Grammar Bank – Comparatives and Superlatives

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Grammar Bank – Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives with nouns and verbs
(Comparativi di sostantivi e avverbi)
Il comparativo di maggioranza si esprime:
a) con sostantivi singolari e plurali
More + sostantivo + than
es. They study more algebra than us
Fred reads more books than his brother
b) con i verbi
verbo + more + than
es. Alice talks more than me (I do)
Il comparativo di uguaglianza si esprime:
as much
+ sostantivo singolare + as
not as much + sostantivo singolare + as
con i sostantivi singolari
es .They study as much algebra as us (we do)
as many
+ sostantivo plurale + as
not as many + sostantivo plurale + as
es. Fred reads as many books as his brothers
b) con I sostantivi plurali
con i verbi
Verbo + as much as
es. Alice talks as much as me
Il comparativo di minoranza si esprime:
con i sostantivi singolari e plurali
less + sostantivo singolare + than
fewer + sostantivo plurale + than
es. They study less algebra than us
Fred reads fewer books than his brother
b) con i verbi
verbo + less + than
es. Alice talks less than me
Il superlativo di maggioranza dei sostantivi si forma secondo lo schema :
the most + sostantivo
Es. That’s the town which has the most towers in Italy.
Il superlativo di minoranza si esprime:
the least + noun
the fewest + nouns + of / in
a) con sostantivi singolari e plurali
es. This cake recipe uses the least sugar.
Nick has picked the fewest strawberries of everyone.
b) con i verbi
es. Steve always tries to spend the least
Verb + the least (+of)