- Classi di Laurea in Biotecnologie

annuncio pubblicitario
Vito Michele FAZIO
Born :
Marriage Status :
Citizenship :
september 26th, 1959; Rome, Italy
married, four children
University Campus Bio-Medico
via Alvaro Del Portillo, 21;
00128 Rome, Italy
Brief CV January 2010
Full Professor of Laboratory Medicine (MED46),
Chairman of the Scientific and Didactic Area of General Pathology
Director Residency (Scuola di Specializzazione) in Clinical Pathology
Chief Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology
Delegate of the Faculty of Medicine in the “Nucleo di Valutazione di Ateneo” (University Evaluation
Member of the Scientific Board of the University Library
University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, School of Medicine
Director in charge of the Laboratory of Oncology, Scientific Institute and Hospital (IRCCS) “Casa
Sollievo della Sofferenza”, Opera di San Pio da Pietrelcina, San Giovanni Rotondo (FG), Italy.
Professor of Applied Immunology, Specialist Degree (Corso di Laurea Specialistica) in Medical
Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine; Professor of Immunology and Immunologic Biotechnology,
Specialist Degree in Industrial Biotechnology; Professor of General Pathology, First Degree (Corso
di Laurea Triennale) in Health and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, University School (Facoltà) of
Biotechnological Sciences, University of Bari, Italy.
Professor of Molecular Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Residency (Scuola di Specializzazione)
in Clinical Pathology and Residency in Oncology, Catholic University S.C. of Rome, A. Gemelli
Medical School, Rome, Italy
Member of the Academic Council of the PhD programs in Experimental Oncology, Biochemical and
Molecular Genetics, Integrated Oncology, in several Italian Universities.
1978-1985 MD student, Catholic University, “A. Gemelli” School of Medicine, Rome, Italy
"summer student", "Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology" directed by R.C. Gallo, National
Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Md, USA
"guest worker", "Laboratory of Molecular Biology" directed by I.H.Pastan, "Gene
Regulation Section" directed by B. deChrombrugge, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, Md, USA
"Course of Genetic Engineering and its Applications in Medicine and Industry",
International Institute of Genetics and Biophyisics, CNR, Naples, Italy.
"guest worker", "Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology" directed by R.C. Gallo, molecular
biology section directed by F. Wong-Staal, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, Md, USA
"Course on the Molecular Genetics of Tumors: Viral and Cellular Oncogenes", Scuola
Superiore di Oncologia e Scienze Biomediche, S.Margherita Ligure, Italy
Degree in Medicine (M.D.) with full honors (110/110 e Lode), Catholic University S.C.,
“A. Gemelli” School of Medicine, Rome, Italy
Board Certification: Italian Certificate of Licensure for Medicine and Surgery
(Abilitazione professionale di medicina ed iscrizione all’Ordine dei Medici, Chirurghi,
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
1985-1987 Post-doc Fellowship National Research Council Special Project Oncology, “Molecular
Biology”, Institute of General Pathology, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
1985-1989 Residency in Oncology. Diploma with full honours (Specializzazione) in Oncology,
Catholic University S.C., “A. Gemelli” School of Medicine, Rome, Italy.
1987-1992 CNR Research Scientist, Institute of Experimental Medicine, National Research
Council (CNR), Rome, Italy
"invited visiting scientist", Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Curriculum in
Genetics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA. Prof. C.G. Hutchison
"invited visiting scientist", University of California San Francisco, Gladstone Foundation
Laboratories, San Francisco, CA, USA
1992-1997 Associate Professor of Molecular Pathology Catholic University S.C., “A. Gemelli”
School of Medicine, Rome, Italy.
“Expert" for: "Transgenosis: inventory of useful applications and new models".
European Commission, EC Program: "BIOTECH”
1992-2005 Supervisor of the Operative Unit in Gene Medicine Institute of Neurobiology and
Molecular Medicine (up to 2000, Inst. of Experimental Medicine), National Research
Council (CNR), Rome, Italy
Since 1993 Director in charge of the Laboratory of Oncology, Scientific Institute and Hospital
(IRCCS) “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza”, Opera di San Pio da Pietrelcina, San
Giovanni Rotondo (FG), Italy.
1997-2006 Associate Professor of General Pathology, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy.
Since 1997 Chairman of the Scientific and Didactic Area of General and Molecular Pathology and
1998-2001 Member of the Advice Technical Committee of Tecnofarmaci S.C.p.A. (consortium
among several biochemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies for R&D) for
Oncology and Biotechnology.
Appointed by the Italian Government in the “Working Group on Animal Cloning and
Nuclear Transfer” as consultant for the development of the Italian guidelines, on behalf
of the National Committee on Biosafety and Biotechnologies (CNBB).
Since 1998 Director Laboratory for Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology, Center for Integrated
Research (CIR), University Campus Bio Medico, Rome, Italy
Since 2002 Appointed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, Italian Ministry of
Economic Development (Ministry of Industry) and Regional Governments (Regione
Autonoma Sardegna, Regione Emilia Romagna, Regione Lombardia, Regione
Piemonte, Regione Veneto, Regione Lazio, Regione Campania), “Expert” for the
evaluation of competitive industrial biotechnological and pharmaceutical projects of
R&D. In this context he has been evaluating several company-based projects of R&D,
industrial conversion, and spin-off development. He is also involved in the follow-up
inspections up to completion of the financed program.
2004-2006 Director, Residency (Specializzazione) in Microbiology and Virology, University Campus
Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy.
Since 2005 Professor of Applied Immunology, University of Bari, Italy, University School (Facoltà)
of Biotechnological Sciences, Specialist Degree (Corso di Laurea Specialistica) in
Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine.
Since 2005 Appointed by the “Senato Accademico” of the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome
among the five Members of the Scientific Consultant Commission for the University
Since 2006 Director, Residency in Clinical Pathology, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
Reviewer for Wellcome Trust (London, UK; www.wellcome.ac.uk) Research Training
Appointed Delegate of the University Campus Bio-Medico Rector in the Panel 5,
Biological Sciences, in the working-group of the “Conferenza dei Rettori delle
Università Italiane – CRUI” (Conference of Italian University Rectors) and the “Comitato
di Indirizzo per la Valutazione della Ricerca C.I.V.R.” (Directive Committee for the
Evaluation of the Scientific Research of the Italian Ministry of the University and
Appointed by the Ministry of the University and Research as biotechnology expert for
the evaluation of the research results involving Universities, national research
institutions, private research structures, among the C.I.V.R. (Comitato di Indirizzo per la
Valutazione della Ricerca; Directive Committee for the Evaluation of the Scientific
Research) (Ministerial Order n° 2206 on December 16th, first Exercise of Evaluation of
Italian Research for the years 2001-2003, VTR).
Since 2006 Appointed by the Ministry of the University and Research in the Scientific Committee of
five Experts for the evaluation of the National Strategic Projects for Industrial
Competitiveness, Area 2 (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biotechnology)(DM 8 agosto
2000 n. 593, DD MiUR 10 marzo 2006 n.449/Ric.) “Rilancio dell’industria farmaceutica
anche attraverso la chimica fine dei composti naturali per nuove applicazioni
diagnostiche e nuovi principi attivi”
Since 2006 Full Professor of Laboratory Medicine, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy
2006-2009 Appointed by the Executive Committee of the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome
among the five Members of the Directive Board (Giunta della Ricerca) of the Center for
Integrated Research (Centro Integrato per la Ricerca).
Since 2006 Appointed member of the Technical and Scientific Committee (Comitato Tecnico
Scientifico [DPR 31 luglio 1980, n.617]) of the Scientific Institute for Genetics and
Hereditary Familial Diseases (IRCCS) Hospital “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza”, Opera
di San Pio da Pietrelcina, San Giovanni Rotondo (Fg).
Since 2007 Appointed by the Association ACAR ONLUS Italia (Associazione Conto alla Rovescia
per la diffusione dell'informazione e la ricerca sulla malattia esostosante e sulla
sindrome di Ollier/Maffucci) in the Scientific Committee
Since 2008 Appointed by the Dean of the Medical School (Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia) and by
the Executive Committee of the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, as delegate
in the “Nucleo di Valutazione di Ateneo” (Core Evaluation Committee of the University).
Appointed by the Ministry of the University and Research as reviewer for the National
Research Program (PRIN 2007) in the area Molecular Pathology and Genetics (MarchJune).
2008-09 Appointed by the President of the “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” (National Institute of
Health) in the Commission of five reviewers for the selection of 100 Staff Senior
Investigators («selezione riservata, per titoli, per n. 100 posti di primo ricercatore in
prova - II livello professionale dell'istituto superiore di sanità. Pubblicato sulla Gazzetta
Ufficiale - 4^ serie speciale - n. 1 del 4.1.2008») (since May 2008).
Appointed by “Regione Lazio” and FILAS (Finanziaria Laziale di Sviluppo – Financial
Development Agency of the Regione Lazio) in the “Nucleo di Valutazione – Distretto
Tecnologico delle Bioscienze della Regione Lazio” (29/07/08 prot. 1144) [Core
Evaluation Committee – The Lazio Region Bioscience Technology District (DTB)] of six
experts from different areas of R&D in Biosciences (art.11 Bando Pubblico 20/05/08
n.1101, D.D. C1808 28/07/08)
2008-09 Appointed by Regione Autonoma Sardegna – “Sardegna Ricerche” as expert for the
follow-up evaluation of industry based research projects for the “development of a
center of excellence in bioinformatics technologies for personalized medicine”
(Programmi “Sviluppo di nuove imprese innovative operanti nel settore delle tecnologie
applicate alla biomedicina” I e II invito - Accordo di Programma Quadro in materia di
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
Società dell’informazione Progetto ICT SIAI101 (Azione 2.e) “Creazione di un polo di
eccellenza delle tecnologie bio-informatiche applicate alla medicina personalizzata”)
Appointed by the Ministry of the Education, University and Research in the Working
Group of seven experts in the main scientific areas for the definition of the Italian
Roadmap for the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), a
strategic instrument to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its
international outreach, first creating pan-European research infrastructures.
Appointed by the Italian Ministry of Economical Development - Unicredit MedioCredito
Centrale as expert for the technological evaluation of the innovation and high
technological impact of the multiannual development program of the company E.O.S.
S.p.A. for venture capital investment of Quantica SGR S.p.A. (ex lege 388/00 art.
Since 2008 Professor of Immunology and Immunologic Biotechnology, Specialist Degree in
Industrial Biotechnology; Professor of General Pathology, First Degree (Corso di
Laurea Triennale) in Health and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, University School
(Facoltà) of Biotechnological Sciences, University of Bari, Italy.
2008-09 Appointed by the Regione Campania as Biotechnology expert in the commission of 4
members for the evaluation of projects in the “Call for projects of high scientific and
technological level for the development and improvement of public research
laboratories in the field of industrial biotechnology and health sciences” (BURC 34,
25/08/2008 ("Atto Integrativo Accordo di programma Quadro in materia di Ricerca
Scientifica ed innovazione tecnologica, siglato in data 17/05/2007 – Intervento RT 02 POR 2000-2006).
Since 2009 Appointed by the President of the “Opera di San Pio da Pietrelcina”, IRCCS Ospedale
Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, San Giovanni Rotondo (FG), as delegate in
“Biosistema s.c.r.l.”
Appointed by Regione Autonoma Sardegna – “Sardegna Ricerche” as expert for the
follow-up and final evaluation of industry based research projects: “Misura 3.13 del
P.O.R. Sardegna 2000-2006: “Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico nelle Imprese e
Territorio”, Azione 3.13.a “Azione Creazione Imprese Innovative” e Azione 3.13.b
“Incentivazione Diretta alle Imprese”, sub azione 3.13.b.2 “ Innovazione e Sviluppo
Tecnologico nelle PMI”
Appointed by the Ministry of the Education, University and Research as President of
the commission for the final evaluation of the industrial research project (art. 6 dm
593/00) granted to BIOSTER S.p.A..
Appointed by the University of Verona as reviewer in the «Bando di Ateneo per la
realizzazione di progetti congiunti con Enti ed Imprese del Territorio- “Joint Projects
between Local Research Public Agencies and Private Companies”».
Appointed by the Italian Ministry of Economical Development - Unicredit MedioCredito
Centrale as expert for the technological evaluation of the innovation and high
technological impact of the multiannual development program of the company IM3D
Clinic srl for venture capital investment of Quantica SGR S.p.A. and Innogest SGR SpA
(ex lege 388/00 art. 103&106).
Appointed by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as reviewer within the framework of the
FWF’s Translational Research Programme, which supports research that extends and
adapts results from the applicant’s own basic research to potential applications
("oriented" research).
A – Molecular Pathology and Molecular Genetics
Molecular pathology:
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
epigenetic and genetic markers for early detection, prognosis, follow-up and MRD detection in cancer and
complex diseases; genetic and epigenetic markers of therapy response; cancer stem cells.
gene polymorphisms and resistance/susceptibility to environmental factors, drugs and diseases.
Cellular and Peptide Vaccine: development of innovative vaccine formulations for anticancer therapy and/or prevention,
intended for clinical application.
B - Biotechnology and New Therapeutic Approaches.
DNA vaccination and Gene Transfer:
- Naked gene transfer: development of multigenic plasmid vectors; set-up of in vivo electroporation technology; systemic
delivery of recombinant protein by in vivo gene transfer; in utero gene transfer.
- DNA vaccination: development of specific DNA vaccine vectors; anti tumor vaccines in CML, indolent B cell Lymphoma,
colon cancer; identification of three new tumor antigens for human indolent B-cell Lymphoma, CML, colon cancer;
combined therapeutic protocols (vaccination+immunotherapy+chemotherapy); electroporation and prime-boost protocols;
development of new DNA vaccine adjuvants; development of animal tumor models; in utero DNA vaccination.
Epigenetic programming-related new therapeutics:
From epigenetic program in stem and differentiated cells to the development of new epigenetic therapeutic approaches
and molecules
S Iurescia, D Fioretti, P Pierimarchi, E Signori, M Zonfrillo, G Tonon, VM Fazio, M Rinaldi. Genetic
Immunization with CDR3-Based Fusion Vaccine Confers Protection and Long Term Tumor-Free Survival in a
Mouse Model of Lymphoma. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, accepted Feb. 2010.
D Fioretti, S Iurescia, VM Fazio, M Rinaldi. DNA vaccines: developing new strategies against cancer.
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, accepted Feb. 2010.
C Nicolò, M Sali, G Di Sante, M Geloso , E Signori, R Penitente, S Uniyal, M Rinaldi, L Ingrosso, VM Fazio,
B Chan, G Delogu, and F Ria
Mycobacterium smegmatis expressing a chimeric protein MPT64-PLP139-151 reorganizes the PLP-specific
T cell repertoire favouring a CD8-mediated response and induces a relapsing EAE.
Journal of Immunology, Jan 1; 184(1):222-35. Epub 2009 Nov 30.
MO Hoque, M Prencipe, ML Poeta, R Barbano,VM Valori, M Copetti, AP Gallo, M Brait, E Maiello, A
Apicella, R Rossiello, F Zito, S Tommasi, A Paradiso, M Carella, B Dallapiccola, R Murgo, I Carosi, M
Bisceglia, VM Fazio, D Sidransky, P Parrella
Changes in CpG Islands Promoter Methylation Patterns during Ductal Breast Carcinoma Progression
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 18(10):2694-700. Epub 2009 Sep 29.
Chiarella P, Massi E, De Robertis M, Fazio VM, Signori E.
Recent Advances in Epitope Design for Immunotherapy of Cancer.
Recent Patents Anticancer Drug Discovery. 2009 Nov 1. [Epub ahead of print]
Savino M*, Parrella P*, Copetti M, Barbano R, Murgo R, Fazio VM, Valori VM, Carella M, Garruba M, Santini
Comparison between real-time quantitative PCR detection of HER2 mRNA copy number in peripheral blood
and ELISA of serum HER2 protein for determining Her2 status in breast cancer patients.
Cellular Oncology, 2009; 31(3):203-11.
P Parrella, A La Torre, M Copetti, VM Valori, R Barbano, A Notarangelo, M Bisceglia, AP Gallo, ML Poeta, M
Carella, D Catapano, S Parisi, B Dallapiccola, E Maiello, V D'angelo and VM Fazio.
High specificity of Quantitative Methylation Specific PCR analysis for MGMT promoter hypermethylation
detection in gliomas.
J Biomed Biotechnol. 2009; 2009:531692. Epub 2009 Jun 1.
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
Casnici C, Volpe G, Lattuada D, Crotta K, Kuka M, Panuzzo C, Mastrotto C, Tonon G, Fazio VM, Saglio G,
Marelli O.
Out of frame peptides from BCR/ABL alternative splicing are immunogenic in HLA A2.1 transgenic mice.
Cancer Lett. 2009 Apr 8;276(1):61-7.
P Chiarella, E Massi, M De Robertis, VM Fazio, E Signori.
Strategies for effective naked-DNA vaccination against infectious diseases.
Recent Patents Anti-Infective Drug Discovery. 2008; 3(2):93-101.
Chiarella P and Fazio VM.
Mouse monoclonal antibodies in biological research: strategies for high-throughput production.
Biotechnology Letters, 2008 Aug; 30(8): 1303-10. Epub 2008 Apr 17.
Seripa D, Matera MG, Franceschi M, Daniele A, Bizzarro A, Rinaldi M, Panza F, Fazio VM, Gravina C,
D'Onofrio G, Solfrizzi V, Masullo C, Pilotto A.
The RELN locus in Alzheimer's disease.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2008 Jul;14(3):335-44.
Rinaldi M, Fioretti D, Iurescia S, Signori E, Pierimarchi P, Seripa D, Tonon G, Fazio VM.
Anti-tumor immunity induced by CDR3-based DNA vaccination in a murine B-cell lymphoma model.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 May 30;370(2):279-84. Epub 2008 Mar 24.
Chiarella P, Massi E, De Robertis M, Signori E, Fazio VM.
Adjuvants in vaccines and for immunisation: current trends.
Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2007 Oct;7(10):1551-62. Review.
Signori E, Rinaldi M, Fioretti D, Iurescia S, Seripa D, Perrone G, Norata GD, Catapano AL, Fazio VM.
ApoE gene delivery inhibits severe hypercholesterolemia in newborn ApoE-KO mice.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Sep 21;361(2):543-8. Epub 2007 Jul 23.
Volpe G, Cignetti A, Panuzzo C, Kuka M, Vitaggio K, Brancaccio M, Perrone G, Rinaldi M, Prato G, Fava M,
Geuna M, Pautasso M, Casnici C, Signori E, Tonon G, Tarone G, Marelli O, Fazio VM, Saglio G.
Alternative BCR/ABL splice variants in Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias result in novel tumorspecific fusion proteins that may represent potential targets for immunotherapy approaches.
Cancer Res. 2007 Jun 1;67(11):5300-7.
Scintu M, Vitale R, Prencipe M, Gallo AP, Bonghi L, Valori VM, Maiello E, Rinaldi M, Signori E, Rabitti C,
Carella M, Dallapiccola B, Altomare V, Fazio VM, Parrella P.
Genomic instability and increased expression of BUB1B and MAD2L1 genes in ductal breast carcinoma.
Cancer Lett. 2007 Sep 8;254(2):298-307. Epub 2007 May 10.
Parrella P, Seripa D, Matera MG, Rinaldi M, Signori E, Gravina C, Gallo AP, Prencipe M, Grandone E,
Mariani L, Cordiali P, Di Carlo A, Stentella P, Pachì A, Fazio VM.
Lack of association between genetic variants in the mannose-binding lectin 2 (MBL2) gene and HPV
Eur J Epidemiol. 2007;22(3):159-62. Epub 2007 Feb 15.
Signori E, Massi E, Matera MG, Poscente M, Gravina C, Falcone G, Rosa MA, Rinaldi M, Wuyts W, Seripa
D, Dallapiccola B, Fazio VM.
A combined analytical approach reveals novel EXT1/2 gene mutations in a large cohort of Italian multiple
osteochondromas patients.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 May;46(5):470-7.
Seripa D, Matera MG, Daniele A, Bizzarro A, Rinaldi M, Gravina C, Bisceglia L, Corbo RM, Panza F, Solfrizzi
V, Fazio VM, Forno GD, Masullo C, Dallapiccola B, Pilotto A.
The missing ApoE allele.
Ann Hum Genet. 2007 Jul;71(Pt 4):496-500. Epub 2007 Jan 22.
Carvalho AL, Chuang A, Jiang WW, Lee J, Begum S, Poeta L, Zhao M, Jerónimo C, Henrique R, Nayak CS,
Park HL, Brait MR, Liu C, Zhou S, Koch W, Fazio VM, Ratovitski E, Trink B, Westra W, Sidransky D, Moon
CS, Califano JA.
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
Deleted in colorectal cancer is a putative conditional tumor-suppressor gene inactivated by promoter
hypermethylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 1;66(19):9401-7.
Seripa D, Signori E, Gravina C, Matera MG, Rinaldi M, Fazio VM.
Simple and effective determination of apolipoprotein E genotypes by positive/negative polymerase chain
reaction products.
Diagn Mol Pathol. 2006 Sep;15(3):180-5.
Pardini M, Giannoni F, Palma C, Iona E, Cafaro A, Brunori L, Rinaldi M, Fazio VM, Laguardia ME,
Carbonella DC, Magnani M, Ensoli B, Fattorini L, Cassone A.
Immune response and protection by DNA vaccines expressing antigen 85B of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2006 Sep;262(2):210-5.
Parrella P, Mazzarelli P, Signori E, Perrone G, Marangi GF, Rabitti C, Delfino M, Prencipe M, Gallo AP,
Rinaldi M, Fabbrocini G, Delfino S, Persichetti P, Fazio VM.
Expression and heterodimer-binding activity of Ku70 and Ku80 in human non-melanoma skin cancer.
J Clin Pathol. 2006 Nov;59(11):1181-5. Epub 2006 Feb 23.
Acciarri A, Masullo C, Bizzarro A, Valenza A, Quaranta D, Marra C, Tiziano FD, Brahe C, Seripa D, Matera
MG, Fazio VM, Gainotti G, Daniele A.
Apoe epsilon2-epsilon4 genotype is a possible risk factor for primary progressive aphasia.
Ann Neurol. 2006 Feb;59(2):436-7. No abstract available.
Mazzarelli P, Parrella P, Seripa D, Signori E, Perrone G, Rabitti C, Borzomati D, Gabbrielli A, Matera MG,
Gravina C, Caricato M, Poeta ML, Rinaldi M, Valeri S, Coppola R, Fazio VM.
DNA end binding activity and Ku70/80 heterodimer expression in human colorectal tumor.
World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Nov 14;11(42):6694-700.
Rinaldi M, Signori E, Rosati P, Cannelli G, Parrella P, Iannace E, Monego G, Ciafrè SA, Farace MG, Iurescia
S, Fioretti D, Rasi G, Fazio VM.
Feasibilty of in utero DNA vaccination following naked gene transfer into pig fetal muscle: transgene
expression, immunity and safety.
Vaccine. 2006 May 22;24(21):4586-91. Epub 2005 Aug 24.
Parrella P, Scintu M, Prencipe M, Poeta ML, Gallo AP, Rabitti C, Rinaldi M, Tommasi S, Paradiso A,
Schittulli F, Valori VM, Toma S, Altomare V, Fazio VM.
HIC1 promoter methylation and 17p13.3 allelic loss in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast.
Cancer Lett. 2005 May 10;222(1):75-81.
Seripa D, Matera MG, Dal Forno G, Gravina C, Masullo C, Daniele A, Binetti G, Bonvicini C, Squitti R,
Palermo MT, Davis DG, Antuono P, Wekstein DR, Dobrina A, Gennarelli M, Fazio VM.
Genotypes and haplotypes in the IL-1 gene cluster: analysis of two genetically and diagnostically distinct
groups of Alzheimer patients.
Neurobiol Aging. 2005 Apr;26(4):455-64.
Parrella P, Poeta ML, Gallo AP, Prencipe M, Scintu M, Apicella A, Rossiello R, Liguoro G, Seripa D, Gravina
C, Rabitti C, Rinaldi M, Nicol T, Tommasi S, Paradiso A, Schittulli F, Altomare V, Fazio VM.
Nonrandom distribution of aberrant promoter methylation of cancer-related genes in sporadic breast tumors.
Clin Cancer Res. 2004 Aug 15;10(16):5349-54.
Zardi EM, Picardi A, Fazio VM, Ambrosino G, Dobrina A, Zullo M, Zennaro D, Afeltra A.
Improved hepatic perfusion after iloprost infusion in patients with HCV chronic infection: a pilot study with
possible therapeutic implications.
J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2004 May;24(5):297-300.
Seripa D, Matera MG, D'Andrea RP, Gravina C, Masullo C, Daniele A, Bizzarro A, Rinaldi M, Antuono P,
Wekstein DR, Dal Forno G, Fazio VM.
Alzheimer disease risk associated with APOE4 is modified by STH gene polymorphism.
Neurology. 2004 May 11;62(9):1631-3.
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
Fazio VM, Ria F, Franco E, Rosati P, Cannelli G, Signori E, Parrella P, Zaratti L, Iannace E, Monego G,
Blogna S, Fioretti D, Iurescia S, Filippetti R, Rinaldi M.
Immune response at birth, long-term immune memory and 2 years follow-up after in-utero anti-HBV DNA
Gene Ther. 2004 Mar;11(6):544-51.
Parrella P, Fazio VM, Gallo AP, Sidransky D, Merbs SL.
Fine mapping of chromosome 3 in uveal melanoma: identification of a minimal region of deletion on
chromosomal arm 3p25.1-p25.2.
Cancer Res. 2003 Dec 1;63(23):8507-10.
Sarkozy A, Conti E, Seripa D, Digilio MC, Grifone N, Tandoi C, Fazio VM, Di Ciommo V, Marino B, Pizzuti A,
Dallapiccola B.
Correlation between PTPN11 gene mutations and congenital heart defects in Noonan and LEOPARD
J Med Genet. 2003 Sep;40(9):704-8.
Seripa D, Forno GD, Matera MG, Gravina C, Margaglione M, Palermo MT, Wekstein DR, Antuono P, Davis
DG, Daniele A, Masullo C, Bizzarro A, Gennarelli M, Fazio VM.
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphisms in two
genetically and diagnostically distinct cohort of Alzheimer patients.
Neurobiol Aging. 2003 Nov;24(7):933-9.
Mazzarelli P, Rabitti C, Parrella P, Seripa D, Persichetti P, Marangi GF, Perrone G, Poeta ML, Delfino M,
Fazio VM.
Differential modulation of Ku70/80 DNA-binding activity in a patient with multiple basal cell carcinomas.
J Invest Dermatol. 2003 Sep;121(3):628-33.
Seripa D, Dobrina A, Margaglione M, Matera MG, Gravina C, Vecile E, Fazio VM.
Relevance of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist intron-2 polymorphism in ischemic stroke.
Cerebrovasc Dis. 2003;15(4):276-81.
Parrella P, Seripa D, Matera MG, Rabitti C, Rinaldi M, Mazzarelli P, Gravina C, Gallucci M, Altomare V,
Flammia G, Casalino B, Benedetti-Panici PL, Fazio VM.
Mutations of the D310 mitochondrial mononucleotide repeat in primary tumors and cytological specimens.
Cancer Lett. 2003 Feb 10;190(1):73-7.
U.S. Patent and Trade Organization (USPTO):
20060263882 - Multi-cistronic vectors for gene transfer protocols
20040109849 - DNA vaccines expressing hypervariable VH-CDR3 idiotipic determinants (issued: US
7,354,759; April 8, 2008).
20080107662 - Immunogenic Peptides, Nucleic Acids Encoding The Same And Use Thereof In Cancer
Treatment And Diagnosis
V.M. Fazio.
Elogio della Libertà della Perfezione,
p.43-56. In L. Leuzzi, “La carità intellettuale”. Percorsi culturali per un nuovo umanesimo.
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Aprile 2007.
V.M. Fazio, G. Orsini, G. Tonon
Vaccinazione Genetica: aspetti generali e applicazioni nel campo dell’immunoterapia dei tumori.
“Biotecnologie: applicazioni alla pratica clinica 1”
Sentrix (Global Health Communications), Milano, 2003
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
V.M. Fazio, M. Rinaldi
Principi di Terapia Genica Somatica
“Biotecnologie: applicazioni alla pratica clinica 2. Seminari Keryos in Medicina Molecolare”
Sentrix (Global Health Communications), Milano, 2003
V.M. Fazio, P. Parrella
The genetics of breast cancer - La genetica dei tumori mammari
“Breast Tumors – Tumori Mammari”, edited by Cosmi EV and Pinotti JA, SEE editore, in press 2005
(main selected contributions)
Exploiting Vaccination Protocols at the Pre-clinical Level
3rd Annual “DNA Vaccines Forum” “Evolution and Viability in Human Clinical Trials and Veterinary
Commercialised Products”, 16th & 17th March 2006, Central London (UK)
High frequency detection of EXT1 and EXT2 gene mutations in Italian hereditary multiple osteochondroma
families by combination of techniques for identification of both point mutations and extensive
deletion/insertion alterations.
The second International MHE Conference. November 3-5, 2005, University of Texas, Houston Medical
Center, Houston (Tx), USA.
Anti-idiotypic CDR3 vaccination against chronic B-cell lymphoma: DNA vaccine strategy.
International Workshop on Cancer Vaccines, Siena (Italy), June 13-15, 2004.
In utero gene therapy: long-term safety and immune response by direct plasmid DNA transfer into pig fetal
10th Meeting of the European Society of Gene Therapy, Session Immunity and Infections, October 12-16,
Juan les Pins - Antibes, France, 2002.
“Naked” gene transfer as a new drug delivery approach for hypercholesterolemia“
XIII International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism, co-sponsored by Cornell University
Medical School and G. Lorenzini Medical Foundation, Houston (USA) and Milan (I), Florence May 30- June
3, 1998.
Strategy to elicit immune reponse against idiotypic CDR3H of B-lmphoma patients by genetic immunization.
3rd European Conference on Gene Therapy of Cancer, Berlin, Germany, September 11-13, 1997.
ApoE Gene Transfer in Dyslipidemic Mice.
“State-of-the-Art of Gene Therapy”, November 8, 1997. Jointly sponsored by Arteriosclerosis Council of the
International Society and Federation of Cardiology, the Council on Circulation, American Heart Association
and the Iowa College of Medicine.
70th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, November 9-12, 1997, Orlando (FL), USA.
Functional chronic correction of dyslipidemia in apo E deficient mice by direct intramuscular injection of
naked plasmid DNA.
66th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, Florence (Italy), July 13-17, 1996.
Gene therapy of dyslipidemia in apo-E deficient mice by direct intramuscular injection of naked plasmid DNA.
Third Meeting of the European Working Group on Human Gene Transfer and Therapy, Barcelona (SP),
November 17-20, 1995.
Protein expression in vivo by intramuscular gene transfer: gene therapy of dyslipidemias.
Gene Therapy of Inherited Disorders and Cancer. Padova, Italy, June 2nd 1995.
"In vivo" expression and synthesis of a mutant apo-E by direct injection of naked DNA in the muscle.
Karolinska Institute, 4th International Center for BioTechnology Symposium on Gene Transfer and Gene
Therapy, Stockholm - Sweden, May 7-9, 1993.
Vito Michele FAZIO
Brief CV Jan 2010
Control of neoplastic cell proliferation and differentiation by restoration of 4-hydroxynonenal physiological
International Workshop on: "Modulation of cell proliferation and differentiation by free radicals and
antioxidants", Rome - Italy, October 8th, 1993.
The restoration of concentrations close to the physiological level of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a product of
normal cellular lipid peroxidation, induces differentiation of tumor cells.
Second International Symposium on Combination Therapies, Santa Tecla (Catania), Italy, May 1-3, 1992.
Altered gene restriction patterns in primary human brain tumors.
Second Meeting of Neuro-Oncology, Advances in Biology and Treatment of Malignant Brain Tumors, Rome,
Italy, Nov. 16-18, 1989
Induction of cell differentiation by trans-4-hydroxynonenal.
2nd International Meeting on Free Radicals in Liver Injury, Torino, Italy, June 9-11, 1988.
Italian Society for Microbiology (SIM)
American Society of Microbiology (ASM)
European Society for Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy (ESCII)
Italian Cancer Society (SIC)
Italian Society of Pathology (SIP)
European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
SCIENTIFIC REVIEWER (peer reviewing)
The Journal of Gene Medicine (John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Publisher) (Gene therapy protocols);
Gastroenterology (W.B. Saunders) (Vaccination, Molecular Oncology); Oncogene (Nature
Publishing) (Epigenetics of Cancer, Molecular Diagnosis); Neurobiology of Aging (Elsevier)
(Genetic polymorphisms and diseases); Human Mutation (John Wiley & Sons, Inc) (Genetics;
Cancer; Hereditary Disease; Diagnosis); Gene Therapy (Nature Publishing Group); Clinical
Genetics (Blackwell Publishing) (Genetics and Molecular Medicine); Journal of Clinical Pathology
(BMJ Publishing Group Ltd of the BMA and the Association of Clinical Pathologists) (Molecular
Pathology and Oncology); Cancer Letters (Elsevier) (Molecular Oncology; Genetics; Gene
Therapy; Immunotherapy; Innovative Therapeutics); BBA Molecular Basis of Disease (Elsevier)
(Genetics; Molecular Pathology; Gene Therapy); and others