UNIVERSITY OF MESSINA Department of Urology School of Medicine Chairman: Prof. Giuseppe Morgia Prostatitis and BPH: myth or real evolution ? Introduction •What is the BPH ? •What is the prostatitis ? Introduction A causative role for inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH was first proposed by Moore RA in 1937 but for the major part of the 20th century the “embryonal reawakening theory” dominated the field of BPH Recent studies assessed a strong relationship between Prostatitis and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Flogosis could play a relevant role in the prostatic diseases progression Today investigations of experimentally induced prostatitis in mice and rats suggest that BPH is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease BPH/PROSTATITIS Traditionally, prostatitis has been considered a condition which affects younger men but little attention has been given to the association BPH/Prostatitis despite the high prevalence of both condition in ageing men Nickel reported that approximately 8% of men over 50 years suffer with some mild prostatitis like symptoms vs 11% of younger men. 5053 pts with prostatitis of which 57,2% + BPH 31681 pts Collins MM et al J Urol 2002 7465 pts with BPH of which 38,7% + prostatitis BPH/PROSTATITIS Almost all surgery-derived BPH specimens show inflammatory infiltrates at histologic examination Even if there is a lack of association of histological prostatitis and clinical prostatitis,the importance of inflammation, for years was undervalued Inflammatory infiltrates were always considered of no clinical relevance BPH/PROSTATITIS 70% T lymphocytes Mean 28 fold increasing of Tcells infiltrates with ageing in typical BPH 15% B cells Contestually reversed ratio between CD8 cytotossic/suppressor to CD4 helper T cells 15%macrophages and mast cells Increased presence may be promoted by down-regulation of the MIC-1 (macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1) which is suppressed in BPH tissues Agenda • Association of inflammation and clinical BPH • Role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH • Flogosis and BPH progression • Flogosis and BPH treatment • Biomarkers of inflammation for BPH Association of inflammation and clinical BPH This relationship has been observed by Di Silverio et al. in a study conducted over 3942 histologic specimens of pts affected by BPH No Flogosis Flogosis 43% 57% 30% chronic flogosis Di Silverio Eur Urol 2003 REDUCE REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events It was performed an additional investigation from the actually available data Evaluation of the baseline relationship between histologic prostate inflammation and LUTS Histologic flogosis was detected in 78% of men Weak but statistically significant correlation with IPSS REDUCE REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events REDUCE: 5,597 pz Conferma istopatologica di flogosi nel 94.5% • Cronica: 78% • Acuta: 16.5% (grado medio) Nessuna correlazione tra: Stato infiammatorio acuto e CPSI score Correlazione statisticamente significativa: Stato infiammatorio cronico e CPSI score Nickel – J Urol 2007 Classificazione isto-patologica della flogosi prostatica Localizzazione anatomica Pattern istologico Ghiandolare Infiltrato infiammatorio all’interno dei dotti/epitelio ghiandolare e/o del lume Perighiandolare Infiltrato inf. nello stroma attorno ai dotti o acini (distanza<50µm) Stromale Infiltrato inf. nello stroma e comunque ad una distanza>50 µm Estensione Percentuale di tessuto coinvolta dagli infiltrati infiammatori Focale <10% Multifocale 10-50% Diffusa >50% Grado Descrizione morfologica (densità delle cell. Infiammatorie/mm2) 1 o Modesto Cellule infiammatorie isolate (<100) 2 o Moderato Aggregati di cell. Infiammatorie senza distruzione tissutale o formazione di noduli/follicoli linfatici (100-500) 3 o Severo Aggregati di cell. Infiammatorie con distruzione tissutale o formazione di noduli/follicoli linfatici (>500) Irani et al – J Urol 1997 Consensus Conference – Nickel 2001 REDUCE REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events Histologic evaluation was performed using a classification proposed by a central laboratory (Bostwick Laboratories Richmond, VA, USA) Graded average acute and chronic inflammation based on a 4-point scale I II III Scale based on average cell density and extent of tissue involvement IV Valutazione istopatologica prostatica su 167 autopsie: BPH: 56% PC: 29% Flogosi: 67.6% (A 4%, C 53%, A+C 11%) BPH + FC: 75% No BPH + FC: 50% (p<0.01) PC + FC: 55% No PC + FC: 58% (p>0.1) Nessuna correlazione tra FA e BPH/PC Delongchamps et al, J Urol 2008 C+A A 75% 55% K + CF K cronic BPH + CF BPH 113 (67,6%) Delongchamps et al, J Urol 2008 Esistono segni clinici e parametri di laboratorio che possono aiutare l’individuazione dell’infiammazione ? Esami clinici • DRE • TRUS con ecocolor doppler – Scintigrafia con leuco In111 (non praticabile routinariamente) Esistono segni clinici e parametri di laboratorio che possono aiutare l’individuazione dell’infiammazione ? Esami di laboratorio • Esame urine e liquido seminale – Dosaggio di citochine e chemichine (IL-1,IL-6, IL-8, TNF α (non praticabili routinariamente) – Dosaggio PGE-2, CRFR2 (nel tessuto) (non praticabili routinariamente) Role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH BPH nodules are frequently composed by chronic inflammatory infiltrates mainly represented by activated T-cells and macrophages Why the leucocyte population increases in BPH ? Several hypotheses have been generated based on recent basic research Role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH After a probably primary injury it occurs an age dependent weakening of a postulated population of suppressor cells that actively supresses the recognition of prostatic agents which leads to gradual infiltration of the prostate by lymphocytes and subsequent cascade of events that leads to BPH Kramer G. Eur Urol 2007 Role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH Flogosis Increeased leucocyte population IL-2; IL-6; IL-8; IL-17; IFN-γ Perpetuate chronic immune response autoimmune loop Cox-2 Fibromuscolar Growth Paracrine loop Role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH Increased production of IL-6; IL-8; IL-17 Immigration of T-cells into the area Surrounding cells become targets and are Killed Vacant spaces replaced by fibromuscolar nodes Role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH • Le cellule T CD4+ attivate secernono IL-17, una citochina capace di stimolare le cellule epiteliali, endoteliali e fibroblastiche di produrre diverse molecole pro-infiammatorie come IL-1β, TNF-a, IL-8 e COX-2 (Steiner et al, Prostate 2003). • Questi autori hanno dimostrato che il tessuto prostatico sano non esprime IL-17, che però risulta elevato nelle cellule muscolari liscie e nella parte apicale dei dotti epiteliali nella IPB. • Inoltre hanno dimostrato che il IL-17 aumenta la secrezione di altre citochine pro-infiammatorie come IL-8, IL-6 e TGF- β. • IL-8 e IL-6 sono 2 potenti fattori di crescita per le cellule prostatiche epiteliali e stromali. • Questi dati suggeriscono che l’IL-17 gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel processo infiammatorio presente in pz con IPB, essendo la principale citochina proinfiammatoria e promuovendo una cascata di altre molecole proinfiammatorie. Role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH • Castro et al hanno dimostrato che le cellule senescenti dell’epitelio prostatico secernono FGF mediato dall’IL-8 e IL-1a. • Le citochine proinfiammatorie inoltre inducono l’espressione di COX-2. Wang et al hanno dimostrato che le cellule che esprimono il COX-2 hanno un ritmo di proliferazione più alto e determinano la up-regulation del gene antiapoptotico Bcl2, offrendo così ulteriori correlazioni fra infiammazione, apoptosi e squilibrio nella crescita prostatica. Inflammation and prostatic disease Flogosis BPH Prostatitis Oxidative Stress PIA (Proliferative Inflammatory Atrophy) HG PIN (High Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia) Montorsi Arch It Urol Androl 2008 Prostatic Cancer Flogosis/BPH Progression Does intraprostatic inflammation have a role in the pathogenesis and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia? Mishra VC BJU Int 2007 Objective: to compare the incidence of acute and/or chronic intraprostatic inflammation (ACI) in men undergoing TURP for urinary retention and LUTS 374 pts (TURP) 70% ACI for AR 40% ACI for LUTS Conclusions: the risk of urinary retention due to BPH was significantly greater in men with ACI than in those without, and the association of TURP for retention with ACI was stronger than that with prostate weight Flogosis/BPH Progression Data from the MTOPS study ( Medical Therapies of Prostatic Symptoms) Chronic inflammatory infiltrate was found in 43% of the men It was hypothesized that the presence of histological inflammation may be a predictor of BPH clinical progression In terms of: • Symptoms • Acute Uinary Retention (AUR) • BPH related surgery Flogosis/BPH Progression Data from the MTOPS study ( Medical Therapies of Prostatic Symptoms) Patients in all groups (placebo, finasteride, doxazosin and doxazosin + finasteride) with inflammation were more likely to progress clinically No Inflammation Overall clinical progression: 13,2% 3,9% BPH related surgery No AUR Chronic Inflammation Overall clinical progression: 21% 7,3% BPH related surgery Accounted for every AUR event 5,6% AUR Flogosis/BPH Progression Is the diagnosis of clinical prostatitis at a young age a risk factor for development of later BPH? St Sauver JL try to determine whether physician-diagnosed prostatitis was associated with later development of symptomatic BPH in a longitudinal, population-based sample of 2447 men residing in Olmsted County, Minnesota Physician diagnosed prostatitis was associated with a 2.4 fold increased odds of later onset of several BPH-associated events Prostatitis may therefore be an early marker or a risk factor for development of later prostatic or urologic problems St Sauver JL Urology 2008 Flogosis/BPH Treatment Anti-inflammatory agents should be investigated as new targets for the treatment of BPH? Benign prostatic hyperplasia cell line viability and modulation of jm-27 by doxazosin and Ibuprofen Minnery CH J Urol 2005 Doxazosin + Ibuprofen • Significantly decreased of cell viability and induced apoptosis in BPH prostate lines • Decreased expression of JM-27 Protein highly up-regulated in symptomatic BPH Flogosis/BPH Treatment Combination therapy with rofecoxib and finasteride in the treatment of men with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Di Silverio F Eur Urol 2005 Assumption of the study: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is expressed in human BPH tissue and displays either a pro-inflammatory effect or a proliferative effect on prostate cells 46 pts (LUTS + BPH) Group A Finasteride 5 mg/day Group B Randomized Finasteride 5 mg/day + Rofecoxib 25 mg/day Flogosis/BPH Treatment Combination therapy with rofecoxib and finasteride in the treatment of men with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Di Silverio F Eur Urol 2005 1 Month outcomes Group A Group B 0% IPSS reduction > 4 points 34,7% 0% Qmax > 3 ml/sec 8,7% 6 Months Outcomes: Differences between two groups were no significant It was hypothesized that the association of the drugs induced a more rapid improvement until the effect of finasteride becomes predominant Biomarkers for inflammation in BPH If inflammation is associated with the pathogenesis, symptoms and progression of BPH Identification of specific Biomarkers would be desirable There are several candidates and many others are currently being assessed by international research group These markers are generally nonspecific for prostate or BPH They could be useful to stratify pts according to the risk of developing BPH, to monitor symptoms and response to medical therapy Biomarkers for inflammation in BPH Malondialdehyde in benign prostate hypertrophy: a useful marker? Merendino RA Mediators Inflamm 2003 44 pts 22 pts BPH 22 pts control Measurement of serum malondialdehyde (MDA), an index of inflammation and oxidative stress Increased levels in the BPH pts and positive correlation with PSA Biomarkers for inflammation in BPH Serum C-reactive protein concentration and lower urinary tract symptoms in older men in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) Rohrmann S Prostate 2005 2337 men LUTS and BPH Assessment of Symptoms and serum C- reactive protein concentration measurement 0,32 mg/dl Men without symptoms, no surgery 0,35 mg/dl Men with three or four symptoms 0,36 mg/dl Men with one or two symptoms Men with C-Reactive protein > 3 mg/dl were 1.47 times more likely to have 3 or more symptoms Biomarkers for inflammation in BPH Seminal plasma cytokines and chemokines in prostate inflammation: interleukin 8 as a predictive biomarker in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and benign prostatic hyperplasia Penna G Eur Urol 2007 31 men (CP/CPPS IIIB) 83 patients 20 men (controls) 9 men (CP/CPPS IIIA) 23 men (BPH) Were evaluated seminal plasma levels of 8 cytokines and 9 chemokins Significantly increased levels of cytokines (IL1alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, IL12p70) and chemokines (CCL1, CCL3, CCL4, CCL17, CCL22, CXCL8/IL-8) were observed in seminal plasmas from patients with CP/CPPS or BPH. However, only IL-8 was significantly elevated compared to controls in patients with CP/CPPS IIIA - IIIB and BPH IL-8 appears to be the most reliable and predictive surrogate marker to diagnose prostate inflammatory conditions, such as CP/CPPS and BPH Conclusions •Futher investigations about the role of inflammation in BPH will expand our understanding of BPH pathogenesis, its histological and clinical progression, allow risk stratification and suggest novel treatent strategies •Inflammation in the prostate gland appears to be more closely related to BPH than the clinical syndrome chronic prostatitis •In BPH enough evidence indicates that chronic immune inflammation has a crucial role in the development of the disease •Undestarding the mechanisms of the dysregulated immune pathways may help to design novel anti-immune inflamatory drugs EFFETTI FARMACOLOGICI DI SERENOA REPENS PIU’ LICOPENE E SELENIO (PROFLUSS®) NELLA FLOGOSI CRONICA ASSOCIATA A BPH: STUDIO MULTICENTRICO ITALIANO (PROFLUSS GROUP) SCHEDULA DEL PROTOCOLLO VALUTAZIONE DELLA RISPOSTA AL TRATTAMENTO La valutazione immunoistochimica sarà condotta per la ricerca di linfociti T e di macrofagi utilizzando rispettivamente gli anticorpi monoclonali CD20, CD3 e CD68. Per ciascun preparato con colorazione positiva si procederà alla conta delle cellule positive in tre campi con obiettivo 20x; il valore medio sarà considerato espressione della densità di linfociti T, B e macrofagi presenti nel preparato.