NeuCOS Roma, Maggio 2013 IL RAGIONAMENTO LOGICO NEI PRIMATI NON-UMANI: BASI NEURALI Stefano Ferraina Dipartimento Fisiologia e Farmacologia L’apprendimento di relazioni transitive è importante negli animali, in particolare per quelli che vivono in gruppi socialmente organizzati Essere in grado di infererire la propria posizione nella gerarchia di dominanza può essere vantaggioso in un ambiente dove ‘perdere la lotta’ può causare danno, difficoltà di accedere alla risorse (cibo) con possibili serie conseguenze. Essere in grado di correttamente inferire la propria posizione non richiede esperienza diretta Monkey alpha > alpha members > non members L’inferenza è una forma di ragionamento logico. Le basi neurali di questa proprietà sono pressochè sconosciute Inferenza Transitiva (IT) Ragionamento relazionale in base al quale, una volta note le informazioni di partenza (premesse), è possibile inferire una conclusione logica PREMISES C A>B B>C C>D B ?D A B D Un paradigma di Inferenza Transitiva (da laboratorio…) - Costruite 80 figure senza significato immediato - Quotidianamente: sei figure scelte ed ordinate in maniera casuale - Compito: ‘scoprire’ la sequenza Apprendimento (fase I) > Sequenza Random -> Block 1 > Block 2 Block design, 20 (10 x 2 posizioni) trials per coppia > Block 3 > Block 4 Correct > Block 5 Uncorrect cue stimuli hand position Correct KEY PRESS Holding time Uncorrect Response time La scimmia vede 2 simboli alla volta, scelti tra quelli adiacenti nella lista. Gli item della lista vengono presentati in maniera sequenziale. La scimmia impara l’ordine (relativo) della serie per prove-ed-errori. Apprendimento (fase II) > > > Block 100 trials > 0,8 0,7 0,6 p(correct) Intermingled design, Tutte le coppie presentate 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 monkey B monkey C 100 trials. Soglia: 65% corretti > Test – Inferenza Ranked stimuli Symbolic distance > > > > > (1) (2) Correct (3) Uncorrect (4) (5) cue stimuli Correct hand position Uncorrect Holding time Response time Durante la fase di test, alla scimmia vengono presentate nuovamente due figure alla volta ma, in questo caso, anche coppie mai viste prima. [15 x 2 combinazioni totali] Test – [esempio] Inferenza Transitiva - performance Ranked stimuli Monkey B Symbolic distance (1) (3) (4) 0,9 P(correct) (2) Response time (ms) 1 0,8 0,7 0,6 (5) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 0,5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (5) (2) (3) (4) (5) Symbolic distance Symbolic distance Monkey C 1000 Response time (ms) 1 P(correct) 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 Costruzione di una linea mentale 900 800 700 600 500 0,5 (1) (2) (3) (4) Symbolic distance (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) Symbolic distance (5) ing role criteria obtaining average 89%bar correct trials. joystick (Gravis Analog Pro) towards the stimulus. The joystick 72 ort the of the parietalan lobe, and inpercent of distance and each gaze positions). was kept aligned to subjects’ body midline while a chin rest kept After reaching the learning criteria the subjects started the 73 ht parietal lobe, in solving TI. theirhad head the center of the screen. The stimuli presenTo further study the organization of the items in th testing phase. Each trial of the testing blocks thealigned sametodesign 74 tation and the response detection were controlled by Matlab (www. and time course as in the learning phase. In these testing trials “mental line” used to solve TI tasks, we grouped the late 75 MENTAL PROCEDURES based routines created using the Psychophysical however, subjects had to judge also non-adjacent items of the cies of motor response according to the same symbol 76 toolbox (Brainard, 1999). series, never paired during the learning phase. Trials with adja77 for the symbolic distanc distance. shows All experimental procedures were approved Fig. by the3 local eth- the results cent and non-adjacent items were randomly intermingled within ics board and were performed in accordance with the ethical a non 78 ects (two males and eight females; 79!13 1. The figure displays linear pattern: the RT wa the block. To solve the task with non-adjacent items, the subjects 79 standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. Inventory) aged between 21 and 31 years longer for items occupying middle positions in the list an could relay on the learned relationship between items and, based 80 decreased for items closer to the extremes. This patte on them, infer the relationship between the items of each pair. 81 has been observed excluding 82 the items A and J from th In relationship to the hypothesis that the facts for making TI are integrated in a unified spatial representation, we tested 83 whether the data displayed the distance and size effects, and 84 whether the spatial representation was influenced by changes in 85 gaze position during the execution of the TI. Subjects were re86 quired to perform the TI with the visual stimuli randomly presented 87 either 20° to the left or to the right of body midline (Fig. 1B). The 88 total number of trials of each testing block was equal to 360, 89 including all the 90 possible pairs, with two repetition for each 90 position (up and bottom) of the higher item and eye position (20° 91 left and 20° right). Therefore, each pair of items was presented 92 eight times in each testing block, four times for each left and right 93 fixation conditions. Subjects performed three blocks of testing 94 trials. 95 96 Data analysis 97 98 For each fixation condition in the testing blocks, we calculated the 99 average RT for judging each pair of items. We also sorted the RTs 100 to each item (only correct responses) accordingly to the symbolic 101 distance. To eliminate the anchor effect for the extreme items (A 102 and J) of the series, we excluded from the analysis all the pairs Fig. 2. Mean reaction time for each symbolic distance in correct te 103 tested with them. In fact, the two items had a different reinforceLa linea mentale, sembra essere trials. Subjects were faster in comparing items farther than closer apa 104 was modulated by the ga ment history, since A was never reinforced and J was always in the series. Furthermore, this trend influenzata dall’angolo disubjects sguardo 105 when corresponding to the correct response (Prado et al., 2010; Acuna position: the reaction time was shorter performed t 106 (gaze) et al., 2002a). As a result, since the symbolic distances seven and task fixating to the left (white dots) than to the right (white square 107 of the mean. eight contained only comparisons with the anchor items, they Error bars represent the standard errors Brunamonti et al., Neuroscience 2010 108 e sequence of events occurring in the Learning (A) and the Test (B) phase of the experimental sessions. Each trial started with 109 Please cite this article in press as: Brunamonti E, et al., Gaze modulates non-propositional reasoning: Further evidence for spatial Un supporto all’organizzazione spaziale delle premesse (Gaze effect) ot followed by the appearance of a pair of items. Subjects had to maintain the fixation on the dot and move a joystick towards (Human study) E’ la distanza simbolica un supporto forte dell’esistenza di un ragionamento logico? Strength 5 4 3 2 vs 1 0 (Strength ) - (Strength ) =4 (Strength ) – (Strength ) =1 easier than vs Oppure la performance durante il test può essere spiegata dalla storia della ricompensa (reward) ottenuta per ogni stimolo durante l’apprendimento ? L’esperimento della catene Learning chain 2 Learning chain 1 > Strength 2 > 1 > Strength 0 Driven by reward performance test Driven by mental distance vs vs 2 > 1 0 La performance osservata [anche nell’esperimento delle catene] supporta l’utilizzo della linea mentale nei processi di inferenza 900 1 Response time (ms) p(correct) 0,9 0,8 0,7 800 700 0,6 0,5 600 (1) (2) (3) (4) Symbolic distance (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) Symbolic distance (5) Il serial position effect: suggerisce strategie di scansione della linea mentale? Serial position effect SD 0 SD 1 SD 2 SD 3 SD 4 Gli studi di Imaging suggeriscono un ruolo per la corteccia parietale posteriore e quella prefrontale Acuna et al. Cereb. Cortex 2002;12:1312-1321 IFG < Sovrapposizione parziale con le aree che si attivano nei compiti di confronto di quantità (numeri) Prado J et al. Cereb. Cortex 2009;20:720-729 Domande 1. E’ possibile dimostrare che i neuroni sono modulati dal rango acquisito dagli stimoli (alla fine dell’apprendimemento) ? 2. Sono i neuroni in grado di integrare le informazioni (rappresentazione distanza simbolica) ? Delayed transitive-inference task 1100 Response time (ms) 1 P(correct) 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 1000 900 800 700 600 0,5 (1) (2) (3) (4) Symbolic distance (1) (5) Delay 600-1200 ms Test trials (2) (3) (4) Symbolic distance Correct (5) Uncorrect Holding cue Pair Correct Hand position Uncorrect Cue ON Key press Pair ON Go Signal Movement ON Response time Single unit approach Single unit approach A SD 0 SD 1 SD 2 SD 3 SD 0 SD 1 SD 2 SD 3 B C D E Single unit approach N= 84 I neuroni di PFc sono modulati in maniera compatibile con il serial position effect n= 24 n= 60 Single unit approach SD 0 SD 1 SD 2 SD 3 SD 4 La modulazione neurale in PFc non spiega l’effetto comportamentale della distanza simbolica Single unit approach 20% cells recorded on Monkey 1 I neuroni di PFc modulati per il rango Scaricano, in particolare, quando l’informazione (l’esperienza) viene usata per costruire nuova informazione pairs (AB and DE) than for BC and CD) in all groups Transitive 05]. Accuracy was significantly nts than for NC participants .05]. No other effects in the ant. effects on responses to the training pairs in the second test block for individuals confused by the probe inference in Schizophrenia pairs. We evaluated the validity of this concern by A>B>C>D>E>F imuli and Eichenbaum (1997), we each probe pair to the training each relevant stimulus compoted ANOVAs that compared BD and CD training pairs, and AE and DE training pairs. Training test block were used in these he concern that introduction of the second test block would for individuals confused by the ticipants who failed to form a presentation). This concern will d following presentation of these Titoneoneteach al., Schizophrenia Resand 2004 Fig. 2. Accuracy probe pair (AE, BD) the original training pairs containing the stimuli comprising each probe pair (respectively, AB/DE and BC/CD). Error bars are F 1 S.E.M. Modello del Glutammato sintomi della Schizofrenia Inhibitory neuron Excitatory neuron NMDAR normal NMDAR blocked N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor (NMDAr) sessions g/kg ketamine receptors, the injection of ketamine, a NMDA noncompetitive antagosist, should increase the Ketamina antagonista) variability related(NMDAr the computational evidence and decrease thepossibili speed of theeffetti… integration. > (3) threshold (1) threshold (3) threshold (1) Evidence Integration (4) nce > > > > Selected item NMDA NMDA After ketamine threshold Symbolic distance Before ketamine Input Input item 1 item 2 esperimento cue stimuli Correct hand position Holding time Uncorrect Response time P (success) Effetto sulla distanza simbolica sd 1 sd2 sd3 sd4 Symbolic distance sd5 Effetto (nel dettaglio) Conclusioni Le scimmie imparano rapidamente nuove informazioni (apparentemente in maniera indipendente dalla storia del reward) Le scimmie sembrano usare la linea mentale per risolvere i compiti di inferenza transitiva I neuroni di PFc sono modulati dal rango in maniera compatibile con il ‘serial position effect’ Il dato comportamentale dell’effetto della distanza simbolica è meno spiegato La corteccia PFc ‘entra in gioco’ nella fase di manipolazione delle premesse NMDAr ha un ruolo nella performance in un task di tipo TI . Grazie a: Valentina Mione Fabio Di Bello Emiliano Brunamonti