Lesson 6

annuncio pubblicitario
Lingua e
Cultura inglese
Prof.ssa Fabiana Loparco
Michael Vince - Grazia Cerulli
New Inside Grammar
Oxford, Macmillan, 2009
Università degli Studi di Macerata
Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, dei Beni Culturali e del Turismo
Classe: L-19
Anno Accademico 2014/2015
Lesson number: 6
1. Il futuro (going to, present progressive, will)
2. Il futuro anteriore (The future perfect)
3. Il futuro progressivo (The future continuous)
4. Futuro in frasi dipendenti
1. Il futuro/The future
Ci sono vari modi per esprimere il futuro:
Present progressive
programmi prestabiliti
Be going to
Intenzioni, progetti, eventi che stanno per verificarsi
previsioni, decisioni prese nel momento in cui si parla
May/might, be likely
Possibilità, probabilità futura
Going to e present progressive
Sia going to sia il presente progressivo possono
essere usati per parlare di programmi futuri. We are going to travel by train
Going to pone l’accento sull’intenzione di
compiere qualcosa, il presente progressivo sul We are travelling by train
fatto che l’attività è già stata programmata
Con verbi di moto, in particolare con go e We’re going to the seaside tomorrow
come, è più comune l’uso del presente
When are you leaving/going to leave?
Quando il presente progressivo potrebbe far
pensare a un’azione in corso di svolgimento si Are you going to work in the sales department?
deve usare going to
Quando si parla chiaramente di un evento
prefissato si deve usare il presente progressivo. My sister’s getting married tomorrow
Ricordate che per parlare di orari di treni,
aerei, concerti, programmi televisivi, ecc… si When does school break up this year?
usa di norma il presente semplice
Going to e present progressive
I don’t feel very well. I think I’m going to faint
Going to è inoltre usato per parlare di ciò che
pensiamo stia per accadere in base a quanto si
Look at the stars. It’s going to be a nice day
sa o si vede
Un’altra forma usata per parlare di qualcosa Let’s take our seats. The concert is going to/is
che sta per accadere è be about to. Con be about to start
about to si sottolinea che l’evento è imminente
Let’s hurry! The train is about to leave
Present Progressive o be going to? Completa queste frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi
• The taxi (pick) _____________________ us up at seven tomorrow
• I’ve bought an exercise bike because I (lose) ____________________ weight
• Ted (give) ____________________ a party on Friday night – he’s already told his neighbours.
• You (fail) ____________________ this year if you don’t get down to work.
• We (go) ____________________ out tonight - do you want to come?
• I’ve made up my mind. I (sell) ____________________ this house
• She (get) ____________________ into debt if she keeps wasting money like that
• I (cook) ____________________ for ten people tonight
Present Progressive o be going to? Completa queste frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi
• The taxi is picking us up at seven tomorrow
• I’ve bought an exercise bike because I am going to lose weight
• Ted is giving a party on Friday night – he’s already told his neighbours.
• You are going to fail this year if you don’t get down to work.
• We are going out tonight - do you want to come?
• I’ve made up my mind. I am selling / I’m going to sell this house
• She is going to get into debt if she keeps wasting money like that
• I am cooking / am going to cook for ten people tonight
Completa le frasi con going to o con il Present Progressive
• We (go) ___________________ to the mountains for Christmas, what about you?
• I (not invite) ___________________ Jane to my wedding
• Look at the sky, there’s (be) ___________________ a storm
• I (be) ___________________ a fireman when I grow up!
• ‘Can you help me tonight?’ ‘Sorry, I (meet) ___________________ John at the pub’
• We (go) ___________________ to Bermuda for our honeymoon
• I (pick up) ___________________ Paula at the station at 7 o’clock
• I (spend) ___________________ more time with my wife and children
Completa le frasi con going to o con il Present Progressive
• We are going to the mountains for Christmas, what about you?
• I’m not going to invite / ’m not inviting Jane to my wedding
• Look at the sky, there’s going to be a storm
• I’m going to be a fireman when I grow up!
• ‘Can you help me tonight?’ ‘Sorry, I’m meeting John at the pub’
• We’re going to Bermuda for our honeymoon
• I’m picking Paula at the station at 7 o’clock
• I’m going to spend more time with my wife and children
Futuro con will
Forma affermativa
Forma interrogativa
Forma negativa
I’ll/will call
Will I call?
I won’t/will not call
You will call
Will you call?
You won’t/will not call
He/she/it will call
Will he/she/it call?
He/she/it won’t/will not call
We will call
Will we call?
We won’t/will not call
You will call
Will you call?
You won’t/will not call
They will call
Will they call?
They won’t/will not call
Nella 1a persona (singolare e plurale) è possibile usare shall, ma è in genere usato nel linguaggio
I/We shall call you
Will è usato:
I don’t expect the government will reduce
Per esprimere previsioni (spesso con espressioni
come: I think/expect, I don’t think/expect, I’m
Will we ever meet again?
sure, probably, (n)ever, ever…again…)
The police won’t believe such a ridiculous story
Per esprimere una decisione presa nel momento • I must be going now
in cui si parla, ad esempio quando ci si offre di – Wait. I’ll come with you
fare qualcosa
non I come with you
I promise I’ll write this time
Per esprimere promesse o minacce
Give the toy back to Nelly or I’ll say it mummy
Il futuro di can si forma con be able to
They won’t be able to find an agreement
Il futuro di must si forma con have to
We’ll have to try and persuade them
Con il verbo to hope è più frequente l’uso del presente
I hope it’s a nice day tomorrow (or it’ll be…)
Completa gli spazi con will o won’t e il verbo tra parentesi
• I think it (rain) _________________________ this afternoon.
• Jamie (not be) _________________________ late for the lesson.
• You (enjoy) _________________________ the party.
• I hope there (be) _________________________ lots of people.
• Jade and Tony (meet) _________________________ us outside the cinema at 7 p.m.
• No, she (not help) _________________________ you with your homework!
• _________Mr Smart (give) ______________________ us any homework for the weekend?
Completa gli spazi con will o won’t e il verbo tra parentesi
• I think it will rain this afternoon.
• Jamie won’t be late for the lesson.
• You will enjoy the party.
• I hope there will be/are lots of people.
• Jade and Tony will meet us outside the cinema at 7 p.m.
• No, she won’t help you with your homework!
• Will Mr Smart give us any homework for the weekend?
Formula delle domande con il Future (will).
• (what/learn/they) ____________________________________?
• (it/snow) ____________________________________?
• (when/you/get/home) ____________________________________?
• (she/forgive/me) ____________________________________?
• (what/say/he) ____________________________________?
Formula delle domande con il Future (will).
• What will they learn?
• Will it snow?
• When will you get home?
• Will she forgive me?
• What will he say?
Will o going to:
Osservate la differenza d’uso fra will e going to per esprimere decisioni
• The lightbulb of the landing is broken
– Is it? I’ll change it right now
(la decisione è presa ora)
- Yes, I noticed. I’m going to change it tomorrow
(la decisione è già stata presa)
Perhaps I’ll sell my motorbike next month
I’m going to sell my motorbike at the end of summer
In certi casi è possibile usare sia will che going to per fare previsioni.
Si usa will quando si parla di ciò che si ritiene sia possibile o probabile.
Si usa going to se l’evento futuro è visto come risultato quasi certo di una condizione presente
I think the pound will probably fall again in autumn (Pure speculation)
The dollar’s very low, so I think the pound is going to fall, too (Deduction based on present situation)
Solo going to è possibile quando si parla di eventi che stanno per avvenire
Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain again
non It will rain again
2. Il futuro anteriore/The future perfect
Il futuro anteriore si forma con il futuro del verbo to have + participio passato
Forma affermativa
Forma interrogativa
Forma negativa
I will have arrived
Will I have arrived?
I won’t have arrived
You will have arrived
Will you have arrived?
You won’t have arrived
He/she/it will have arrived
Will he/she/it have arrived?
He/she/it won’t have arrived
We will have arrived
Will we have arrived?
We won’t have arrived
You will have arrived
Will you have arrived?
You won’t have arrived
They will have arrived
Will they have arrived?
They won’t have arrived
Il futuro anteriore è usato:
Per parlare di azioni che saranno
completate prima di un determinato
momento futuro.
È spesso accompagnato da determinazioni
By the end fo the month the snow will have
di tempo quali by now, by then, by next
year, by the end of the month, in a
day’s/week’s time, a year from now, this
time next week
Per parlare di qualcosa che si suppone sia You’ll have read all about the murder in
the newspaper
Inserisci i verbi nel Future Perfect.
• When you come home, I (cook) _____________________________ dinner for you.
• They (wash) _____________________________ the dishes by now.
• He (invite) _____________________________ her for a coffee.
• In ten years’ time the house (fall) _____________________________ into ruin.
• She (leave) _____________________________ work for today.
Inserisci i verbi nel Future Perfect.
• When you come home, I will have cooked dinner for you.
• They will have washed the dishes by now.
• He will have invited her for a coffee.
• In ten years’ time the house will have fallen into ruin.
• She will have left work for today.
3. Il futuro progressivo/The future progressive
Il futuro anteriore si forma con il futuro del verbo to be + forma in -ing
Forma affermativa
Forma interrogativa
Forma negativa
I will be spleeping
Will I be spleeping?
I won’t be spleeping
You will be spleeping
Will you be spleeping?
You won’t be spleeping
He/she/it will be spleeping
Will he/she/it be spleeping?
He/she/it won’t be spleeping
We will be spleeping
Will we be spleeping?
We won’t be spleeping
You will be spleeping
Will you be spleeping?
You won’t be spleeping
They will be spleeping
Will they be spleeping?
They won’t be spleeping
Il futuro progressivo si usa:
Per parlare di azioni che saranno in corso di
svolgimento in un dato momento del futuro.
Come il futuro anteriore può essere By the time you have finished making those
accompagnato da espressioni come by short trousers for Simon, he’ll be going to
then/next week/next year, in an hour’s time, university
this time tomorrow
Per parlare di azioni già programmate o fatti On the way back we’ll be passing Jim’s house
che riteniamo debbano verificarsi secondo il
corso normale degli eventi. Questa forma è Will you be phoning Mary in the next few day?
usata per informarsi in modo più cortese sui
programmi di qualcuno
Esiste anche una forma di futuro anteriore • Andrew is dead tired
– He’ll have been working very hard, as usual
Inserisci i verbi nel Future Progressive.
• At this time tomorrow, we (fly) _________________________________ to New York.
• At nine o'clock, the baby (sleep/still) _________________________________.
• Lilly and Neil are on their way to California. They (surf) _______________________ this time
• I (give) _________________________________ a speech at my friend’s wedding on Friday at seven.
• You (watch/probably) _________________________________ TV when I get home.
Inserisci i verbi nel Future Progressive.
• At this time tomorrow, we will be flying to New York.
• At nine o'clock, the baby will still be sleeping.
• Lilly and Neil are on their way to California. They will be surfing this time tomorrow.
• I will be giving a speech at my friend’s wedding on Friday at seven.
• You will probably be watching TV when I get home.
4. Futuro in frasi dipendenti
Diversamente dall’italiano, non si usa il futuro in frasi dipendenti se il verbo della frase principale è
al futuro. Le congiunzioni che introducono la frase dipendente possono essere if, unless (=se non), o
congiunzioni temporali (when, as soon as, before, until, after)
Si usa il presente al posto del futuro semplice e il passato prossimo al posto del futuro anteriore.
Will you go to the party if they invite you?
We’ll start eating as soon as I have finished washing the salad
I won’t be able to do it unless you help me
Oltre al futuro con will, nella frase principale possono esserci altre forme di futuro, come
may/might e be likely, o un imperativo
You may/might find your button when you sweep the floor
If John comes, Mary is likely to come, too
Don’t switch the light on until I tell you
Per approfondire ed esercitarsi:
New Inside Grammar
Lesson & excercises
pp. 164-175; 180-182
English Children’s
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
Author: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Publication date: September 21, 1931