Test finale - Lezione

annuncio pubblicitario
Corso di inglese
Livello base
Test finale
1) Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con la forma contratta del verbo (dove
- She has got two brothers and she does not love them very much
- He has no brothers or sisters, he is an only child
- We were not interested in the film so we did not watch it
- He did not go to the party because he had got a flu
- John is not sure where Lisa is
- She is running into the park
- Do you not understand what I am saying?
2) Nel testo seguente coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al Present Simple
(attivo o passivo) a seconda della circostanza
- When you…………….(arrive) at an airport, you should go straight to the
check-in desk where your ticket and luggage………..(check).
You…………….(keep) your hand luggage with you but your
suitcases……………….(take) to the plain. If you are on an international
flight, your passport……..(check), and then you and your bags……….(xray) by security cameras; sometimes you……………(give) a body search
and your luggage………………..(search) by a security officer.
3) Dei seguenti sostantivi, dividi quelli numerabili da quelli non
News, pen, box, pride, cup, knife, book, hair, tooth, advice, bottle,
milk, homework, beer, furniture, tree, sugar, salt
4) Scrivi i seguenti orari:
10:00, 22:15, 23:10, 10:55, 9:30, 12:00, 24:00, 3:00, 4:16, 7:35, 17:45,
8:05, 4:50.
5) Completa le frasi con in, on o at
- My birthday is…….6 th June
- I’m always…..home…..the afternoon
- Are you going…….the butcher?
- We can see…….6p.m.
- Where are you going………..Christmas?
- I’m going to the seaside…….August
- Lisa was born………….1986
6) Traduci le seguenti frasi:
- A: Non riesco a trovare il mio libro
B: forse è nella borsa di Lisa
- A: chi è quel bel ragazzo?
B: è il ragazzo di Lisa
- A: mi scusi, potrebbe portarmi il menu?
B: certo, vuole qualcosa da bere?
-A: Scusi, dov’è il ristorante?
B: vada sempre dritto poi giri a destra al primo semaforo dopo il
- Lisa è un’amica di John
- Lisa è l’amica di John
- A: Mi scusi, potrebbe dirmi che ore sono per piacere?
B: certo, sono le 17:15
A: grazie
B: prego
- Il telefono squillò mentre Lisa stava guardando la TV
- A: cosa fai di solito nel tempo libero?
B: di solito ascolto musica o leggo qualche libro
7) Traduci ed inserisci will, going to o presente continuo nelle seguenti
frasi future
- A: Dove andrai in vacanza quest’anno?
B: andrò al mare
- Guarda il cielo, sta per piovere!
Non so se Lisa sia libera o meno, ora la chiamerò
Il sole splende, sarà una bella giornata
Ho sete, berrò un bicchiere d’acqua
La settimana prossima andremo in montagna, abbiamo prenotato
- John giocherà a basket domani, ha una partita importante
8) Sottolinea il tempo corretto dei verbi nel seguente brano
It was 10 o’clock p.m, John sat/ had sat down on his sofa and thought
about the day. What a busy day it was!/ had been! This was his first
night on his new flat. He lived/ had lived his entire life in the family
home, and now, for the first time, he was/ had been on his own. He sat
surrounded by boxes that they didn’t manage/ hadn’t managed to
unpack during the day. It took/ had taken months to get all his things
together. His mother was/ had been very generous, buying him many
things. He went/ had gone into the kitchen and got/ had got a beer
from the fridge; he suddenly felt/ had felt very tired so he decided/
had decided to go to bed.