(Aprile 2015)
Emilio Garbagnati, nato a Milano il 23 agosto 1938, ha conseguito il diploma rilasciato dal Ministero
PPTT per l’esercizio di stazioni radiotrasmittenti (Roma 1956) e quello di perito industriale elettrotecnico
(Istituto Feltrinelli - Milano) nel 1957 ed ha frequentato il biennio superiore di elettronica industriale
presso l’Istituto “Beltrami” (1958 – 1959).
Assunto nel 1957 dalla Soc. Edisonvolta, ha guadagnato esperienza di laboratorio nel campo delle misure
e delle prove, anche in alta tensione, sul macchinario elettrico.
Dal 1964, presso il Centro di Ricerca Elettrica dell’ENEL, ha preso parte attiva negli studi dei problemi
connessi con il comportamento al fulmine ed alle sovratensioni di manovra degli isolamenti in aria dei
sistemi di trasmissione di energia elettrica (“Servizio Linee e Stazioni”).
Ha partecipato alle attività di studio in seno alla International Conférence on Lightning Protection (dal
1969 al 1993) ed alla Conférence Internationale des Grand Reseaux Electriques (dal 1977 al 1995)
presentando i risultati delle diverse ricerche in numerosi convegni.
Nel 1997, lasciato il Centro di Ricerca Elettrica dell’ENEL, svolge attività di consulenza come libero
È Segretario del Comitato Tecnico CEI 81 “Protezione contro il fulmine”.
Dal 2000 al 2011 ha collaborato con il Sistema Nazionale per l’Accreditamento di Laboratori in qualità di
Ispettore tecnico.
Ha collaborato alla pubblicazione di tre volumi (Edizione ERI) che riassumono le conoscenze sul
problema della fulminazione ed è autore o coautore di numerose decine di articoli e/o memorie.
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Private address:
Via D. Niccodemi,14
20052 MONZA (Milano)
Tel. / Fax +39 39 2100066
[email protected]
Italian Electrotechnical Committee (CEI)
SC 11A “Electr. Stations and cables”
Member from 1983 to 2007
SC 11A WG “Earthing systems”
Coordinator (from 1990 to 2000)
CT 36 “Insulators”
Member from 1977 to 2004
SC 36B “Insulators for overhead lines”
Secretary from 1977 to 2004
CT 42 “HV test technique”
Member from 1983 to 1997
CT 81 “Lightning protection”
Secretary from 1978
International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC)
TC 81 “Lightning protection”:
- Italian delegate from 1981 to 1991
- Italian expert in the WG “Interception” (1982)
- Italian expert in the WGs for setting up of Standard IEC 1024-1 and of Technical
Report “Guide B: Construction,...” (1983)
TC 36 B “Insulators for overhead lines”:
- Italian expert in the WG “Puncture test” (1970 1998)
TC 112 “Power installations exceeding 1 kV”:
JWG SC 64B/TC 112 “Protection of low voltage installations...”
TC99X WG 1 “Earthing aspects”
CLC /81X – WG06 “LPS Pure Performance Standard”
Italian expert from 1990 to 2007
Italian expert from 1991 to 2007
Italian expert from 2004 to 2007
Convenor from 2011 to 2014
WG 33.01 “Lightning”:
- Italian expert from 1984 to 1997
- Resp. of TF 03 “Interception” (from 1994 to 1997)
WG 33.03 “Switching impulses”:
- Italian expert from 1977 to 1997
WG 33.07 “Electr. Insulation in Live Working”: - Italian expert from 1990 to 1997
Corresponding member into “VI Commission of Inter. Committee on Atmospheric Electricity (Int.
Union of Geodesy & Geophysics) from 1981 to 2005.
Lectures at Uppsala Univ. on “Lightning current measurements”
Training of ENEL personnel responsible of “Idro-electric Area” on safety
problems related with earthing systems in station and along lines or cables
Lectures at Bologna Univ. on “Lightning protection”
Lectures at Palermo Univ. on “Behaviour of earthing systems”
(1975 & 1977)
(1982 & 1983)
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Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection (ICLP)
Int. Symp. on High Voltages (ISH)
Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity
Colloquium CIGRE
Journèe d’etude sur la foudre et les reseaux electriques
Int. Conf. on Lightning and Power Systems
21st Gen. Ass. of Union of Radio Science)
Symposium on “Earthing systems”
VIII Conf on Gas Discharges
One-day seminar on “Lightning protection”
One-day seminar on “Public distribution”
One-day seminar on “Electromagnetic compatibility”
AEI General Meeting
2nd Int. Conf on Live Maintenance
from 1969 al 1994;
from 1983 al 1991;
1981 - Oxford
1981 - Rio de Janeiro
1983 - Gif-sur-l’Yv. (SEE)
1984 - London (IEE)
1984 - Firenze (URSI)
1985 - Palermo (Univ:)
1985 - Oxford
1985 - Milano e Torino (INTEL)
1987 - Milano (AEI)
1987 - Milano (AEI)
1987 - Catania (AEI)
1996 - Venezia (ICOLIM)
Consultant for HV projects in Italy of NKT Cables
(Colonia – Germany)
from 1998 to 1995
Lightning protection of work fields on mountains
(Reg. Autonoma Val D’Aosta)
Analysis of puff-tower ignition caused by lightning
(Sarmato Pw.St. of Edison)
2003 with VALCOM
Dimensioning of earth electrodes of HVDC
connection Algeria – Spagna (AEC-RED)
2002 with CESI
Supervisor for the lightning protection of the
exposition area of Rho (Milano)
2003 with GAVAZZI
Consultant for SITE into court judgement about
man injuries caused by lightning
Dimensioning of earth electrodes of HVDC
connection Italia – Sardegna (ENEL)
2004 with CESI
Lightning protection of Teverola Pw. St. (Caserta - SET)
Lightning protection of Ferrara Pw. St. (Caserta - SEF)
Supervisor for the lightning protection of coal domes
in ENEL plant of Torrevaldaliga N (Civitavecchia)
2008 with STUDIO OMEGA
Supervisor for the lightning protection of structures
in ENEL plant of La Casella (Piacenza)
2009 with ENEL Prod.
Specializing courses on Lightning Standards
from 1997 to 2005 arranged by CESI
Specializing courses on IEC 62305 Standard
from 2006 arranged by CEI
Lightning protection of wind farms
(FW POWER S.r.l. and VOREAS S.r.l.)
2011 and 2014
Supervisor for the lightning protection of Mangiagalli,
I.C. Humanitas and other hospital structures
from 2004
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