15/12/2016 TEXT 2 - CORREZIONE 047SL – Traduzione inglese 3 COMPITO A CASA Tradurre Text 2 Elencare tutti gli strumenti utilizzati per farlo Individuare i “punti critici” (max. 3) 1 15/12/2016 STRUMENTI Dizionario sinonimi e contrari Dizionari vari, anche combinatorio Treccani Google Google per collocazioni, NHS, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Wikipedia per sapere se riferirsi al presidente dell’Academy come uomo o donna PUNTI CRITICI “Fat man of Europe” / Personificazione Titolo / “È stato difficile tradurre il titolo inglese in un titolo italiano che fosse non troppo lungo, meno offensivo possibile tuttavia che rispettasse il senso originale e che rimanesse interessante” Report NHS: come rendo nomi istituzioni e acronimi? Watershed e fasce protette in paesi diversi Trovare una soluzione traduttiva che non risulti forzata per il lettore italiano (obesity epidemic, health survey, people working in the medical profession, obesity crisis, reducing the proximity) 2 15/12/2016 PUNTI CRITICI Davanti a nomi di istituzioni, abbiamo optato per una traduzione di quelle non comprensibili tra cultura di partenza e quella di arrivo ("NHS Sistema Sanitario Nazionale inglese") mentre abbiamo scelto di lasciare in inglese "Academy of Medical Royal Colleges" perché ci sembrava comprensibile anche da un lettore italiano Abbiamo deciso di tradurre le frazioni in percentuali per rendere il testo più fluido in italiano. ("[...] a quarter of men and women, and one in five 10-11 year olds" "[...] 25% tra gli adulti e del 20% tra i ragazzi […]") PUNTI CRITICI Consecutio temporum (most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it) 3 15/12/2016 TEXT 2: ‘FIZZY DRINK TAX’ TO STOP UK BEING ‘FAT MAN OF EUROPA’ The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has published a report containing 10 recommendations designed to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic – a story covered by most of the UK media. The latest health survey data suggests the UK is the ‘fat man of Europe’, with a quarter of men and women, and one in five 10-11 year olds being obese. In a compelling analogy, the report likens the current situation of obesity to that of smoking during the 1970s. During the 1970s, most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. The report argues that a similar situation now exists regarding the health risks associated with obesity – which is estimated to cost the NHS £5.1 billion a year. The views of thousands of practicing doctors in the UK were sought by the report's authors on how best to tackle the obesity crisis. The report presents 10 key recommendations on new ways to address the growing public health problem of obesity, including: - banning junk food advertising before the 9pm watershed - reducing the proximity of fast food outlets to schools, colleges and other places were young people gather - a one-year trial of a 20% tax on sugary drinks, to see what effect this could have As the chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges says, ‘This report does not pretend to have all the answers. But it does say we need together to do more, starting right now, before the problem becomes worse and the NHS can no longer cope.’ TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has published a report containing 10 recommendations designed to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic – a story covered by most of the UK media. 4 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 “Fizzy drink tax” to stop UK being “fat man of Europe” Titolo di giornale! Reah, D. (2002). The Language of newspapers. London: Routledge HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES Unique type of text ephemeral multi-targeted not necessarily independent Restrictions (space, font size, …) Not written by reporter ! Encapsulates story (gives overall picture) Attracts reader to paper ↓ Can be ambiguous & confusing Accompanying story/picture often needed 5 15/12/2016 HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES Strictly stylized pattern No function words & heavy use of modification ↓ elision or ellipsis* ↓ does not affect meaning ↓ ! economy ! (and ambiguity) HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES elision or ellipsis* ↓ determiners (like adjectives): articles demonstratives auxiliaries ↓ (Lexical) ambiguity (many lexical words depend on grammatical words to establish which word class they belong to). E.g.: MINE EXPLODED THREE BATTERED IN FISH SHOP 6 15/12/2016 HOMEWORK! (TEXT 5) MINE EXPLODED 8TH ARMY PUSH BOTTLES UP GERMANS THREE BATTERED IN FISH SHOP POLICE FIND CONSTABLE DRAWING IN ATTIC Riflettere sui 4 titoli, tentare di tradurli e enucleare le strategie testuali utilizzate per produrli = individuare il tipo di ambiguità sfruttata e ragionare sul se e sul come è possibile renderla in italiano. Lavorare in gruppi. Deadline: 5/12 h 9.00 HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES MINE EXPLODED 8TH ARMY PUSH + BOTTLES UP GERMANS THREE BATTERED IN FISH SHOP POLICE FIND CONSTABLE DRAWING IN ATTIC 7 15/12/2016 HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES A MINE EXPLODED 8TH ARMY ADVANCE + TRAPS GERMANS THREE PEOPLE WERE BATTERED IN A FISH SHOP POLICE FIND A DRAWING BY CONSTABLE IN THE ATTIC ! POLICE FIND CONSTABLE WHO IS DRAWING IN THE ATTIC British artist! HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES Il titolo è l’essenza della notizia Stile distintivo Attira l’attenzione con poche parole Ha leggibilità autonoma “Biglietto da visita” del quotidiano Parte testuale che attire attenzione Gualdo, R. (2007). L’italiano dei giornali. Roma: Carocci. 8 15/12/2016 HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES Il titolo è l’essenza della notizia Stile distintivo Attira l’attenzione con poche parole Ha leggibilità autonoma “Biglietto da visita” del quotidiano Parte testuale che attire attenzione Scelto da redazione (vs. autore) Gualdo, R. (2007). L’italiano dei giornali. Roma: Carocci. HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES Esigenze di brevità e di spazio > tecniche di riduzione della frase, e.g.: Eliminazione di articoli e ausiliari > stile brachilogico (abbreviato): “Modello Merkel tentazione da evitare” Tematizzazione e messa in rilievo: “Prodi incalza i lavoratori autonomi” Frasi passive: “Blitz a Torino, espulso l’imam” 9 15/12/2016 HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES PUNTEGGIATURA → Le virgolette: introducono discorsi diretti, vengono utilizzate per rendere la lingua più vivace e trascinare il lettore nella lettura → I due punti: vengono usati frequentemente, indicano che ciò che segue chiarisce e approfondisce quanto è stato detto prima (ANCHE INSIEME) HEADLINES AS TEXT TYPES SINTASSI → sintesi → sottinteso il verbo principale → largo uso dei sostantivi. → omesse le forme del verbo "essere“ E.g. Rapina violenta, (sono stati) presi tre pugili professionisti Trasporti, servizi sociali, sanità, il welfare italiano (è) al capolinea 10 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 “Fizzy drink tax” to stop UK being “fat man of Europe” Una tassa per salvare il Regno Unito dall’obesità Tassa sulle bevande gassate: Regno Unito mai più ciccione d’Europa Regno Unito “il grassone d’Europa” tassa le bevande gassate Il Regno Unito è troppo grasso: tassa sulle bibite gassate TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Bene una traduzione diretta (calco) ma: “…” o corsivo 11 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges La Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, l’organo coordinatore delle facoltà di medicina nel Regno Unito, … TA che non si pone come un originale (“overt translation” o traduzione palese, cfr. J. House) Approccio addomesticante Tecnica dell’esplicitazione attraverso aggiunta TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has published a report containing 10 recommendations designed to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic – a story covered by most of the UK media. Relazione (resoconto, documento) articolo rapporto studio 12 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has published a report containing 10 recommendations designed to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic – a story covered by most of the UK media. The latest health survey data suggests the UK is the ‘fat man of Europe’, with a quarter of men and women, and one in five 10-11 year olds being obese. In a compelling analogy, the report likens the current situation of obesity to that of smoking during the 1970s. During the 1970s, most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. The report argues that a similar situation now exists regarding the health risks associated with obesity – which is estimated to cost the NHS £5.1 billion a year. The views of thousands of practicing doctors in the UK were sought by the report's authors on how best to tackle the obesity crisis. The report presents 10 key recommendations on new ways to address the growing public health problem of obesity, including: - banning junk food advertising before the 9pm watershed - reducing the proximity of fast food outlets to schools, colleges and other places were young people gather - a one-year trial of a 20% tax on sugary drinks, to see what effect this could have As the chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges says, ‘This report does not pretend to have all the answers. But it does say we need together to do more, starting right now, before the problem becomes worse and the NHS can no longer cope.’ TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has published a report containing 10 recommendations designed to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic – a story covered by most of the UK media. EN -ing form > IT relativa (cf. tendenze o naturali predisposizioni delle lingue, che sono diverse!) NO “contenente”! 13 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has published a report containing 10 recommendations designed to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic – a story covered by most of the UK media. affrontare/fronteggiare contrastare TEXT 2 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has published a report containing 10 recommendations designed to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic – a story covered by most of the UK media. “story” vs. “storia” 14 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 [The latest health survey data] suggests the UK is the ‘fat man of Europe’, with a quarter of men and women, and one in five 10-11 year olds being obese. I dati dell’ultima indagine sulla salute I dati emersi dall’ultima indaginesulla salute Secondo le statistiche più recenti sulla salute Secondo i dati dell’ultima indagine sulla salute TEXT 2 The latest health survey data suggests the UK is the ‘fat man of Europe’, with a quarter of men and women, and one in five 10-11 year olds being obese. Personificazione Il grassone d’Europa Il ciccione d’Europa 15 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 The latest health survey data suggests the UK is the ‘fat man of Europe’, with a quarter of men and women, and one in five 10-11 year olds being obese. : soffre di obesità … , in quanto … . L’obesità infatti colpisce… con TEXT 2 The latest health survey data suggests the UK is the ‘fat man of Europe’, with a quarter of men and women, and one in five 10-11 year olds being obese. … e un bambino di 10-11 anni su cinque >> un bambino di età tra i 10 e gli 11 anni su cinque… 16 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 In a compelling analogy, the report likens the current situation of obesity to that of smoking during the 1970s. During the 1970s, most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. Dizionario? TEXT 2 In a compelling analogy, the report likens the current situation of obesity to that of smoking during the 1970s. During the 1970s, most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. 17 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 In a compelling analogy, the report likens the current situation of obesity to that of smoking during the 1970s. During the 1970s, most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. … la maggior parte dei medici… TEXT 2 In a compelling analogy, the report likens the current situation of obesity to that of smoking during the 1970s. During the 1970s, most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. 2 problemi: Grammatica italiana Tempo e aspetto del verbo inglese! 18 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 …knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. Grammatica italiana “knew”: essere consapevole rientra nella sfera semantica del sapere, come so che, mi rendo conto che, verbi tutti che richiedono l’indicativo TEXT 2 …knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. Tempo e aspetto del verbo inglese Tense: Past Aspect: Continuous Voice: Passive Cf. M. Lewis, The English Verb, Longman. 19 15/12/2016 IL VERBO INGLESE / IL TEMPO Categoria grammaticale In inglese: 2 tempi verbali! Tense vs. time 20 15/12/2016 IL VERBO INGLESE / L’ASPETTO Tense: Past Aspect: Continuous Voice: Passive “gives the speaker’s temporal interpretation of the event” = “psychological time” vs. “real time” PERCEZIONE 21 15/12/2016 IL VERBO INGLESE / LA DIATESI Dipende dal ruolo dell’agente TEXT 2 In a compelling analogy, the report likens the current situation of obesity to that of smoking during the 1970s. During the 1970s, most people working in the medical profession knew that smoking presented a significant risk to public health, but little was being done about it. … sapevano che rappresentava… ma si faceva poco al riguardo 2 problemi: Grammatica italiana Tempo e aspetto del verbo inglese 22 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 The report argues that a similar situation now exists regarding the health risks associated with obesity – which is estimated to cost the NHS £5.1 billion a year. TEXT 2 The report argues that a similar situation now exists regarding the health risks associated with obesity – which is estimated to cost the NHS £5.1 billion a year. …per l’NHS (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) … 5.1 23 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 The views of thousands of practicing doctors in the UK were sought by the report's authors on how best to tackle the obesity crisis. Il problema L’emergenza La questione TEXT 2 The report presents 10 key recommendations on new ways to address [the growing public health problem of obesity], including: … questo crescente problema per la salute pubblica … il crescent problema sanitario-pubblico dell’obesità 24 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 The report presents 10 key recommendations on new ways to address [the growing public health problem of obesity], including: … questo crescente problema per la salute pubblica … il crescent problema sanitario-pubblico dell’obesità TEXT 2 - banning junk food … - reducing … - a one-year trial of a 20% tax … ELENCO COERENTE - Verbo (e.g. vietare…) - Verbo (e.g. ridurre…) - Verbo (e.g. introdurre…) 25 15/12/2016 TEXT 2 As the chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges says, ‘This report does not pretend to have all the answers. But it does say we need together to do more, starting right now, before the problem becomes worse and the NHS can no longer cope.’ 26 15/12/2016 HOMEWORK Non solo lingua SUL TRADURRE Tra tutte le difficoltà e tutti gli aspetti da tenere in considerazione “il linguaggio è forse il meno importante” (Lefevre 1992: XIV) 27 15/12/2016 TEXT 6 - THE CATHERINE TATE SHOW The tired mum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd2PVxloKsE TASKS Guardare il filmato Dividere il foglio in tre colonne Colonna 1: Trascrivere il testo in inglese Colonna 2: Tradurre in italiano Colonna 3: Spiegare il problema posto dal TP e la soluzione usata per risolverlo 28 15/12/2016 HOMEWORK! (TEXT 5) MINE EXPLODED 8TH ARMY PUSH BOTTLES UP GERMANS THREE BATTERED IN FISH SHOP POLICE FIND CONSTABLE DRAWING IN ATTIC Riflettere sui 4 titoli, tentare di tradurli e enucleare le strategie testuali utilizzate per produrli = individuare il tipo di ambiguità sfruttata e ragionare sul se e sul come è possibile renderla in italiano. Lavorare in gruppi. Deadline: 5/12 h 9.00 29