Ciclo vitale della pianta (scienze)

annuncio pubblicitario
Ciclo vitale della pianta (scienze);
Parti della pianta (scienze);
Seasons (English)
Starting date:
Ending date:
Ferrari Elena
February 2017
March 2017
Cross-curricular Subjects:
Subject Area: Science
Unit Topic: Growing Plants
Number of Lessons: 4
Timing: about 3/4 hours
 Lesson (lezione frontale)
 brainstorming
 laboratory activities in groups
WALT (We Are Learning To):
Children will learn:
Le funzioni delle parti delle piante (plants revision)
Il ciclo vitale della pianta e le stagioni
Come cresce una pianta (laboratorio: dal seme di fagiolo, di crescenza e di basilico alla pianta)
Learning Objectives To know the parts of the plant
To know the main functions of the various parts of the plant
To know what are the needs of the plant to grow
To know the life cycle of a plant in the different seasons
To answer questions related to the previous contents
To read and fill in texts related to the previous contents
To refer about the process of the plants growing in class (beans, cress and basil)
Language Objectives:
Lessico: Key words: plant, root, seed, leaf (leaves), stem, sun, air, water,
soil, autumn, winter, spring, summer, bean, cress, basil, to grow
Teaching Aids and Learning Materials used: IWB, Videos, worksheets
Formative assessment: in itinere (considering the motivational and
behavioural aspects too); listening comprehension while watching videos
or doing laboratory activities
Summative assessment: read a text and fill in the blanks; refer in a short
text the experience carried out in class