Periodico mensile on-line Luglio/Ottobre 2013 n.5 / Periodical on-line July/October 2013 n.5 Il Web Journal Talking Lands è un periodico on line dedicato ai temi della narrazione frutto di ricerche su leggende e tradizioni che legano Grecia e Italia; un diario di viaggio per raccontare il Progetto, le sue attività e le peculiarità socioeconomiche dei territori coinvolti. The Web Journal “Talking Lands” is an online magazine dedicated to the narrative’s subjects which are the result of research about legends and traditions bonding Greece and Italy. A travel journal that describes the Project, its activities and the socio-economic characteristics of the involved areas. ΜΉΝΑΣ ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΈΝΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΦΉΓΗΣΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΔΥΤΙΚΉ ΕΛΛΆΔΑ A MONTH DEDICATED TO NARRATION IN WESTERN GREECE Η Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδας ολοκλήρωσε ένα μήνα γεμάτο από δράσεις και εκδηλώσεις του έργου Talking Lands, προσφέροντας στο κοινό την ευκαιρία να γνωρίσει την τέχνη της αφήγησης και να παρακολουθήσει μοναδικά και καινοτόμα στη σύλληψή τους έργα, καθώς και λογοτεχνικές συναντήσεις πάντα με ελεύθερη συμμετοχή για τους θεατές. Η Θεατρική Εποχή έκλεισε με την φιλοξενία της τρίτης αφηγηματικής παράστασης “Εργαστήρι εν Υπνώσει” την 21η Ιουλίου, μία συμπαραγωγή της Περιφέρειας Ιονίων Νήσων και του Δήμου Grottaglie. Ο Alfredo Traversa και το ΔΗΠΕΘΕ Κέρκυρας με τις ομάδες τους προσέφεραν μία πλούσια σε εικόνες και υποκριτική παράσταση. Η αφηγηματική παράσταση Πάτρα – Οι πόλεις ξεχνούν? την οποία εμπνεύστηκε και σκηνοθέτησε ο Μίλτος Νίκας (ΔΗΠΕΘΕ Πάτρας) και αποτέλεσε το καλλιτεχνικό προϊόν των αφηγηματικών εργαστηρίων, παρουσιάστηκε στο Δημοτικό Θέατρο Πάτρας στις 30 Ιουνίου με μεγάλη ανταπόκριση από το κοινό και κριτικές για το θέμα που επιλέχθηκε και ο τρόπος που παρουσιάστηκε. Ο Ιούλιος περιελάμβανε την υλοποίηση των λογοτεχνικών συναντήσεων με συγγραφείς και επαγγελματίες του χώρου του θεάτρου με θέματα σχετικά με την αξία και το νόημα της προφορικής παράδοσης. Η Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδας σε συνεργασία με το ΔΗΠΕΘΕ Πάτρας διοργάνωσε τρεις εκδηλώσεις με την πρώτη να είναι “Από τις αφηγήσεις της ζωής στην αφήγηση της θεατρικής πράξης ” με τη σκηνοθέτη Ελένη Μποζά και τον θεατρολόγο Παναγιώτη Σκούρα. Η δεύτερη λογοτεχνική συνάντηση ήταν “Το πένθος The Region of Western Greece had a month filled with Talking Lands actions and events, offering to the audience the opportunity to familiarize with narrative art and to come in concepts, innovatory plays and literary discussions unique in view, always open for free participation. On July 21, the Theatrical Season closed with the performance of the third narrative play “La Bottega Dormiente”, a co-production of the Region of Ionian Islands and the Municipality of Grottaglie. Alfredo Traversa and the Theater of Corfu with their teams offered a “rich” performance regarding the story-telling and acting. The narrative play “Patrasso - Do cities forget? which was inspired and directed by Mitlos Nikas (DIPETHE Patras) and was the outcome of the narration workshops was performed at the Theater of Patra on the 30th of June with great response from the audience and the reviews on chosen and presented theme. The month was also dedicated to the realization of literary discussions with authors and professionals of the theatrical sector, with topics related to the story-telling art, the meaning and value of the oral tradition. The Region of Western Greece together with DIPETHE Patras organized three discussions first starting with “From the Storytelling of life to the narration of Theatrical Act” with the director Eleni Boza and the theatrologist Panagioti Skoura. The second literary event was the “Grief of disguise” with the poet Vasilis Ladas and the participation of the actor Andianna Chalkidi and the musician George Dipla. The poet focused on the tradition of Carnival that is one of the cultural events of the Region and mainly of the city of της μεταμφίεσης” με τον ποιητή Βασίλη Λαδά και τη συμμετοχή της Ανδριάνας Χαλκίδη και του μουσικού Γιώργου Δίπλα. Ο ποιητής επικεντρώθηκε στο Καρναβάλι της Πάτρας, ένα από τα δημοφιλέστερα πολιτιστικά γεγονότα της Περιφέρειας, στοχεύοντας στην ανάδειξη των τελετουργιών της πρώιμης Άνοιξης με τις γιορτές απελευθέρωσης και πένθους, σε αντίθεση με το μικροαστικό θέαμα του Καρναβαλιού. Η τελευταία εκδήλωση φιλοξένησε τον ποιητή Διονύση Καρατζά οποίος αναφέρθηκε στη μαγεία του λόγου στη μαγεία του λόγου ως πρωταρχικού στοιχείου δημιουργίας αισθητικής συγκίνησης με μεγάλη παιδευτική αξία. Σύμφωνα με τον ποιητή, η γλώσσα δεν είναι μόνο ένας κώδικας επικοινωνίας αλλά και μία δύναμη που κρατάει τον άνθρωπο σε εγρήγορση κινητοποιώντας τη σκέψη και τα συναισθήματα. Γι αυτό και η αλήθεια της επιβεβαιώνεται στον παιδικό λόγο και στην ποίηση αφού διευκολύνουν την ελεύθερη και ειλικρινή έκφραση. Patras, trying to reveal the rituals of early springtime with the celebrations of liberation or grief, unlike the bourgeois spectacle of Carnival. The last event hosted the poet Dionisi Karatza who referred to the magic of speech as primary element of creating aesthetic emotion with great educational value. According to Mr. Karatza, the language is not only a communication code but also a power to keep people vigilant by mental and sensual stimulating. Poetry and children’s speech are the main ways and means that facilitate the free thinking and truthful expression. DUE DATE A MONOPOLI PER “TUTTI COMPAGNI DI ULISSE” IN MONOPOLI TWO DATES FOR “ALL THE COMPANIONS OF ULYSSES”. IL VIAGGIO TRA MUSICHE E LETTURE CONDIVISE THE JOURNEY THROUGH THE SHARING OF MUSIC AND READING. Attraverso un insieme di letture sul tema del viaggio inteso come dialogo e scambio tra due culture, quella italiana e quella greca, gli scorsi 23 e 30 luglio a Monopoli l’associazione “Presidio del Libro – Donne per la città” di Monopoli ha offerto allo spettatore un percorso emozionale e culturale attraverso i temi e le letterature dei due Paesi. “Tutti compagni di Ulisse” è stato un percorso di musiche e letture condivise sul tema del viaggio. La prima serata si è tenuta presso la chiesa della Madonna del Rosario di Monopoli, sita nell’omonima contrada con replica sette giorni dopo al Castello di Monopoli. Il tutto è stato inserito in una cornice registica che parte dall’idea che la lettura e la letteratura siano fondamentali strumenti di confronto e aggregazione tra popoli, e che i viaggi con la mente possano costituire una riflessione e una risposta alla crisi. A curare la direzione artistica del progetto l’attore, Pietro Caramia, mentre gli intermezzi musicali sono stati a cura di Mag Mell. Alla violinista Samuela Mizzi sono stati affidati altri contributi musicali. Through an anthology of readings on the theme of the journey as dialogue and exchange between two cultures, the Italian and the Greek one, in the town of Monopoli, on the last 23rd and 30th of July, the association “ Presidio del Libro - Donne per la città” of Monopoli offered to the audience an emotional and cultural experience through the topics and the literatures of the two Countries. “All the companions of Ulysses” was an experience aimed to the sharing of music and readings on the theme of the journey. The first event is been held at the Church “Madonna del Rosario” of Monopoli, placed within the homonymous country-side district. The replica was at Charles the 5th Castle of Monopoli, seven days later. The framework of the project is based on the idea that reading and literature are fundamental means of comparison and integration among people and that the journey of mind could constitute a reflection and an answer to the crisis. The actor, Pietro Caramia, is the artistic director of this project. Musical interludes by Mag Mell. Other musical pieces were played by the violinist Samuela Mizzi. ANCHE A MONOPOLI IN SCENA LO SPETTACOLO DI ALFREDO TRAVERSA ALFREDO TRAVERSA’S PLAY ON THE STAGE IN MONOPOLI, AS WELL. A MUSICA D’ATTRACCO “THE SLEEPING WOR“LA BOTTEGA DORKSHOP” AT “MUSICA MIENTE” D’ATTRACCO” “La bottega dormiente”, lo spettacolo realizzato dal Teatro della Fede di Grottaglie e il Teatro Municipale di Corfù, ha fatto tappa a Monopoli lo scorso 30 luglio presso il centro polifunzionale “Musica d’Attracco”. Le vicende, gli uomini, gli oggetti della ceramica grottagliese raccontata dal regista pugliese Alfredo Traversa hanno visto la partecipazione di un vasto pubblico. Uno spettacolo che mette in scena le potenzialità culturali di un lavoro e di un mondo ai più sconosciuto. Il titolo non è un caso: ‘La Bottega Dormiente’, il luogo per risvegliarsi e prendere coscienza delle grandi opportunità culturali che il territorio dell’antica Magna Grecia ha per riprendere a volare. “The Sleeping workshop”, the play co-produced by the association “Teatro della Fede” of Grottaglie and the Municipal Theatre of Corfù, is been performed in Monopoli on the last 30th of July, at the mixed-use building “Musica d’Attracco” . A crowded audience took part in the event, in which the Apulian director, Alfredo Traversa, told about the stories, people, the pottery-objects of Grottaglie. This is a performance on the cultural skills, peculiar of a job and a world for many people unknown. The title is not randomly chosen: “the Sleeping workshop” is a place of awakening and awareness about the great cultural opportunities that the territory of the ancient Magna Graecia has in order to become a flywheel. LA CERIMONIA LO SCORSO 12 OTTOBRE AL CASTELLO DI CARLO V A MONOPOLI ON THE 12TH OF OCTOBER, THE OPENING- CEREMONY AT CHARLES THE 5TH CASTLE IN MONOPOLI. INAUGURATA LA “ROOM OF TALKING LANDS” THE INAUGURATION OF “TALKING LANDS” ROOM È fruibile al pubblico tutti i giorni, dal martedì alla domenica, dalle 10 alle 12 e dalle 17 alle 20, con unico giorno di chiusura il lunedì la “Room of Talking Lands”. Il nuovo contenitore è stato allestito presso la Sala delle Armi del cinquecentesco Castello di Carlo V di Monopoli. L’inaugurazione si è svolta sabato 12 ottobre alla presenza dell’Assessore del Comune di Monopoli Rosanna Perricci, del Vice Presidente del Teatro Pubblico Pugliese Paolo Ponzio, del Rettore dell’Università di Bari Corrado Petrocelli e del Dirigente della Regione Puglia Bernardo Notarangelo. La cerimonia si è conclusa con il concerto di musica etnica del gruppo Ghetonia e le “Incursioni teatrali” a cura di Paolo Panaro, Totò Onnis, Antonella Maddalena, Mimmo Mongelli e Alfredo Traversa. Con la realizzazione di un contenitore culturale che ospita centinaia tra libri, film/dvd, partiture musicali, cd musicali e manufatti artigianali forniti dai partner del progetto, giunge a conclusione il progetto di cooperazione che ha visto il Comune di Monopoli (partner capofila del progetto), insieme ai comuni pugliesi di Fasano e Grottaglie, ai partner greci della Regione delle Isole dello Ionio, della Regione della Grecia Occidentale e del Comune di Parga e al Teatro Pubblico Pugliese. In particolare, l’Amministrazione Comunale di Monopoli, nel ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno collaborato al progetto, attraverso l’Assessore allo Stato Sociale Rosanna Perricci (già Assessore alla Cultura) ha espresso soddisfazione «per essere riusciti a dotare Monopoli di un contenitore così importante e all’avanguardia, auspicando future forme di cooperazione internazionale». The Room of “Talking Lands” is accessible from Tuesday to Sunday - h. 10-12 and 5-8 p.m. The day-off is on Monday. This new hub is been implemented at the “Hall of Arms”, at the sixteenth century- Castle of Charles the 5th in Monopoli. On Saturday, October the 12th, the opening- ceremony is been carried out, in which Rosanna Perricci - Councillor for the Municipality of Monopoli, Paolo Ponzio - Vice-president of Apulian Public Theatre Consortium, Corrado Petrocelli Chancellor of University of Bari and Bernardo Notarangelo Manager at Apulia Region participated. At the end of the opening- ceremony, the concert of Ghetonià who played ethnic music and the “theatrical incursions” managed by Paolo Panaro, Totò Onnis, Antonella Maddalena, Mimmo Mongelli and Alfredo Traversa. With the implementation of a cultural hub that hosts hundreds of books, movies/DVDs, sheets- music, musical CDs and handmade products by project’s partners, this project of cooperation, whose partners were the Municipality of Monopoli (Lead Partner of the project), the Municipality of Fasano, the Municipality of Grottaglie and Greek partners such as the Region of Ionian Islands, the Region of Western Greece, the Municipality of Parga and Apulian Public Theatre Consortium-came to the end. Monopoli Town Council, particularly, gives thanks to everyone who collaborates in the project, through the words of the Councillor for Welfare State - Rosanna Perricci (former Councillor for Culture) - who is satisfied of “being capable of providing Monopoli with this so significant and well-advanced hub, after which we hope next actions of international cooperation.” Ο ΔΉΜΟΣ ΠΆΡΓΑΣ ΣΥΜΜΕΤΈΧΕΙ ΣΤΟ ΈΡΓΟ TALKING LANDS TALKING LANDS MUNICIPALITY OF PARGA «Ο Δήμος Πάργας αποφάσισε να συμμετέχει ως εταίρος στο έργο «TALKING LANDS: Η αφηγηματική τέχνη στις περιοχές της Απουλίας και της Ελλάδας», το οποίο εντάσσεται στο ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα εδαφικής συνεργασίας ΕλλάδαΙταλία 2007-2013. Το έργο αυτό έχει ως στόχο την ανάκτηση και προβολή των κοινών αξιών, την επιστροφή στις παραδόσεις και την ενθάρρυνση της δημιουργίας ενός διαπολιτισμικού διαλόγου μεταξύ των δύο χωρών και περιλαμβάνει ενέργειες όπως: · σεμινάρια για την τέχνη της αφήγησης και της υποκριτικής, · λογοτεχνικές συναντήσεις με πολιτιστικούς φορείς, καλλιτέχνες και συγγραφείς, · αφηγηματικές εκδηλώσεις και θεατρικές παραστάσεις καθώς και · μια βιβλιοθήκη που θα παρουσιάζει τους κοινούς δεσμούς της Ελλάδας και της Ιταλίας. Σημαντική πτυχή του έργου είναι η από κοινού διοργάνωση των αφηγηματικών εκδηλώσεων και θεατρικών παραστάσεων που θα δίνουν έμφαση στην κοινή πολιτιστική ταυτότητα των δύο χωρών. Όλες οι ενέργειες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στα πλαίσια του έργου TALKING LANDS ήταν αποτέλεσμα στενής συνεργασίας με τους υπόλοιπους εταίρους και σκληρής δουλειάς. Μετά το τέλος του έργου TALKING LANDS The Municipality of Parga decided to participate as a partner in the project «TALKING LANDS: talks between the lands of Apulia and Greece», accomplished within the framework of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece – Italy” 2007-2013. This project aims at the recovery of shared values and their promotion, at the revival of traditions and the encouragement of an intercultural dialogue between the both countries. The main activities included in the project are: · art seminars of storytelling and acting · literary meetings with cultural organisations , artists and writers · narrative events and theatrical performances · a common library relevant to the interconnections between Greece and Italy. The most important aspect of the project is the organisation of joint narrative events and theatrical performances that emphasize the mutual cultural identity of the countries. All actions carried out under the project TALKING LANDS were achieved as a result of strong partnership and working cooperation. In the end of the project TALKING LANDS, we can announce to rest satisfied from our project participation. We believe that the project created and encouraged the human μπορούμε να πούμε ότι νιώθουμε πολύ χαρούμενοι για αυτή μας τη συμμετοχή, σε ένα έργο που πάνω από όλα δημιούργησε και ενθάρρυνε τις ανθρώπινες σχέσεις και προώθησε τον πολιτισμό των δύο χωρών. Για τους λόγους αυτούς ευελπιστούμε και σε μελλοντικές συνεργασίες με τη γειτονική χώρα» , ανέφερε ενδεικτικά ο Δήμαρχος Πάργας κ. Αθανάσιος Λιόλιος. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου TALKING LANDS ο Δήμος Πάργας πραγματοποίησε αρκετές εκδηλώσεις πολιτιστικού χαρακτήρα, με στόχο την προώθηση των παραδόσεων και αξιών των δύο χωρών. Αναλυτικά, ο Δήμος Πάργας φιλοξένησε στο χώρο του αρχαίου Κάστρου της πόλης δύο θεατρικές παραστάσεις των συμμετεχόντων περιοχών στις 16 και 17 Ιουνίου. Το θεατρικό- αφηγηματικό έργο με τίτλο «Οΰτις Suite», από τη συνεργαζόμενη ομάδα του Δημοτικού Περιφερειακού Θεάτρου Πάτρας και του Babele AC του Δήμου Φαζάνο της Ιταλίας, το οποίο εστίαζε μέσα από τη μουσική, τον κινηματογράφο και τη θεατρική πράξη, στις πιο συναρπαστικές περιπέτειες του Οδυσσέα και την καλλιτεχνική παράσταση με τίτλο «Η ζωή, ο θάνατος και τα θαύματα του επιφανούς Αγίου Νικολάου», εκπροσωπώντας το Δήμο Πάργας και το Δήμο Monopoli της Ιταλίας, το οποίο αναφερόταν στη ζωή του Αγίου Νικολάου στις περιοχές της Ελλάδας και της Ιταλίας, σε συνδυασμό και με την παρουσίαση μουσικών κομματιών και μελωδιών από τις δύο χώρες. Λίγο αργότερα ο Δήμος Πάργας πραγματοποίησε μια ακόμα θεατρική παράσταση στις 20 Ιουλίου, στην περιοχή της Αγιάς στην οποία συμμετείχαν οι θεατρικές ομάδες του Δήμου Grottaglie & της Περιφέρειας Ιονίων Νήσων στην παράσταση ‘’La Bottega Dormiente’’. Κατά τη διάρκεια των καλοκαιρινών μηνών πραγματοποιήθηκαν επίσης στο Δήμο Πάργας δύο σεμινάρια, σε συνεργασία με τη Φιλαρμονική του Δήμου. Το πρώτο σεμινάριο πραγματοποιήθηκε από τις 25 Ιουνίου έως της 5 Ιουλίου και είχε ως θέμα τη μουσική του κινηματογράφου. Μουσικοί από την Πρέβεζα αλλά και τη Λευκάδα δίδαξαν κιθάρα, αρμόνιο, φλάουτο και χάλκινα πνευστά. Στο πλαίσιο του σεμιναρίου αναλύθηκε επίσης η αφηγηματική τέχνη στις μέρες μας, και η ιδιαιτερότητα των μουσικών συνθέσεων που γράφονται για να ντύσουν τις κινηματογραφικές ταινίες (η τεχνική του soundtrack). Η λήξη του πρώτου σεμιναρίου έγινε στις 5 Ιουλίου με μια μεγάλη μουσική εκδήλωση στο Καναλλάκι. Το δεύτερο σεμινάριο που πραγματοποιήθηκε στα πλαίσια του έργου TALKING LANDS έλαβε στο Δήμο Πάργας από relationships by promoting the culture in Greece and Italy. For these reasons „we hope to collaborate also in the future with our neighbouring country”, said the Mayor of Parga, Mr. Athanasios Liolios. The Municipality of Parga hosted on June 16th and 17th at the ancient castle of the city of Parga two theatrical performances of the involved regions. The theatrical-narrative performance «Οΰτις Suite», of the Western Greece Region & the Municipality of Fasano, co-produced by Babele AC and the Regional and Municipal Theatre of Patras (DIPETHE Patras), focused on the most exciting adventures of Odysseus through music, film and theatre. The theatrical performance “Life, death and miracles of the illustrious St. Nicholas,” consisted of narration and music of the both countries, was represented by the Municipality of Parga and the Municipality of Monopoli. Subsequently, the Municipality of Parga organised in the area of Agia another theatrical performance ‘’La Bottega Dormiente’’ on July 20, which was attended by the theatrical groups of the Municipality of Grottaglie & the Region of Ionian Islands. During the summer period, the Municipality of Parga also organised two workshops in collaboration with the Municipality of Band. The first seminar was held from June 25th to July 5th and the major topic was the cinema music. Musicians from Preveza and Lefkada acquired the guitar, harmonium, flute and brass knowledge. The seminar also discussed the contemporary narrative art and the musical specificity of the compositions written for the cinema (the soundtrack technique). The end of the first seminar took place on July 5 with a major music event in Kanallaki. The second narrative laboratory, held under the project TALKING LANDS, took place in the Municipality of Parga from Monday, July 29th to Tuesday, August 6th, 2013. The topic of the seminar was the art of storytelling and acting, as well as the musical refinements. The end of the seminar, held on August 6, with the presentation of the musical “The Birth of the Democracy”, which was created within the workshops put into practice. During the implementation of the project TALKING LANDS, the Municipality of Parga printed materials (leaflets and posters), elaborated radio and TV spots, published press releases. In the centre of the city was also installed an info-kiosk to promote the project and to inform the local communities. Finally, the Municipality of Parga planned and hosted four τη Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου μέχρι την Τρίτη 6 Αυγούστου 2013. Το θέμα του συγκεκριμένου σεμιναρίου ήταν η τέχνη της αφήγησης και της υποκριτικής, καθώς και οι ιδιαιτερότητες του μιούζικαλ. Η λήξη του σεμιναρίου πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 6 Αυγούστου με τα συμμετέχοντα μέλη να παρουσιάζουν το μιούζικαλ που δημιουργήθηκε στα πλαίσια των εργαστηρίων με τον τίτλο «Η Γέννηση της Δημοκρατίας». Κατά την υλοποίηση του έργου TALKING LANDS ο Δήμος Πάργας δημιούργησε έντυπο υλικό, ραδιοφωνικά και τηλεοπτικά σποτ, δελτία τύπου και επίσης εγκατάστησε ένα info-kiosk σε κεντρικό σημείο της πόλης, με στόχο την προώθηση του έργου καθώς και την ενημέρωση και ευαισθητοποίηση της τοπικής κοινωνίας. Τέλος, προγραμματίστηκαν και διοργανώθηκαν τέσσερις συναντήσεις με προσωπικότητες που έχουν γράψει ή αφηγηθεί σχετικά με την περιοχή της Πάργας, ή είναι άνθρωποι των γραμμάτων με εμπειρίες πάνω στην ιστορία της πόλης και της γύρω περιοχής. Οι συνεντεύξεις/ αφηγήσεις αυτές των συμμετεχόντων ατόμων καλύφθηκαν τηλεοπτικά. Οι αφηγήσεις που προέκυψαν αφορούσαν κυρίως την ιστορία της περιοχής της Πάργας, την ανάπτυξή της έτσι όπως αυτή προήλθε μέσα από τους πολέμους και την παρακμή αλλά και τις σχέσεις των κατοίκων της περιοχής με τους Ιταλούς, τόσο κατά τη διάρκεια του πολέμου, όσο και μετά τη λήξη αυτού. Είναι άξιο να σημειωθεί το συμπέρασμα που προέκυψε μέσα από αυτές τις συναντήσεις με τους συγκεκριμένους ανθρώπους και είναι η στενή σχέση φιλίας και συνεργασίας μεταξύ των δύο λαών που κρατάει ολόκληρες δεκαετίες, οι κοινές πολιτιστικές αξίες, παραδόσεις, και ιστορίες των δύο χωρών, έτσι όπως αυτές προκύπτουν μέσα από το πέρασμα του χρόνου. meetings with authors who write and narrate about the area of Parga, with experienced artists of city’s history. All interviews / narratives that took place were filmed. The emerged narratives focused on the history of Parga, its progress and gloom through the Wars, its relations before and after the military operations born between the local residents and the Italians. Under the influence of friendship spirit, shared cultural values, traditions and histories and a decade of cooperation between the both nations, in the end, the achievements of this project are well-deserved. I PRESIDI DEL LIBRO - PRESIDIUM OF THE BOOK – GROTTAGLIE GROTTAGLIE La scelta fatta da Grottaglie per la ricerca di materiali utili ad implementare innanzitutto la Room of Talking Lands di Monopoli capofila, e poi anche le Rooms di Fasano e Grottaglie, è stata quella di costruire una narrazione originale della propria comunità e del suo territorio, in grado di rendere una immagine di sé, sintetica ma il più possibile compiuta per quanto assolutamente non esaustiva e di un primo approccio con la produzione letteraria greca contemporanea. Per quanto riguarda i libri, in particolare, essi documentano il percorso letterario compiuto a Grottaglie con il Progetto, mentre in riferimento alla letteratura greca Grottaglie si è orientata soprattutto verso la produzione lirica di poeti greci contemporanei. Alla Room di Monopoli, Grottaglie ha inoltre fornito: • una significativa mostra fotografica (n. 11 pannelli) che danno un’idea della produzione ceramica di epoca magno greca e contemporanea ispirata ad essa; • una installazione di ceramica contemporanea dal titolo Filo di Arianna fatto di pietre, 2013 ad opera del ceramista artista Prof. Pino Lacava: L’opera rimanda concettualmente all’idea del labirinto. Al centro è posato un piatto (di un azzurro profondo). Una spirale, composta da ventidue elementi, raggiunge il luogo sacro; • un piatto in ceramica con il logo di Talking Lands ad opera del ceramista Annibale Trani. (Il piatto è stato riprodotto anche per la Room di Fasano e Grottaglie). The choice made by Grottaglie for the research of useful materials to present, firstly in the Room of Talking Lands in the leading town of Monopoly, and later in the Rooms of Fasano and of Grottaglie, was made for establishing an original narrative literature of the territory’s community, which is able to make a self-image- very concise and not exhausting, in the same time completely accomplished at first approach to the contemporary Greek literature. The books and their literary journey in reference to Greek literature, made alongside the Project in Grottaglie, were particularly oriented towards the works of contemporary Greek lyric poets. In the Room of Monopoly, Grottaglie also imposed on: • a significant photographic exhibition (panel No. 11) that gives an idea of the pottery manufacture dating back to Magna Grecia’s period and the contemporary art inspired by it; • an installation of contemporary pottery, made of stones by the specialist Prof. Pino Lacava in 2013, which was entitled Arianna’s Thread. The work refers conceptually to the idea of the labyrinth. At the centre is placed a tile (of dark, deep- blue). One spiral, composed of twenty-two elements, stands a holy place; • a ceramic dish with the logo of Talking Lands made by the specialist AnnibaleTrani. (The dish was also reproduced for the Room of Fasano and Grottaglie). GROTTAGLIE: LA TRAMA DELLE AFFINITÀ GROTTAGLIE: “WEFT” OF AFFINITIES Obiettivo del progetto è stato quello di far dialogare terre che si fronteggiano unite e non separate dall’Adriatico che da sempre hanno condiviso tratti di storia, rintracciabili nelle forme architettoniche, nelle tradizioni e nelle espressioni artistiche sia pugliesi che greche. Grottaglie ha tessuto, negli incontri letterari l’ordito di contaminazioni letterarie che risalgono all’epica e ai miti omerici e che si distende nei secoli sino alla contemporaneità, facendoci così comprendere la complessità e la molteplicità del presente. La co-produzione teatrale ha definitivamente disteso la trama delle affinità culturali che nella produzione ceramica trovano la sublimazione. Leggenda, mito, artigianato, paesaggi mozzafiato, mare, tradizioni, produzioni locali delle due terre sono stati rivisitati e raccontati come piccole storie nella ricostruzione e nel riconoscimento di una Storia più ampia e comune. The project “Talking lands” aims to engage Apulia and Greece in conversation. Their both lands spread out to opposite coast, but are connected by the Adriatic Sea. The both areas share historical and traditional paths that we uncover in the shapes of architectural and artistic expressions in Apulia and in Greece. During the literary meetings, Grottaglie has woven the story of the epic and Homeric myths turning steps to the past centuries and to the modern times, helping to understand the present complexity. Actually, the theatrical co-production has unveiled the cultural affinities expressed by the pottery manufacture. Fascinating legends, myths, crafts and traditions, breathtaking sea and landscapes, mutual local production have been revisited in short stories for narrating the immense history shared by the both lands. CALA IL SIPARIO SUL TALKING LANDS PROGETTO TALKING LAN- PROJECT – THE FINAL DS ED È ORA DI BILAN- CURTAIN IN FASANO CI ANCHE A FASANO. Si è trattato indubbiamente di una esperienza forte e importante per il valore culturale e simbolico: avvicinare le comunità italiane e greche attraverso i punti di contatto che hanno influenzato reciprocamente storia, cultura e costumi. Un progetto che ha visto collaborare attivamente e congiuntamente i vari soggetti attraverso il linguaggio universale del teatro, della gestualità e della musica. A Fasano il progetto ha cercato di coinvolgere la cittadinanza e soprattutto i giovani e gli studenti attraverso incontri con gli autori, laboratori e visite a luoghi simbolo. Così ben otto iniziative hanno visto storici dell’arte, scrittori, archeologi biologi e poeti (tra cui Vassili Vassilikos – nella foto) raccontare attraverso libri, quadri, testimonianze archeologiche, essenze vegetali, musiche e poesie quanto Puglia e Grecia hanno in comune. Radici che affondano nello stesso mare che separa e unisce queste terre; un mare percorso in passato dalle navi dei coloni greci che su questi lidi fondarono le città della Magna Grecia, dalle imbarcazioni dei pellegrini e dei crociati diretti in Terra Santa e che oggi è percorso dai traghetti e dalle navi da crociera di turisti desiderosi di gustare le bellezze naturalistiche, storiche ed archeologiche che le terre di Grecia e di Puglia custodiscono gelosamente e che spesso raccontano di un glorioso passato e di storie comuni. Particolarmente significativo è stato lo spettacolo teatrale messo in scena dagli studenti del Liceo “Leonardo Da Vinci” di Fasano, che sotto la guida del docente, prof. Michele Iacovazzi, hanno rappresentato nel Parco rupestre di “Lama d’Antico” (ricco di It has undoubtedly been quite an experience! Mostly remarkable for the strong involvement of cultural and symbolic meanings: we successfully tried to put in deep contact Apulian and Greek communities through matching points which have reciprocally influenced our history and culture, by means of active and allied collaboration among various subjects who have practiced the universal language of theatre, gestures and music. The Project in Fasano has been aimed to involve the whole citizenship, mainly youth and students, through a series of meetings with authors, labs and visits to symbolic places. Thus, by a sequence of eight events, art historians, writers, archaeologists, biologists and poets (among these Vassili Vassilikos – in the picture) told us with their books, music and poems, how much Apulia and Greece have in common. Two Lands deeply rooted in the same separating and connecting Sea; that sea sailed along by Greek settlers who in the past founded Magna Graecia towns, sailed by pilgrims and crusaders on their way to the Holy Land, the same sea sailed today by ferries and cruise ships bringing around thousands of tourists wishing to enjoy natural beauties, history and archaeology so jealously preserved by Greece and Apulia, a priceless richness as proof of a magnificent past and common history. Particularly significant is the theatrical performance staged by the students of Leonardo da Vinci High School of Fasano, who, under the passionate direction of high school teacher Mr. Michele Iacovazzi, have performed the drama For Love, only for Love in the touching frame of Lama d’Antico, an ancient Rupestrian set- grotte affrescate dai monaci basiliani) il dramma “Per amore, solo per amore”. Uno spettacolo dedicato al mito di Orfeo e Euridice che ha coniugato musica, danza e recitazione, ricalcando la struttura della tragedia greca con la presenza costante del coro che, nel prologo e nell’esodo, ha recitato in greco classico versi di Saffo e Mimnermo. Nel testo inoltre sono stati inseriti testi di autori della letteratura greca, latina, italiana e straniera (Euripide, Catullo, Virgilio, Ovidio, Petrarca, Poliziano, Rilke), mentre i pezzi musicali sono stati tratti dai cantautori italiani (tra cui “Euridice” di Roberto Vecchioni e “Orfeo” di Carmen Consoli) ed anche dai suoni dell’antica Roma (come i lamenti funebri delle “Neniae” e i ritmi frenetici di “Baccus”). Importanti, infine per la riuscita del progetto, i vari meeting che, se da una parte hanno consentito di fare il punto della situazione dal punto di vista tecnico e burocratico, dall’altro sono stati fondamentali per creare e rafforzare vincoli di stima e di amicizia tra i partner del progetto e i loro rappresentanti istituzionali. tlement rich in caves frescoed by Basilian Friars, perfect to renew the myth of sorrowful Orpheus, trying to bring back to light and life his beloved bride Eurydice, basically structured on the assets of the classical Greek tragedy and mixing music and dance and acting all together with the permanent participation of the chorus, which has performed in the Greek language verses of Sappho and Mimnermo in the prologue as well as in the exodus. There have been also different authors “entries”, taken from Greek and Latin – Italian and foreign Literature (Euripides, Catullus, Virgil, Ovid, Petrarch, Poliziano, Rilke and so on), and Italian songwriters famous ballads (among these, Euridice by R. Vecchioni and Orfeo by C. Consoli), so as sounds taken from ancient Rome (i.e. “Neniae” funeral laments and “Baccus” delirious rhythms) Essential for the success of the Project have finally been all the partnership meetings, which have allowed to point the technical and bureaucratic issues on one side, and definitely strengthening friendship and consideration among Project Partners and their institutional representatives. TALKING LANDS: PUGLIA E GRECIA VIAGGIO TRA CONTAMINAZIONI ARTISTICHE E CULTURALI DALL’ANTICHITÀ AI GIORNI NOSTRI TALKING LANDS: JOURNEY OF ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL BLEND BETWEEN APULIA AND GREECE, FROM ANTIQUITY TO NOWADAYS Tirando le somme del progetto “Talking Lands - talks between the lands of Apulia and Greece” i risultati non possono che essere positivi. Il viaggio tra le contaminazioni letterarie dall’antichità ai giorni nostri, tra l’arte, la musica, le tradizioni e il teatro ha aiutato a scoprire chi siamo e da dove veniamo. La collaborazione e il legame tra la Grecia e la Puglia si è manifestato in tutta la sua interezza raggiungendo risultati altrimenti difficilmente raggiungibili come il rafforzamento della coesione territoriale e la valorizzazione delle peculiarità dei territori. Tante le azioni che hanno animato i territori partner: i laboratori urbani, condotti da operatori culturali e teatrali; gli eventi di narrazione e gli incontri letterari realizzati in collaborazione tra autori, artisti, associazioni culturali e attori locali di entrambi i Paesi; le tre coproduzioni teatrali italo-greche. E poi le sei rassegne teatrali, in tutti i territori partner; i sei totem multimediali (tre per i video e tre per le musiche) per la proiezione dei video descrittivi dei territori, e l’ascolto della selezione musicale concessa da Puglia Sounds. La Sala delle Terre Parlanti del Castello Carlo V di Monopoli che ospita in totale 409 libri, 67 film/dvd, 18 partiture musicali e 61 cd musicali e alcuni manufatti artigianali forniti dai partner del progetto, che testimoniano un percorso tra storia, leggende, tradizioni e ambiente, in grado di rappresentare e far conoscere al pubblico la cultura dei luoghi. Infine il documentario, realiz- Summing up effects of the project “Talking Lands: talks between the lands of Apulia and Greece” the results can only be positive. The journey through the literary blend from antiquity to nowadays, filled with art, music, traditions and theatre, helped us to discover who we are and where we come from. The entirety of collaboration and the connections between Greece and Apulia was demonstrated by achieving results difficult to reach as the strengthening of the territorial cohesion and the valuation of territorial peculiarities. There are too many actions accomplished in the partner areas: urban workshops, conducted by cultural and theatrical operators; narrative events and literary meetings in collaboration with authors, artists, cultural associations and local actors from the both countries, three Italo- Greek theatrical co-productions. Six theatrical shows in all partners’ territories, six multimedia totems (three for video and three for music) for the projection of both the descriptive video and the hearing of selected music, granted by Puglia Sounds, have been done. The Room of Talking Lands in the castle Carlo V in Monopoli includes 409 books, 67 movies / DVDs, 18 music scores, 61 music CDs and some handicrafts provided by the partners of the project. All this, testifies to a journey through history, legends, zato dal Teatro Pubblico Pugliese con la regia di Pierdomenico Mongelli, in cui si indagano e si raccontano eventi contemporanei, leggende, tradizione, usanze storiche, ambientali, artistiche e culturali dei territori di Grecia e Italia. Un reportage delle attività specifiche di cui si compone il progetto Talking Lands, che raccoglie le riprese degli spettacoli, dei backstage, delle ricerche e dei laboratori, inserite nel contesto contemporaneo dei territori partner, e che si snoda attraverso le interviste ai soggetti che, a diverso titolo, sono coinvolti nella loro programmazione, organizzazione e realizzazione del progetto. traditions and environment, able to represent and to let the audience know the culture of the places. Last but not least, the documentary produced by Teatro Pubblico Pugliese and directed by Pierdomenico Mongelli, which investigates and narrates different contemporary events, legends and traditions, historical, environmental and artistic use from Greece and Italy. A reportage of the specific activities of “Talking Lands” project, through interviews with people who have been involved in the planning, organisation and implementation of the project, has been realised. This has included the recording of shows, backstage, research and laboratories in the contemporary context of the partner areas. INFO Teatro Pubblico Pugliese via Cardassi, 26 7012 Bari tel. 080.5580195 [email protected]