Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Franca Beccaria Franca Beccaria Via Federico Mistral 89, Cuneo, 12010, Italy +39 0171 493207 +39 335 5378539 [email protected] Sex Female | Date of birth 19/07/1963 | Nationality Italian POSITION Partner in Eclectica, institute for training and research. Head of Research Unit WORK EXPERIENCE 2014-16 Teacher University of Aarhus (DK) ▪ Teacher at the EMDAS – European Master on Drug and Alcohol Studies: leader guest “Substance use and addiction theories” module 2012-… Contract professor University of Torino (IT) ▪ Teacher: Health Sociology in nurses course. 2012-2014 Contract professor University of Piemonte Orientale (IT) ▪ Member of the international team of EMDAS (European Master on Alcohol and Drug Studies), definition of modules contents, E-learning, students evaluation. 1998-.,… Partner Eclectica, Institute for training and research ▪ Head of social research unit. 2014 Consultant ASL TO 4 – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: on binge drinking, FAD “RAVE, Goa and Club. Outreach on the Night SAR - Neutravel” 2014 Consultant CEFPAS – Centro per la formazione permanente e l’aggiornamento del personal sanitario (Training center for health professionals) (IT) ▪ Trainer on health policies, research methods and active participation in a regional training course on health promotion 2010-2011 Fellowship ASL TO1 – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ To elaborate an assistance project for the start of regional programs for drug and alcohol prevention in adolescence © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 12 Curriculum Vitae 2006-2010 Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) Consultant Ausl Piacenza – Local Health Service – Emilia Romagna Region (IT) ▪ Consultant in a national project on alcohol prevention in schools 2010 Consultant ASL TO2 – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: training course “Alcohol: between pleasure and culture” 2001-2009 Contract professor Faculty of Medicine, Course in Nursing, University of Turin (IT) ▪ Health Sociology teaching in a course for nurses 2008 Consultant ASL TO1 – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: training courses “Drinking & driving” 2008 Consultant ASL TO2 –– Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: training courses on alcohol 2008 Consultant ASO S. Croce e Carle – ACAT – Hospital – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: training courses on alcohol 2008 Consultant ASL CN1 – ACAT - – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: training courses on alcohol for medical doctors 2007 Consultant Laziosanità – Regional Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: training course on domestic and road injury prevention for health and social workers 2007 Consultant ASL1 – ASL8 – ASL10 – Local Health Services – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Trainer: training course on alcohol 2006-2007 Senior Researcher European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (AU) ▪ Coordination of the research “Multi city study on quantities and financing of illicit drug consumption” realised in Turin 2006 Consultant ASL Città di Milano – Local Health Service – Lombardia Region (IT) ▪ Scientific supervision of the “Icaro” project on drinking and driving prevention 2004-2006 Consultant Osservatorio Permanente sui Giovani e l’Alcool/Observatory on Alcohol & Youth (IT) ▪ Coordinator of a qualitative research on alcohol consumption changes in Italy from 1970 to 2000 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 2 / 12 Curriculum Vitae 2004-2005 Franca Beccaria Consultant ASL 1 Torino – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Coordinator of the prevention project “Listening to me, I have something to tell you”, Young people, alcohol and drugs: peer education. II edition 2004 Consultant Istituto Superiore di Sanità (National Health Institute) – Rome (IT) ▪ Trainer: training courses on drinking and driving prevention and the role of driving schools 2003 Consultant Parsec – Roma (IT) ▪ Researcher in the project “In-dipendenza donna” (addict women). Interviews and a case study. 2003 Consultant Ausl Piacenza – Local Health Service – Emilia Romagna Region (IT) ▪ Scientific consultant in the national project on alcohol prevention “Corsi di formazione per gli insegnanti della scuola finalizzati all’incremento della conoscenza e dell’impegno didattico per la prevenzione delle problematiche connesse all’uso e all’abuso di alcol” 2002-2003 Consultant Piedmont Region ▪ Trainer: training courses on alcohol for school teachers in the project “Messaggi Giò” 2000-2002 Consultant Educatorio della provvidenza – MIUR (IT) ▪ Coordinator of peer education module in the prevention project “Traenti” 2000-2002 Consultant ASL 1 Torino – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Coordinator of the prevention project “Listening to me, I have something to tell you”, Young people, alcohol and drugs: peer education. I edition. 2001 Consultant Ausl Piacenza – Local Health Service – Emilia Romagna Region (IT) ▪ Scientific consultant for the national project on alcohol prevention “…e sai cosa bevi” (… you know what you drink) 2001 Consultant Parsec – Roma (IT) ▪ Responsible of field research “Occasional drug consumers and enforcement of drug law”. A case study 1999 Consultant Comune di Bra – Municipality (IT) ▪ Coordinator of a qualitative research on alcohol & youth (Project TAKE CARE) 1998-2003 Contract Professor Faculty of Medicine (Orbassano), Course in Nursing, University of Turin (IT) ▪ Teacher on sociology of alcohol in the Master in Alcohology © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 3 / 12 Curriculum Vitae 1998 Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) Consultant Permanent Observatory on Youth and Alcohol (IT) ▪ Coordinator of the qualitative research “Youth and alcohol in Italy” 1998 Consultant Permanent Observatory on Youth and Alcohol (IT) ▪ Alcohol prevention advisor for the organisation of a Community Prevention Project in Biella (Piedmont) 1997-1998 Consultant ASL1 Torino – Local Health Service – Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Coordinator of the prevention project “Messages in the bottle” (cd-rom) aimed at pupils and teachers in primary schools. 1997 Consultant ASL Città di Milano -– Local Health Service – Lombardia Region (IT) ▪ Alcohol prevention advisor for the production of a multimedia kit aimed at teachers in the project "Shake-Kit! Ingredienti per un cocktail di salute"/Shake-kit! Ingredients for a cocktail of health 1994-1998 Consultant ASL1 (Turin) ▪ Archivist in the documentation centre on health promotion. 1991-1993 Consultant IRES Luicia Morosini (IT) ▪ Interviewer for a socio-economical research 1991 Consultant IRES Piedmont Region (IT) ▪ Member of the team research on “Attitude towards immigrants” (interviews) 1984-1993 Employee Cassa di risparmio of Cuneo (IT) ▪ Administration staff EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2006 Facilitator Oxford Brooxes University (UK) ▪ Trainer in Strengthening Family Program 1997 Addiction research expert Social Research Unit of Alcohol Studies e Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research (NAD) (FI) ▪ European Summer School for Comparative Alcohol Research 1993-1997 PhD University of Turin, Department of Hygiene and Microbiology (IT) ▪ PhD in Alcohology. Thesis on “Alcool e pubblicità. Contenuti e ruolo della pubblicità di alcolici nella cultura italiana del bere” (Alcohol and advertising. Advertising contents and roles in Italian drinking culture) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 4 / 12 Curriculum Vitae 1986-1990 Franca Beccaria Master University of Turin, Faculty of Political Science (IT) Master degree in Political Science PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING Listening English C1 SPEAKING WRITING Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production C1 C1 C1 C1 Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known. French A2 A2 A1 A1 A1 Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known. Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Excellent relational skills acquired through research projects in academia, the coordination of local and regional health promotion projects and national and international working groups. Susceptibility to social relations and sensitivity to social exclusion have been acquired during studies and work experiences. Organisational / managerial skills Excellent organizational skills acquired both in the company and in the academia through the research coordination, training and health promotion. Job-related skills Computer skills Driving licence Qualitative analysis and report writings, definition of research plan, definition of local action by engaging projects beneficiaries. MS Windows operating system, application of good knowledge of MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access), database and data processing programs SPSS, text analysis program Atlas.ti Driving license B © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 5 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Publications Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) BOOKS 1. Beccaria F. (2013), Alcol e giovani. Riflettere prima dell’uso (Alcohol and youth. Think before using). Firenze: Giunti 2. Beccaria F., Morchio M.G. (2004), Salute e società. Manuale di sociologia per infermieri. Roma: Carocci. (Health & society. A book on sociology of health for nurses) 3. Beccaria F., Cottino A., Vidoni O. (1999), Giovani e alcol: i ragazzi raccontano, Quaderno n. 12 dell'Osservatorio Permanente sui Giovani e l'Alcol. Roma: Vignola Editore. (Youth narratives. Alcohol and young people) (English version) BOOKS (editor) 4. Beccaria F. (2010) (ed.), Alcol e generazioni. Cambiamenti di stile e stili in cambiamento/Alcohol and generation. Changes in styles and changing styles in Italy and Finland. Roma: Carocci. (English version on cd-rom) 5. Franca Beccaria (ed) (2004), Sul filo del rischio. Percezione del rischio tra i giovani e prevenzione dei traumi cranici. Milano: Franco Angeli. (On the edge of the risk. Risk perception among young people and brain injury prevention) 6. Beccaria F., Prina F. (eds) (1997), Il piacere incerto. Stili di vita e di consumo di alcol tra i giovani cuneesi. Cuneo: Publiedit. (The uncertain pleasure Life styles and alcohol consumption among young people in Cuneo). BOOK CHAPTERS 7. Beccaria F. (2014), Droghe e alcol: gli esiti degli interventi di prevenzione. In Bignamini E., Andreatta D., Cammarata L.M., Carnino C., Faro G., Ferrari L., Gatti R., Manassero P., Somaini L., Teta E. (a cura di) Outcome nelle dipendenze. Esiti della patologia, esiti del trattamento. Milano: CE.R.CO Edizioni. pp. 123-144. 8. Beccaria F., Allamani A. (2014), Alcol. In Grosso L., Rascazzo F. (eds) Atlante delle dipendenze. Torino: Edizioni Gruppo Abele, pp. 71-78. 9. Beccaria F. (2013), La conoscenza e la ricerca sciologica tra teoria e spendibilità nei servizi. In Ugolini P., Alcol e buone prassi sociologiche. pp. 21-40. 10. Beccaria F. (2012), Il significato sociale del consumo di bevande alcoliche tra i giovani. In Modonutti G.B. (a cura di), Prevenzione, giovani e… i rischi del vivere quotidiano. Trieste: Edizioni Goliardiche, pp. 143-169. 11. Beccaria F., White H.R. (2012), Underage Drinking in Europe and North America. In De Witte P., Mitchell M. (eds), Underage Drinking. A report on drinking in the second decade of life in Europe and North America, Louvain: Presses Universitaires. 12. Herring R., Thom B., Beccaria F., Kolind T., Moskalewicz J. (2010), Alcohol harm reduction in Europe. In Rhodes T., Hedrich D. (2010), Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges. Lisbona: EMCDDA: pp. 275-301. 13. Beccaria F., Cottino (2009), “Drug Market and Drug Consumption in Turin, A Post-Fordist Metropolitan City”. In Eisenbach-Stangl I., Moskalewicz J., Thom B. (Eds.), Two worlds of drug consumption in late modern societies. Farnham-Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 79-96. 14. Wouters M., Beccaria F., Cottino (2009), “Consumption Patterns among Socially Integrated Drug Users”. In Eisenbach-Stangl I., Moskalewicz J., Thom B. (Eds.), Two worlds of drug consumption in late modern societies. Farnham-Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 199-211. 15. Beccaria F. (2008), “ Cambiamenti nei consumi di bevande alcoliche in Italia”, in Angelino R., Gilardini A. Interventi innovativi per le dipendenze patologiche, Cuneo: Edizioni Publiedit, pp. 53-43. (Changes in alcohol consumption in Italy) 16. Beccaria F., Vidoni Guidoni O. (2006), “Traiettorie di vita e mutamenti nei consumi di bevande alcoliche”, in Allamani A., Cipriani F., Prina F. (a cura di), I cambiamenti nei consumi di bevande alcoliche in Italia, Quaderno n. 17 dell’Osservatorio Permanente sui Giovani e l’Alcool. Roa: Casa Editrice Litos, pp. 171-272. 17. Beccaria F. (1997), “Alcool e pubblicità. Contenuti e ruolo della pubblicità di alcolici nella cultura italiana del bere”, in Osservatorio Permanente sui Giovani e l’Alcool, Dalla prevenzione locale agli orientamenti comunitari, Quaderno n. 10, Otet, Roma, pp. 85-282. (Alcohol and advertising. Contents and role of alcohol advertising in a wet drinking culture) 18. Beccaria F. (2004), Alcol e pubblicità, in Allamani A., Orlandini D., Bardazzi G., Quartini A., Morettini A., Libro italiano di alcologia. Volume II Alcol e società, pp. 111-118. (Alcohol and advertising) 19. Beccaria F., Prina F. (1996), “Le dimensioni culturali e sociali dell'alcool”, in Ruggenini Moiraghi A. (a cura di), Alcologia. Milano: Masson, pp. 17-58. (The cultural and social dimension of alcohol) 20. Beccaria F., Prina F. (1996), “Le dimensioni culturali e sociali dell'alcool”, in Ruggenini Moiraghi A. (a cura di), Alcologia. Milano: Masson, pp. 17-58. (The cultural and social dimension of alcohol) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 6 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Franca Beccaria 21. Beccaria F. (1997), “Testimoni del bere giovanile: i baristi”, Beccaria F., Prina F. (eds), Il piacere incerto. Stili di vita e di consumo di alcol tra i giovani cuneesi. Cuneo: Publiedit, pp. 81-106. (Witnesses of youth drinking: the bartenders) ARTICLES (peer reviewed journals) 22. Rolando S., Taddeo G., Beccaria F. New media and old stereotypes. Journal of Gender Studies (accepted) 23. Beccaria F., Petrilli E., Rolando S. (2015), Binge drinking vs. drunkenness. The questionable threshold of excess for young Italians. Journal of Youth Studies, Early on line:1-16. Doi: 10.1080/13676261.2014.992321. 24. Beccaria F., Rolando S., Hellman M., Bujalski M., Lemmens P. (2015), From criminals to celebrities: Perceptions of “the addict” in the print press from four European countries. Substance Use and Misuse, 50(4): 439-453. doi:10.3109/10826084.2015.978187. 25. Petrilli E., Beccaria F. (2015), The Italian “alcohol question” from 1860 to 1930: two opposing scientific interpretations. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research. Early on line 26. Berridge V. , Mold A., Beccaria F., Eisenbach-Stangl I., Herczynska G., Moskalewicz J., Petrilli E., Taylor S.. (2014). Addiction in Europe, 1860s–1960s: Concepts and Responses in Italy, Poland, Austria, and the United Kingdom. Contemporary Drug Problems , 41(4): 551566, doi:10.1177/0091450914567119 27. Beccaria F., Rolando S. (2014). The Italian politics of alcohol: the creation of a public arena at the end of the XXth century. International Journal of Drug Policy, Early on-line - DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2014.10.008 28. Beccaria F., Petrilli E. (2014). The complexity of addiction: conceptions of alcohol and drug addiction among Italian scholars, 1860s-1930s. Social History of Alcohol and Drugs (special issue) (accepted) 29. Rolando S., Beccaria F., Petrillli E., Prina F. (2014), Adults’ views of young people’s drinking in Italy: an explorative qualitative research. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 21(5): 388-397 30. Rolando S., Törrönen J., Beccaria F. (2014), Boundaries between adult and youth drinking as expressed by young people in Italy and Finland. Young, 22(3): 227-252. doi: 10.1177/1103308814533468 31. Petrilli E., Beccaria F, Prina F., Rolando S. (2014), Images of alcohol among Italian adolescents. Understanding their point of view. Drugs: education, prevention and policy. 21(3):211-220. 32. Holmila, M., Beccaria, Ibanga, A., Graham, K., Hettige, S., Magri, R., Munné M., Plant M., Rolando S., Tumwesigye N. (2014). Gender, alcohol and intimate partner violence: Qualitative comparative study. Submitted to Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. Early online doi: 1-10. 10.3109/09687637.2014.911245 33. Beccaria F., Rolando S. (2013), Stakeholders’ Role in Comtemporary “Substitute Drug” Policies in Italy, Substance Use and Misuse, 48:943-953. 34. Beccaria F., Einstein S., Thom B. (guest editors) (2013), An International Interdisciplinary Forum. Stakeholders in Opioid Substitution Drug User Treatment Policy: Similarities and differences in Six European Countries, Substance Use and Misuse, Special Issue, 48(11). 35. Beccaria F. (2012), “Franca Beccaria on Allaman Allamani’s “Failure and Transformation in the Relationship Between Patient and Therapist””, Substance Use and Misuse, 47(11):1501-1502. 36. Beccaria F., Rolando S., Ascani P. (2012), “Alcohol consumption and Quality of Life among young adults. A Comparison among Three European Countries”, Substance Use and Misuse, 47(11):1214-23. 37. Rolando S., Beccaria F., Tigerstedt C., TörrönenJ. (2012), “First drink: what does it mean? The alcohol socialization process in different drinking cultures”, Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 19 (3):201-212. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2012.658105 38. Beccaria F., Rolando S., Caputo M., Puglisi M.T., Tomaciello M.G. (2011), “Salute è partecipare. Riflessioni di metodo e di merito sulla realizzazione dei PePS nel territorio cuneese”, Salute e Società, 2:152-161 (pubblicata anche versione inglese) 39. Beccaria F. (2010), “Stili del bere delle giovanni generazioni: vent’anni di ricerche”, Salute e società, IX (3):62-82. / “Drinking styles of the young generations: twenty years’ qualitative research”, Salute e società, IX (3):58-78. (English version) doi: 10.3109/09687630802291703 40. Rolando S., Beccaria F., Ermacora A., Marinaro L. (2010), “Alcol e guida: la formazione dei “moltiplicatori dell’azione preventiva”, Salute e società, IX (3):203-213 / “Drinking and driving: training the “prevention multipliers”, Salute e società, IX (3):203-213. (English version). 41. Allamani A., Beccaria F., Voller F. (2010), “The puzzle of Italian drinking”, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 27(5):465-478. 42. Beccaria F. (2010), “Ritual drinking during the annual Alpini Event in Italy”, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 27(4):357-368 43. Beccaria F., Prina F. (2010), “Young people and alcohol in Italy: an evolving relationship”, Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 17(2):99-122. doi: 10.3109/09687630802291703 44. Allamani A., Beccaria F. (issue eds.) (2007), Contemporary Drugs Problems, 34 (2). 45. Beccaria F., Allamani A. (2007), “Changes in the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Italy: studies of the decrease in consumption between the 1970s and the 2000s”, Contemporary Drugs Problems, 34 (2): 183-186. © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 7 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) 46. Beccaria F., Scarscelli D. (2007), “Life cycles and changes in alcoholic beverage consumption: research project and theoretical framework”, Contemporary Drugs Problems, 34 (2):287-298. 47. Beccaria F. (2007), “Changes in social meaning of alcohol consumption in Italy: a “privileged” look”, Contemporary Drugs Problems, 34 (2):347-360. 48. Beccaria F. (2007), “Italian alcohol advertising regulation and enforcement”, Contemporary Drug Problems, 34 (1): 25-52. 49. Beccaria F., Sande A. (2003), “Drinking games and rite of life projects. A social comparison of the meaning and functions of young people’s use of alcohol during the rite of passage to adulthood in Italy and Norway”, Young Nordic Journal of Youth Research, vol. 11 (2):99-119. 50. Beccaria F., Amici S., Bonello M., Maggiorotti P.G., Tomaciello M.G. (2003), ““Listening to me, I have something to tell you”, Young people, alcohol and drugs: peer education”, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, English Supplement, vol. 20: 110-115. 51. Beccaria F., Vidoni Guidoni O. (2002), “Young people in a wet culture: functions and patterns of drinking”, Contemporary Drug Problems, 29: 305-334. 52. Beccaria F. (2001), “Italian debate on alcohol advertising regulation”, Contemporary Drug Problems, 28, 4:719-736. 53. Beccaria F. (2001), “Italian alcohol advertising: a qualitative content analysis”, Contemporary Drug Problems, 28:391-414. OTHER ARTICLES 54. Bosi S., Mosti A., Beccaria F. (2014). L’abuso di alcol in adolescenza: un modello partecipato di intervento preventivo in ambito scolastico. Sistema Salute, 58(4):465-476. 55. Calvelli M., Beccaria F. (2015). Marketing e responsabilità sociale d’impresa: il contributo della ricerca. (Marketing and social responsibility: the contribution of research). Harvard Business Review, Aprile. 56. Vigna-Taglianti F., Burroni P., Mathis F., Rotelli M. Garneri M., Beccaria F., Picciolini A., Versino E., Bargagli A.M., e il Gruppo di Studio VedeTTE (2014), “Differenze di genere: evidenze dallo studio VEdeTTE”. Medicina delle Dipendenze (Italian Journal of Addictions), 16: 65-78. 57. Beccaria F., Petrilli E., Rolando S. (2012), “La socializzazione all’alcol in Italia”, Medicina delle Dipendenze (Italian Journal of Addictions), 5: 61-69. (Alcohol socialization in Italy) 58. Beccaria F. (2011), “Marketing, alcol e giovani: quali effetti?”, Medicina delle Dipendenze, 1:33-39. (Marketing, alcohol and youth: which effects?) 59. Rolando S., Beccaria F., Consoli A., Scaroina E. (2010), “Il sistema di risposta ai problemi alcolcorrelati in Piemonte, Alcologia, 9:22-31. (The answer to alcohol problems in Piedmont region) 60. Rolando S., Beccaria F. (2010), “Alcol e politiche: l’importanza delle specificità culturali”, Notiziario di Educazione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute, 33(2): 233-235. (Alcohol and policies: the importance of cultural specificities) 61. Beccaria F., Allamani A., Cipriani F., Prina F. (2009), “Zakaj se je uživanje alckoholnih pijač v Italui med letoma 1970 in 2005 zmanjšalo” (Why the decrease in consumption of alcoholic beverages in Italy between the 1970 and the 2005), Socialno Delo 48(5-6):337-348 62. Rolando S., Beccaria F. (2009), “Il sistema di risposta ai problemi alcol-correlati”, Dal Fare al Dire, 3:II-VII. (The answer to alcohol problems in Piedmont region) 63. Baldacci G., Beccaria F., Ermacora A., Gilardini A., Giubbolini C., Magrini C., Maranzano P., Martelli T., Olivero F., Rolando S. (2009), “I ragazzi del progetto Pegaso e il gradimento delle iniziative”, Dal Fare al Dire, 3:17-25. (The young people of Pegaso project and their evaluation of the project) 64. Beccaria F, Rolando S., Coffano E., Ferro E., Donadio P., Venutti S.M. (2009), “Donazione organi: indagine sull'efficacia di una campagna informativa rivolta ai giovani", Educazione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute, 32 (2): 123-139. (Evaluation of a social campaign on organs donation) 65. Giubbolini C., Gilardini A., Martelli T., Baldacci G., Beccaria F., Ermacora A., Magrini C., Maranzano P. (2009), “Progetto Pegaso: il racconto di un’esperienza condivisa”, Dal Fare al Dire, 2:30-39. (Pegaso project: the story of the project) 66. Beccaria F., Marinaro L. (2008), “Progetto “Pronti a Ripartire”, Dal Fare al Dire, 3:17-24. (Ready to leave: a prevention project on drinking and driving) 67. Beccaria F. (2008), “Il consumo e il mercato della droga a Torino. Una ricerca internazionale”, Personalità/Dipendenze, 3:203-222. (Drug consumption and drug market in Torino) 68. Costamagna F., Beccaria F. (2008), “Pubblicità regresso. L’impatto della pubblicità di bevande alcoliche sui giovani”, Educazione sanitaria e promozione della salute, 31(2): 90-106. (The impact of alcohol advertising on young people) 69. Beccaria F., Blasutti V, Cau L., Codenotti T., Costamagna F., Rolando S., Scafato E. (2008), “La pubblicità delle bevande alcoliche e la sua applicazione: risultati italiani nell’ambito del progetto europeo ELSA”, Alcologia, 2: 64-75. (Alcohol advertising regulation: results from ELSA, a European project) 70. Marinaro L., Beccaria F. (2008), “Scegliere la strada della sicurezza”, Promozione Salute, 14(2): 13. (To choose the secure road: a project on drinking and driving prevetion) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 8 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Franca Beccaria 71. Beccaria F., Cipriani F., Allamani A., Prina F. (2007), “I cambiamenti nei consumi di bevande alcoliche in Italia . Uno studio esplorativo sul decremento dei consumi alcolici negli anni 19702000”, Educazione sanitaria e promozione della salute, 30(3): 229-237. (Changes in alcohol consumption in Italy. An exploratory study on alcohol consumption decrease between 1970 and 2000) 72. Beccaria F. (2007), “Giovani e alcol: un rapporto in evoluzione”, La salute umana, 207:13-18. (Young people and alcohol: a relation in evalution) 73. Ermacora A., Beccaria F., Amici S., Allosio P., Bonello M, Fida V, Tomaciello M.G. (2006), “Giovani, alcol e droga: Ascolta ho qualcosa da dirti...l'educazione tra pari continua”, Educazione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute, (29)4:395-403. (Young people, alcohol and drugs: a peer education project) 74. Amici S., Beccaria F., Ermacora A., D’Ambrosio R. (2006), “Eclissi Totale. Casa sotto controllo. Videogioco per la prevenzione degli incidenti domestici rivolto ai ragazzi della scuola media inferiore”, Educazione sanitaria e promozione della salute, 29(3): 292-300. (Total Eclipse. A videogame on domestic accident prevention aimed at children) 75. Beccaria F., Marchisio M. (2006), “Progetto BOB. Valutazione di una campagna di promozione del guidatore designato”, Dal fare al dire, 2:XII-XX. (Bob project. Evaluation of a social campaign on designed driver) 76. Beccaria F., Carzana M. (2005), “Alcol, droghe e guida. Riflessioni in corso”, Notiziario dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 18 (11): 7-10. (Alcohol, drugs and driving. Reflection on the road) 77. Beccaria F., Carzana M., Ermacora A., Ravaglia A. (2004), “Alcol, droghe e guida: una funzione per le autoscuole?”, in Quaderni ACP, 11 (5): 197-199 e 234. (Alcohol, drugs and driving: which role of driving license schools?) 78. Beccaria F., Ermacora A. (2004), “Il colloquio presso il NOT UTG Cuneo, visto dall’utente”, Dal Dire al Fare, 2:15-27. (The talk with the NOT from the point of view of the customer) 79. Altamura M., Beccaria F., Cottino A. (2004), “Giovani e alcol in una cultura bagnata: tra ricerca e intervento”, Educazione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute, 27 (1):36-53. (Young people and alcohol in a wet country: among research and intervention) 80. Amici S., Beccaria F. (2003), “Comunicazione e prevenzione: linee guida per messaggi di promozione della salute rivolti all’universo giovanile”, Dal Fare al Dire, 3:33-42, 2003. (Communication and prevention: guidelines on social campaign for young people) 81. Beccaria F., Carzana M., Ermacora A. (2003), ““Alcol, droghe, guida. Riflessioni in corso”. Formazione per insegnanti e istruttori di autoscuola”, Farmacia Amica, 2:6-13. (Alcohol, drug and driving. Training for driving school teachers) 82. Beccaria F. (2001), “Pubblicità e salute”, Professione Sanità Pubblica e Medicina Pratica, n. 2:714. (Health and advertising) 83. Beccaria F. (1999), ““Bait” or “prey”: women in Italian alcohol advertising at the end of millennium”, Alcologia, vol. XI, n. 2: 101-106. 84. Amici S., Beccaria F., Spadaro C. (1999), “Messaggi in bottiglia, ipertesto multimediale sui temi dell'alcol”, Alcologia, suppl. vol. XI, n. 2.:55-60 (Messages in the bottle, a cdrom on alcohol) 85. Beccaria F. (1998), “Giovani, pubblicità e alcol”, Educazione Sanitaria e Promozione della Salute, vol.21, n.2:53-58. (Youth, advertising and alcohol). 86. Beccaria F. (1995), “Juvenile alcohol consumption in public drinking places. A pilot study on Italian bartenders' and licensees' opinions”, Alcologia, vol. VII, n. 3:237-242. 87. Beccaria F. (1994), “Etica dell'alcool e pubblicità”, Alcologia, vol. VI, n. 1 (sezione italiana):13-16. (Ethic and adverting on alcohol) OTHER PUBLICATIONS 88. Beccaria F. (2014). Alcol: il punto di vista di ragazzi e insegnanti. Una ricerca qualitative. In Bosi S. (a cura di) Scegli con gusto, gusta in salute. Reggio Emilia: Lega Tumori. (Alcohol: the point of view of young people and teachers. A qualitative research), pp. 137-190. 89. AA.VV (2014), Consumo e comportamenti di dipendenza con e senza uso di sostanze nel genere femminile: progetto per un percorso conoscitivo nella Regione Piemonte. Rapporto di ricerca. Commissione Pari Opportunità donna-uomo, Regione Piemonte (Consumption and addiction among female gender) 90. Amici S., Beccaria F., Ermacora A., Piccoli M., Costamagna F (2007), Alcool, droghe, guida. Didattica in corso. Regione Piemonte, Torino. (Alcohol, drugs and driving) 91. Burroni P., Vigna-Taglianti F., Versino E., Beccaria F., Garneri M., Mathis F., Picciolini A., Rotelli M., Bargagli A.M. (2007), Differenze di genere nello studio VEdeTTE, Monografia n. 7 Studio nazionale per la valutazione dei trattamenti per la tossicodipendenza da eroina, Regione Piemonte. (Gender differences in the VEdeTTE study on addicts in treatment) 92. De Santi A., Casella P., Penna L. (eds) (2004), Prevenzione degli incidenti stradali: promozione di interventi formativi nelle autoscuole. Documento di indirizzo, Rapporti ISTISAN 4/22 pt. 1 (Beccaria co-author). (Road traffic injuries. Guidelines on prevention for driving license teachers) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 9 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) 93. De Santi A., Casella P., Penna L. (eds) (2004), Prevenzione degli incidenti stradali: promozione di interventi formativi nelle autoscuole. Manuale operativo per insegnanti e istruttori, Rapporti ISTISAN 4/22 pt.2, (Beccaria co-autore). (Road traffic injuries. Tool for driving school teachers) 94. Amici S., Beccaria F., Bonello M., Maggiorotti P., Tomaciello M.G. (2004), “Ascolta ho qualcosa da dirti. Giovani, alcol e droga: educazione tra pari. I “promotoridi salute” in azione”, in CIPES, Conferenza Nazionale di Promozione ed educazione alla salute. Salute e Politica, strumenti di sviluppo, Centro Sperimentale per l’Educazione Sanitaria, Università degli Studi di Perugina, pp. 495-508. 95. Giubbolini C. (eds) (2004), Tutti a scuola. Un’esperienza di formazione del personale non docente delle scuole superiori (All to school. A training experience aimed at non-teaching adults of high schools), MIUR (with the contribution of Baldacci G. e Beccaria F.). 96. Baldacci G., Beccaria F., Giubbolini C. (eds) (2004), PariCompari. Educazione tra pari, MIUR (Kit con schede, libricini, cd-rom). (Peer education) 97. Amici S., Beccaria F. (a cura di) (1999), Messaggi in bottiglia Giò. Ipertesto multimediale sui temi dell’alcol, per ragazzi dai 13 ai 17 anni. Settore di Educazione Sanitaria dell’ASL 1 di Torino, Torino. (Messages in the bottle. Cd-rom on alcohol for prevention in schools) 98. AA.VV. (1999), Alcol, droghe e guida. Riflessioni in corso. Kit multimediale composto da manuale, lucidi, cd-rom, videocassetta per gli insegnanti e allievi delle autoscuole. ASL 1 Torino e ASL Città di Milano. (Kit tool on alcohol, drugs and driving for driving schools). The cd-rom received the IV edition Möbius Multimedia Città di Lugano Award, 5-6 maggio 2000. 99. Amici S., Beccaria F. (eds) (1998), Messaggi in bottiglia. Ipertesto multimediale sui temi dell’alcol per insegnanti di scuola media, Settore di Educazione Sanitaria dell’ASL 1 di Torino, Torino. (Messages in the bottle. Cd-rom for teachers) 100. Amici S., Beccaria F., Bortolini B., Celata C., Vialetto S. (1998), Skake-it! Ingredienti per un cocktail di salute, NOA, ASL Città di Milano. (Skake-it! Ingredients for a health cocktail. A kit on alcohol for school prevention) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 10 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Presentations, conferences & seminars Projects Franca Beccaria Participation in about 150 symposia, seminars, scientific congresses and meetings presenting papers. Coordination and participation in the following social research projects: ! Ricerca “La prevenzione e promozione della salute in provincia di Cuneo: quali priorità?” (Prevention and health promotion in Cuneo province: which priorities?) [Fondazione CRC] (2014-15) ! Consumption, abuse, addiction among women (qualitative research among key informants and on Internet – social networks, forum, Youtube) [ASLTO2- Dipartimento Patologia delle Dipendenze “C. Olievenstein”] (2012-14) ! ALICE-RAP. Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project (WP1-WP2-WP3-WP11-WP12) [FP7-HEALTH-2010 –European Commission Barcelona] (2011, ongoing) ! Images of adolescent alcohol use and health in Italy. A study of teenagers’ drinking and societal reactions to it. (qualitative research on alcohol perception among Italian and Finnish young people – focus groups) [University of Turin – ERAB - University of Helsinki] (2012-13) ! AMPHORA. Alcohol Measures for Public Health Research Alliance (Research on the marketing of alcoholic beverages – focus groups, questionnaires) [FP7-HEALTH-2007-B – European Commission - Barcelona] (2009-12) ! Research on art. 75 del DPR 309/90 (interviews in Italian cities to drug consumers) (University of Torino – University of Piemonte Orientale – University Bicocca of Milan] (2008-9) ! Evaluation research on Feedback project (health promotion) (questionnaires) [ASL CN2-Local Health Service] (2008) ! Sociological research as a tool for social inclusion: the access to gynaecological and obstetric services of immigrate women (questionnaires) [ASL AL] (2008) ! Alcoholism treatment in local addiction services in Piedmont Region (interviews, focus groups) [Regione Piemonte- ASL TO2] (2008) ! Evaluation on a social campaign on organ donation (telephone interviews) [Ospedale/Hospital San Giovanni Battista-Molinette Turin] (2008) ! Research on Alcohol and generation in Italy and in Finland (focus group) [Permanent Observatory on Youth and Alcohol-Rome] (2007-8) ! Research on road safety in Piedmont Region (telephone interviews) [Piedmont Region] (2007) ! Project “Pronti a ripartire/Ready to leave”, on drinking and driving involving local driving license commissions [ASL 15-16-17-18] (2007) ! Italian partner of the European research project “ELSA: Enforcement of National Law and Self-regulation on the advertising and marketing of alcoholic beverages in the EU-members States, and Norway and Switzerland” (questionnaires) [STAP – Utrecht – The Netherlands] (2006-7) ! Evaluation of the project for the prevention of domestic accidents “Eclissi Totale” (Total eclipse) (questionnaires) [ASL1 Turin] (2006) ! Research on work placement of people with traumatic brain injury (focus groups) [Project Equal-La Ghianda] (2006) ! Alcohol consumption and attitude in a Michelin factory (questionnaires, interviews, focus groups) [ASL 20 Alessandria] (2005) ! Evaluation of a social campaign on drinking and driving and designed driver (questionnaires, focus groups) [Piedmont Region] (2005) ! Research on risk perception among young people with the aim to prevent traumatic brain injury (focus groups) [Bip-Bip CTO Torino] (2003) ! Evaluation of drug consumer interviews at Local Interior Office - NOT UTG (questionnaires)[UTG Cuneo], 2003. ! Research on evaluation of the activities for drug consumers of Local Interior Office (focus groups) [UTG Cuneo] (2002-3) ! Research on health perception among the population in a Torino district (questionnaires, focus groups) [URBAL project, Circoscrizione 5 di Torino, City of Turin] (2001) ! Communication and prevention: a research on social campaign on alcohol and drugs aimed at young people (focus groups) [Piedmont Region] (2001) Coordination of participative projects and health promotion projects: ! Progetto ALCOTRA “Star bene”: interventi di sostegno, sperimentazione e promozione dell’inclusione sociale (promotion of social inclusion, with particular attention to nutrition, lifestyles and physical activities) [Consorzio Monviso Solidale - CN] (2012-13) ! “Alcohol and nightlife” – A set of standards and initiatives to improve the health and safety of recreational nightlife venues [OED ASLTO3 – Regione Piemonte] (2011-12) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 11 / 12 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) Piani di zona/Local areas plans [Social services public consortium) (2010-11) Profili e piani di salute/Health Profiles and Plans (PEPS) [ASL CN1] (2009-11) “Progetto Multicentrico”/Project on drinking and driving [ASL CN1] (2008-29) “Guadagnare salute/Gaining health in adolescence [Piedmont Region] (2008-11) “Scegliere la strada della sicurezza”, National project for prevention of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances of CCM-Health Ministry [Piedmont Region] (2008-11) ! Project “Pegaso” on addiction prevention: coordinating and supervising peer education and teachers training [ASL1-8-10-Local Health Service] (2007-8) ! “Alcol, droghe, guida. Riflessioni in corso”/Alcohol, drug, driving. Ongoing thinking (for driving school teachers) [Regione Piemonte] (2002-9) ! “Messaggi in bottiglia”/Messages in the bottle (alcohol prevention for students and teachers) [Piedmont Region] (1999-2002) ! ! ! ! ! Teaching in health promotion trainings: ! Training Course for multipliers of alcohol and driving preventive actions (UTG e ASL AL) ! Project “Alcol, droghe e guida/Drinking & driving” (Piemont Region) ! Training on alcohol “Strumenti per una lettura socioantropologica/Tool for a socioanthropological reading” (ASL6 Ciriè-Local Health Service) ! Project “Adolescenti e rischio/Adolescents and risks” (ASL9 Ivrea- Local Health Service) ! Project “Alcol e lavoro/Alcohol and work” (Construction company) Other: Organization of the 40th International Symposium of Kettil Bruun Society ( ( at the Campus Luigi Einaudi (CLE) of the University of Turin. Franca Beccaria was the chair of the Local Organizing Committee, which has handled the organization of the event included the definition of the program (about 210 paper). The event saw the participation of about 240 researchers from 36 different countries on 5 continents. Memberships ! Member of the Scientific Advisory board of Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. ! From 2011, president of KBS, Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol ( and member since 1996. ! From 2007 member of Scientific Laboratory of the Permanent Observatory on Alcohol and Youth in Rome. ! From 2007 member of SISS, Società Italiana di Sociologia della Salute (Italian Society of Health Sociology). ! From 2005 member of CIPES, Confederazione Italiana per la Promozione della Salute e l’Educazione Sanitaria (Italian Health Promotion Confederation). ! From 2003 to 2005 member of a team experts group at the National Health Institute (Rome) with the role of writing guide lines on drinking and driving prevention in driving schools. ! From 2004 to 2008, President of the regional board of SIA, Società Italiana di Alcologia (Italian Society of Alcohology) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 12 / 12