I.I.S. “P.Artusi” – Chianciano Terme
Anno Scolastico 2015/2016
Classe III-IV Sez. SERALE Docente: Prof. Roberta Piccinetti
Programma di inglese
Testo di riferimento:
UPBEAT 1, New You’re Welcome, Shake and bake, New Culture Talk
unit 1
GRAMMATICA: Ripasso del simple present forma affermativa,
interrogativanegativa, adverbs of frequency, how much-how many
Testi: Good mood food, Meals and menus, British meals, A recipe:giving
Unit 2
GRAMMATICA: Pastsimple del verbo to be dei verbi regolari e irregolari: forma
affermativa, negative, interrogative
Testi: I dreamed a was a conductor, Children in the 19th century, the Beatles : a
misical legend
Unit 3
The History of food:
Pizza and the story of Pizza Margherita
Food in the Middle Ages
A MedievalBanquet Brochure
Spaghetti Carbonara Style
Unit 4
Real life situations in hotels and restaurant:
Taking room reservation
Taking restaurant bookings
Taking a food order
Making food suggestions
Describing dishes
Unit 5
Curriculum vitae:
How to write a curriculum vitae
Sample CV
Unit 6
The British Monarch and Elisabeth II’s birthday
A day in London
London’s landmarks
Chianciano 31 maggio 2016