FINAL EXAM PROCEDURE MASTER COURSES (LAUREA MAGISTRALE – LAUREA SPECIALISTICA) In order to be admitted to the final exam the student must submit to the “ Ufficio Gestione Studenti” (Via Sommarive, 5 Povo) the following documents: DOCUMENTS TO SUBMIT WITHIN 5 WEEKS BEFORE THE FINAL EXAM: 1. Degree admission request form; 2. Self Certification; 3. Library Form; 4. “Almalaurea compilation-receipt” (to be printed from - Italian page - section laureandi > compila il questionario). If you are not interested in the above questionnaire, please fill the Exclusion-request form; 5. “Placement compilation-receipt” (to be printed from > Register to the Placement service). PAYMENT: After all the above-mentioned documents will be submitted, in the ESSE3 Student Private Area the MAV (payment document) will be generated for the amount due of € 72,00 for the contribution to the Diploma: payment should be done within 7 days from your request date. THESIS-CD DELIVERY: COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS – Within 15 days before the final exam the student must deliver 1 CD-Rom copy (with the Thesis-CD-cover signed by the supervisor). The file must be a single and unprotected .pdf file. TELECOMMUNICATONS ENGINEERING STUDENTS - Within 7 days before the final exam the student must deliver: 1 Thesis Softcopy: CD-ROM containing the thesis .pdf file. The file must be a single and unprotected file; 1 Thesis Hardcopy: see the template on the Degree Sessions web-page. BIOTECHNOLOGIES, PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS STUDENTS – Within 7 days before the final exam the student must deliver 1 CD-Rom copy. The file must be a single and unprotected .pdf file. . Write on the CD itself, with a permanent marker, the following information: name/surname, UniTN ID student number. DEGREE SESSION WITHDRAWAL In case you want to withdraw from a degree session you are already registered for, a written communication must be sent to the Ufficio Gestione Studenti as soon as possible. For the next degree session (if during the same academic year) you will have to pay € 56,00. ONLY FOR DOUBLE DEGREE STUDENTS The Degree Request Form will be accepted upon completion of the Double Degree Study Plan. The student must produce to the University of Trento the Transcript of Records/Final thesis mark, issued by the partner University to the Double Degree Office. Ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” si informa che il conferimento dei dati sopra riportati è previsto dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti, e verranno utilizzati esclusivamente in tale ambito. UNITN STUDENT ID NUMBER DEGREE ADMISSION REQUEST-FORM ACADEMIC YEAR ____ TO THE RECTOR THE UNDERSIGNED LAST NAME NAME DATE OF BIRTH (DD/MM/YYYY) PLACE OF BIRTH ENROLLED IN: DEGREE COURSE SPECIALISTICA MAGISTRALE IN SPECIALIZATION ENROLLED IN DOUBLE DEGREE ASKS TO BE ADMITTED TO THE YES NO DEGREE SESSION HELD ON: THESIS TITLE (CAPITAL LETTERS): SUPERVISOR (RELATORE) SECOND-SUPERVISOR (CORRELATORE) CO-SUPERVISOR (CONTRORELATORE) (IF REQUESTED) DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE THE SUPERVISOR Ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” si informa che il conferimento dei dati sopra riportati è previsto dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti, e verranno utilizzati esclusivamente in tale ambito. SELF- CERTIFICATION (ACCORDING TO THE ARTICLE 47 OF THE ITALIAN LAW D.P.R. 445/2000) THE UNDERSIGNED LAST NAME NAME DATE OF BIRTH (DD/MM/YYYY) CITIZENSHIP FOREIGN CITY OF BIRTH COUNTRY RESIDENCE (HOME COUNTRY) NUMBER PROVINCE (IF APPLICABLE) POSTAL CODE PHONE E - MAIL ITALIAN FISCAL CODE GENDER M F I HEREBY DECLARE THAT ALL DECLARATIONS HEREIN STATED ARE TRUTHFUL. MOREOVER I AM AWARE OF THE FACT THAT ALL BENEFICT 75 OF THE ITALIAN LAW D.P.R. 445/2000 AND SUBSEQUENT ART. 76). I AM FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL INFORMATION HEREBY REPORTED. OBTAINED TROUGH UNTRUTHFUL DECLARATIONS WILL BE WITHDRAWN (ACCORDING TO THE ART. I DECLARE TO HAVE NO PENDING SUIT WITH OPERA UNIVERSITARIA; TO HAVE NO PENDING SUIT WITH THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY; SIGNATURE RESERVED TO THE OFFICE Ai sensi dell’art. 38 del D.P.R. 28.12.2000, n. 445 La presente dichiarazione presentata in data ___________________________ all’Università degli Studi di Trento, Divisione Supporto Didattica Percorsi Internazionali e Studenti Polo di Collina, non necessita di autentica della sottoscrizione in quanto: la firma è stata apposta in presenza del dipendente addetto a ricevere il documento; il documento è stato sottoscritto e trasmesso unitamente alla fotocopia del documento di identità del sottoscrittore. Trento, _____________________________ Firma dell’addetto ______________________________ Ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” si informa che il conferimento dei dati sopra riportati è previsto dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti, e verranno utilizzati esclusivamente in tale ambito. UNITN STUDENT ID NUMBER LIBRARY FORM THE UNDERSIGNED LAST NAME NAME DEFENDING THE THESIS ON THE DATE (DD/MM/YYYY): AUTHOR OF THE THESIS, TITLE (CAPITAL LETTERS): THE FINAL VERSION OF THE THESIS IS SUBMITTED IN CD-ROM FORMAT, CONTAING ONE SIGLE PDF FILE, UNPROTECTED. CONSULTATION WILL BE ALLOW FOLLOWING EXCLUSIVELY THE REGULATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO LIBRARY PROCEDURES I A U T H O R I Z E the consultation of my thesis work to whoever will fill up the request-form where name, address and purpose of the consultation will be indicated. I DO NOT AUTHORIZE THE CONSULTATION OF MY THESIS. DATE SIGNATURE Ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” si informa che il conferimento dei dati sopra riportati è previsto dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti, e verranno utilizzati esclusivamente in tale ambito. DEGREE COURSE IN TITLE: SUPERVISOR GRADUANT: A.Y. Ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” si informa che il conferimento dei dati sopra riportati è previsto dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti, e verranno utilizzati esclusivamente in tale ambito. REQUEST OF EXCLUSION FROM ALMALAUREA GRADUATED STUDENTS DATABASE FACULTY DEGREE COURSE THE UNDERSIGNED LAST NAME/ NAME STUDENT ID NUMBER PLACE OF BIRTH DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS AWARE THAT THE PURPOSE OF ALMA LAUREA GRADUATED STUDENT DATABASE IS TO GET A BETTER UNIVERSITY AND TO IMPROVE WORK PLACEMENT IN ITALY AND IN EUROPE, AS EXPLAINED BY THE RECTOR IN THE COVERING LETTER OF ALMA LAUREA’S QUESTIONNAIRE, ASKS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE AFOREMENTIONED DATABASE DATE SIGNATURE Ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” si informa che il conferimento dei dati sopra riportati è previsto dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti, e verranno utilizzati esclusivamente in tale ambito. TO ALL GRADUATING STUDENTS BEHAVIORAL NORMS Please notice that all graduating students, their friends and their relatives are asked to follow the rules of conduct that ensure the dignity and decorum of the University, in order to prevent damages to people and things. No songs and noises disturbing work of people inside the University buildings are allowed. Supervision staff will check the compliance with the above mentioned rules. In case of any damages (staining or painting inside or outside the buildings, throwing products that damage or disfigure walls, street and other properties of the Athenaeum) the University reserves the right to notify to the competent authority and ask for reimbursement to anyone is responsible. Image recording systems will help finding anyone responsible for damages. Ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” si informa che il conferimento dei dati sopra riportati è previsto dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti, e verranno utilizzati esclusivamente in tale ambito.