PhD-IBMG-II-Soirée Regolazione espressione genica. Microarrays vs RNA-Seq I livelli di regolazione. Etero ed eucromatina, nuclei, territori Transcriptional regulation - Transcriptomes - Noncoding RNAs Transcriptional memory - epigenetics and transgenerational epigenetics Post-transcriptional regulation: miRNA What is known on long-noncoding RNA functions This is one of the millions cartoons representing DNA and figuring genetics and molecular biology in the web. Is that realistic in 2K ? Does nacked DNA bring complete information ? Proteins in this cartoon are just examples ENS LYON - Publications / Chromatin Dynamics and DNA Chromatin Workshop Chromatin carries the information. It is composed of DNA, variously modified histone proteins, DNA binding factors, enzymes, other proteins and noncoding RNAs. DNA Histones and their modifications and variants Enzymes Transcription Factors Other proteins ncRNAs DNA sequence is «genetic» since it is replicated and transmitted without variations Other things listed above represent «epi-genetic» information. The term «Epigenetic» indicates an information that can be mitotically inherited, but not linked to DNA sequence itself. There is (erroneous) tendency to use it for all functional modifications to chromatin, even when not inheritable. Just to know... Valutazione dell’espressione geica differenziale L’analisi del DNA e dell’RNA è basata sulla proprietà degli acidi nucleici della ibridazione molecolare secondo le regole di appaiamento di Watson-Crick 5’ – gttacctggagtagagacat – 3’ 5’-atgtctctactccaggtaac -3’ Nei metodi di analisi classici, validi per singoli geni, il DNA frammentato o l’RNA estratto da un tessuto vengono separati sulla base della dimensione molecolare mediante elettroforesi su gel di agarosio Dopo la separazione, il materiale è trasferito su un filtro (blot) e quindi le molecole cercate vengono identificate perchè in grado di ibridare (ovvero legare) una sonda costituita da un frammento di DNA complementare, marcata con un sistema che ne consente la rivelazione (radioisotopi, fluorocromi). Il riconoscimento qualitativo avviene sulla base della dimesnione molecolare dei frammenti positivi La misura semi-quantitativa è effettuata valutando l’intensità dell’ibridazione Un’alternativa più moderna è la PCR (DNA) o RT-PCR (RNA) Denaturing Northern blot measures mRNA that is present in tissues or cell lines. Evaluation is based on 1) hybridization signal; 2) size of the reactive mRNA species; 3) semiquantitative evaluation. Probe finds its complementary Labelled probe molecules Different RNA molecules attached to filter Filter La tecnica di ibridazione su fase solida permette di misurare molti RNA contemporaneamente – I microarrays a DNA Sonde complementari a diversi geni vengono depositate su un filtro L’RNA viene estratto dalle cellule Sonda A Sonda B RNA A RNA B Sonda C ecc … RNA C ecc … …e ibridizzati alle sonde sul filtro appositamente retrotrascritti e marcati con fluorocromi Risultato valutato come intensità di fluorescenza L’RNA viene estratto dalle cellule Gene A: SI RNA A RNA B Gene B: NO Gene X: molto! RNA C ecc … …e ibridizzati alle sonde sul filtro appositamente marcati con RT The complex probe, i.e. labeled RNA (or cDNA) from the biological sample n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 a section of a oligonucleotide microarray at row “n” n…… How a spotted microarrays hybridized with two-colors probes looks like under fluorescence microscope. This is a low-density array, just 1,600 probes / cmq 1 cm Today up to >60,000 Illumina 12xWhole Human Genome Beadarrays fluorescence quantitated Laser source Il DNA microarray viene sottoposto a scansione con un laser: per ogni spot, viene quantificata la fluorescenza nel canale appropriato. La fluorescenza sarà proporzionale (entro un certo campo) alla quantità di quello specifico RNA (complementare alla sonda in quella posizione) presente nel campione. How an Affychip is used Single-color amicroarray Dual-color labeling / Comparative hybridization Double-color microarray Cellule sane Estrazione di RNA, e marcatura con 2 diversi fluorocromi Ibridazione Cellule cancerose The read-out of a microarray experiment for analysis of gene expression Primary read out is a table of Fluorescence intensities Gene name Probe ID Fluorescence Normalized __________________________________________________________ ABCD Tor123456 346.78 1 CDH1 Tor123457 111.23 0.324 HRAS Tor123458 222.46 0.648 TFF1 Tor123459 11.12 0.032 ….. ..... ..... (continues for N lines, from few hundreds up to 50-60,000 for genome-wide microarrays) Bioinformatics, Statistics ! Secondary read-out is a comparative expression analysis In the case of double-color assay: For each gene (probe) the ratio between red and green fluorescence is measured. This is called «ratio» and is usually expressed as a Log in base 2 (Log2ratio) In the case of single-color assay, each gene (probe) is associated to a Normalized value, i.e. the ratio of his normalized fluorescence to a standard reference gene(s). Diversi campioni analizzati Sonde (geni) Nome vetrino GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 5037705_S01_GE2 5037705_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5037705_S01_GE2 5037705_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 NO_Spikein_1_1 NO_Spikein_1_2 NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 NO_Spikein_1_1 NO_Spikein_1_2 NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 Numero vetrino 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Colore Red Red Red Red Red Red Green Green Green Green Green Green Stimolo Tamoxifen Tamoxifen Untreated Untreated Estrogen Estrogen Tamoxifen Tamoxifen Untreated Untreated Estrogen Estrogen Trattamento siCtrl siTab2 siCtrl siTab2 siCtrl siTab2 siTab2 siCtrl siTab2 siCtrl siTab2 siCtrl ProbeName Gene Name GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 GEP_TAB2_25148 5037705_S01_GE2 5037705_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5037705_S01_GE2 5037705_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 5036994_S01_GE2 v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ v5_95_Feb07_2_ NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 NO_Spikein_1_1 NO_Spikein_1_2 NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 NO_Spikein_1_1 NO_Spikein_1_2 NO_Spikein_1_3 NO_Spikein_1_4 A_24_P478940 THC2668815 1592.824 997.1755 873.5041 607.8645 6829.532 5040.509 937.3201 1259.797 590.8834 642.9285 4210.666 5307.477 A_32_P38153 AK057709 1014.571 872.695 284.9987 256.1089 2096.175 2135.351 888.3797 1007.321 359.0979 268.0768 2749.321 2277.641 A_32_P49199 PGR 367.4936 431.2933 269.8744 268.6231 1955.63 1716.041 451.8824 339.7921 353.0977 251.629 2050.603 1702.065 A_23_P216225 EGR3 188.7889 117.2561 137.3518 95.94292 849.5961 378.4002 117.6472 166.3025 104.9777 127.9327 439.5834 667.7256 A_23_P73526 CITED1 256.0494 242.8608 100.6554 106.6672 586.6913 574.1368 239.8019 218.5055 122.4987 106.5085 570.5793 502.1365 A_23_P138938 PGR 202.7657 223.1904 166.2498 178.8664 836.921 950.6731 279.9407 197.2315 201.9929 154.4607 911.349 842.6516 A_23_P58407 UGT2B15 290.318 392.5214 159.4434 257.2121 755.6996 1108.057 421.2808 287.7875 276.8222 171.0651 1070.959 898.7676 A_23_P329768 GREB1 387.7765 397.7517 458.2526 438.8445 2063.436 1733.951 792.4646 795.0189 1399.793 1415.548 5009.719 6896.316 A_24_P17691 UGT2B17 225.9956 308.0241 155.5428 244.09 725.6027 934.7345 257.7644 204.1438 185.0093 143.4956 676.1984 573.0021 A_23_P69699 NPY1R 1255.263 1511.697 1073.773 1224.392 4469.823 4513.5 2907.967 2214.892 2590.699 2207.618 10689.16 9776.069 A_23_P202245 RET 1163.705 693.7436 614.1019 302.3615 2485.864 1702.553 696.5159 891.0366 319.0103 493.6255 1659.763 2235.899 A_32_P57877 CD365380 143.9107 149.4294 125.7661 143.0269 922.993 157.3608 157.2323 120.7246 148.6814 135.7534 609.369 151.409 A_23_P353614 C8orf46 117.3481 130.8704 124.6863 124.9572 468.4099 442.0125 123.2606 126.1182 131.7437 110.9967 472.9365 492.9662 A_23_P162579 HSPB8 3419.048 5547.424 1683.745 2566.708 6719.538 8617.95 5334.391 3374.663 2706.644 1632.549 8554.665 6753.329 A_24_P520201 THC2553558 114.9983 107.5519 114.1133 120.1143 796.6127 114.9806 122.9388 114.0368 121.6015 115.0924 508.4736 126.1093 A_23_P43157 MYBL1 1035.348 538.7504 1012.306 501.9906 3764.83 2334.458 568.0601 881.6594 534.3326 762.8434 1735.96 3246.104 A_23_P202448 CXCL12 679.2454 719.6995 560.4945 597.2649 2245.093 2037.724 681.292 647.324 618.933 510.4181 2004.935 1930.882 A_23_P168351 HEY2 222.4111 362.0376 151.4344 228.0122 550.1723 888.4076 425.047 302.0049 289.2479 176.576 943.4017 694.3075 A_23_P352535 PPP1R16B 257.9374 228.1916 253.6183 312.2321 1657.462 245.7492 217.1166 165.9701 186.6542 229.238 1192.102 171.7058 A_24_P100228 XBP1 13673.57 13781.52 10014.85 10653.04 36387.21 31597.26 14860.69 15023.41 9912.898 11257.68 30889.16 42537.33 A_24_P403417 PTGES 128.3569 115.2637 101.5564 91.30175 341.9827 239.8391 132.6442 144.8368 97.74339 111.8219 333.7186 444.5986 A_24_P511686 CR616845 918.5523 863.9754 521.2184 499.116 1763.467 1503.47 914.7752 939.7894 515.2926 538.2761 1382.367 2122.978 A_23_P148609 PLAC1 212.4161 231.6628 172.3428 151.8443 584.157 812.501 228.9205 180.1904 206.6794 117.9451 687.6398 475.0838 I profili di espressione genica vengono spesso riassunti e rappresentati utilizzando «heat-map» I valori individuali di fluorescenza vengono normalizzati su una o più sonde di riferimento I valori di fluorescenza normalizzati vengono raggruppati in classi. Ad ogni classe di intensità è attribuito un colore progressivo Gene Id. Table of fluorescence intensities (or frequencies of a tag) Sample X Laser scanning Data normalization Transformation to false-color code ->6-fold -3-6-fold -1-3-fold equal to median +1-3-fold +3-6-fold +>6-fold Representation of results Join results from different samples HNF3a KDR/Flk1 ERa Keratin 17 Troponin I Integrin b4 GATA bp3 AP-2a ……. …… ….. …. ... Cluster analysis 1 HMEC HUVEC MDAMB231 BT549 SKBR3 BT474 MCF7 T47D ->6-fold -3-6-fold -1-3-fold equal to median +1-3-fold +3-6-fold +>6-fold HNF3a KDR/Flk1 ERa Keratin 17 Troponin I Integrin b4 GATA bp3 AP-2a Cluster analysis 2 HMEC HUVEC MDAMB231 BT549 SKBR3 BT474 MCF7 T47D ->6-fold -3-6-fold -1-3-fold equal to median +1-3-fold +3-6-fold +>6-fold KDR/Flk1 AP-2a Troponin I Keratin 17 Integrin b4 HNF3a GATA bp3 ERa Gene expression are represented as “heat maps” Clustering by similarity Different expression profiles in human cells of different tissues: 1800 genes probes RNA Seq gives both qualitative and quantitative results ctr stimulus ctr stimulus Quantitative Read frequency at each nucleotide is calculated and integrated over the lenght of each transcript Are microarrays and RNA-Seq results comparable ? A 2° example: Hierarchical clustering of results from “kinetics” experiment shows 8 main clustering groups, representing genes regulated at different time intervals after the estrogenic stimulus time points time points time points early repression late repression early induction delayed induction late induction TF a b E TF2 primaria c Secondaria o indiretta E2 heterochromatin Khm reprogramming euchromatin Nc gene transcription C gene Ktc pre-ncRNA Kpr processing & transport Ktc pre-mRNA Kpr Localization, translation mRNA ncRNA KdR KdR degraded degraded folding & modifications Ktl peptide Kpd degraded Kpt protein Ka Microarray analysis following a perturbation Differentially expressed genes are genes showing x-fold variation that is significant following statistical analysis In each group, part of the genes are «functional products» (e.g. encoding proteins involved in the physiologic effect of the perturbation); in part they are secondary Transcriptional regulators; in part they are genes regulated by different mechanisms (next lessons) From: Cicatiello et al., 2010, Am J Pathol, 176:2113. Come distinguo i bersagli primari da quelli che richiedono percorsi a più nodi? Al solito utilizziamo un esempio: nelle cellule umane, molti recettori presenti sulla membrana cellulare (per esempio recettori adrenenrgici, recettori di alcuni ormoni) agiscono attraverso un secondo messaggero, il cAMP. Il cAMP attiva particolari proteina-cinasi (chiamate PKA) che hanno diversi effetti citoplasmatici. Inoltre la PKA fosforila un fattore di trascrizione chiamato CREB, attivandolo. CREB – cAMP Response Element Binding protein H AC CRE = cAMP response element cAMP PKA R ATP K ADP PP CRE CREB Se trattiamo una coltura cellulare con uno di questi stimoli e poi analizziamo l’RNA con microarray, osserveremo come al solito una serie di geni attivati e di geni repressi. Come possiamo sapere quali sono i geni che sono attivati (o repressi) direttamente da CREB ? (risposta primaria) Ci attendiamo che questi geni posseggano, nelle loro regioni di regolazione, almeno un CREB binding site (ovvero la sequenza nucleotidica che viene riconosciuta da CREB) Ovvero, il primo livello che si può esplorare in parallelo al risultato della trascrizione (RNA) è quello in cui i geni vengono riconosciuti da Fattori di Trascrizione (TF) Transcription Factors 252-263 Figure 1 Current state of knowledge about transcription factors in the human genome. a | For the top 20 most cited transcription factors (TFs) in PubMed the number of studies performed in humans (blue bars) and in all other organisms (grey bars) is shown. ER* combines the citations for ERs1 and ERs2, which were indistinguishable in the literature search; similarly, STAT5* includes citations for both STAT5A and STAT5B. b | summary of biological processes regulated by TFs. Annotations were obtained from the Gene Ontology database, excluding those based only in electronic annotation. Numbers of annotated TFs are given in parentheses; each gene can be annotated with more than one function. Come possiamo sapere su un certo Fattore di Trascrizione è legato ad una regione di regolazione di un certo gene? Via predittiva Se si conoscono le preferenze del TF, si può utilizzare un algoritmo che cerchi nella sequenza della regione di regolazione del gene la presenza di quel motivo o di motivi molto simili Es: GGTCAxxxTGACC Via analitica Se si dispone di un buon anticorpo (immunoglobulina) che riconosca specificamente il nostro TF, esiste una tecnica che ci dice se – in vivo – il TF è legato al nostro gene: la Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, per gli amici «ChIP». Identification of Transcription factor-bound DNA by chromatin immunoprecipitation test cells A B C D My TF Other proteins B A C D TF-containing chromatin is immunoprecipitated Antibody against My TF immunoprecipitates TF-DNA B D DNA is purified and fluorochrome-labelled B D Interrogate the presence of your gene in these fragments using PCR or Southern Blot none Mapping Posso usare un microarray d’espressione ? No Microarray genomici – Tiling arrays - Micorarray di sequenze promotoriali ChIP-Seq Purtroppo, i geni sono strani ..... Enhancers wherever L’estensione, il numero e la complessità degli elementi di regolazione genica aumentano con la complessità degli organismi. Each cis element has the potential to bind a specific transcription factor Sequence element Transcription factor PIC +1 P Transcribed sequence Each bound protein contributes its own regulatory activity to the gene. The result in terms of gene regulation is the sum of all specific contributions by the bound transcription factors. Genome-wide identification of Transcription factor-bound DNA by ChIP-Seq test cells A B C D My TF Other proteins B A C D TF-containing chromatin is immunoprecipitated Antibody against My TF immunoprecipitates TF-DNA B D DNA is purified and fluorochrome-labelled B D NGS Reads mapping none Il legame dei Fattori trascrizionali ci dice che «quel» regolatore è in posizione per controllare potenziamente il gene Quando il gene è attivato, oltre ai Fattori Trascrizionali si trovano anche impegnati «Coattivatori», enzimi modificatori della cromatina e la RNA Polimerasi Inoltre, gli stati «attivo» ed «inattivo di un gene sono accompagnati anche da modificazioni della struttura della cromatina (nucleosoma) e delle proteine cromatiniche presenti. Utilizzando la stessa tecnica «ChIP» accompagnata da sequenziamento (ChIP-Seq) è possibile descrivere lo stato della cromatina a livello di tutti i geni o loci che sono coinvolti nella regolazione che stiamo studiando. Gli enzimi rimodellatori della cromatina Spostano o eliminano nucleosomi dalle regioni del promotore Diverse proteine sono impegnate in questa azione strutturale sulla cromatina. I rimodellaotri si trovano tipicamente in prossimità del gene quando il un Fattore di Trascrizione lega la regione per attivare il gene Una serie di «coattivatori» si trovano anche in prossimità del promotore dopo il legame del Fattore di Trascrizione. I coattivatori hanno tipicamente una attività Istone acetil-trasferasica (HAT), che allenta il legame degli istoni al DNA, permettendo alla RNA Polimerasi e all’apparato basale di posizionarsi sul promotore. I fattori di Trascrizione reclutano in zona enzimi che modificano la cromatina e istone acetilai o deacetilasi Se i fattore è atttivatore, vi saranno prevalentemente acetilasi (HAT) Se il fattore è repressore, si troveranno prevalentemente deacetilasi (HDAC) Esistono poi enzimi chiamati «Istone metil-trasferasi) che metilano residui di Lisina e di Arginina in posizioni specifiche degli istoni Infine, il DNA viene anche metilato e demetilato, accompagnando stai di silenziamento o di attività Le metilazioni degli istoni sono posizione-specifica e si trovano tipicamente associate a stati del gene diversi. Per esempio la Lisina in posizione 4 dell’istone H3 è metilata in rossimità dei promotori dei geni attivi. Al contrario, la Lisina in posizione 9 dello stesso istone H3 è metilata in prossimità dei promotori inattivi o repressi Tutti questi enzimi, proteine ed anche specifiche modificazioni istoniche si possono «mappare» sui geni utilizzando la tecnologia della ChIP-Seq, a patto che esistano Anticorpi specifici per le proteine e le modificazioni che cerchiamo. Primo esempio di dato multidimensionale Gene G Chromosome N Mappa genomica m Numero di reads n Posizione My TF RNA Polimerasi H3K4me3 RNA-Seq Regolazione Eterocromatina/eucromatina e posizionale Macroscopic =647 Le diverse forme e organizzazioni interne del nucleo in tipi cellulari differenti riflette una logica di organizzazione dei cromosomi interfasici ? Introducing nuclear localization of interphase chromosomes Chromosome 5 painting From Parada et al., 2004, Genome Biol. 5:R44. 3 4 5 2 1 Scala probabilità della differenza From Parada et al., 2004, Genome Biol. 5:R44. Tissue-specific relative positioning of chromosomes 12, 14 and 15 From Parada et al., 2004, Genome Biol. 5:R44. Conclusions: Interphase chromosomes occupy discrete “territories” within the nucleus Position of interphase chromosomes is cell-specific Relative positioning is also cell type-specific Come tema generale, l’eterocromatina sembra addensarsi alla periferia del nucleo A B Figure 1 | Heterochromatin in mammalian and yeast cells is distinct from nuclear pores. A | An electron micrograph of the mammalian liver nucleus (with an enlarged section shown in part B), showing dense-staining heterochromatin located around the nucleolus and against the nuclear envelope. Nuclear pores open onto lighterstaining open chromatin. Akhtar & Gasser, 2007; Nat Rev Gen 8:507-517. Figure 2 | The nuclear periphery in metazoans and yeast. b | In metazoan nuclei, the nuclear envelope is underlaid by a continuous meshwork of lamins and laminassociated proteins (LAPs), which preferentially associate with inactive chromatin regions. Increasing evidence implicates interactions of chromatin with various nuclear-envelope components in gene repression as well as gene activation. BAF, barrier to autointegration factor; GCL1, germ-cell-less homologue; RB, retinoblastoma 1. Altra domanda: Nei «territori cromosomali» geni espressi e geni silenziati sono distribuiti a caso ? No. La DNA / RNA FISH permette di visualizzare i geni espressi, di solito sulla superficie dei territori cromosomali Si vede bene, per esempio, nei (pochi) geni del cromosoma X inattivo che «scappano» al silenziamento. (a) Structure of the Xist gene with the conserved repeat regions labeled A– F. The A region (red) denotes the conserved A-repeat region essential for gene silencing. (b) Combined RNA-immunofluorescence on day 2 differentiated female ES cells, showing the Xistcoated transcriptionally silent compartment which is enriched for H3K27me3. (c) Model. Xist coating induces the formation of a transcriptionally silent repetitive compartment. As genes are silenced they are recruited into this compartment. A possible mediator for this internalization may be the matrix-associated protein SATB1/2. from Chow, Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:359–366 Dov’è la «macchina trascrizionale» ? Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence - RNA polymerase II CTD repeat YSPTSPS (phospho S5) antibody - ChIP Grade (ab5131) Abcam website ICC/IF image of ab5131 stained human HeLa cells. The cells were methanol fixed (5 min), permabilised in TBS-T (20 min) and incubated with the antibody (ab5131, 1µg/ml) for 1h at room temperature. 1%BSA / 10% normal goat serum / 0.3M glycine was used to quench autofluorescence and block non-specific protein-protein interactions. The secondary antibody (green) was Alexa Fluor® 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) used at a 1/1000 dilution for 1h. Alexa Fluor® 594 WGA was used to label plasma membranes (red). DAPI was used to stain the cell nuclei (blue). green spots: RNA Pol II Red spot: RNA immuno-FISH Red spots: DNA immuno-FISH of an active gene (see legend) Lamond & Spector, 2003 Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 4, 605-612 In transcriptionally active cells, pre-messenger RNA splicing factors localize in a speckled distribution pattern (left panel, arrows), as well as being diffusely distributed throughout the nucleoplasm. In certain cell types, these factors are also present in Cajal bodies (left panel, arrowheads). On transcriptional inhibition (actinomycin D 0.5 g /ml, 120 min), speckles increase in size and 'round up' (right panel, arrows). In addition, some factors form a 'cap' on the surface of the nucleolus (right panel, arrowheads). Immunolabelling was carried out using Y12 antibody9, which recognizes small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles. Scale bar, 8 m. Figure 1. Diversity of nuclear bodies. The cartoon represents the landscape of an interphase mammalian cell nucleus. The nucleus is enclosed by a double-membrane structure termed the nuclear envelope, which is contiguous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum and serves as a physical barrier to separate nuclear contents from cytoplasm. The nuclear envelope is interrupted in places by nuclear pore complexes controlling nucleocytoplasmic transport. Under the inner face of the nuclear envelope, the nuclear lamina provides mechanical support and participates in chromatin organization. The nucleus contains the vast majority of the genetic material of the cell organized as multiple chromosomes. Interphase chromosomes occupy distinct chromosome territories. Chromatin fibers and loops from the same chromosome territory and from neighboring chromosome territories can make contact and intermingle in cis and trans. The interchromatin space is very organized, highly dynamic, and harbors multiple nuclear bodies, such as Cajal bodies, clastosomes, histone locus bodies, nuclear speckles, nucleoli, paraspeckles, perinucleolar compartments, PML-nuclear bodies, and Polycomb bodies. The nucleolus is composed of fibrillar centers, dense fibrillar component and granular component and is surrounded by perinucleolar heterochromatin. From: Mao et al., 2011, Trends in Genet. 27:295 Geyer et al., 2011 Accessibility: DNase I hypersensitivity assay This part will be digested DNase I DNase I These parts will be intact NGS Figure 8 | Wavelet correlations of histone marks and DNaseI sensitivity. As an example, correlations between DNaseI sensitivity and H3K4me2 (both in the GM06990 cell line) over a 1.1-Mb region on chromosome 7 (ENCODE region ENm013) are shown. a, The relationship between histone modification H3K4me2 (upper plot) and DNaseI sensitivity (lower plot) is shown for ENCODE region ENm013. The curves are coloured with the strength of the local correlation at the 4-kb scale (top dashed line in panel b). b, The same data as in a are represented as a wavelet correlation. The y axis shows the differing scales decomposed by the wavelet analysis from large to small scale (in kb); the colour at each point in the heatmap represents the level of correlation at the given scale, measured in a 20 kb window centred at the given position. Meccanismi di «memoria» di stato cromatico CpG methylation Analysis of heterochromatic regions and of silenced gene promoters has shown that a modification of 5’-CpG-3’ sequences with methylation of the C-5 of cytosine is very frequent deamination leads to uracyl (corrected) deamination leads to tymine Please note ! CpG island methylation is linked to gene silencing CpG methylation is not «all or none» gene in cell A (heterochromatic) gene in cell B (euchromatic) unmethylated CpG methylated CpG pdf Silenced genes Active genes Cell division Le caratteristiche viste sono ereditabili in via somatica, salvo riprogrammazione In the case of DNA Cytosine methylation, this is dependent on the «maintenance» DNMT1 enzyme Histone modifications (PTM) heredity: The diffusion model PTM enzyme «writer» PTM-binding protein «reader» Coupled «reader-writer» complexes exist for the major known histone modifications In prokaryotes, there are a limited number of repressors (and activators) that regulate one or few related operons. In Eukaryotes, there are hundreds to thousands transcription factors (activators and repressors) that regulate thousands of genes by a combinatorial mechanisms 1 1 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 1 4 Gene A Gene C 5 3 Gene B 2 4 5 Gene D Figure 1 | Transcriptional regulatory elements in metazoans. The promoter is typically comprised of proximal, core and downstream elements. Transcription of a gene can be regulated by multiple enhancers that are located distantly and interspersed with silencer and insulator elements, which are bound by regulatory proteins such as CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF). Recent genome-wide data have revealed that many enhancers can be defined by unique chromatin features and the binding of cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding (CREB) protein (CBP). H3K4me1/2, histone H3 mono- or dimethylation at lysine 4; H3K4me3, histone H3 trimethylation at lysine 4; H3K27me3, histone H3 trimethylation at lysine 27; H3.3/H2A.Z, histone variants H3.3 and H2A.Z; LCR, locus control region; TATA, 5′-TATAAAA-3′ core DNA sequences; TSS, transcription start site. Figure is modified, with permission, from REF. 97 © (2003) Macmillan Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. From Ong & Corces, 2011 Primary factors «prime» enhancer sequences in differentiating cells Marks remain at enhancer maintaining a «poised» status (H3.3, H2A.z, H3K4me2 ?) Tissue-specific or induced factors bind to pre-marked enhancers and activate transcription from neighboring genes Figure 2 | Many functional enhancers contain dynamic nucleosomes. Scenarios are illustrated for sets of enhancers at which nucleosome positioning of composition is distinct — in different cell types or before and after transcription factor binding. a | Histone variants H3.3/H2A.Z are found at the enhancer, which is DNase I hypersensitive only in CD4+ T cells but not in HeLa cells. In HeLa cells, the canonical histones H2 and H3 are instead present at the enhancer. b | In LNCaP cells (a human prostate cancer cell line), stimulation of androgen-mediated transcription programmes by dihydrotestosterone (DHT) leads to the displacement of the unstable nucleosome at the enhancer by the incoming transcription factors, androgen receptor (AR) and forkhead box protein A1 (FOXA1). c | In pre-pro-B cells (precursors of fully differentiated B cells) binding of immunoglobulin E2-box binding protein isoform 47 (E47) to the enhancer is facilitated by outward movement of the H3K4me2-marked nucleosomes at the transcription factor binding site. H3/H2, histone variants H3 or H2; H3.3/H2A.Z, histone variants H3.3 or H2A.Z; H3K4me2, histone H3 dimethylation at lysine 4. From Ong & Corces, 2011 L’interazione tra siti distanti (esempio enhancer-promoter) è studiata con una tecnica chiamata 3C (chromosome conformation capture) e vari derivati, chiamati 4C, 5C e Hi-C, ChIA-PET, che permettono analisi genome-wide Sito per enzima di restrizione enzima di restrizione PCR or cloning and sequencing, or NGS These sequences are composed in part of the enhancer sequence and in part of the promoter sequence that are now connected. Mapping NGS reads will tell us, for each pairs, the identities of the two DNA regions brought together in enhancerpromoter interaction. If we ChIP using an antibody that recognizes a specific TF (e.g. in the figure, we obtain all the E-P pairs that are regulated by that TF. La scelta del tipo di splicing Da qui in avanti sarà disponibile una lezione on-line a breve Prego seguire forum news