Annual course, Primary Education Sciences (single- cycle, five

- Annual course, Primary Education Sciences (single- cycle, five-year degree
- Six-monthly course, Primary Education Sciences (pre-reform four-year
degree course)
. - History of Education (annual course)
The course aims to provide students with the basic tools for the sociological
reading of social phenomena and processes, with particular reference to education.
Aspiring nursery school and primary school teachers will be invited to analyse
the education situation from an institutional point of view and by considering role
action, organisation, functional and dysfunctional dynamics within the education
system as well as the relationships between socialisation agencies.
The course explores the following aspects:
– sociology as a scientific subject: the main approaches to the study of society,
the interpretation of social change and the relationship between individuals and
society; classic writers (Durkheim, Marx, Weber, Simmel, Parsons);
– the problem with method within sociology, designing social research and the
main tools for the collection of data;
– the relationship between education and society;
– the main issues for consideration of sociology of education:
socialisation: theory models of reference and changes to the ways, time
and locations of socialisation; educational polycentrism
the relationship between socialisation and control and deviance;
the construction of personal and social identities;
equal opportunities within education;
* social and cultural integration in a multi-ethnic society
– the subjects of social research applied to education, with particular reference
• institutions and processes of formal socialisation: family and school;
agencies for informal socialisation: peer groups and communication media.
school figures: teachers, students; families and local social capital.
– examples of social research applied to school, with particular reference to the
phenomenon of academic failure, to the social conditions of children and preadolescents, to multi-ethnic schools and the social-professional status of
teachers, to socialisation legislation directed at young people.
Students should bring the following compulsory reading material to the examination:
E. BESOZZI, Società, cultura, educazione, Carocci, Roma, 2006.
E come educazione. Autori e parole-chiave della sociologia, Liguori, Napoli,
2006 (10 chapters).
E. BESOZZI - M. COLOMBO, Metodologia della ricerca sociale nei contesti socio-educativi, Guerini,
Milano, 1998.
Choose one of the following:
(edited by), Costruire senso, negoziare spazi. Ragazzi e ragazze nella vita
quotidiana, in “Quaderni e documenti” del Centro Nazionale di documentazione e
analisi per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, n. 50, November 2010. The online version can be
downloaded at:
E.BESOZZI – M. COLOMBO (EDITED BY), Relazioni interetniche e livelli di integrazione nelle realtà
scolastico-formative in Lombardia, Osservatorio regionale per l’Integrazione e la Multietnicità
(Orim) della Regione Lombardia, Milano, 2012. (the online version can be downloaded at:
M. COLOMBO – V. LOMAZZI (EDITED BY), Costruire legalità con gli adolescenti, Erickson,
Trento, 2012.
M. COLOMBO, Dispersione scolastica e politiche per il successo formativo. Dalla ricerca
sugli early school leaver alle proposte di innovazione, Erickson, Trento, 2010.
G. MAGGIONI – A. VINCENTI (edited by), Nella scuola multiculturale. Una ricerca sociologica
in ambito educativo, Donzelli, Bari, 2007.
G. MASCHERONI (edited by), I ragazzi e la rete. La ricerca Eu Kids on line e il caso Italia, La
Scuola, Brescia, 2012.
T. ROMANO, Le riflessioni dei docenti. Percorsi professionali in un’istituzione in crisi,
Liguoir, Napoli, 2012.
The course is organised into teaching units and includes material which will be avilable
online at Blackboard (indirizzo: During lectures students will
take part in discussions based on important issues from the course and they will receive
further reading material which will help them formulate an individual in-depth study plan.
The examination consists of a written part and an oral part. The written part contains
open-ended questions on general aspects of the course (Mid-term test: general sociology +
methodology of social research; Final test: sociology of education concepts + writers). For
the oral part students will discuss their chosen specialist subject. The two parts of the written
test may be completed in two different examination sessions, provided they are still in the
same academic year.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice
. - History of Education (six-monthly course)
Aspiring nursery school and primary school teachers will be invited to analyse the
education situation from a sociological point of view and consider the concept of
institution applied to schools, role action, organisation, functional and
dysfunctional dynamics within the education system as well as the relationships
between socialisation agencies.
During the course the following aspects will be explored:
– the main issues for consideration of sociology of education:
* socialisation: theory reference models and changes to the ways, time and
places of socialisation;
 the relationship between socialisation and deviance;
* the construction of personal and social identitites;
* equal opportunities within education and scholastic dispersion;
* educational polycentrism.
– the objects of social research applied to education:
 formal socialisation institutions: family and school;
 informal socilisation agencies: peer groups and communication media.
 school figures: teachers, students, families, local communities.
Examples of social research applied to schools, with particular reference to
the phenomenon of academic failure, to social conditions of children and
pre-adolescents, to multi-ethnic schools, to the social-professional status of
teachers and to socialisation legislation directed at young people.
Students should bring the following compulsory reading material to the examination:
E. BESOZZI, Educazione, cultura e società, Carocci, Roma, 2006 (Chapters 4-8)
M. COLOMBO, E come educazione. Autori e parole-chiave della sociologia, Liguori, Napoli,
Choose one of the following:
(EDITED BY), Costruire senso, negoziare spazi. Ragazzi e ragazze nella vita
quotidiana, in “Quaderni e documenti” del Centro Nazionale di documentazione e
analisi per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, n. 50, November 2010. Theonline version can be
downloaded at:
E.BESOZZI – M. COLOMBO (EDITED BY), Relazioni interetniche e livelli di integrazione nelle realtà
scolastico-formative in Lombardia, Osservatorio regionale per l’Integrazione e la Multietnicità
(Orim) della Regione Lombardia, Milano, 2012. (the online version can be downloaded at:
M. COLOMBO – V. LOMAZZI (EDITED BY), Costruire legalità con gli adolescenti, Erickson,
Trento, 2012.
M. COLOMBO, Dispersione scolastica e politiche per il successo formativo. Dalla ricerca
sugli early school leaver alle proposte di innovazione, Erickson, Trento, 2010.
G. MAGGIONI – A. VINCENTI (EDITED BY), Nella scuola multiculturale. Una ricerca
sociologica in ambito educativo, Donzelli, Bari, 2007.
G. MASCHERONI (EDITED BY), I ragazzi e la rete. La ricerca Eu Kids on line e il caso Italia,
La Scuola, Brescia, 2012.
T. ROMANO, Le riflessioni dei docenti. Percorsi professionali in un’istituzione in crisi,
Liguoir, Napoli, 2012.
The course is organised into teaching units. The material will be available online at the
Blackboard platform (indirizzo: During lessons students will
take part in discussions on the most important topics from the course and they will be
provided with additional reading material, which will allow students to carry out individual
in-depth study.
The examination consists of a written part and an oral part. The written part is a brief
entry test based on the general parts of the course, via which students should make clear
references to precise concepts from the field of sociology of education. In the oral test
students will discuss their chosen specialist subject.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice