiniti a/an:
We have a new coursebook.
Is it an interesting book?
Uncountable nouns
I sostantivi non contabili
1.Non hanno il plurale.
2.Non possono essere preceduti da numerali.
3.Non prendono mai gli articoli a/an.
Differences with Italian
Molti sostantivi numerabili in italiano sono non numerabili in inglese. Ecco alcuni esempi:
Information= informazione/informazioni
News= notizia/e
Reserch= ricerca/che
Progress =progresso/i
Advice= consiglio/consigli
This information is free.
Queste informazioni sono gratuite.
Countable nouns – Plural
Sostantivi numerabili – Plurale
Nella maggior parte dei sostantivi numerabili il plurale si forma aggiungendo il suffisso –s al
a modem – modems
a monitor – monitors
a printer- printers
a keyboard - keyboards
Spelling rules
1.Sostantivi che terminano in un suono sibilante -s, -ss,- ch, -sh, -x, -z formano il plurale con
 a virus - viruses
 a process-processes
 a beach-beaches
 a dish-dishes
 a box-boxes
 a buzz-buzzes
2.Sostantivi che terminano in –y preceduta da consonante cambiano -y in i + -es:
 a copy-copies
 a memory-memories
Sostantivi terminanti in –y preceduta da vocale seguono la regola base:
 a boy-boys
 a toy-toys
3.Alcuni sostantivi terminanti in -f o –fe cambiano in –ves. I più comuni sono:
 a wolf-wolves = lupo/i
 a calf-calves = vitello/i
 a thief-thieves =ladro/i
 a leaf-leaves =foglia/e
 a life-lives = vita/e
 a knife-knives =coltello/i
 a loaf-loaves =pagnotta/e
 a half-halves = metà
 a shelf-shelves = mensola/e
 a scarf –scarves (o scarfs) = sciarpa/e
 a wife-wives =moglie/i
N.B Fanno eccezione i nomi che terminano - ief , -oof, -ff, - rf i quali hanno il plurale regolare:
a chief → chiefs = capo/i
a roof → roofs = tetto/i
a cliff → cliffs = roccia/e
a dwarf → dwarfs = nano/i
4.Sostantivi terminanti in –o
a)Se sono abbreviazioni o sostantivi di origine straniera seguono la regola base:
 a photo-photos
 a video-videos
 a radio-radios
b)altri sostantivi terminanti in -o formano il plurale con –es:
 a tomato- tomatoes
 a potato-potatoes
 a hero-heroes
 an echo –echoes
Irregular plural of nouns
a child-children =bambino/i
a man-men = uomo/uomini
a woman-women = donna/e
*a person-people =persona/gente(persone)
a foot-feet = piede/i
a tooth-teeth= dente/i
a mouse-mice = topo/i
a louse [laus] –lice [lais] = pidocchio/i
*Il plurale di person è di norma people. Persons è usato solo in linguaggio formale, per lo più
giuridico, o in istruzioni.
Maximum load :4 persons. Cfr. There are four people in the lift.
Portata massima 4 persone.
Ci sono 4 persone nell’ascensore.
Plurale originale di sostantivi di derivazione latina o greca
Alcuni sostantivi di derivazione latina o greca usati prevalentemente in campi scientifici e tecnici,
mantengono il plurale della lingua d’origine. Fra questi ci sono:
analysis [ә’nælәsis]
crisis [’kraisis]
basis [’beisis]
thesis [’θi:sis]
criterion [krai’tiriәn]
phenomenon [fi’nominәn]
→ analyses [ә’nælәsi:z]
→ crises [’kraisi:z]
→ bases [’beisi:z]
→ theses [’θi:si:z]
→ oases [әu’eisi:z]
→ criteria [krai’tiriә]
→ phenomena[fi’nominә]
formula [’fo:mjulә]
datum [’deitәm]
→ stimuli [’stimjulәi]
→ formulae [’fo:mjuli:]
→ media [’mi:diә]
→ data [’deitә]
Exercise 1
Read the text once again, and then write down the nouns in the plural form.
People are the key to successful Web projects. You need content experts, writers, information
architects, graphic designers, technical experts and a producer to create a substantial site.
Remember that the site development team should function as an active advocate for the users and
their needs. Don’t listen only to management directives, keep the process inside your development
team, be prepared for failure. Involve real users, listen and respond to their questions, test your
designs with them, and keep the site easy to use, and the project will be a success. .(Text adapted
from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and Sarah
Possessive Adjectives –
Aggettivi possessivi
Gli aggettivi possessivi indicano la persona a cui appartiene qualcosa, o con cui qualcuno è in
Possessive Adjectives –singular
Suo, Sua, Suoi,Sue
his *
her *
its *
Differences with Italian
1.In inglese, gli aggettivi possessivi, a differenza dell’italiano, sono invariabili in genere e in
numero. Fa eccezione la terza persona singolare, che ha tre forme – maschile(his), femminile(her) e
neutro(its)- che variano a seconda del possessore.
 His sister is my collegue. Sua sorella (di Marco,di Carlo etc.)…
 Her brother is one of my professors.Suo fratello (di Giusy, di Barbara…)
2.Gli aggettivi possessivi inglesi non sono mai preceduti dall’articolo determinativo.
Where is my seat? Dove sono il mio posto?
3. Gli aggettivi possessivi inglesi hanno un’unica forma che corrisponde alle quattro forme degli
aggettivi possessivi italiani.
My = mio,mia,miei,mie
My pendrive wasn’t cheap at all. (Il mio pennino…)
My English lesson never starts before 9.15 am. (La mia lezione…)
My mobiles are both broken. (I miei cellulari…)
My letters are on the desk. (Le mie lettere…)
Possessive Adjectives – plural
nostro, nostra,nostri,nostre
Exercise 1
Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjective.
1) This is my teacher, Mr Ligi, and this is _____sister.
2) We are from Agrigento, ________ university is new.
3) Maria and ______ colleagues are nice.
4) Our teachers go to ______ room after the lessons.
5) Rome and _______ ancient monuments are fantastic.
Imperative - Giving orders, advice, instructions
L’imperativo inglese, nella seconda persona singolare e plurale, si forma dall’infinito senza la
particella “to” e senza il pronome personale.
Infinito :to go → Imperativo:Go!
! In inglese il soggetto va sempre espresso tranne che nell’imperativo ed in alcune
esclamazioni:How nice! Che bello!
L’imperativo è usato per:
1. Impartire ordini: Read the text!
2. Fare raccomandazioni: Write clearly!
3. Dare un avvertimento: Be careful!
4. Dare istruzioni/indicazioni: Enter the Infotech website, then go to the…
5. Vietare di fare qualcosa (forma negativa): Don’t click on that icon!
! L’imperativo è spesso seguito da “please” per rendere più cortese il comando.
Turn on the computer, please!
Exercise 1
Read the text once again, and then underline the imperative.
People are the key to successful Web projects. You need content experts, writers, information
architects, graphic designers, technical experts and a producer to create a substantial site.
Remember that the site development team should function as an active advocate for the users and
their needs. Don’t listen only to management directives, keep the process inside your development
team, be prepared for failure. Involve real users, listen and respond to their questions, test your
designs with them, and keep the site easy to use, and the project will be a success. .(Text adapted
from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and Sarah
Unit 3 Accessibility
Grammar Focus 3
to have - all forms
should (modal verbs 1)
possessive case
Lexical Focus
How to learn vocabulary
Development team
Word formation 1 – suffixes –ly (adverbs)
Word formation 2 – prefixes: un-, disVocabulary expansion – antonyms
Reading text:Accessibility
How to learn vocabulary
Learning new words is very important. Here are some tips.
 Listen carefully and repeat the new words aloud.
 Check the meaning of new words in the dictionary .
 Copy an example sentence for each new word.
 Make your own personal dictionary.
 Write a translation or an explanation for each new word.
 Group words by category.
 Make word associations.
Development team
access = entry; to access = to enter
accessibility = availability
HTML =Hypertext Markup Language, Codes used on the Web pages
interface= channels and control circuits which provide a connection between the CPU and the
lay-out =visual arrangement of a text
tool = instrument
Reading Comprehension text – Accessibility
Read the text, and then tick (√ ) the statements true (T) or false (F).
One of the characteristics of the Web is that it should provide all people, regardless of physical or
technological readiness, with access to information. Unfortunately, the goals of design do not
always match with the goals of accessibility. If designers use large images and complex page
layouts to produce documents, those users who require clean HTML for access are excluded from
many pages. Today designers have many tools at hand to create well-structured and navigable Web
sites; it is clear that disabled users should have equal access to Internet resources. The result is that
Web interface design is connected to accessibility design. Undoubtedly, Web designers have the
responsibility for the respect of disabled users’ needs. .(Text adapted from Web Style Guide,
www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and Sarah Norton)
1. The Web should give all people access to information.
2. Disabled people need large images.
3. At present designers have a lot of instruments
to create accessible sites.
4. Complex layouts shut out disabled users.
5. Web interface design is not tied to accessibility design.
Describing Possession
Verb “to have (got)”
Two different structures
1)To have got
Nell’inglese britannico il verbo “ to have” è seguito dal rafforzativo “got” quando significa “avere,
La particella “got” non si traduce e non si usa mai nelle risposte brevi.
I’ve got a new password to log on. Ho una nuova per word per entrare.
Have you got that famous anti-virus program to protect your data? Hai quel famoso programma…
Yes, I have .Si.
No, I haven’t. No.
2)To have
Nell’inglese americano la particella “got” non è usata. Il verbo “to have” è trattato come un verbo
comune, non con uno status particolare come il verbo “to be”(cfr. forma negativa ed interrogativa).
La forma affermativa non può essere contratta. Nella forma interrogativa e negativa si usa
l’ausiliare “to do”.
My sister has a very tidy desktop.(non My sister’s a…)Mia sorella ha un desktop ordinato.
Do you have a tidy desktop? Tu hai un desktop ordinato?
No, I don’t. No.
Yes, I do. Si.
“to have got”: affirmative form – singular & plural
Full form (singular)
Short form (singular)
I have got
I’ve got
you have got
you’ve got
he/she/it has got
he’s, she’s,it’s got
Full form (plural)
Short form (plural)
we have got
we’ve got
you have got
you’ve got
they have got
they’ve got
“to have got”-negative form - – singular & plural
Full form
Short form
I have not got
I haven’t got
you have not got
you haven’t got
he/she /it has not got
he/she/it hasn’t got
we have not got
we haven’t got
you have not got
you haven’t got
they have not got
they haven’t got
“to have got”-interrogative form – singular & plural
Full form
Short form
Have I got…?
No short form
Have you got…?
No short form
Has he, she, it got…?
No short form
Have we got…?
No short form
Have you got…?
No short form
Have they got…?
No short form
To have - American English
“to have” – affirmative form
Full form
Short form
I have
No short form
you have
No short form
he/she/it has
No short form
we have
No short form
you have
No short form
they have
No short form
“to have” -negative form
Full form
Short form
I do not have
I don’t have
you do not have
you don’t have
he/she/ it does not have
he / she/ it doesn’t have
we do not have
we don’t have
you do not have
you don’t have
they do not have
they don’t have
“to have” –interrogative form
Full form
Short form
Do I have?
No short form
Do you have?
No short form
Does he/she/it have?
No short form
Do we have?
No short form
Do you have?
No short form
Do they have?
No short form
Idioms with “to have”
 to have breakfast = fare la prima colazione
 to have lunch = pranzare
 to have dinner = cenare
 to have a snack = fare uno spuntino
 to have a drink = bere qualcosa
 to have a shower = fare la doccia
 to have a bath = fare il bagno (per lavarsi)
 to have a swim = fare il bagno(una nuotata)
 to have a break = fare una pausa
 to have a chat = fare una chiacchierata
Exercise 1
Leggi le seguenti frasi e decidi se esse rispettano le regole dell’uso del verbo “to have(got)”.
I have got a new teacher.
Do you have got a new ipod?
He’s an interesting document.
I don’t have lunch at the cafè.
It doesn’t has got many links.
Conclusion -Do or got?
Non usare mai la particella “got” e l’ausiliare “to do” nella stessa frase.
Frase interrogativa – due opzioni
Have you got a new printer in your office?
Do you have a new printer in your office?
Frase negativa – due opzioni
I haven’t got that icon on my comuter screen.
I don’t have that icon on my computer screen.
“to have” come verbo di azione
Con i modi di dire non si usa mai la particella“got”, perché con gli idioms il verbo “to have” esprime
un’azione o un processo.
L’ausiliare “to do” va quindi sempre usato nella frase negativa ed interrogativa.
I have breakfast at the university café.
I don’t have lunch at university canteen.
Do you have a snack in the afternoon?
Describing Possession 2
Possessive case -formation
I cosiddetto “genitivo sassone” è un caso di possesso. Esso esprime un rapporto di diretta relazione
di possesso. Si forma aggiungendo:
a)Una s preceduta da un apostrofo ai nomi singolari (student’s) e a quelli plurali che non
terminano in s (people’s);
b) solo l’apostrofo ai nomì plurali che terminano in s (teachers’)
Possessive case – main usage
Il possessive form si usa con:
1. I nomi di persone o animali: Mario’s scanner,the mouse’s tail;
2. I nomi di nazioni e di città: Agrigento’s monuments;Italy’s capital
3. Espressioni di distanza e peso: ten minutes’ walk;two kilos’ weight
4. Espressioni di tempo: today’s lessons;
5. Nomi di gruppi di persone,istituzioni e luoghi di lavoro:the government’s decision,the
commitee’s report, the company’s turnover
Le parole hospital, bar, restaurant, shop, cathedral, ecc., si sottintendono quando figurano come
possesso dopo il nome che le accompagna:
6. Dr Jones works at St.Mary’s (Hospital).
7. Where is St.Paul’s (Cathedral)?
8. Let’s go to Joe’s (café, restaurant,house)!
9. The stationer’s (shop) is near here.
Question word “whose”
Dopo la domanda di possesso espressa con “whose” ( di chi?) il nome del possessore precede la
cosa posseduta che si può sottintendere.
Whose laptop is this? It’s Marco’s (laptop).
Con il pronome possesive “whose” è possibile usare due strutture.
Whose project is this?
Whose is this project?
“Of “
La relazione di possesso tra due cose inanimate di esprime tramite la preposizione “of”.
a set of links = serie di link
a structure of a site = struttura di un sito
a success of the system = successo del sistema
goals of design = obiettivi del progetto
Exercise 1.
Translate the following sentences.
1)Di che quel computer sul banco?
2)La riunione degli studenti è oggi pomeriggio.
3)Gli stipendi delle donne sono spesso basse.
4)Vediamoci da Laura (a casa di Laura).
5) Il cavo della stampante non è molto lungo.
Expressing probability, advice and necessity
Modal verbs – verbi modali
I verbi modali sono verbi ausiliari, di sostegno ad un altro verbo.
It should give all people access to information..
Dovrebbe dare a tutta la gente l’accesso
I verbi modali
a)non hanno l’infinito (can, must, should, would non to can, to should, to would…);
b)sono invariabili (non aggiungono la desinenza –s all terza persona singolare nel Present Simple);
c)sono sempre seguiti dalla forma base del verbo ( You can run different programmes at the same
Negative form – forma negativa
I verbi modali costruiscono la forma negativa mettendo not (full form)/ n’t (short form)dopo il verbo
You shouldn’t open that file.
I can’t help you.
Can = potere, saper fare, avere il permesso
Should = condizionale del dovere (dovrei, dovresti, dovrebbe ecc.)
I can
I should
I can’t
I shouldn’t
You can
You should
You can’t
He/she/it can
We can
We should
We can’t
You can
You should
You can’t
They can
They should
They can’t
Interrogative form – forma interrogativa
I verbi modali costruiscono la forma interrogativa con la struttura interrogativa base della lingua
Verbo ausiliare + soggetto + verbo principale
Can you check we have enough memory ?
Should we download that file?
Exercise 1
Form correct and complete sentences.
1)prototypes /incorporate / pages / should /many?
2)the / archive / web master / should / the / site logs.
3)the /not / prototypes / be / should /so/ complex.
4)make/ it / a / difference / big / should.
5)boring / shouldn’t / it / be.
Word formation
Prefissi e suffissi sono gli elementi che vengono rispettivamente aggiunti all’inizio o alla fine di
una parola (sostantivo, verbo o avverbio) per ottenere parole nuove.
Word Formation 1 –prefixes
un-,in-,non-,dis-,il-,ir-,imSono prefissi usati per esprimere il contrario di una parola.
unfortunately =sfortunatamente
independent = indipendente
non-smoker = non fumatore
disabled = disabile
illegible= illegibile
irresponsible = irresponsabile
impossible = impossibile
Exercise 1
Find the antonym of these adjectives:
 legal__________________________
 perfect ________________________
 regular________________________
 nuclear ________________________
 rational________________________
 honest _________________________
 important ______________________
 competent ________________________
 connect___________________________
 violent ___________________________
Word Formation 2 – suffixes
–ity, –ness = sono suffissi usati per formare sostantivi astratti
accessibility = accessibilità
readiness = prontezza
-ment ,-tion/-sion , ance /-ence = sono suffissi per formare sostantivi
development = sviluppo
pollution = inquinamento
discussion = discussione
insurance = assicurazione
intelligence = intelligenza
-ful = questo suffisso è usato per formare aggettivi che indicano la presenza dell’attributo
successful = di successo
wonderful = meraviglioso
-less = questo suffisso è usato per formare aggettivi che indicano la mancanza di qualcosa
regardless = noncurante,negligente
painless = indolore
-able = questo suffisso è usato per formare aggettivi che indicano capacità e possibilità
navigable = navigabile
enjoyable = godibile
Adverbs – Avverbi
Gli avverbi di modo sono per lo più formati con l’aggiunta del suffisso –ly all’aggettivo:quick →
careful → carefully
unfortunate → unfortunately
Irregular /Invariable Adverbs
good → well
early → early
late → late
hard → hard
fast → fast
Main Usage
Adverbs of manner
Mentre gli aggettivi servono a modificare il sostantivo, gli avverbi di modo sono usati per fornire
informazioni sul modo in cui azioni o avvenimenti hanno luogo.
This programme is slow.(adjective)
This programme runs slowly.(adverb)
Di norma gli avverbi di modo si pongono dopo il verbo, alla fine della frase.
He surfs the Net quickly.
Exercise 1.Use the adverbial form of the adjectives in brackets.
I know this site ____________(good).
You can learn to speak English_____________(easy).
You should read _______________(slow), not so ______________ (fast).
You should write __________ (clear).
Your should save these files ________________(immediate).
Unit 4 Tracking
Grammar Focus 4
expressing ability, possibility, permission
can (modal verbs 2)
how many/ how much
equivalents of “molto”
Lexical Focus : Tracking
Reading text:Tracking
Lexical Focus : Tracking
Check the meaning of the following words before you read the text.
datum (sg)-data (pl) = dato
long-term ¥ short-term = a lungo / breve termine
information on /about = informazioni su
key to = chiave di
(to) archive = archiviare
log = il termine “log” è stato importato nell'informatica nel1963 per indicare:
 la registrazione cronologica delle operazioni man mano che vengono
 il file su cui tali registrazioni sono memorizzate.
 webmaster = a person responsible for designing, developing, marketing, or maintaining
Web site(s).
 web server = un programma (e, per estensione, il computer) che si occupa di fornire, su
richiesta del browser una pagina web (spesso scritta in HTML )
 software ¥ hardware
Reading Comprehension text :Tracking
Read the text, and then tick (√ ) the statements true (T) or false (F).
Your Web server software can record a lot of information about visitors to your site. Even a very
simple site log can track how many people see your site, how many pages are requested for
viewing, and many other variables. If you analyze the server logs for your Web site you can
develop quantitative data on the success of your site. Server logs can also give you information on
the geographic location of your site readers. Detailed logs are the key to quantifying the success of a
Web site .Your Webmaster should archive the site logs for long-term analysis and should be
prepared to add or change the information categories as your needs and interests change. .(Text
adapted from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and
Sarah Norton)
1. Web server software can record an abundance of information about visitors.
2. Web server can give information about the number of pages.
3. Server logs can’t help locate the visitors.
4. Precise logs are not the solution to quantifying success of a site.
5. The Webmaster should save all the logs.
Can –
Expressing ability, possibility,permission
Can, con il significato di potere, può essere usato nel tempo presente, per esprimere
1.Capacità e incapacità di fare qualcosa:
Can you design a Web site?
He can’t draw well.
2.capacità percettiva con i verbi di percezione:to feel, to hear, to taste, to see, to smell:
I can’t see you.
3.richiesta, concessione e rifiuto di permesso:
Can I use this computer?
Yes, of course you can.
Can I subscribe to all the channels?
Sorry, you can’t.
Can I push this button?
I’m sorry you can’t push it.
4.incapacità di compiere un’azione che implichi impegno mentale o fisico:
I can’t understand/find/remember it.
5. richiesta cortese:
Can I have a cup of coffee, please?
Yes, of course. Here you are.
Exercise 1
Match each sentence with its correct function.
1.Can I turn off the PC?
a.esprimere incapacità di compiere
2.Can you help me?
b.chiedere un permesso in modo
3. I can’t remember that lesson.
c.avere la capacità percettiva
4.I can’t use this programme.
d.possibilità di effettuare un’azione
5.I can hear you.
disponibilità di qualcuno
6.I hope I can learn Web design.
f.esprimere incapacità di compiere
un’azione che implichi attività
Matches:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Large quantities
Much, many ,a lot of, lots of
a lot of/ lots of/ *many (* uso formale)
Per esprimere una grande quantità indeterminata o un grande numero, davanti ai sostantivi, si
 a lot of, lots of nelle frasi affermative con sostantivi singolari e plurali sia numerabili sia non
 much (molto/a) con nomi non numerabili nelle frasi negative ed interrogative;
 many (molti/e) con nomi numerabili nelle farsi interrogative e negative. L’uso di “many”
nella frase affermativa è formale.
 Many programmes contain logic.
 You can copy a lot of/lots of programmes …
 Have you got many floppies?
 No, I haven’t got many.
 He isn’t making much progress with his Maths.
 Did the blackout cause much damage?
Exercise 1
Completa le seguenti frasi con much, many o lot of.
1. I haven’t got ________ information on it.
2. How__________ PCs are there in the lab?
3. There aren’t __________ students at university today.
4. He knows _________ interesting sites.
5. ____________ people surf the Net at night.
 Il superlativo assoluto degli aggettivi e degli avverbi è usato per esprimere l’alto livello di
una qualità in assoluto.
 Il superlativo assoluto degli aggettivi e degli avverbi si forma premettendo “very”
all’aggettivo o all’avverbio.
Web design is very challenging.(aggettivo)
He can draw very well.(avverbio)
Avverbio “molto”- much, a lot
Come avverbio è possibile usare sia much che a lot (senza of) in tutte le tipologie di frasi.
He reads a lot/ much.
Con i verbi “to study,to work, to rain, to snow” si preferisce l’uso dell’avverbio “hard”.
He always works hard.
Unit 5 Interface design
Grammar Focus 5
present simple
adverbs and expressions of frequency
interrogative structure
short answers
some – any – no
infinitive of purpose
present continuous
Lexical Focus: Verbs+ prepositions
Reading text: Interface Design
Reading Comprehension text: Interface Design
Read the text, and then tick (√ ) the statements true (T) or false (F).
Users of Web documents don't just look at information, they interact with it in new ways that don’t
have any precedents in paper document design. The graphic user interface (GUI) of a computer
system comprises the interaction metaphors, images, and concepts used to convey function and
meaning on the computer screen. It also includes the detailed visual characteristics of every
component of the graphic interface and the functional sequence of interactions that produce the
characteristic look of Web pages. Graphic design and visual graphics are essential to the user's
experience with the site. In fact, you cannot separate graphic design from issues of interface design
in interactive documents. .(Text adapted from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com,
Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch and Sarah Norton)
1. Web document users look only at information.
2. Web document users interact with information in traditional ways.
3.The GUI contains images.
4. Computer screens contain visual characterisctics
5. Graphic design is independent from interface design.
Simple Present - Expressing present routine action and general fact
Il Simple Present è il tempo verbale usato per riferire eventi che si verificano nel presente o che si
ripetono nel tempo con una certa regolarità.
I get to University every morning.
I often surf the Net in the evening.
Rotation of the earth causes the diurnal motion of the sun and stars.
The Earth goes around the Sun.
Simple Present –affirmative
I run
Simple Present - negative
I don’t run
you run
I don’t run
he runs
he doesn’t run
she runs
she doesn’t run
it runs
it doesn’t run
we run
we don’t run
you run
you don’t run
they run
they don’t run
Negative form
Mentre in italiano la forma negativa della frase si ottiene anteponendo non al verbo in inglese si
costruisce con il verbo ausiliare do/does+not+ verbo alla forma base.
La costruzione della frase negativa è la seguente:
Soggetto+don’t/doesn’t + forma base del verbo
He doesn’t read newsletters.
It doesn’t work well.
We don’t use this programme very often.
I don’t surf the Net in the morning.
Exercise 1
Translate the previous sentences:
Spelling rules 3 person singular
Verbs ending in
How to make the 3rd Example
person singular
s, ss
Add -ES
He passes
Add -ES
It buzzes
Add -ES
She wishes
Add -ES
He watches
consonant + y
Change Y to I, then It flies
add -ES
[anything else]
Add -S
He works
Simple Present - Interrogative form
Do I run ?
Do you run ?
Does he run ?
Does she run ?
Does it run ?
Do we run ?
Do they run ?
Fatta eccezione per i verbi “to be” e “to have got”, la forma interrogativa dei verbi al Present
Simple si forma con l’ausiliare
do / does + soggetto + verbo principale alla forma base:
Do you run a network (LAN) of computers in your home?
Do the Bakers live here?
Does Marco live here?
Using the Simple Present Tense
1)Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a
habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happen.
The train leaves every morning at 8 a.m.
The train doesn’t leave at 9 a.m.
I play computer games.
She doesn’t play computer games.
The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now,
and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It is also
used to make generalizations about people or things.
Trains don’t leave on time in Italy.
(Per dire qualcosa che è vero in generale.)
1.parlare di azioni abituali(routine action):
We study English on Tuesdays and Wednesdays .
2.parlare di frequenza (frequency):
I go to the lab once a week.
He often works 8 hours a day.
3.esprimere dati scientifici o verità generali(scientific data or general fact):
The Earth revolves every 24 hours.
The Sun rises in the East.
4.indicare orari di vario genere:
The film finishes at half past ten.
5.Titoli di giornale e nella cronaca sportiva:
Petrol prices rise again.
…then Smith passes to Brown,Brown kicks … and it’s GOAL!!!!
Exercise 1
Completa le frasi inserendo la corretta forma del Present Simple:
1.I _______ my computer every day.
2.This site___________ a lot of information
3.It ____________ an incredible effect.
4.These books_____________ all basic elements.
5.My teacher___________ a light notebook.
6.These artists ____________ masterpieces.
Exercise 2
Trasforma le seguenti frasi in forma negativa e interrogativa:
1.I use my computer every day._______________________________________________
2.This site contains a lot of information._________________________________________
3.It produces an incredible effect.______________________________________________
4.These books contain all basic elements.________________________________________
5.My teacher uses a light notebook.____________________________________________
6.These artists produce masterpieces. __________________________________________
Present Continuous
In inglese esistono due tempi verbali principali per parlare del presente:
Mentre il Present Simple si usa per parlare di azioni abituali, il Present Continuous si usa per
parlare di azioni e di eventi in corso di svolgimento ed è spesso tradotto in italiano con la forma
stare + gerundio.
Il Present Continuous si forma con il presente dell’ausiliare “to be” + la forma –ing del verbo
Affermative form
 I am writing a short sentence.
 You are watching the screen
 He is speaking on the phone.
 She is surfing the Net at the moment.
 We are working hard these days.
 You are studying for tomorrow’s test, I see.
 They’re smoking outside the University.
Negative form
 I’m not listening to you.
 You aren’t playing computer games.
 He isn’t studying web design in this term.
 She isn’t waiting for me.
 The sun isn’t shining.
 We aren’t driving now.
 You aren’t having a good time.
 We aren’t wearing anything special today.
 They aren’t looking for any new courses.
Interrogative form
 Am I dreaming?
 Are you taking notes?
 Is he listening to music on his ipod?
 Is it raining?
 Are we making progress?
 Are you looking at me?
 Are they telling the truth?
Il Present Continuous si usa per parlare di azioni in corso di svolgimentonel momento in cui si parla
o di azioni temporanee che si svolgono in un periodo che include il presente (now, this
month,these days, today, etc.);l’indicazione temporale può anche essere sottointesa.
1)I’m reading a good book (= at the moment).
Sto leggendo un buon libro (in questo periodo).
2)What are you doing?I’m reading (=now).
Cosa stai facendo.Leggo/sto leggendo(ora).
3)The weather is changing fast (=today).
Il tempo sta cambiando rapidamente.
Differences with Italian
Il Present Continuous spesso corrisponde all’italiano stare + gerundio, ma si può rendere anche con
il presente indicativo.
1)He’s working in London this week.
Lavora a Londra questa settimana.
2)I’m not feeling well these days.
Non mi sento bene in questi giorni.
Exercise 1
Choose the correct form.
1. I always attend / am attending my University lessons.
2. I think / am thinking you’re right on that point.
3. He is going / goes to work now.
4. Is she surfing / Does she surf the Net at the moment?
5. Stop it ! What are you doing / do you do ?
Lexical focus 5
Alcuni verbi richiedono il complemento con la preposizione in inglese e il complemento diretto in
to listen to = ascoltare
to look at = guardare
to look for = cercare
to wait for = aspettare
Users of Web documents don't just look at information…
Adverbs of frequency 1
Always= sempre
Usually = di solito
Often = spesso
Sometimes = qualche volta
Rarely/seldom = raramente
Never = non … mai
Sue always arrives at work early.
I usually go to work by car but I sometimes walk.
Julia never eats breakfast at home.
Do you usually read in bed?
He doesn’t often buy expensive clothes.
Sentence type
Gli avverbi di frequenza precedono il verbo principale in tutte le tipologie di frase:
Tom lives near here. We often see him.
She doesn’t usually surf the Net at University.
Do you usually help your colleagues ?
NB Gli avverbi di frequenza seguono solo il verbo “to be”.
This train is often late.
Expressions of frequency
Le espressioni di frequenza vengono posizionate alla fine della frase:
I wash my hair once a week.
Jane goes on holiday twice a year.
We should eat three times a day.
I get up at 7 every morning.
They cook lunch at home on Sundays.
Interrogative form
Le strutture interrogative della lingua inglese sono chiamate
A) yes/no –questions (senza il pronome interrogativo)
B) wh-questions
In entrambi i casi la struttura portante della domanda è identica ovvero
Verbo ausiliare + soggetto + verbo principale
Osserva la posizione degli elementi nella struttura interrogativa:
----Do you work in the evening? (domanda senza “question word”)
How often do you work in the evening?
do you work in the evening?
do you work in the evening?
----How often
Does he study? (domanda senza “question word”)
does he study French a week?
does he study French?
does he study French?
does he study French?
does he study French?
Le ”yes/no –questions “ producono una risposta breve (“short answer”).
Le “wh-questions” richiedono una risposta completa, esauriente di informazioni.
Do you study? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. (short answers)
What do you study? I study IT Engineering. (complete answer)
!Fai attenzione alle forme interrogative del verbo “to do”:
Do you do coursework every day?
No, I don’t. I do my coursework four times a week.
In questo esempio il primo “do” è la particella negativa, l’altro “do” significa “fare”
What do you do? = Che lavoro fai?
I’m a student.
Short answers
 Do you know that girl?
 Yes, I do.
 No, I don’t.
 Can those students use a computer well?
 Yes, they can.
 No, they can’t.
 Is Carlo a university student?
 Yes, he is.
 No, he isn’t.
La risposta breve inizia con la conferma (Yes) o la smentita (No) dell’ipotesi, seguita da una
Il soggetto può essere espresso soltanto da un pronome personale forma soggetto.
Il verbo che si ripete è il verbo ausiliare della domanda.
La risposta breve affermativa non può essere contratta.
Some, any
Some: We use "some" in positive sentences. We use some for both countable and uncountable
I have some CDs.
Any: We use "any" in negative sentences or questions. We use any for both countable and
uncountable nouns.
Do you have any news?
He doesn't have any course books.
!We use "some" in questions when offering or requesting something that is there.
Would you like some bread? (offer)
Can I have some water? (request)
Exercise 1
Completa con some o any.
1. ______ Web documents are complex.
2. There are ________ important stages.
3. Would you like _______ tea?
4. Do you have _________ news ?
5. I can’t see _________ new pages.
Infinitive of Purpose
Le preposizioni italiane di , a , da che precedono l’infinito italiano non vengono espresse in inglese.
It is used to convey meaning…= E’ usato per dare significato…
This is difficult to understand. = E’ difficile a capirsi.
They use large images to produce…=Usano grandi immagini per produrre…
Exercise 1
Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese.
1. Ho tre libri da leggere.
2. Abbiamo bisogno di informazioni per tracciare gli utenti.
3. L’obiettivo è di produrre tutti i componenti.
4. E’ facile da ricordare.
5. Sono qui per imparare inglese.
Unit 6 The Site Development Process
Grammar Focus 6
the –ing form
describing function
will (modal verbs )
every, each, all
future actions and events (general)
first/zero conditional sentences
Lexical Focus :Compound nouns
Reading text: The Site Development Process
Words can be combined to form compound nouns. These are very common, and new
combinations are invented almost daily. They normally have two parts.
The second part identifies the object or person in question (man, friend, tank, table, room).
The first part tells us what kind of object or person it is, or what its purpose is (police, boy,
water, dining, bed):
What type / what purpose What or who
Exercise 1
Observe the different types of compound noun,s and then translate them into Italian.
noun + noun
printer cartridge_______________________________________________________________
noun + verb
train-spotting _________________________________________________________________
noun + adverb
verb + noun
driving licence_________________________________________________________________
verb + adverb
adjective + noun
adjective + verb
public speaking ________________________________________________________________
adverb + noun
adverb + verb
Reading Comprehension text: The Site Development Process 1
Read the text, and then do the following exercises.
Every significant Web project poses extraordinary challenges, but the process of developing a
complex Web site generally follows six major stages:
 Site definition and planning
 Information architecture
 Site design
 Site construction
 Site marketing
 Tracking, evaluation, and maintenance
(Text adapted from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch
and Sarah Norton)
Exercise 1
There are two compound nouns” Web + noun” in the text:
Web ____________________________________
Web ____________________________________
Exercise 2
Beyond the text…
What other compound nouns can you think about?
Web _____________________________________
Web _____________________________________
Exercise 3
Find compound nouns “site + noun” in the text
Site _____________________ = definizione del sito
Site _____________________ = progettazione del sito
Site _____________________ = pianificazione del sito
Site _____________________ = costruzione del sito
Site _____________________ = marketing del sito
Reading Comprehension text: The Site Development Process 2
Read the text, and then tick (√ ) the statements true (T) or false (F).
Developing a large Web site is a process that has important financial, staff and public relation
consequences for an organization, both during the development of the site and after its preparation.
If you don’t consider the concrete goals of the site within the context of the mission of the
organization, the result will be a failure, an "orphan site". So, you should consider each step in the
process, and its impact on your general site specification plan. Think before you act, and check you
have the necessary organizational support, budget, and human resources before you start.
(Text adapted from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch
and Sarah Norton)
1.Web site development hasn’t got budgetary consequences.
2.The mission of the organization isn’t important.
3.Some steps in the process are more important than others.
4. It’s essential to make sure you have a good financial plan.
5. Before you start you should make sure you have enough personnel.
The –ing form
La forma in -ing
a. può essere usato come il soggetto della frase:
Flying makes me nervous.
b. deve essere usato dopo le preposizioni
She is good at painting.
c. può costituire una parte in un nome composto
a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird-watching, train-spotting
d. deve essere usato negli elenchi:
Writing, organizing, assembling and editing the text of the site is also performed now.
e. deve essere usato dopo i verbi che esprimono likes/dislikes (verbi di sentimento) in generale :
I enjoy (like,love) chatting with my friends in a discussion forum.(I’d love to meet them, too
Describing function
There are several ways of describing function:
This is a device for controlling the cursor.
 Which + verb (which controls)
 Relative pronoun+ is used + to + infinitive (which/that is used to control)
 Used to + infinitive (used to control)
Will - Talking about future activities and events
In inglese vi sono diverse forme verbali utilizzare per esprimere azioni future. Oltre alla nozione di
tempo futuro , occorre considerare lo scopo comunicativo, e più precisamente il concetto di volontà,
intenzione, probabilità, obbligo divieto, minaccia, promessa etc.
Il tempo futuro può quindi essere espresso in inglese in una varietà di modi usando strutture verbali
diverse. La scelta può dipendere dalla prossimità del futuro rispetto al momento in cui si parla
oppure dal tipo di situazione che il verbo descrive.
Simple future –affirmative form
Full form
Short form
I will / *I shall
I ‘ll/ *I‘ll
you will
he/ she/ it will
we will / *we shall
we’ll /*we’ll
you will
they will
Simple Future – negative form
Full form
Short form
I will not / *I shall not
I won’t/ *I shan’t
you will not
you will not
he/ she/ it will not
he won’t/she won’t/it won’t
we will not / *we shall not
we won’t /*we shan’t
you will not
you won’t
they will not
they won’t
Simple Future – interrogative form
Full form
Short form
will I ? * shall I ?
No short form
will you?
No short form
will he/ she/ it ?
No short form
will we? / * shall we?
No short form
will you ?
No short form
will they?
No short form
Con “I “e “we” si può usare “shall “a posto di “will”:
I will be late tomorrow. =
I shall be late tomorrow.
We will win. =
We shall win.
Non usare mai “shall” con “you/they/he/she/it”.
Sia “will” sia “shall” si contraggono in ‘ll.
I’ll be late (shall/will)…We’ll win (shall/will)…
“Shall I...?” -Usage
Si usa “Shall I …?”per chiedere un parere sul da farsi , per offrire la propria disponibilità.
Shall I turn off the computer?
Shall I phone the students’ office?
Shall I use the new programme?
“Shall we…?” -Proposals & Suggestions
Si usa “shall we…?”per proporre di fare qualcosa.
Shall we click on it?
Altri modi per proporre sono:
 Let’s click on it!
 How about clicking on it!
 What about clicking on it!
 Why don’t we click on it?
Will – usage
a) Il futuro con will non esprime premeditazione e si usa per esprimere:
Un’azione/evento futuro non dipendenti dalla volontà e dall’intenzione di alcuno:
He will be thirty next year.
b)promessa /minaccia
I promise I’ll study harder.
I’ll kill you!
c)Previsioni e opinioni riguardo al futuro. E’ molto spesso accompagnato da espressioni come I
think /don’t think, I suppose,I expect/don’t expect,I hope, I’m sure, perhaps,probably ecc.:
Do you think they’ll answer my e-mail?
I hope he’ll pass his English exam.
d) Una decisione non premeditata, presa al momento in cui si parla (“on-the-spot decision”):
It’s cold in here! I’ll close the window!
e)Disponinibilità in relazione al futuro.
Don’t worry!I will help you. Ti aiuto io.
*Shall I help you? Vuoi che ti aiuti?
NB *Si usa la prima persona singolare con “will” nella frase dichiarativa e “shall” in quella
f)un evento o un’azione futura dipendente dal verificarsi di un’altra azione :
First Conditional- periodo ipotetico della realtà
You will get more information if you click on Campus.com.
If you don’t consider the concrete goals of the site within the context of the mission of the
organization, the result will be a failure…
main clause=Future
if clause = Simple Present
Se si inizia con la frase principale (“main clause”) non si usa la virgola, nel caso contrario la
virgola è necessaria.
If we are late, we’ll get a taxi.
We’ll get a taxi if we are late.
Exercise 1
Completa le seguenti frasi usando will , shall o won’t.
1. It’s very hot in here._______ I open the window?
2. ___________ we surf the Net? I love it.
3. It _______ soon be summer.
4. I promise I _________ tell him the secret.
5. Do you think he ________ take his exam?
Every, each, all
Every (ogni) è aggettivo e precede il sostantivo singolare.
All (tutto) può avere il valore di aggettivo, pronome e avverbio. E’ usato con i nomi plurali e non
I participate in live conversations every day.
Yesterday I chatted *all day.
NB *non si dice all the day/all the night
Exercise 1
Inserisci” all” oppure” every”.
1. __________ PC is on at the moment.
2. __________ computers have a hard disk.
3. I studied _________ day yesterday.
4. _______ single detail is important for us.
5. I visit a new web site ________ week.
Linkers - Connettori di coordinazione
and = è
but = ma
or = oppure
then = dopo,poi
yet = eppure
NB dopo il connettore “and” non si ripete il soggetto.
We surf the Net and chat every evening.
Using connectors to link ideas –
Functions and connectors
and = è
also = anche
too = anche ( in fin di frase)
in fact = infatti
both… and… = sia … sia
moreover = per di più
The planning has consequences both during the development of the site and after its preparation.
as = perche’
because = perché( risposta alla domanda con “Why?”)
for this reason = per questo motivo
As developing a web site is a complex process, you should be ready for everything.
A web designer always considers every detail because the construction of a site is not easy.
although = sebbene
but = ma
on the contrary = al contario
however = tuttavia
(and) yet = eppure
Although I’m tired, I’ll help you.
Paper documents don’t repeat certain information on every page. On the contrary, web pages do.
then = quindi
so = così
so that = così che
in this way = in questo modo
Think before you act, then check your resources.
Exercise 1
Choose the correct alternative.
1.He’s a real pro, because/although is only 22.
2.For example/As, the headers should be informative and elaborate.
3.Individual web pages need to provide copyright information. But/Moreover,they need to repeat
the issue and the volume number .
4.Web pages are easy to use,too/also .
5.Yet/ And, without a solid basis, it won’t work.
Talking about future activities and events - Revision
Futuro generico senza premeditazione:
“will “
I will be twenty next year.
Decisioni improvvise: “will”
Would you like a drink?
Yes, I’ll take a beer.
Minacce: “will”
I’ll tell everybody.
Promesse: “will”
I’ll turn off the printer when I finish.
Offerta della propria disponibilità: “will”
I’ll pay cash.
Opinioni personali: “will”
I think you’ll manage well.
Previsioni circa il futuro, basate su opinioni,convinzioni o atteggiamenti: “will”
It’ll be difficult.
Un evento o un’azione futura dipendente dal verificarsi di un’altra azione: ”will”
He’ll lend you his book if you ask him.
Disponinibilità in relazione al futuro: ”shall”
Shall I drive? OK, I’ll ( will )drive.
Proposta di fare qualcosa insieme :“shall”
Shall we have a break?
Appuntamenti,programmi personali definiti: “present continuous”
U2 are recording their new album in November.
Orari: “simple present”
Our English lesson starts at 9 a.m.
Intenzioni: “to be going to”
Mario’s going to be a doctor one day.
Previsioni di qualcosa che sta per accadere in base ad elementi presenti:“to be going to”
Look at those black clouds!
It’s going to rain.
Exercise 1
Choose the correct alternative.
1) I’ll phone her if
a) I’ll go to the cinema.
b) I’m going to go to the cinema.
c) I go to the cinema.
2) What
a) are you going tonight?
b) will you do tonight?
c) do you do tonight?
3) I’m hungry.
a) Will we have something to eat?
b) Shall we have something to eat?
c) Are we eating?
4) When do you think they
a) arrive?
b) will arrive?
c) will arriving?
Zero conditional - Expressing scientific facts and general truths
The zero conditional is a structure used for talking about general truths i.e, things which always
happen under certain conditions.
We use the same verb form in each part of a zero conditional: the simple present tense:
if + subject + simple present verb
main clause + subject + simple present verb
Si usa la forma zero conditional quando si vuole esprimere un’ipotesi relativa ad un fatto/fenomeno
vero, quando si vuole parlare di fatti che sono sempre veri o di azioni i cui risultati sono automatici .
In questi casi l’ipotesi viene resa con il Present Simple e la conseguenza con un altro Present
if clause: If you heat water to 100 degrees,
main clause: it boils.
The zero conditional is used to talk about things which are always true -- scientific facts, general
truths, and so on:
If you cross an international dateline, the time changes.
(This always happens, every time you cross a dateline.)
If you go 10 metres under water, the pressure increases to two atmospheres.
(This is basically always true -- the pressure of 10 meters of water equals one atmosphere.)
Phosphorus burns if you expose it to air.
(This is a scientific fact -- you can test it in a laboratory.)
1Conditional sentences-Zero/1st type
Translate the following sentences:
1) Il sito funzionerà, se i suoi contenuti sono accurati e attraenti.
2) Se costruisci il tuo sito attentamente sarà un successo.
3) Otterrete un buon risultato se lavorate intensamente .
4) Se fai gli scarabocchi riveli la tua personalità .
5) Se seguirai il corso supererai l’esame finale.
Defining relative clauses - Frasi relative non incidentali
Nelle frasi relative non incidentali (cioè quelle che sono essenziali all’identificazione della persona
o della cosa a cui si riferiscono) il pronome relativo, se ha funzione di soggetto, viene espresso con
who/that riferito a persona, con which/that riferito a cose o animali.
This is the girl who /that is my new colleague.
The microprocessor is a chip which/that processes the information provided by the software.
I pronomi relativi possono essere omessi se non costituiscono il soggetto della frase relativa:
The computer (that/which) we saw at the exhibition runs fast.
The laptop (that/which) he is carrying is light.
Exercise 1
Use the correct relative pronoun. Say when it isn’t necessary.
 That’s the CD ________ I’d like to buy.
 Here’s the DVD _____ you lent me.
 A palmtop is a computer ____ is small enough to be held in the palm of one hand.
 Last night I met someone ____ works for Yahoo!.
Comparing people and things - Comparative and superlative
of adjectives and adverbs
Exercise 1.
What can you say from these examples about how comparatives are formed?
1. This PC is ten times faster than yours.
2. It couldn’t be cheaper.
3. These test results are more accurate…
4. The documents really look better now.
5. I want to do something more interesting.
Comparativo in –er:
a)Comparativo degli aggettivi “brevi” (monosillabici) → -er:
fast → faster
cheap → cheaper
Spelling rule: la consonante finale viene raddoppiata se preceduta da un’unica vocale:
big → bigger,hot → hotter,slim → slimmer
b)comparativo degli aggettivi in –y, di solito bisillabici →-ier:
heavy → heavier
easy → easier
Il superlativo degli aggettivi plurisillabici si forma premettendo the most alla forma base
boring – more boring – the most boring
compatible – more compatible – the most compatible
Irregular comparatives and superlatives
good/well - better – the best
bad/badly – worse – the worst
late - later/latter – the latest/the last
far - farther/further-the farthest/the furthest
little - less – the least
much/many – more – (the) most
near - nearer – the nearest/the next
Latest ,latter, last
Jane and Ingrid are my University colleagues: the former is English, the latter German.
The latter ha il significato di “il secondo” e viene usato in correlazione con the former,” il primo”.
Have you heard the latest news?
The last example in this chapter…
The latest ha il valore di “ultimo” col significato di “il più recente”.
The last il valore di “ultimo” col significato di “una cosa che non si può ripetere”.
“Far” ha due forme per il comparativo e due per il superlativo:
In senso concreto, quando si parla di distanza, si possono usare entrambe le forme.
In senso figurato con il significato di ulteriore, oltre si usa solo “further”.
Mars is farther(further) than you can imagine.(distanza)
Can I have some further information?(senso figurato)
Il plurale di “little” (poco) è “few”.
Il comparativo di “few” è “fewer” e il superlativo “the fewest”.
Little-less-the least si usano con i sostantivi non numerabili, mentre few-fewer-the fewest si usano
con i sostantivi numerabili.
In the future poor people will have less money.
We’ll have fewer cars in the future as we’ll travel more by bus.
“Most” assume diversi significati:
Senza articolo ha il valore di la maggior parte, più di tutto:
Most Italians surf the Net.
The nearest station is Victoria.
Next month will be December.
“Nearest” significa il più vicino, in termini di distanza.
“Next” significa il più vicino in termini di tempo.
Nelle espressioni temporali sia “last “che “next” vengono usati senza articolo.
Did you go to University last Monday?
What are you doing next summer?
Il secondo termine di paragone viene introdotto da “than” nel comparativo:
Web pages need to be more independent than pages in a book.
Il secondo termine di paragone viene introdotto da “in” nel superlativo:
This is the best Web strategy in the world.
Exercise 1
1)Oggi gli utenti cercano unità di informazioni più piccole e discrete.
2)La Bibbia di Gutenberg del 1456 è il libro più antico del mondo.
3)I progettisti del mio team hanno bisogno di materiale più complesso di quello che hanno adesso.
4)La grafica di questa pagina web è più ricca della pagina precedente.
5)I link ipertestuali di questo sito dovrebbe essere più precisi.
Unit 7 Home pages
Grammar Focus 7
the passive voice
prepositions of place
Lexical Focus :Word Formation 3 –Adjectives
Reading text: Home pages
Reading text -Home pages
First read the text, and then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
All Web sites are organized around a home page that acts as a logical point of entry into the system
of Web pages in a site. In hierarchical organizations, the home page sits at the top of the chart, and
all pages in the Web site should contain a direct link back to the home page. The World Wide Web
URL (=Uniform Resource Locator)* for a home page is the Web "address" that points users to the
Web site. In many cases, home page addresses are used more than home and business street
addresses. The thirty square inches at the top of a home page comprise the most visible area of the
Web site. The best visual metaphor here is to a newspaper page — position matters. It's nice to be
on the front page, but stories "above the fold" are much more visible than those below. In sites
designed for efficient navigation the density of links at the top of the home page should be maximal
— you'll never get a better chance to offer your readers exactly what they want in the first page they
Home pages perform a variety of functions. Some designs primarily take advantage of the high
visibility of the home page; it is the most visited page of your site and is therefore ideal for posting
news and information. The high visibility of the home page also makes it the ideal place to put a
menu of links or table of contents for the site. Navigation schemes in sites that use the home page
for news and menu listings are often centred on the home page, using it as the "home base" for most
navigation through the site. Other home page designs use the home page as the first opportunity to
steer audiences into subtopic or special interest areas of the site.
(Text adapted from Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com, Copyright 2002 Patrick J.Lynch
and Sarah Norton)
* Uniform Resource Locator o URL è una sequenza di caratteri che identifica univocamente
l'indirizzo di una risorsa in Internet, come un documento o un'immagine.
1. A home page is the core of a Web site.
2. It is trivial to connect the home page to all other pages in the site.
3. Business street addresses are not less used than home page
4. A home page carries out only a single task.
5. A home page is an excellent place for news and information.
Word Formation 3 :Adjectives in the reading text
Adjectives ending in -al
Adjectives ending in -ible
Adjectives ending in -ent
Many adjectives are formed from a base of a different class with a suffix (e.g. -less, -ous). The most
common suffixes are -al, -ent, -ive, -ous, -ful, -less.
e.g. Suffix added to verbs or nouns adjective
Esempi /Significato
central, political, national, optional, professional: pertaining to
different, dependent, excellent :full of
attractive, effective, imaginative, ripetitive :like
continuous, dangerous, famous : full of
beautiful, peaceful, careful : full of, having qualities of
endless, homeless, careless, thoughtless: without
-able, -ible drinkable, legible: worthy of, capable of
funny:having, being like
terrific:making, doing
Adjectives can also be formed from other adjectives, especially by the negative prefixes (un-, inand non-).
e.g. negative + adjective adjective
unfortunate, uncomfortable, unjust
immature, impatient, improbable, inconvenient, irreplaceable,
non-fiction, non-political, non-neutral
disloyal, dissimilar, dishonest
The Passive Voice- being affected by an action
Se si vuole parlare di una persona o cosa che compie un’azione, si usa la forma attiva del verbo. Se
si vuole porre maggiore attenzione sulla persona/cosa che la compie, si usa la forma passiva. In
inglese, così come in italiano, si può trasformare una frase da attiva in passiva:
1) rendendo soggetto il complemento oggetto
2) rendendo agente il soggetto
La forma passiva si ottiene usando la forma del verbo “to be” nel tempo voluto + il participio
Quando si ritiene importante l’agente dell’azione, questo va introdotto dalla preposizione “by”
Dopo i verbi modali si usa la seguente forma: verbo modale+ be+ past participle:
You can track all users →All users can be tracked.
Tenses (examples)
Present simple
Past simple
Present perfect
Active voice
has developed
will develop
Present simple
This team always develops new sites.
Past simple
Last year those young designers developed a
good project.
Present perfect
They have developed a lot of good plans lately.
I’m sure Patrick Lynch will develop the best
Passive voice
is developed
was developed
has been developed
will be developed
Present simple
New sites are always developed by this team.
Past simple
Last year a good project was developed by
those young designers.
Present perfect
A lot of good plans have been developed
I’m sure the best idea will be developed by
Patrick Lynch.
La forma passive è generalmente usata per
1) dare istruzioni;
2) evidenziare annunci o avvisi;
3) indicare un fatto, un’azione e non la persona o il motivo per cui avviene l’azione;
4) descrivere fatti o avvenimenti scientifici.
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with a suitable passive verb form.
1.Instructions (process)__________________________ by the CPU(=Central Programming Unit).
2.The computer(invent)__________________________ by Charles Babbage.
3.Original programs (write) ______________________ in a high-level language.
4.This software (use)________________________________ for business applications.
5.All computer languages (must translate)______________________into binary commands.
6.A new version of my favourite programme (release)_______________ just
Prepositions of place
1. The point itself - in, inside (for something contained), on (the surface), at (at general vicinity).
2. Higher than a point - over (generally), above (directly).
3. Lower than a point - under (generally, underneath (close under), beneath, below (directly).
4. Neighbouring the point - near, by, next to, between, among, opposite.
Exercise 1.
Read the examples and check their meaning in Italian.
aboard -Can I use a laptop aboard a plane? ______________________________________________
above - The poster is above the printer.________________________________________________
across – Our University is just across the street.__________________________________________
against - The computer kiosk is against the wall._________________________________________
around – When handling CDs or DVDs , hold the disks around the edge.
at - Is the PCByte Computer shop at the end of the street?
at the back of - We are going to sit at the back of the
at the bottom of - It would be absurd to repeat the copyright information at the bottom of every
printed page._____________________________________________________________________
at the top of - The home page sits at the top of the chart.___________________________________
between – Good typography help readers understand relations between text and images.
behind - Masked behind a nickname people search for a web friendship.______________________
below - The PC is below the window.__________________________________________________
by - The CDs are by the modem.______________________________________________________
in - All pages in the Web site should contain a direct link back to the home page
in front of –A lot of people feel free in front of a computer
inside -What components are inside my computer? ______________________________________
in the middle of – The logo is in the middle of the poster.
near – Don’t leave the disks near the telephone. _________________________________________
next to – Maria and Carla always sit next to each other in the classroom.
on/to the left of - The monitor is on/ to the left of the printer
on/to the right of - The language lab is on/ to the right of my professor’s office
on –The most important stories of the day are on the front page of the newspaper.
on the side of - There is a big sign on the side of the megastore.
on top of - The antenna is on the top of the building.
opposite - The post office is opposite the bank.__________________________________________
outside - The mega screen is outside the cafè.
under - The ink cartridge is under the desk in a box.
underneath - The pendrive is underneath the box._______________________________________
Exercise 1
Choose the correct preposition.
1. In /On /At the Web we find the whole human universe.
2. The mystery inside/ around/on top of the chat line meeting will dissolve quite fast.
3. Pidgin English was originally used between/on the side of/ across European and Chinese
4. By/Opposite/At this stage you need to detail the content and organization of the Web site
5. Around /In front of/Against the world, initiatives are under way to mandate that disabled
users have equal access to Internet resources.
Unit 8 What happened to my computer?
Grammar focus 8
Past simple
Regular verbs
Irregular verbs
Interrogative pronoun (subject form)
Lexical Focus : Antonyms
Reading text:What happened to my computer?
Reading text –What happened to my computer?
Yesterday my computer broke down!It was a horrible experience. Suddenly my PC simply stopped
working. A few minutes ago,I tried to reset it , but nothing happened. Then I pressed the power
button to revive it. When my computer finally came through the hibernation, it gave me an option to
send an error report to MS.Unfortunately I couldn’t open the answer file because the monitor didn’t
turn definitely on. First the monitor light turned on ,but after a few seconds it turned off
again.Finally,I just saw a blue screen.When Carlo, one of my University colleagues, had the same
problem, or at least a similar one, he ran a full memtest and everything went fine.He also replaced
the loud cooling fan with a passive cooling device and he hasn’t had problems ever since. (Jaana
Helena Simpanen, 2008)
Exercise 1
Identify the verbs in the Past Simple tense
Past Simple –regular verbs
1) Sono definiti regolari i verbi che formano il past simple e il participio passato aggiungendo
alla forma base la desinenza -ed per tutte le persone.
2) Le forme negative e interrogative del Past simple si formano con l'ausiliare “did “
(passato di do). Con la presenza di “did” il verbo torna alla forma base, perchè il tema del
passato è già contenuto nell'ausiliare.
2) Variazioni ortografiche:
1) Si aggiunge solo -d ai verbi terminanti in -e: live-lived ; love-loved ;
2) La -y preceduta da consonante diventa -i: study-studied ; try-tried ;
3) La -y preceduta sa vocale non varia ---> si aggiunge solo -ed: play-played ; stay-stayed
4) I monosillabici terminanti con una sola consonante preceduta da una sola vocale,
raddoppiano la consonante finale: stop-stopped ; drop-dropped
5) Oltre ai monosillabici, raddoppiano l'ultima consonante anche alcuni bisillabici:
- con l'accento sulla seconda sillaba: prefer-preferred
- terminanti in -l: travel-travelled
- terminanti in -ic, che prendono la -k: picnic-picnicked
La desinenza -ed è pronunciata:
1) -id solo con i verbi che terminano con /d / o / t/ .
2) -t con i verbi che terminano con consonante sorda /θ/, /s/,/ /,/ /,/p/,/k/,/f/.
3) -d in tutti gli altri casi /b/,/ð/,/ /,/g/,/v/,/z/,/l/, /w/,/j/,/m/,/n/,/ /,/v/,/r/,/i:/.
Pronunciation of Final -D/-ED
Voiceless sounds take /t/
Voiced sounds take /d/
These sounds take /id/
These sounds are voiceless: These sounds are voiced: /t/ /d/
/f/ /h/ /k/ /ks/ /p/ /s/ /t/
/b/ /d/ /dg/ /g/ /j/ /l/ /m/
/n/ /ng/ /r/ /v/ /w/ /z/
+ all vowel sounds
laughed /laeft/
talked /tokt/
rubbed / rubd/
hugged /hugd/
painted /peintid/
added /adid/
Exercise 1
What’s the correct pronunciation of the following verbs.Put the verbs in the right column.
developed,decided, asked,watched, persuaded,scaled,asked, procuded, generated,
programmed,interpreted,desribeb,supplied, published,combined,arranged
Irregular verbs ( see Appendix)
1) I verbi irregolari inglesi sono quelli che anzichè terminare in -ed hanno forme proprie al Past
Simple e al participio passato. Di questi verbi è quindi necessario conoscere le tre forme del
2) Il Past Simple dei verbi irregolari corrisponde alla seconda forma del paradigma ed è uguale per
tutte le persone. Soltanto il verbo essere fa eccezione, in quanto presenta la forma was per la prima
e terza persona singolare e were per le altre.
3) Le forme negative e interrogative dei verbi irregolari si formano con did + il verbo alla forma
base, come per quelli regolari.
1) Il past simple si usa per descrivere azioni avvenute in un momento o periodo passato, azioni
completamente passate e concluse. E' spesso accompagnato da avverbi o espressioni di tempo
determinato: yesterday, three days ago, last night/summer/week/month/year, a minute/a moment/
an hour ago,when I was.../a long time ago, it's (about/high) time.
2) Il past simple (o simple past) corrisponde al passato remoto, all'imperfetto e al passato
prossimo italiani.
3) Per il confronto sull'uso tra past simple e present perfect vedi Unit 9 pp.58-59.
Interrogative pronoun (subject)
1)Who sees the professor?
2)Who does the professor see?
Nel primo esempio si può rilevare che, quando il sogggetto della domanda è costituito dal pronome
“who” (e dai pronomi / aggettivi “which” e “what” e dai pronomi/aggettivi interrogativi “how
much” / “how many”) la struttura della domanda va strutturata nell’ordine della frase affermativa
(S+V+0)e senza inl verbo ausiliare “to do”.
L’ausiliare “to do” è invece necessario, con la struttura tipica della frase interrogativa, quando il
pronome/ aggettivo interrogativo ha funzione di complemento, come si può osservare nell’esempio
numero 2.
Lexical focus
Antonyms- Parole di significato opposto
 above
 absent
 admit
 advance
 always
 backwards
 before
 begin
 blunt
 break
 build
 cheap
 divide
 entrance
 failure
 flexible
 front
 heavy
 help
 ignorance
 later
 minor
 narrow
 off
 out
 out of date
fuori moda
 pull
 temporary
up to date
alla moda
Exercise 1
Find the antonym of these words:
 arrival______________________________________
 bitter_______________________________________
 clean_______________________________________
 dark________________________________________
 fast________________________________________
 import______________________________________
 important___________________________________
 increase____________________________________
 quiet_______________________________________
 strong_____________________________________
Exercise 2
Fill each of the blanks with the most suitable word you’ve learnt:
1.This isn’t an improvement, it’s definitely a step____________ technologically.
2.This programme is five years old, it must be ___________________.
3.We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly__________.
4.Our professor is worried that ___________ or ___________ his project will fail.
5.The ____________________ I acquired on the training course has been really useful.
6.There’s a light ________ in the lab but nobody seems to be ________.
7.They usually take on more _________________________staff in summer.
8.This computer system is popular for its_____________ character and speed of operation.
9.If you _____________________ thirty by five, you get six.
10.Higher interest rates could_____________ the economic growth, lower ones could
________________ it instead.
Unit 9 A European eLearning programme
Grammar Focus 9
present prefect
for/since/How long…?
yet, already, still, just.
Present perfect vs past simple
Lexical Focus
Time Expressions with Present perfect
Reading text -A European eLearning programme
Reading text -A European eLearning programme
First read the text, and then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Information and communication technologies (ICT), properly used, contribute to the quality of
education and training and to Europe’s move to a knowledge-based society.
The European Commission has been very active in supporting and complementing the efforts of EU
Member States in this field for years. Through the eLearning Initiative and Action Plan, it has
gained considerable experience in encouraging co-operation, networking and exchange of good
practice at a European level. The EU Commission has backed up the integration of ICT in education
and training systems in Europe since 2004.
The eLearning programme is a further step towards realising the vision of technology serving
lifelong learning (LL). It focuses on a set of actions in high priority areas, chosen for their strategic
relevance to the modernisation of Europe’s education and training systems.
The four action lines of the eLearning programme are: promoting digital literacy, European virtual
campuses, e-Twinning of schools in Europe and promotion of teacher training and transversal
actions for the promotion of e-learning in Europe.
(Text written by J.H.Simpanen, 2008)
1. ICT can contribute to improving the level of training and
education in Europe.
2. The European Commission has always collaborated with the
Member States.
3. The eLearning programme can’t be considered as a part of LL.
4. The main aim of the eLearning programme is to modernise
training and education systems in Europe.
5. The e-Twining of schools will help update teachers’ and
trainers’ professional skills.
Present Perfect –Expressing past actions and states in relation to the present
Tutti i verbi, compreso il verbo “to be” e i verbi di moto, quando cioè il passato prossimo italiano
ha essere come ausiliare., nella forma attiva( quando il soggetto compie l’azione espressa dal verbo)
formano il present perfect (Passato prossimo) con il presente del verbo to have + past participle
(participio passato).
Past Participle
Con i verbi regolari il participio passato si forma allo stesso modo del Simple Past, e cioè
aggiungendo -ed alla fine del verbo. Per i verbi irregolari esistono molti modi per formarne
il participio passato(Appendix 1). Il participio passato dei verbi irregolari corrisponde alla
terza voce del paradigma. Eccone alcuni esempi:
Simple Past
Past Participle
verbi che non
verbi che cambiano la
verbi che aggiungono en
break eat take
broke ate took
broken eaten taken
verbi che cambiano
catch bring teach
caught brought
caught brought taught
sing drink
sang drank
sat sung drunk
Il present perfect non corrisponde sempre al passato prossimo italiano: bisogna, perciò, studiare le
regole per conoscere l'uso corretto del tempo.
Si usa il present perfect quando l’azione avvenuta nel passato ha ancora relazione con il tempo
presente. In particolare, esso si usa quando, pur parlando di un’azione /avvenimento passato:
1)a. l’effetto presente è inteso come conseguenza, esperienza, risultato nel presente di un’azione
avvenuta precedentemente(Experience):
• I have been to France.
I have been to France three times.
• I have never been to France.
• I think I have seen that movie before.
• He has never travelled by train.
• Oh my gosh! I’ve lost my keys!
• Joan has studied two foreign languages.
• A: Have you ever met him?B: No, I have not met him.
b. o completamento nel presente di un’azione avvenuta precedentemente:
(Change Over Time):
• You have grown since the last time I saw you.
• The government has become more interested in arts education.
• Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian
studies program was established.
• My English has really improved since I moved to Australia.
2)per parlare di un’azione/un avvenimento che, nonostante le nostre aspettative, non si sono ancora
verificati, completati o conclusi (An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting):
• James has not finished his homework yet.
• Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.
• Bill has still not arrived.
• The rain hasn't stopped.
3)per parlare delle conquiste fatte da singoli individui o dall’intera umanità (Accomplishments):
• Man has walked on the Moon.
• Our son has learned how to read.
• Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.
• Scientists have split the atom.
4)se si vuole esprimere un’azione/un avvenimento accaduti in un passato non necessariamente
precisato(Unspecified Time Before Now):
• I have seen that movie twenty times.
• I think I have met him once before.
• There have been many earthquakes in California.
• People have travelled to the Moon.
• People have not travelled to Mars.
• Have you read the book yet?
• Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
• A: Has there ever been a war in the United States? B: Yes, there has been a war in the
United States.
5) per parlare di azioni/avvenimenti che si sono verificati in diversi periodi del passato .L’uso del
present perfect suggerisce che il processo non si è ancora completato:
• The army has attacked that city five times.
• I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.
• We have had many major problems while working on this project.
• She has talked to several specialists about her problem, but nobody knows why she is sick.
Time Expressions with Present Perfect
Se l’azione o l’evento descritto è passato, ma non è passato il periodo di tempo in cui l’azione è
avvenuta, si usa, quindi, il present perfect.Ciò avviene quando nella frase vi sono espressioni del
tempo indeterminato e avverbi che indicano una relazione con il presente.
When we use the Present Perfect it means that something has happened at some point in our lives
before now. Remember, the exact time the action happened is not important.
Sometimes, we want to limit the time we are looking in for an experience. We can do this with
expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, in the
last week, in the last year, this week, this month, so far, up to now, etc.
Have you been to Mexico in the last year?
• I have seen that movie six times in the last month.
• They have had three tests in the last week.
• She graduated from university less than three years ago. She has worked for three different
companies so far.
• My car has broken down three times this week.
Notice !!! "Last year" and "in the last year" are very different in meaning. "Last year" means the
year before now, and it is considered a specific time which requires Simple Past. "In the last year"
means from 365 days ago until now. It is not considered a specific time, so it requires Present
• I went to Mexico last year.
• I have been to Mexico in the last year.
Since /For /how long..?
Nelle forme di durata(duration form), cioè per descrivere azioni incominciate nel passato che
durano ancora nel presente. La durata dell'azione è introdotta da:
since che introduce il momento iniziale:
Since 8 o’clock, Monday, 20 May, April, 2002, Christmas, lunchtime…
for che introduce la durata:
For 3 hours, 10 minutes , 2 days, 6 moths, a week, 5 years, a long time, ages…
L’espressione italiana da/per molto tempo è resa nelle frasi affermative con for a long time e nelle
frasi interrogative con (for) long.
Have you known him for long?=Lo conosci da molto tempo?
I have known him for a long time.=Lo conosco da molto tempo.
!!!! Nelle frasi negative però le due espressioni hanno significato diverso:
I haven't known him (for) long.
Non lo conosco da molto = Lo conosco da poco.
I haven't seen him for a long time.
Non lo vedo da molto tempo = E' passato molto tempo.
Le domande sono spesso introdotte da how long.
How long have you known your colleagues?
How long has he worked for Yahoo!?
Exercise 2
Put the verb in the Present Perfect tense and complete where necessary with since or for.
1. I (live) here............... 20 years.
2. I (be) off work.......... almost a week.
3. How long you (study) at University?
4. I not (see) one of my colleagues ………… Eastern?
5. The EU Commission has (support) that programme ........... 2001.
6. The Member States (develop) new eLearning programmes............ a long time.
7. The Internet based communities (contribute) to improving intercultural dialogue .
8. The four action lines of the eLearning programme (encourage) a lot of countries to participate .
yet, already, still, just.
”Yet” è usato in frasi interrogative (con il significato di “già”) e negative (con il significato di
“non ancora”) ed è quasi sempre a fine frase.
”Already” può essere utilizzato nelle frasi affermative, dove si trova in posizione intermedia tra
ausiliare e participio, o nelle frasi interrogative, dove è posto a fondo frase. “Already” significa
”Still “significa “ancora” e si riferisce ad un'azione ancora in corso. Nelle frasi affermative occupa
posizione intermedia tra ausiliare e participio, mentre in quelle negative si trova prima
”Just” significa appena e occupa posizione intermedia tra ausiliare e participio.
In altri casi può significare solo o solamente come sinonimo di “only” oppure ancora proprio o
Exercise 1
Complete the blank spaces with already, still, yet
1.You don't have to do it. I've ______ done it.
2.Don't wake him. He's ______ asleep.
3.The plane has ______ arrived. It was really early.
4.Are you ______ working for the same company?
5.I bought my computer two years ago and I haven't had any problems ______
6.It's old but it ______ works well.
7.I cannot take on any more jobs. I've ______ got too much work.
8. We haven't finished ______
Present perfect vs Past simple –Comparing past activities
L’uso del present perfect implica sempre la relazione tra il tempo passato ed il presente; il present
perfect sta ad indicare che l’azione è avvenuta in un tempo collegato al presente.
Exercise 1
Osserva le differenze d'uso tra il present perfect (P.P) e il past simple(P.S). Considera le differenze
a gruppi di due.
1)a.P.P: azione di durata ancora in corso
She has lived in Barcelona for five years = Vive a Barcellona da cinque anni ( vi si è trasferita 5
anni fa e vive ancora là.)
1)b.P.S: azione di durata ma conclusa
She lived in Barcelona for five years = Ha vissuto a Barcellona per cinque anni ( nel passato lei ha
vissuto a Barcellona per 5 anni ma non ci abita più, l’azione è finita, non continua più. )
2)a.P.P: azione di durata ancora in corso
It has rained for ten minutes = Piove da dieci minuti(=ha iniziato a piovere 10 minuti fa e ancora
2)b.P.S: azione non di durata
It started to rain ten minutes ago = Ha incominciato a piovere dieci minuti fa (viene focalizzato il
tempo determinato del passato.)
3)a.P.P: azione che ha ancora influenza sul presente
I've just seen her = L'ho appena vista ( non importa precisamente quando, si focalizza sul risultato e
viene usato un avverbio di tempo indeterminato.)
3)b.P.S: azione conclusa
I saw her yesterday = L'ho vista ieri (si focalizza il tempo determinato del passato.)
P.P: tempo indeterminato
4)a.How many times have you seen her? = Quante volte l’hai vista? (quante volte fino ad oggi, ti è
capitato di vederla, interessa il risultato,non il periodo precisato del passato.)
4)b.When did you see her?Where did you see her?=Dove e quando l’hai vista?(le domande che
inziano con when , where…volte al passato richiedono l’uso del past simple ,poichè focalizzano il
periodo/momento determinato del passato.)
Dal present perfect al past simple
In una conversazione è quindi frequente passare dal present perfect al past simple , qundo si
entra nel dettaglio del racconto:
P.P Have you ever been to Scotland?
Yes, I have.
P.S When did you go?
I went last summer.
Exercise 1
Choose the correct tense:
1. Before they bought the car, they have thought/thought about it very carefully.
2. Your hair looks different. Have you had a haircut? /Did you have a haircut?
3. He has meet/ met Sally in the supermarket last week.
4. I didn't see the film on TV last night. I saw/ have seen it before and I thought it was rubbish.
5. Portugal is a wonderful country. Have you ever been there?/ Did you go there?
6. I shared/ have shared a flat with two colleagues a couple of years ago.
Appendix 1
Irregular Verbs
Past Participle Meaning
was, were
understand understood
woke (waked) woken (waked)