Matteo Quattropani
Curriculum Vitae
PhD student,
Università di Roma Tre, Rome, Italy,
Probability theory, applied probability.
2016 - Today
Tutor: Prof. Pietro Caputo
MSc Applied Mathematics, summa cum laude,
Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, the Netherlands,
Thesis: Spectral techniques of Community Detection: a probabilistic perspective.
2014 - 2016
Supervisors: Dr. Luca Avena and Dr. Diego Garlaschelli
BSc Applied Mathematics - Curriculum "Finance",
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy,
Thesis: Un modello stocastico per la dinamica dei prezzi spot dell’energia elettrica.
2008 - 2013
Supervisor: Prof. Rita Laura D’Ecclesia
Summer School: Introduction to Complex Systems,
Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Summer School: Introduction to Quantitative Biology,
Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Summer School: Bank financial management and risk modeling,
Nyenrode Bussiness Universiteit, Breukelen, the Netherlands.
High School,
Liceo Classico Statale Socrate, Rome.
2003 - 2008
Teaching Assistant,
CP110: Calcolo delle Probabilità 1,
Lecturer: Prof. Pietro Caputo.
Università di Roma Tre
Teaching Assistant,
MasterMath course: Stochastic Processes,
Lecturer: Dr. Flora Spieksma.
Universiteit Leiden / Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam
ICT consultant,
Natuna S.p.a.,
Consultant for the restyling of company’s IT system.
Participant in public competition,
Istituto Nazionale di Statistica.
12/2011 - 01/2012
Eligible for the role of "Collaboratore Tecnico Ente di Ricerca - IV livello professionale" - Computer Science area
Italian: Mother language
English: Fluent
Computer skills
Programming Languages:
Other skills:
C/C++, MySQL, Mathematica, Phyton, MatLab
Latex, Microsoft Office